Mother & Daughter - Cover

Mother & Daughter

by SexyRider51

Copyright© 2022 by SexyRider51

Erotica Sex Story: A life changing experience with my gf and her mother

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Cream Pie   Size   .

This story is pure fiction, any names or places are coincidental, it may contain sexual content not meant for underage reading so please handle with parental guidance, it may also refer to Taboo subject matter and may contain Graphic Images, care has been taken to remove any facial recognition.

I have read many stories regarding sexual relationships with either a mother or a daughter, most were of an incestuous nature which made interesting and quite erotic reading but have no relation to the story I want to write about.

Now my story happened some time ago, I was dating the daughter Jennifer and I had offered to treat her and her mother Julie to dinner at my place as a celebration of obtaining my degree, I have been a closet chef for some time, and I wanted the personal touch so I could show off my culinary skills, that and I was regarded now as the unofficial man of the house her father having passed with cancer the previous year.

Fish with white wine, Lamb with a rich red wine sauce and a good claret, dessert with a combination of 3 liqueurs and, a cheese & cracker selection with more wine to finish, a bit of a Boosey affair I guess but it was a very well put together menu.

My flat (Rented for my studies) was large, apart from a spacious living and dining area, had 2 bedrooms, a large bathroom, and a separate sauna with a plunge pool. Outside was another pool and a massive patio come BBQ area, all fenced and very private.

Jennifer and her mother arrived in good time, and I served up a nice sherry as we all sat and chatted before I left them to make any final adjustments for the meal. I had a well decorated table with candelabra and sculptured serviettes at each place setting they were both impressed at the lengths I had gone too for this meal.

seated, I served up the first course, and as the conversation continued the white wine proved to be a popular accompaniment, we all had a couple of glasses without really realising it.

Clearing the first course, I had timed it just right for the main, the Lamb was so succulent, which melted in the mouth, this too went down very well Julie was very impressed at the standard of my cooking, the claret made the meal complete even though it was a 14% vol strength, we sat for some time chatting and Jennifer topped up our glasses twice before I got up to clear and prepare the dessert.

Similar to a trifle, I served up a fruit sponge soaked in Liqueurs with fresh fruit and cream

It tasted quite boozy, but was delicious, Julie asked for more, fortunately I had some left-over ingredients (Just in case I had any disaster’s) so I was able to oblige,

The cheese board with crackers ended the meal with either Coffee, or liqueurs to suite. I have to say that my selection of Baileys took a hammering.

It was gone 9pm by the time I had cleared away and we were sat in the living room, Both Women commented on how well they had enjoyed my cooking, I was a little lightheaded by now and I could see Julie was also well oiled.

Jennifer suggested a game of cards, Gin Rummy to end the perfect evening, I won the first five games, Julie said I was cheating, but I replied that I have always been lucky with cards.

Prove it she said and shuffling the pack we went for the best of three as we each cut the deck, and with aces low, again I won the next three hands.

Laughing I said that’s why girls would never play strip poker with me, as most of the time they would be naked long before me.

Julie said so you do lose then, yes, I replied but not often, OK then I bet you £5 you will be naked before me she said issuing the challenge, Jennifer said Mum, no, this is not a good idea.

Nonsense Julie replied, I might be a bit tipsy, but I know what I’m doing what do you say Maverick her voice challenging and with a wry smile. I looked at her then over to Jennifer who looked away from me, I replied OK I will accept your challenge, but only if Jennifer joins in too.

Jennifer swung her head back swiftly to glare at me as if to say What are you doing, I spoke again, Well Jen, what do you say then?

Her glare turned to a sort of sneer as she replied through gritted teeth, OK then Mr. card sharp know it all, we’ll see.

The game we chose was Blackjack, if you busted you lost a piece of clothing, you could not stick under 19 and if you got 21 you won back an item of clothing.

With the rules agreed I began to shuffle the cards.

Julie piped up just before dealing and asked if one more rule could be added, she said if you get two blackjack hands in succession you had to do a truth or dare, Jennifer laughed and said to her mother are you serious? She said yes, I am.

