Star - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by Timm

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - My best friend was the musician Star. When he passed away he left me his fortune and legal problems. Not that I did not have legal problems of my own. A Rags to Riches story.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Oral Sex  

My name is Tim Watson and in order to tell my story, I must tell you about my best friend Eddy. Oh, excuse me you know him as the musician Star. He was my best friend long before he ever got rich and famous. In fact, his last name before he changed it as a publicity stunt was Starling. Go figure!. Eddy and I grew up living next door to each other and our birthdays were only days apart. Our favorite pastime was fishing and even when we couldn’t get one of our dads to take us out on the bay, we would fish in the river 2 blocks from our homes. Of course, we were not going to eat the fish we caught out of it since the Saginaw River was way too polluted for that. It wasn’t something we did for food just the pure sport of it. My point in all this is that our bond of friendship was so deep that we were like brothers. Since I was an only child myself, that is truly the way I felt. We were so close in fact, that most people our teachers included thought we were brothers.

So, when we started band class in grade school, we were not happy that we couldn’t play the same instrument. My mom made me choose the violin of all things. I think she has always liked the violin. Eddy wanted us to play the guitar, but the school band didn’t need that, so he ended up learning the drums. Eddy ended up taking private lessons to learn the guitar. Me? well, mom wouldn’t allow it; she felt a more classical instrument was appropriate. Over the grade school years, we did both take piano for one year. However, I was still stuck with the violin. Don’t get me wrong here; I was good, but it really didn’t fit into our long-range plans. Well, Eddy’s plans anyways. Me? Well, I was the one that wanted to go to college. I thought I would like to own my own business someday and college seems to be required for that. Then again that could just be because my parents drummed college into my head since, well ever since I can remember. Eddy was the one with dreams to be a rock star at least that became his dream after we hit puberty anyways. You could just say that I was along for the ride. After all, I had to support my best friend in everything. Thinking about it now I am sure the difference in what we wanted to be in life was formed by our parents. Dad was a CPA with his own small company and Eddy’s father was the mayor most of the time.

I can remember the day while we were sitting down at the river, fishing when Eddy announced he wanted to be a rock star. When I questioned him as to why he said it was about getting the girls. He described how groupies would throw themselves at the stars and the fame would ensure that he got plenty of pussy. I couldn’t argue as I had seen that happen time after time on TV. Truthfully, I wouldn’t have minded the women; it was the fame part that I was shying away from. It’s probably why no one but Eddy and the fish we were trying to catch ever really heard me play. I mean I know I was good. Our grade school teacher had said so. Mom had even spent more money than she should have to buy me that violin. So, when I say I could have made a living playing that darn thing please believe I could have. My problem wasn’t the violin, it was stage fright, well that and mom forcing the instrument on me in the first place.

One interesting fact the two of us noted was that when I played the violin, we caught more fish. When Eddy played his guitar, we would get skunked. We couldn’t take the piano with us to see if it would help, however, the police in addition to the fish frowned on the drums.

When the day finally came for the two of us to start at central high school, Eddy wanted to join a band. I of cause went along. Not that the rabble group that called themselves a band had half a clue what music was. One thing was for sure; I wasn’t going to be in it playing the violin and since the group was small-time wannabe they didn’t have a keyboard. So, I had no chance of getting in. Eddy on the other hand was a shoo-in since the three other boys recognized his talent. Eddy was all apologetic that we couldn’t do this together, however, he really wanted this. What could I say? he was my brother and I supported him. I was at every practice session with him, god you would have thought I was a groupie or something.

We were 15 and out fishing in the river when Eddy announced that this group was going nowhere.

“Well, what did you expect? the other three don’t even know how to read music.” I observed.

“Yep, you can say that again.” I was tempted to do just that when he spoke. “The Colas have an opening I was thinking of trying out for.”

“The Senior group?”


“You think they might be your ticket?”

“They do get paid for some of their gigs. Besides, it can’t hurt to try out now, can it?”

“Eddy, you’re way better than any of them. You should just form your own group.”

“That was what I was thinking of after playing with them.”

“Why?” I asked even though I knew the answer. His answer was always the same, for the chicks! he would say. The groupies! To say that we were typical sex-starved young teenage males would be an understatement. Hell, we were both still virgins, a fact, that was going to change soon enough.

