You Can Look but You Can't Touch - Cover

You Can Look but You Can't Touch

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - When Pamela suspects that her twins have been being intimate with each other she tries not to overreact. Mentally that is, physically her reaction is barely controlled and far from maternal

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Anal Sex   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

My little darlings had always been close. Being twins you’d kind of expect that though. They slept in a twin cot bed together when they were small and then shared a large single bed up until they began showing signs of starting puberty.

They weren’t very happy about being in separate rooms let alone beds, but we persisted and, in the end, they seemed to accept it mostly. I say mostly, because sometimes, up until they were about thirteen, I’d go up to check on them and find them cuddled up together in his bed. It was pretty cute but obviously not something that we could encourage, and I’d carry her back to her room as gently as I could so as not to wake her.

I think when Dylan was well into puberty he actually appreciated a little privacy to explore what was happening to his body. I suspected Gillian was having similar adventures but the signs were a little less obvious with her: no crunchy stains on the sheets or excessive amounts of tissues in the bin.

I was therefore a bit concerned when I found her bed empty when I went up one night when they were just over fourteen.

Sure enough, they were in his bed again. I turned back the covers as gently as I could and then stopped. She was lying facing him and first her naked back and then her bare little backside appeared. My heart was in my mouth as I lifted the quilt a little more and saw that he was nude too.

As far as I could tell they were both fast asleep but the sight of them together like that was definitely making my pussy throb, and that made me feel as guilty as hell.

I couldn’t let them sleep like that so I gently extricated her arm, which was thrown across her brother, and rolled her onto her back. I gulped as I saw that he had a hard-on. I hoped that his erection was just a normal nocturnal event that happens all the time with guys. Of course, it happens with us girls as well but again it’s a lot less obvious.

I put my arms under her head and legs and lifted her out of the bed. She moaned softly, put her arms around my neck, and snuggled her face into me.

I tried desperately hard to ignore the feel of her naked body against me but I couldn’t help looking down at her. She was so gorgeous, perfect tiny breasts topped with cute little puffy pink nipples and a pussy that was still a little baby plump and only had a smattering of little soft-looking hairs.

I cursed my body as it responded to the sight of her, and that was before I breathed in, and her smell assaulted my nostrils. It was a glorious mixture of soap, her natural perfume, and a definite hint of girlish excitement. For the first time, I understood that she’d been sexually excited by what they’d been doing. On one hand, I was truly shocked, but on the other hand, my mind conjured up a series of images of them touching ... and kissing ... and licking ... I physically shook my head to try to clear it. It was like a switch had been flicked inside me, flipping them from being my babies into a pair of sexual beings in their own right.

By this time I’d arrived at Gillian’s bed. The covers were already thrown back so I laid her gently down and covered her up quickly, before I gave in to the strong temptation to spend longer looking at her truly beautiful nakedness.

When I went back to Dylan’s room he was just as I’d left him. The quilt was still folded back and his stiffy was still there and still cute as hell. As I leaned over to cover him up my face got perilously close to him and I got my first look at my son’s genitals in several years.

He had little or no foreskin so his glans was visible, all tight and shiny. In the dim light he looked almost hairless, but when I looked closer, he did have some fine blond hairs above his cock.

I realized I’d spent far too long looking at him and forced myself to cover him up. The temptation to plant a little kiss on his knob had been huge and I was ashamed to find I was physically shaking with pent-up desire.

When I got back to our room my pussy was almost on fire. Tom was fast asleep so I snuggled up behind him and threw my arm over him to cup his soft cock and balls. It didn’t take a lot to get him fully erect and then he turned over onto his back.

“That’s nice,” he murmured, turning his head and kissing me. I was desperate and didn’t have time for niceties. I threw myself across him and pushed his cock into my pussy, groaning aloud as he slid in deep.

I grasped the bottom of my nighty and pulled it off over my head as I ground myself onto his cock. Then I grabbed both of his hands and put them onto my breasts. The relief as his fingers found my aching nipples and squeezed and pulled on them was incredible, and I was now bouncing and grinding on his cock in a frenzy.

I reached down and, almost as soon as I touched my clit, I came. I came hard, but I knew it wasn’t over and rode him even harder.

“Steady on baby, there’s no hurry,” he said to me, chuckling.

“Don’t stop. Oh God, please don’t fucking stop!” I begged him, tormenting my clit and fucking his frantically until another orgasm tore through me. I felt him cum inside me then and I slumped down onto his chest, quivering violently, and kissing him passionately. He eventually broke for air.

“Fuck, Pammy, what got you so worked up?” he asked, still laughing a little. “You haven’t been like that for ... I don’t know when.” Jesus, what could I tell him?

“I don’t know. I just needed you inside me,” I replied a little lamely.

