Star - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by Timm

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - My best friend was the musician Star. When he passed away he left me his fortune and legal problems. Not that I did not have legal problems of my own. A Rags to Riches story.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Oral Sex  

Alice of course was restored to her status and able to work again. I guess that was a good thing, to tell the truth, I would have rather she had been around more. It seems managing my money is a full-time job. She takes her job very seriously as well. Wonder why? Could be to pay for the new house. We decided that none of the houses on the market in the area were worth buying. So, we would build. It took longer to find a piece of property we liked. The property we liked best was near Tawas. Lakefront for 4000 feet nice. Oh, and Eddy’s second task was simple. I had to spend 25 million dollars on myself. That is to say, I had to have 25 million in assets after spending the money. Milt caved on the jewelry for the girls as counting. Of course, they had to sign an agreement that the jewelry belonged to me, and they had to surrender it if we ever broke up. However, have you any idea even with jewelry how hard it is to spend 25 million and have assets to show for it?

I finally walked into the gas station where I worked. I say where because I never did call my boss and tell him I wasn’t coming back. Well, I was still in jail, and I wasn’t going to waste my one phone call on him. Oh, sorry Buford T Baits. He was 40 with a beer belly and 100 extra pounds. He was the type of person that was proud of his name and made sure you knew it. Anyways it went something like this.

I stepped in and he was sitting at the register. He looked up and sighed. “You know I sent in your termination notice to headquarters when you didn’t come back to work when you were supposed to.”

I nodded.

He shook his head. “They sent it back with a note that if I tried to fire you again, I should just send in my resignation letter instead.”

I grinned.

“At first, I just thought it was because your friend the rock star set things up like that when he invested in the company. However, I am not sure that’s the case since you just walked in here looking like you own the place.”

My grin got bigger.

“I did inherit a lot from Eddy.” I offered. I was enjoying watching the man squirm a bit too much.”

“Yep, I figured out with that inheritance you own a pretty big chunk of this company. So, you here to fire me?”

“Actually, it’s 100 percent,” I spoke. His eyes grew bigger. Yep, I was enjoying this way too much.

That’s when a young lady walked out of the restroom, Talk about a head-turner.

“Excuse me but don’t I know you from somewhere.”

She gave me a look like it was the oldest pickup line in the book. Then her face turned bright as she looked me over. I must confess the girls did have me dressing much better than I used to. “You might have seen me somewhere.”

Buford’s gulp was rather large. So, I looked at him. “You have something to say?”

“Umm well, it’s not really my place to say.” He looked over at her and made a face I wouldn’t have believed was possible. “Ah forgive me, Tim this is Jennifer Lazlo the new asst manager and probably the new manager.”

Jennifer Laszlo why was that name so familiar I was asking myself.

“You can tell him, he is kind of cute.”

Bufford surged, “Jennifer here was Miss September last year.”

I struck my head with my hand, “Oh that’s why you look so familiar.”

“That’s okay, I get it all the time, and for the record, I am proud of my portfolio.”

I am sure she was. God, I would have recognized her right away if she wasn’t wearing so many clothes. “A pleasure to meet you in person. So, you’re working here now?” Ok, I was a little star-struck here.

She giggled, “Well that is what an assistant manager does.”

“I would have thought you would be out modeling for a living.”

She frowned, “Yes, I would have liked that. That is the way it should be.”

“Sorry did I miss something?”

Car accident, Scars are not very good for a modeling career.”

“I don’t see any scars.” I said dumbly.

She smiled “Play your card right and I might let you see them.” Then she giggled.

I thought a moment. “Tell me something, do you like girls as well.”

She looked at me funny, “Care to explain that question.”

“Oh, well I guess I had better. You see I have two girlfriends that would be very disappointed If they didn’t get to see your scars with me. You could say the like each other a lot.”

She smiled at this answer, “Two of them hay. Well that makes since then and the answer is yes.”

Buford let out a moan.

“Care for lunch. I am meeting them over a Diamonds In a little bit.”

She frowned, “I am working.”

“Oh, that no problem, is it Buford?”

“Umm er no I guess not.”

She looked over at him puzzled. “But I need the money to pay the plastic surgeon.”

“Oh, I take it Buford didn’t explain the insurance package for assistant managers then.”