Eddy tried out and joined the Colas. He became instantly popular with the girls at the first school dance he played at. Since the two of us were always together, well let’s just say Eddy wasn’t the only one to get lucky. The Colas however broke up at the beginning of our sophomore year, since all of them graduated high school and it’s kind of hard to be a band and have three members going to different colleges and one still in high school. However, Eddy didn’t let that stop him. He formed a new band of his own. First, he talked Lisa Warwick into joining. She played a mean bass and had a killer voice. She was the only other person in our high school that had any talent. Not that it was a hard call mind you. She always wanted to do something like that. For the next band member, Eddy recruited Skip Carlson out of Saginaw. He was an awesome drummer who found himself pretty much in the same boat as Eddy. His band had also broken up. Skip knew of another guy named Hennery Wise out of Midland and his girlfriend Annette Person a vocalist as well. With 5 members Eddy now had an actual band. That and two of them were 16 and could drive. Not that we weren’t going to be 16 ourselves after the school year started. I of course was with Eddy at every practice just like normal and to tell the truth, this group sounded like a real band. Well, you already know that they are a real band now, don’t you? It’s the same group that goes on tour and makes millions. Star and the Crew. Of course, that wasn’t the name they started with. That was simple, they were just known as the dockside crew. That was the name they earned when they played at a local pub that ran an amateur night. Of course, their success wasn’t overnight. Just close to it. It was Annette that first had it go to her head. I remember the practice session when she turned on me for being there.

“Hey leach, bring me a coke.” She called out.

I looked up at her. She was staring right at me. “Yaw, you start doing something useful instead of sitting around all the time. Why in the world do we let him tag along anyways?” She asked no one in particular.

Eddy looked like he was going to explode. So, I said something quickly, “You forgot to say please.” To which I got daggers staring at me out of her eyes. Instead of blowing up, Eddy started to laugh. “Tim, I think it’s time you got out Matilda and showed this rag-tag bunch what real music sounds like.”

To say I was shocked is an understatement. Matilda was the name of my Violin. It was actually made by a craftsman in Saginaw, and he had named it that. However, the point is after I got over my shock I shrugged, “You sure you want me to do that?”

“Yep, it’s about time everyone in this group understands why you support me so much.”

“What’s that? I thought he was here to give you blowjobs at night.” Annette said sarcastically. She’d always had a foul mouth. Of course, you know that already because of the three court cases against her.

“Get Matilda Tim and show them.” I shrugged and went out to the car. Matilda was a fine violin let me tell you. It just didn’t have a place in a rock and roll band. However, I came back in and took her out of the case.

“Great so your friend can play an instrument, so what?” Annette said. So, I started to play. It must have taken a moment or two for Annette to catch on. I was not playing any real song. I was playing Matilda the way she wanted to be played. The sounds that came out of Matilda were haunting as I played. It took three years before Annette confessed that she felt like someone was walking across her grave when I played that day. However, she always said please and thank you when she asked me to do anything after that. The fact was the rest of the band never questioned why I was hanging around with them after that day.

The Dockside crew started to get gigs in local bars and even a few high schools. They even did a wedding once. But once was enough, since a fight broke out over what they should be playing. At least none of the band members were in the fight. I wish I could claim the same. However, why uncle Richards thought they should be playing polka music at a wedding is still a mystery. Still, my cousin had a nice wedding reception and of course, the band decided that weddings were not their things to play at. The money might be good, but the crowd was unpredictable.

We were at the start of our senior year when tragedy struck. Four of our classmates Carl, Sara Jane, Mark, and Dean had gotten a little drunk at a party a month into the school year. I only mention their names because I went to school with the fools. Anyway, they took my parents’ car head-on doing 60mph. My parents were driving at the speed limit after a nice dinner downtown. Their speed was only 30mph but that didn’t help and both my parents were killed along with all four of my classmates. It was a very trying time for me. Eddy was there for me. I even played Matilda at my mother’s funeral. I didn’t touch Matilda for years after that. I was 17 and Uncle Richard who lived in Saginaw took me in. As it turns out he was really only after mom and dad’s insurance money. Also, he lived in Saginaw, what a pain to drive to Bay City to go to school. But what can you do when you’re 17? At least he didn’t make me transfer to finish out the year. Fortunately, the house didn’t sell before I turned 18. I never did see a dime of the insurance money, however. I still remember Uncle Richard bitching that he shouldn’t have paid off the house and I was an ungrateful son of a bitch. Let’s just say that all I got was the house and I don’t talk with Uncle Richard anymore.

