Faith  - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by Fredly

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Naive Faith grows up

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   School   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

At last, Faith went to sleep. She awoke confused by the happening and sights of the night before. She was not sure if she had really seen Christine and Jim together or had just dreamt the whole episode. As she became more awake, she began to remember making herself come and recalled the dreams that she had during the night. She recalled that most of her dreams had included an enormous erect penis floating in the air and attempting to enter pinhole size openings.

Faith shook her head in an attempt to dislodge the visions. The visions of the sexual activity continued to dance in her head, so she quietly got out of bed and took her shower. The hot water felt good as it cascaded down her body. The water created feelings in her similar to the feeling of the night before. As the feelings spread, she began to stroke her breasts and imagine what it would feel like if Steve, her boyfriend was caressing her.

Her thoughts of him served to increase the excitement. She dropped a hand down to her mound and began to stroke her pussy. Faith quickly found her clit and rubbed herself furiously. The waves of pleasure quickly hit, and she found it difficult to remain standing. She quickly finished her shower and dressed for school.

School was bustling by the time she arrived. It was a big day for the students. The rival college’s basketball team was coming into town that night for the annual showdown. When She walked down the hallway toward her first class, she thought about the past twenty-four hours. The thought of her actions in the shower that morning made her smile mischievously.

She stopped to open the classroom door when someone grabbed her from behind. She knew that it had to be Steve. No one else would dare to sneak up behind her like that.

“Good morning, Beautiful!” he beamed as he spun her around.

She reached up and gave him a quick kiss and said, “Morning Handsome.”

They made some small talk about the game as she waited to go into class. Faith opened the door, and the couple went into her first class. When they reached her seat, he gave her a small kiss and turned to walk away.

“See you at Lunch,” he called over his shoulder as he hurried toward his class.

Throughout the morning, she had trouble concentrating on the professors. Her mind and body kept wandering back to the night before. When she would catch herself daydreaming, she would think to herself that it was a good thing it was Friday because the whole college was taking it easy, or she might have missed something important.

At lunch, she went to the cafeteria and loaded up her tray with the usual cafeteria offerings. She was the first one of her friends to arrive, and so she went to their usual table and began to eat. Cheryl, her best friend, came through the cafeteria line within a few moments and hurried over to the table. They had been best friends since the first grade.

The pair had grown up discussing everything, and Faith couldn’t wait to tell her about the night before. Cheryl sat down and immediately began to talk about the game and the usual pregame rally that was scheduled for that evening. As head cheerleader, Cheryl was responsible for the event and as usual, the Athletic Department was being unreasonable. Cheryl continued her griping as the rest of the gang joined them. Faith sighed in frustration, knowing that her talk with Cheryl would have to wait.

Steve and Tom, Cheryl’s boyfriend arrived at the table and joined in the discussion about the game. Faith was soon engrossed in conversation and continued to eat lunch. Everyone finished the meal in short order and got up. As Tom and Cheryl wandered away, she noticed Tom’s hand as it reached down and cupped Cheryl’s bottom. Cheryl quickly reached down and removed his hand.

Faith couldn’t help but wonder what they did when no one was around. Cheryl had been pretty quiet about that subject for the last few weeks. Before that, the two of them would often discuss sex and boys. Cheryl had developed a bust earlier than her and was experienced in sex and often kidded her about being naive and a slow starter.

Steve grabbed her hand at that moment and broke her musings. She followed him as he led her out of the cafeteria.

“Are we going to do anything after the game?” he asked as they walked down the hall.

“Of course, we are, we go out after each game!” she said in surprise. “Why did you ask?”

“I was just checking. What do you want to do?”

She couldn’t think of anything and so just shrugged her shoulders in reply.

“I guess we can decide that after the game,” he remarked. They continued to talk as they strolled across the campus. They sat down on a bench near her next class and continued to talk about classes, professors, and other people until lunch hour was over.

While they sat there, she noticed that Christine and Jim were quietly talking outside the English Teacher’s classroom. She saw that the two would gesture angrily at each other and act like they were in a heated discussion whenever anyone walked by. They would then return to their quiet conversation after the people passed. She realized that Jim and Christine fought at school just to cover their evening activities. After lunch, they kissed and went to their afternoon classes.

Faith walked home from school planning what she would wear for her date that evening. As she dressed, she looked forward with great expectation. They had been dating for the past three months. She looked forward to being with him, talking, being held in his arms, and being kissed. She had always prevented him from doing anything more than giving her a few kisses when he dropped her off after the date.