OK I said new rule added and accepted, I then began to deal out our hands, remember I said there is no blind hands so good luck.

As I was the dealer I went last, Julie busted with 28, Jennifer busted with 24 and I turned 18 with my two cards the third took me to 28.

We all lost our first item of clothes, more wine vicar Julie said, as Jennifer topped both their glasses up, I was still full and dealt the second round, again Julie busted 23, Jennifer stuck on 20 and I turned 14, third card made 17 fourth made 22.

Jennifer laughed as her mother, and I removed a second item of clothing.

By round eight we were all down to underclothes, round nine was the killer for me, Julie turned blackjack for a second time and this was twice in a row, Jennifer stuck on 20 and I bust on 27.

I could see the smug face of Jennifer, I had lost, and she was over the moon, Julie was about to see me naked and the excitement in her face was evident.

Standing I turned to Julie and said you have the honour of removing my shorts, with no hesitation she grabbed the bottom hem and pulled my shorts down revealing my manhood in its full glory right in front of her eyes.

Oh My God she exclaimed, her eyes quite wide, I can see why Jennifer sings your praises, you have an impressive cock young man, she went on her eyes feasting on its size her mind registering and running the various scenarios she wished she could have.

Jennifer spoke out and said, Mom, you won two blackjacks in a row, so you have a dare to do, I dare you to kiss the head of his cock, I looked at her and she smiled that smile I hated to see ... I could feel a tingling in my scrotum at the thought of her words and the thought of her mother kissing my cock.

It is difficult to refrain from an erection once your mind loses control, as her mother lifted my cock in a fist like hold she covered the head and sucked hard her hand starting to jack me off as she licked and sucked my stiffening manhood, Oh Boy she said as she dressed back, still holding me in her fist, it appears I have made an impression she said, before returning to continue giving me a blowjob, I was struggling to control my fast moving erection, looking at Jennifer she just smiled and sat back to watch her mother enjoying herself.

At this point I was losing any control over my thoughts, Julie was giving me one of the best blow jobs I had ever had and that includes Jennifer, as I held her head gently she was pumping my shaft and sucking at my cock head, running her tongue over it in all directions, Oh God, I felt a little weak at the knees and could only gasp and groan each time she triggered a surge of intense pleasure within my groin.

Jennifer was a little glass eyed, she was obviously aroused at the sight of her mother with my cock inside her mouth, standing she removed her underclothes and walked over to me, her kiss was urgent her breathing erratic and hard.

Julie noticing her naked daughter stood close to her kissing me and stopped what she was doing, allowing her daughters hand to replace her mouth, she in turn began to fondle her daughters vaginal area, running her hand over her pubic mound and thumb over her clitoris.

I felt Jennifer’s hand tighten on my hardness as she reacted to her mothers hand exploring her, her eyes showed clear indication of how turned on she was, she placed her head into my neck and released a soft gasp, Oh God she whimpered softly, “Oh God”, her body was trembling, and she opened her legs a bit more to allow the hand of her mother to better explore, A sudden gasp followed by a soft groan escaped from her lips as her as her mother’s fingers probed deeper into her vagina.

I was in a dream state of erotic bliss, I could not believe what was happening, my Girl was pulling away on my cock whilst her mother was fingering her vagina, her moaning was sending me into a lust filled desire to bury my cock into one or both vagina’s I did not care at this point.

Jennifer cried out as her mothers mouth found her moist vagina and her tongue began to explore its length and entrance, “Oh Shit” she gasped, “Oh Shit, I’m gonna Cum” she exclaimed gasping and panting more as her breathing quickened, “Oh God”, “Oh God”,” Ohhhh Godddd I’mmmmmm Cummminngggggg” she wailed her body and shaking hips starting to jerk with the climatic spasms now present.

Her Mother had grabbed her buttocks and with her mouth clamped tight over her daughters orgasming vagina she was sucking and drinking her juices as they flooded her mouth from her vaginal canal.

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