It also reduced my leisure time considerably. I mean I had to get a job to pay for the utilities and feed myself as I was going to school full time. That alone was more than enough to keep me away from Eddy and the band. I was completely surprised when Eddy and his band signed a contract to make a single with a record company. They had been discovered after playing warm-up for a headliner band at a concert down in Flint. This was the break they needed to make it big. And I missed it because I had to work. Of course, with that hit single, the promoters shortened the band’s name to “the crew”. When the single was released it was a local DJ who proclaimed them to be “Star and the Crew.” That name kind of stuck in the local area. So, as I was struggling to make enough money to pay the utilities out of high school Eddy found himself with more money than he ever dreamed. I may have forgotten to mention that Eddy was in this for the chicks, not the money. Eddy was also the smartest kid in our high school. He may not have been the valedictorian, but he was very smart. Well, if it wasn’t for the band, he would have been valedictorian. My point is that instead of blowing all that money on wild parties, he got himself a good lawyer to invest it for him. Nice lawyer, by the way, he even went after my uncle for my insurance money that he had obviously stolen and that didn’t cost me a dime. Oh, he did win in court; I am still waiting for the money as my uncle left the country shortly after the verdict.

After graduation, I somehow managed to get two part-time minimum wage jobs and keep the house I had grown up in going. Eddy offered to help me out, however, I declined like the fool I am. After all, Eddy was my best friend and I wanted him to stay that way. I watched with great delight over the next 7 years as Eddy and his band recorded 12 albums. They were on tour 9 months out of the year and spent 2 months in the studio writing new material. Eddy’s parents did sell their home and moved into a much nicer place. Still, Eddy found one month out of the year to go out fishing with me. I did take the time to go to every one of Eddy’s concerts when he was within driving distance. Of course, working like a fool that was the only time I got sex. You see when I hung out backstage with the band after the concert, the groupies would find out I was Star’s best friend, and well I got laid plenty after that. However, my pride still wouldn’t let me accept anything but free concert tickets from Eddy. Well, that and the cabin cruiser that we took out on the bay to fish in. I finally relented and signed the papers Eddy asked me to sign. Eddy said it was better if the boat was registered in my name or the fans might do something to it. Well, I couldn’t fault his logic, so I found I owned a rather large cabin cruiser. Of course, Eddy paid the berthing and all other fees at the marina. He did get me to finally break out Matilda and serenade the fish when we went fishing. I did mention Eddy could bring out the best in me, didn’t I? I guess I thought he was joking when he sent me the picture of my new yacht that he had in Florida. It made the cabin cruiser look pale. Still, I blew it off as nothing but an Eddy joke. I would find out much later that I had signed over complete financial power of attorney to Eddy and The Yacht really was mine along with quite a bit of other property.

It was when we both turned 30 that Eddy announced that instead of fishing, we were heading to Mackinaw Island and Interlochen. For those of you that don’t know, Interlochen is a state park in Michigan. However more importantly it hosts some band camps for young budding students and wannabes. Eddy explained that he had made promises he had to keep, and we would get to do plenty of fishing. We ended up spending two nights at Mackinaw in the Grand hotel. I didn’t ask how much my room cost. I knew I didn’t want to know. Eddy got me the Marylin Monroe suite. He took the Marlon Brando one for himself. I still wouldn’t take money from Eddy to live on. However, I had learned that when he was around, I wasn’t going to pay for anything either. Being a 30-year-old assistant manager at a gas station, the only time I got to enjoy the finer things in life was when I was with Eddy. Things like the Grand Hotel and the fine dining. He also got me hooked on a nice wine they served there. I am sure it was expensive stuff as there were no prices on the menu.

Now Interlochen was kind of fun. I went with him a few times to meet the kids. It was easy to see how two 30-year-old men could get a kick out of helping some teenage kids and inspiring them. Eddy always did a solo concert for the band camp participants. He told me that the girls were always throwing themselves at him. I thought he had been joking till I saw it for myself. He told me about one girl a few years back. She was this hot oriental number that played the violin. Said she reminded him of me and he promised to introduce her to me when she turned 18. I laughed it off of course. Still, he actually talked me into playing Matilda for the kids and made me promise to come back next year and do it again even if he couldn’t make it.