She had been told often enough by her parents that if she gave a boy an inch, he would take a mile. Her parents often gave her such advice using old phrases without really discussing the issue. She knew that it was not really a mile that the boys were after, but they really just wanted to have her make them cum, but her parents would never discuss such a subject.

They spent the first few hours of the date in their usual fashion. They had gone to the game then and stopped by the local fast-food joint for a bite and a little conversation with the gang.

Throughout the game and dinner, Faith continued to have flashbacks of the scene she saw the night before. She hoped that no one would ask her about the game because she was so distracted that she didn’t think she could even recall the score.

After leaving the restaurant, Steve suggested that they take a drive. The two of them often drove around town, talking to their friends as they cruised up and down the main street of town. Instead of the normal drive, he turned the car out of town. She was still distracted and didn’t mind driving in the county. He drove around for a few minutes trying to make small talk. When she finally glanced outside and noticed that they were driving down a deserted road. Up ahead there was a small grove of trees. Steve turned the car into the grove and stopped.

He put his arm around her and pulled her close. She scooted over and sat next to him and relaxed in the comfort of his arm. He stroked her face with his hand and talked about school, their relationship, and other small talk. She enjoyed hearing his voice and the feel of his hand on her face.

He bent down and kissed her. She felt nervous since they had never really spent any time alone in the car like this, but she was confident that she could stop him from doing anything that she didn’t want. As he continued to kiss her, she began to get the same feeling between her legs that she had experienced in the alley. He was gently rubbing her back and shoulder and slowly moved his hand down to the front of her blouse.

She knew she should stop him, but his caresses felt too good. As long as he didn’t try anything else, she decided not to remove his hand. He continued to kiss her and stroke her breast. Faith could feel her nipples harden with each caress and knew that he could feel her nipple as it pressed into his hand.

She wondered what it would be like to have his hand inside her blouse. She tried to put that curiosity out of her mind because she had been told that good girls didn’t let a date do that. He moved his hand. At first, she felt a sense of loss and wanted him to put his hand back. Suddenly, she began to panic as Steve began to unbutton her blouse.

“Steve, please don’t! I can’t let you!” she pleaded. He hesitated but continued to move his hand down her blouse, undoing the buttons.

“Please Faith? I won’t hurt you, we have been going out for so long! The other guys tell me that their girlfriends don’t mind!” As he spoke, he stopped undoing the buttons and placed his hand on her bra.

She sharply caught her breath. His hand felt so good. She knew that his hand wasn’t going to harm anything if he just left it outside her bra. He began to caress both breasts through her bra as he kissed her deeply.

As he kissed her, he slowly touched his tongue to her lips. As his tongue touched her, she opened her mouth and let his tongue run across her teeth and into her mouth. She had never French kissed anyone but enjoyed the feel of his tongue as it pushed into her mouth. She began to play with his tongue with hers and sucked on his tongue as it snaked in and out across her lips.

He took his mouth off of hers and began to kiss down her neck. She shivered and felt as if she was floating in his arms. He continued to kiss down her neck until he reached her collarbone. She knew that he would stop soon, and they would go home. However, Steve continued to kiss along her collarbone, slowly pushing her blouse off of her shoulder.

“God, you look beautiful!” he exclaimed as he lifted his head and stared at her bra. “Please, let me look at you?”

She looked into his eyes and felt the same excitement that she had felt in the alley. “It’s ok Steve, I’m nervous and a little scared. But if you really think that I am beautiful, I don’t mind.”

“God, yes! Can I kiss you here?” he asked as he grasped her breast through her bra.

“Please Steve, don’t ask! I think that we should go! I want you to, but I just can’t. Please don’t ask!” As she spoke, she looked down and could see his hand on her bra now that her blouse had been pushed off her shoulder. She remembered Christine begging to be touched and wanted some of that for herself. She watched him reach into her bra and begin to pinch and stroke her nipple.

“Oh, Steve! That feels so good,” she exclaimed as she pressed her chest into his hand. She couldn’t believe that those words had come out of her mouth. She thought quickly about Jim and Christine and knew that it would feel so much better if her bra was not in the way. “Oh, Steve! Don’t stop,” she moaned.

She felt him moving his hand behind her back and fumbling with the catch on her bra. She subtly leaned forward to help. She wanted him to continue but didn’t want him to know how she felt. Just when she thought that she would either have to stop him or help him, she felt the catch give way. Her bra came loose, and he placed both hands on her breasts.

“God! What nice tits!” he said.

