A Woman Scorned Pah! Try a Woman Nearly Roofied - Cover

A Woman Scorned Pah! Try a Woman Nearly Roofied

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: When Jo spots her Tinder date spiking her drink she decides to turn the tables on the bastard.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   Rough   Sadistic   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Revenge   .

A woman scorned pah! Try a woman nearly Roofied

When Jo spots her Tinder date spiking her drink she decides to turn the tables on the bastard.

Joanna is twenty-three and is that rare breed: a smoking hot girl nerd scientist. She works as a lab technician at a chemical research center.

She gets home from work one Friday evening and is horny as hell. She’s currently between serious boyfriends and decides to go on Tinder to see what she can find.

After searching for a while she finds Tony. He looks to be her type, dark-haired, strong jaw, nice eyes, and from what she can see of his clothes, not a pauper. She swipes right and, with a few messages they arrange to meet at a local bar.

Jo has something to eat and then goes for a shower. While showering she shaves her armpits, legs, pussy, and asshole; Jo is an optimist.

She admires herself in the mirror afterward and thinks that she definitely looks good enough to eat. A quick spritz of perfume on her pussy and she’s good to go; she loves the delicious pain of the perfume on her freshly shaved vulva.

She then goes to her wardrobe to select an outfit. In the end, she decides on ‘bit slutty but not hooker’. This is a black leather skirt, just above mid-thigh with a slit way up one side. A red silk blouse with no bra underneath, but buttoned up demurely (not a hooker). A pair of plain back high heels (not stilettos, she wants a fuck not a broken ankle). A pair of her nicest satin panties.

She examines herself in the full-length mirror. Maybe a couple of buttons undone (not a nun either). She jiggles a bit and can see her small, but, with no false modesty, perfect little breasts, move under the silk. She grazes a nipple with a fingernail, they perk up and look lovely. Perfect. She checks her ass, also perfect.

She puts a cream, tailored jacket on over the blouse and walks to the bar. She arrives on time and quickly finds Tony on a stool at the bar. He was early, a good sign. They greet each other, peck on cheek.

“What would you like to drink?” he asks her in a nice voice, quite deep but not serial killer. She looks at his glass and sees something based on orange juice.

“I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

The drink arrives and she sips on it, probably a screwdriver. They chat about nothing much while they check each other out. Nice bod, can’t tell about the dick yet. They both finish their drinks and Jo goes to the loo while Tony gets another round in.

On her way back from the toilet she sees Tony stirring her drink with his finger. She’s furious, the bastard is spiking it! She’s about to walk out on him when she has a better idea. She undoes another couple of buttons on her blouse, looking down to check that she’s now showing quite a lot, then returns to her seat. She removes her jacket, hangs it on a hook under the bar, and sits down.

As she does she can see Tony’s eyes go to her breasts, then quickly back up to her face. They chat for a few more minutes then Jo waits for the level of noise in the bar to rise and says “So, do you use Tinder often?” in a very soft voice so he’ll not be able to hear her.

“What?” he replies. She leans forward, putting her left arm on the bar. He leans forward and she knows her blouse will be hanging away from her chest and he’ll be able to see her tits clearly. At this point, she knows that a small nuclear device could go off in the bar and he wouldn’t look away. With her left hand, she swaps the drinks around while repeating her inane question.

“Not that much,” he replies.

Because Jo is not fucking stupid she’s looked up date rape drugs and guesses that he’s probably using roofies. Those take about thirty minutes to kick in, it’s no good if the girl flakes out in the bar! She plays it cool knowing that he too will know all this. She plays up to him, making it clear that she’s interested, and, sure enough, after about five minutes, he suggests going back to his place.

He calls an Uber and ten minutes later they pull up outside his apartment block. She’s a bit concerned that while he’s still relatively unaffected he might try something, but she has a pepper spray in her handbag just in case.

They go up to his flat and he fixes them both some more drinks. When he comes back with them he’s decidedly wobbly. She encourages him to drink his up, knowing that alcohol enhances the effect of roofies, while faking drinking her own.

Then she embraces him and walks him towards the bed. She pushes him onto it and falls on top of him. She rolls about with him until he goes all limp, then pokes him harshly to check that he’s well out of it.

If he’s the sort of fucking creep that she thinks he is, he’ll have some kit stashed around here somewhere. She starts with the bedside cabinet: Two pairs of fluffy handcuffs and a vibrator. That’s a good start but she was expecting more...

She searches the other cabinet, nothing, and then the closet: toolbox contents normal, various crap, cardboard box, closed. She opens the box, bingo: ball gag, nipple clamps, two more cordless vibrators, and a Hitachi mains vibrator.

She dumps all the goodies on the bed beside the still-unconscious bastard. Jo then takes one pair of handcuffs and cuffs his wrists to the handy posts at the top of the bed, puts the ball gag on him, and starts to strip him. Realizing her tactical error she goes back to the toolbox for the scissors she noticed earlier.

She cuts away his shirt and then pulls his trousers off. He may be a rapist wanker but he keeps himself in good shape. For what she has in mind she needs better access than this. She goes over to the sofa and gets a couple of seat cushions, then she tries to put them under his lower back. It’s a struggle but she’s determined and finally she gets him in the position she wants: back arched up in the air, hopefully uncomfortably.

She puts the second pair of cuffs on his ankles and attaches them to the equally handy posts at the bottom of the bed. Finally, she puts two pillows under his head so he’ll be able to see what’s going on.

She pulls a small armchair to the bottom of the bed, sits on it, and puts her feet up on the bed. Jo is still pretty horny and wrestling with his body hasn’t helped. She opens her legs and sticks her hand up her skirt. She sits there gently rubbing her pussy lips through her panties, looking at his semi-naked body, while she waits for him to wake up.

This is all very nice but could be nicer. She gets up and cuts off his stretch shorty briefs. She’s disappointed, his pubes are ‘au naturel’, she prefers her men shaved, like little boys, but not too little obviously.

Jo picks up one of the vibrators; It’s a type she hasn’t tried before, bright pink with soft curves, and two nice looking pokey bits.

She goes back to her chair, yanks up her skirt, removes her panties, and sits down. It’s nicely designed, with the larger end at the entrance to her vag the smaller end is touching right on her asshole. Lovely.

She raises it up to her face until she finds the maker’s name, makes a mental note of it, has a little lick, also lovely, and then returns it to her pussy.

She’s not trying too hard to cum, not yet, but she’s really quite wet when he finally starts to wake up.

She gets up, pulls her skirt down, and stands next to the bed. His eyes are starting to open, when he sees her standing there and his eyes open wide, then he starts to thrash against the cuffs. She waits until he accepts that he can’t get free, and calms down a bit.

“I know what you were up to you bastard,” she tells him and picks up the nipple clamps and vibrators and shows them to him.

“It was supposed to be me strapped to the bed and you using these on me, wasn’t it?.”

Jo wants to get herself off tonight but there’s no way she wants to let this fucker enjoy it. She’s spent quite some time exploring internet porn and is aware of orgasm denial, that’s where she is headed but not quite yet.

Jo removes her skirt and blouse and straddles his face, facing his cock, which perks up at the sight of her pussy.

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