““Whatever it was, do it again soon. That was awesome baby,” he said, and started kissing me again.

As my brain gradually started to think about something other than sex I began to realize my mistake. There was no way I could now tell Tom about Dylan and Gillian without him knowing how turned on it’d made me. Fuck! what an idiot, I thought. We should have been talking to them together about what’d happened, now I’d have to do it alone.

I went over what had happened as I lay awake that night and at work the next morning.

The worst-case scenario was that they were having sex. No, the absolute worst-case scenario was that they were having sex and she was already pregnant. Well, if that was the case we’d just have to deal with it but, if not, then the number one most important thing was to stop that happening, which meant birth control.

Number two most important was to make sure that, whatever they were doing, they were doing because they both wanted to. Any compulsion or coercion would put a whole different complexion on the whole thing.

If one and two could be resolved then it really wasn’t the end of the world. Trying to stop them would likely only cause emotional damage and would probably be futile anyway: we couldn’t watch them twenty-four hours a day. So the main issue then became making sure that they were aware of the consequences should anybody outside the family find out. Oh, and of course, how the hell I was going to tell Tom about any of this.

They normally got home from school an hour and a half before me and Tom, but I decided to take a couple of hours off that afternoon so that I could have a talk with them.

I was waiting when they got home and I followed Gillian up to her room.

“Can I have a chat with you baby?” I asked her as she went about her room getting changed.

“Sure Mom, what is it?”

“When I came to check on you last night you were ... in bed with Dylan.”

“Yes, so?” She said innocently. “We used to sleep together all the time.”

“You didn’t ... er, that is ... neither of you had any clothes on.”

“Yes, I know. It feels ... nicer like that,” she explained patiently. God this was hard. I didn’t want to make a big thing out of this, but I had to establish some very important things with her.

“So nothing happened that you were uncomfortable with?” I asked her.

“No Mom, it was just ... like I said, nice.”

“You know that chat we had when you were twelve about men and--” I started, but she cut me off.

“We’re not fucking if that’s what’s worrying you!” she said loudly. “God, we just like cuddling and being close at night.”

“Sorry honey. I had to ask. I’m not going to tell you that you can’t do that, but strictly speaking, it’s not allowed, so you mustn’t mention it to anyone outside this house.”

“OK Mom, I’ll cross off shouting ‘I like sleeping with my twin brother’ at the top of my voice at school. OK?”

“OK honey,” I said softly. “Give Mommy a hug baby.” She looked dubious for a minute then relented, and we had a nice cuddle.

“You know you can talk to me about anything, anything at all,” I told her softly, stroking her long golden hair.

“OK Mom, thanks. Can I go get a sandwich now?” she asked, obviously now bored with the conversation.

Next, I went along the corridor to Dylan’s room where he was on his laptop.

“Hey Champ, can I interrupt for a minute?” I asked him, sitting down on the bed. He stopped what he was doing and turned around to face me.

“Problem?” he asked.

“No, I don’t think so,” I replied a bit guardedly. “You and Gillian--” I started to say, but I could see his expression darkening and his body started to tense up, so I changed tack a bit. “I know you’ve always been very close and that’s ... well that’s lovely. And I know you were upset when we moved you apart but...”

“But?” he asked sullenly. There was no way around it, I just had to come out with it.

“I know you were in bed together last night with no clothes on,” I said, and checked his expression, he seemed to be just waiting for the punchline. “Were you ... intimate with each other?” I asked him outright.

“What does that even mean?” He asked. He seemed determined not to make this easy for me.

“Did you touch each other’s ... between each other’s legs?”

“Maybe,” He said defensively. “We were just, you know, cuddling.” He paused. “And kissing.” I tried hard not to imagine that but failed miserably. Even bearing in mind how awkward this conversation was there was still a tingling in my clit reminding me I was far from an impartial observer in all of this.

“It’s not something that I want to encourage but I’m not going to forbid it because, if you both want to do it, well I’m sure you’ll find a way. But the very important thing is that Gillian mustn’t get pregnant.”

“Mom!!” He cried, looking gratifyingly horrified.

“If, and I say if, I’m certainly not trying to tell you to do it. If it should come to it, I want you to use these.” And I handed him the packet of condoms that I’d bought on my way home. “Do you know how they work?” His chin was on his chest and his affirmative reply was barely audible, but he took the packet.

“Just in case, and again this is just a precaution, I’m going to put Gillian on the pill.” That last part was on the spur of the moment and I suddenly realized that I was making decisions here that I really should be consulting Tom about.

Nonetheless, I made an appointment for two days time with Brenda Jarvis, an old friend as well as our GP.

That night I checked after getting ready for bed that they were in their own rooms, and they were.

I went back to bed but, after tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, I still couldn’t get to sleep. I got up, had a wee, and then peeked into Dylan’s room.

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