“Please Steve, don’t talk like that! It sounds so crude!”

“But babe, they are just beautiful! I can’t help it!” he croaked. She felt him fumbling to remove her blouse and bra and leaned into him, trying to help without showing her eagerness. Faith knew she should stop him, but she just couldn’t. It felt too good. She felt herself being pushed back so that she was lying on the seat. Steve placed himself on top of her and kissed her nipples.

She arched her back so that she could press more of her breast into his mouth. “Yes! That feels so good! Don’t stop! Kiss the other!”

Steve sucked her tits and she could feel the hardness between his legs as it pressed against her. Without any conscious effort, their hips began to move together. He ran his hand down her side and moved his hand in between their bodies. He pressed his hand against the front of her jeans. It felt so good, she wished it could go on forever.

Faith felt his fingers move as they attempted to unbutton her pants. She could almost hear her parents’ lectures and the shame she had been taught. She panicked and pushed him off of her. She knew that he could not continue, but why? She was so confused and frustrated that she felt like crying.

Frantically she pushed him away. “Stop that! You know that I am not that kind of girl! I just can’t let you go any further.” Faith’s parents’ lectures spilled out of her mouth.

“Come on babe, stop teasing me! You can’t just tease me and leave me like this! I’m so hard that I think I’ll burst! You just have to do something!” he begged. “Here, look for yourself!” he pled as he unzipped his pants.

She could see his straining cock as it poked through his white underwear. “Stop it, Steve! Put it back in your pants! You’re being disgusting!”

Faith turned to look away. As she turned, she took one more look at the object sticking out of his pants. She really wanted to look but the pressure was too much. She sucked in a breath as she froze in her internal conflict.

“Come on Faith! Look at it! I know you want to! Here, I’ll take it out so you can see it!” As he spoke to her, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and watched as he pulled his cock from his pants. He reached out and grabbed her shoulder and turned her toward him. “That’s it! Look at it real closely,” he encouraged.

The tone of his voice and hands on her shoulder broke her trance. She knew she wanted to and used his encouragement to make her decision. She looked at his cock. She couldn’t take her eyes off his cock as it stood there hard and poking out of his pants.

“Can I touch it?” she asked as she committed to her desires. It was confusing, on one hand, she couldn’t believe that she has said those words and on the other, she really wanted to feel his cock.

“That would be great!” he moaned. “I need some relief!”

She slowly placed her hand on his cock. She could feel his cock pulse and twitch as she touched it. Steve jumped and moaned as her hand came into contact with his cock. It was so hot and firm. She loved the feel of it in her hand. She continued to rest her hand on his cock and Steve sucked in his breath.

“Do you like my hand on you?” she purred. She instantly realized the control that she had over him when she held his cock. She felt her pussy tighten with pleasure as she experienced this power.

“That’s good. Just run your hand around it and move your hand up and down!” he moaned. She slowly circled her hand around the pulsing cock and explored the sensation. She could feel the slippery liquid that had oozed out of the head of his cock. Faith spread the sticky fluid around his cock, then, wrapping her fingers around it as far as she could, she moved her hand up and down. He started breathing deeper and rocked his hips, sliding his cock up and down in her hand. “That’s it, baby, keep it up! Your hand feels so good! Don’t stop, you’re going to make me come!” he begged her to continue. “Faith, this feels so good!”

She felt his hips flexing faster and his cock grow hotter and bigger. “Do you like it, babe? Do you like my hand on your cock?” she asked. She knew his answer before he spoke.

“Come on baby! keep going! I am coming!” he shouted. She felt his cock get bigger and watched as the cock twitched and began spraying her hand with what she knew to be sperm. Faith watched in amazement as the white fluid kept coming out of his cock. The interior of the cars was filled with the earthy scent of his cum. As his cum stopped shooting out of his cock, he slowly relaxed and grabbed her into a tight hug. “That was the best!” he said as he kissed her.

Faith felt exhilarated at the pleasure she had given him. They got dressed in silence. As they dressed, she couldn’t help feeling a little hurt. She had given him what he wanted, but she remained frustrated. Why did she have to stop him? Why didn’t she let him put his hand in her pants? Why didn’t she let him? They drove home and made small talk. It was the uncomfortable chit-chat that often occurred when they both wanted to talk about what had happened but neither one of them dared to start the conversation or admit their feeling. She couldn’t concentrate on anything he was saying, and she was certain that he was rambling on about things he didn’t want to say, just to avoid the silence of the situation. When they got home, he walked her to the door and kissed her good night.

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