When we finished our vacation that summer it seemed kind of different. I didn’t realize that Eddy was saying goodbye to me. I should have guessed it as the clues were all there. Eddy even had a stash of high-grade Marijuana on the boat that we indulged in more frequently than ever in the past.

It was three months later that I learned of his death. The news reports said it was an unknown illness. It didn’t take long to learn it was Aids that had done him in. I of course was one of the few at his private funeral. I learned that his video will would be played right after the funeral, and my presence was required. Damn it, I just knew the big sneak had to have left me some money. I cursed him for doing this to me. I mean I know he bought the Gas station chain I worked at just so I could have a month off every summer. He had laughed it off as a good investment and said the owner could always take a month off when he wanted to. Little did I realize what that really meant at the time. However, I was about to find out.

The video will was heartbreaking, to say the least. Yes, he was dying of Aids, and he had taken steps over the last 7 years that would become apparent over the next few months. He addressed his parents and spelled out the trust fund he had set up for them. His three sisters were similarly set up. It seemed lavish to me, and it was plain none of them cared about what they were getting. They were just going to miss him. I felt the same, to tell the truth. He addressed each of the band members and named off the personal items he wanted each to have. The last person he addressed was me.

“Tim, my best friend, and brother. I know you laughed at my antics over the years and wouldn’t take a dime from me unless I was there to spend it on you myself.” Well, that was no surprise. “Well, I took advantage of you!” He exclaimed as I wondered how in the hell, he could take advantage of me.

“Well, when you sighed all the forms for that fancy boat I insisted be in your name. You gave me complete power of attorney over you.” To say this news was shocking would be a bit of an understatement.

“To make a long story short, everything else I own is already in your name. Sorry old pal, but you’re rich.” To which I muttered, “Son of a bitch Eddy, I would give it all up for one more day of fishing with you, my friend.”

The lawyer playing the video will paused the video and commented, “He said you would say something like that.” Then let it continue.

“All I ask you to do is three things for me. One you know what to do with my ashes.” That I did we had talked about it a few times. “The lawyer wouldn’t let me put it in the will because of some legality; however, I know I can trust you to carry that out.”

Of course, I would do that for my best friend.

“The other two things are too personal for a group like this. My, excuse me, our lawyer will be providing you with the details after my ashes have been taken care of. Oh, and as far as your job goes, I know you thought it was a big joke at the time, but you really are the sole owner of that chain. You have been for 7 years now.” Damn it, Eddy, I thought to myself, that’s what he meant when he said the owner can take as much time off as he wants, and to think I thought he was the owner all this time.

Finally, the video ended and Mr. Right, his lawyer asked me to stay as the others departed.

“Mr. Watson I am sorry for your loss and...” I waved him off. “Thank you I am not in the mood for platitudes at the moment.”

“Very well, Mr. Star wanted me to give you this envelope with your first set of instructions; you have to complete all three sets before total control of all the assets transfers solely to you.”

“I smiled, so if I fail to follow Eddy’s instructions, I don’t get the stuff?” I handed him back the envelope. “Good, now I can get back to my normal life.”

“You misunderstand, if you fail to complete the three tasks, you don’t get control.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“You already own everything, However, Eddy was convinced that you would just give it all away and he didn’t what you to do that until you did three things first.”

“You mean if I don’t do the three things, he wants me to do, I can’t get rid of his money?’

“Basically, that is correct.”

“So, if I don’t do these things, I still own everything and can’t get rid of any of it?” he nodded yes. “Then who makes all the decisions?”

He smiled, “Well I do, of course.”

I groaned. “I don’t suppose I could bribe you to just say the terms are fulfilled and just liquidate his assets to charities?”

He grinned, “Afraid not. Moreover, it would be a real pain to liquidate all your holdings as they are quite substantial.”

“How substantial?”

The lawyer opened a book and read off a number, “530 million. Besides that, there is a personal spending requirement you must achieve as part of the conditions to assume control of the Star Empire. Of course, you could just continue to let my firm run everything even after you complete the tasks.” He smiled. I could imagine he would be happy to do that. After all, he would get paid a small fortune for managing everything.