Her head darted to Bufford, “No he said there we no benefits available to me.”

“Buford Buford, have you been being a bad boy again?”

He looked really nervous. And sheepish as well.

“I see well I am sure he will keep you on the clock as we go eat lunch and explain the package to you.”

“So, you work for Clarkston Oil then?”

Bufford was gagging.

“But of course, I do, in fact a one time I even worked your job. It seems such a short time ago.”

“Well, if it really is no problem.”

“Tell her there is no problem, Buford, she really does have the same benefits package as I did.”

“Oh, not problem Miss Jennifer, take your time enjoy your meal.”

“Okay, I think I would like to meet your girlfriends.”

Please come this way, it’s the Lamborghini. And I opened the door. To let her out of the station. She walked out.

I turned to Bufford, “Nice choice of a replacement for me. And remember the same benefits package.”

He turned white. “Will she be back today?”

I looked at her hips sway as she walked to the car. “Nope but keep her on the clock and pay her anyway.” I paused, “You better hire two more full-time employees. You always did bitch about not having enough people in this store.”

“But Corp won’t allow them.”

I turned, “Tell them I authorized it.” He was squirming again. “And Buford, quit squirming, the way you’re acting you would think someone was about to fire you.”

“You’re not going to fire me then?” He asked surprised.

I just smiled, “Not today anyways.” Then I walked out and popped the doors with the remote.”

She took her seat as I walked up to the driver’s side.

“Nice car, had it long?”

“It’s my attorney’s, I am just borrowing it.” Well, that was true, I did give it to Alice. Lilly’s and Mine were on order. I mean, after all, Lamborghinis don’t depreciate in value.”

“Oh, you must have one nice attorney then.”

“Oh, you’re going to get to meet her at lunch”

She smiled back as the doors dropped closed.

By the way, someone sold this blond bombshell a bill of goods. Her scar was so minor on her breast that it could have been airbrushed away without a problem. Well, it was no problem for Alice anyways. Jennifer never did go back to work with Buford. The girls were thrilled to meet her and time just got away from us. Of course, so did our clothes, well she did offer to pose for us so we could see her scar. No, she couldn’t play the violin but hey neither could Alice. To make a long evening short, we went back to Alice’s place, we had moved in there as we waited for the house to be built. She posed, then she posed with me, then with Lilly, with Alice, with Lilly and me, well it must have been the kiss. I think she was hooked after that. I did mention Lilly was a very good kisser, didn’t I?

Oh, and one more thing, Jennifer was rich herself. She came from money, the only problem was her dad refused to pay for the surgery after the embarrassment of seeing her in playboy. He told her she would have to get a job and pay for it herself if she wanted it fixed. That wasn’t what he meant, he just didn’t want her posing nude again and figured if he made it impossible for her to get the scar fixed, she would give up on modeling nude. And yes, he was one of the former owners of Clarkston Oil. That’s why Buford hired her in the first place. Then again Buford was really bright. He thought he would be making points by giving a job to one of the owner’s children. Of course, her looks alone would have gotten her the job. However, Buford rarely did anything for only one reason.

Jennifer stayed with us of course. When her dad found out she was dating me he seemed pleased. He was a bit confused when Lilly and April showed up for dinner with us at the house. He recovered when April was introduced as my personal assistant and financial attorney. Lilly was introduced as a violinist. Other than that, we didn’t offer any other explanation. The dinner was first-rate. The conversation turned to how the two of us had met. When I told him Buford had hired her to work at the station as an assistant manager, he got quite agitated. Said something about “he should have fired that ass 10 years ago when he had the opportunity.”

All and all dinner were nice. When Jennifer finally said she was in love with the three of us and she hoped we could all be married someday. Well, Carl (That’s Jennifer’s father’s name by the way) almost went through the roof. Jennifer got him to calm down after mentioning that motherhood would probably put an end to her modeling career. Still, it was tense in the Carston household. It was so bad I decided to rename the oil company to something else. I know that’s kind of spiteful but he did piss me off. So much so that I figured if the man hated Buford so much I would never fire him.

Speaking of Buford, we stopped by the station to fill up the car. No, it wasn’t the Lamborghini it was the stretch limo. Well, I did need to accumulate assets now, didn’t I? So anyway, Buford was still working late. Seems he was training the new help. Hello Buford, I said as I walked in the door. Buford looked like he was going to have a heart attack the way sweat started to form on his face by the mere sight of me.

“Tim,” he said nervously. That’s when I noted the two new employees, of course I noticed the facelift the place had as well. That is what caused me to see the employees. One man and one woman.

“So are the new employees working out?”

“Ah yes, you could say that.” He stuttered a bit.

That’s when Jennifer excitedly said. “April is that you?” To the female.

It turns out that April was also a model however she never did make playmate. She met Jenifer at the mansion, and they had become good friends. It seemed April had shown up looking for a job based on a letter from Jennifer. Buford had hired her based solely on her looks. Jenifer had April out in the limo before I knew any of that of course.

Buford, “Does this mean I need to hire a new person?” As we watched the girls climb in the limo.

“Sure, looks like it to me Buford.”

He relaxed a little. “Dose this mean I am not going to be fired today?”

I looked back and him and got a wicked grin on my face. You know it was fun to watch him squirm a little.

“I still need to pay for the gas for the hog out there.” I motioned at the limo. “However, I am so impressed at how good the place looks and the quality of the employees I was thinking more along the lines of a raise.”

“A ... A ... A Raise?”

I chuckled, “Of course, you are going to have a hard time topping the two employees you have already gotten.”

Well, I paid for my gas and left a still stuttering Buford behind. Then I got in the limo and started it up. The ladies were chatting it up in the back. That’s when I decided I was missing out on something driving the woman myself. I guess I should hire a driver.

Well hiring a driver was not an easy task. The problem was not finding drivers, it was finding the right driver. Most of the applicants were male and all were qualified. The problem was where they lived and their availability. We eventually settled on one young woman. Her name was Sarah, 5’10 and blond. She could have been a playmate if she had wanted to be. She explained that her parents would disown her if she did something like that. She wasn’t against the idea herself. Oh well, at least I didn’t have to kiss her to get her to take the job. Although I am still confused as to how her salary got set at 100,000 per year. Of course, the first time she wore her uniform I forgot all about the salary. Eye candy is always worth a lot. Especially when your driver wears a bikini for a uniform.

The second envelope. I think we forgot about it. Fortunately, the time of year didn’t affect doing it. Of course, when we opened it, we all had a good laugh. I was supposed to host a party on the Florida yacht. Minimum of six women and myself. No, the crew didn’t count, then again, I was allowed to hire high-priced call girls if I needed. Thanks, Eddy I said rolling my eyes and the girls looked over the requirements. Well somehow, I was two short. Of course, I was actually only one short, but I hadn’t counted the driver as one of the girls. I guess when I said I was short two girls for a one-month party cruise of the Caribbean, I should have expected the response I got out of the girls. Turned out that April knew a lot of playmates. Somehow getting Hugh’s leftovers didn’t seem to be all that bad a prospect. Sue and Jennifer just blew raspberries at me for being so dense. Of course, by the time April had made her calls I had a few more models than I needed. There were 18 of them altogether. Believe me when I say my party turned heads when we landed at the airport in Miami. Gathering the girls up so that we all arrived there at the same time was also made very easy by the charter flight company. The girls may have been spread out across the country. But it still only took four planes to get them all gathered in Cincinnati. From that point, it was just the one plane to Miami. As I said, we made a hell of a sight leaving the airport.

Then again, the six stretched limos made for quite a motorcade from the airport to the marina. Now Eddy was a real lady’s man. The 180-foot yacht had an all-female crew. All of the women had been known by Eddy very well. As in every one of them was a mother of one of his children. That little devil! He’d given them all great jobs that paid very well. Of course, none of the kids were on the boat for this trip. However, the crew swore there was no problem with this. They were looking forward to a vacation from the rug rats. Of course, they confessed they missed them after the first week. Not that it would be a good deal for them to be on board given the fact that everyone was running around nude. Well, it wasn’t the nudity really, it was the wild sex that took place all over the boat.

Yes, I said wild sex! I only participated in a small part of it. Really, I mean there is no way I could keep up with 18 wild women. Bermuda and Grand Cayman Island were very nice, but it was Jamaica where we spent the most time mainly because of all the activities the place offered. For me, it was more of an escape from the wild sex on the boat. Of course, no one wanted the trip to end but that would have been cruel to the crew.

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