“So, I could complete the tasks and leave control with you and just go enjoy life?” Well, that’s what Eddy said every time we went out fishing. To quote him, “Time to enjoy the finer things in life, you ready to go fishing?”

“Of course, in fact, that is what Mr. Star hoped you would do.”

“His name was Eddy!” I said testily.

“If you ask around you will find that you were the only one allowed to address him like that.” It turned out he was right, even Eddy’s sisters called him Mr. Star. However, the statement did calm me down for some reason.

“So how is this supposed to work?”

He handed me the envelope again. It was then I noted it was pretty thick. “The instructions are inside along with a debit card for expenses and your new checkbook. Follow the instructions and let me know when you’re done.”

“That’s all?”

“It is simple, they are the instructions for what to do with his ashes. They should be available in two weeks.”

“Two weeks! Shit, no way to get that taken care of this year then. It will have to wait till next spring. So, what am I supposed to do in the meantime?”

“Get used to having money and enjoy it a bit.”

I frowned in response. “So how long are the rest of the tasks going to take me?”

“Not sure probably two to three years.”

“Years!” I exclaimed.

“Well like I said, Mr...” He cut him off, “Excuse me. Eddy wanted you to get used to having the money, so you didn’t just give it all away.”

“It figures,” I said throwing up my arms resigned to my fate.

Well, I never did get used to having money. I confess I did pay the taxes on the property with it. Other than that I went to work every day and lived off my personal income. Oh, I also had to pay the marina fees myself now. The damn lawyer could have taken care of it, after all, that’s how it was done in the past and I had thought he was a nice guy at one time!

Oh, and Eddy’s Ashes showed up for auction on eBay a week after the memorial service. The police wanted to keep them as evidence against the crematorium employee. Well, that was till the lawyer got hold of them. So instead of them sitting in some storage rooms, somewhere, they got to spend their time in my closet. I was going to put them on the boat, however, it was already winterized and out of the water. I should have put them on a fireplace mantel or something like that. The problem was I didn’t have a fireplace or anything like that. So, they went on the top shelf of my coat closet. Oh, and the charges were dropped against the crematorium employee after we declined to press charges. However, he did spend a week in jail before being released. Hope he learned something.

Spring finally arrived and the boat was made ready. I had to wait till June 1st to head out because of my job. However, that was more my doing than anyone else’s. The day came finally, and I set sail, so to speak. I didn’t rush, as Eddy’s instructions were simple. I had to spend a night in the grand hotel and drink a bottle of our favorite wine to remember him by. I was not looking forward to anything but the wine. Well, that was until I realized that I would have to use his money to pay for all of it. I was finally resigned to the fact that I would have to use his money to conduct his final wishes.

My first real shock was the berthing fee at the island. It was outrageous. For that matter so was the room rental. Because of the time of year, I ended up in the Duke’s room this time. That’s John Wayne for those of you out there that may not know that already. I left my suitcase in the room and headed for the bar. I figured I needed a drink before dinner. I was quickly reminded by one of the staff that a coat and tie were needed after 5 pm. So back to my room and into the monkey suit. It still fit like a glove from three years ago. Not that I understand even at this point what is so special about an Armani suit in the first place.

I finally made it to one of the hotel’s bars and had a rum and coke. That’s when I heard the violin playing. The music was so like Matilda’s that I had to go see this for myself. I finished my drink and headed to the main lobby where the music was coming from. When I rounded the corner, I froze dead in my tracks. This young Asian woman was playing the violin like ... like ... well, like I played it. And the sound was so close to my violin that it was uncanny. Still, it was the girl that held my gaze. When her eyes locked onto mine, she missed a note, but she recovered gracefully and started playing in earnest. She looked around from time to time but she watched me most of the time. Maybe it was because my jaw was lying on the floor or it could be my eyes bugging out of my head making me look like a big bug or something. In any case, all I know for sure is that we noticed each other.

When she was done, she returned the violin to the case lovingly. A pang of regret went through me for the way I had put Matilda away. Someone was thanking her for her time playing and sharing the Dolphin with the guests. So that was it, the violin was a Stradivarius. No wonder the sound was so rich. The girl bowed and was surrounded by well-wishers. I noted that the staff removed the violin, probably to the hotel’s main safe. For some reason, I was glued to the spot I had stopped at for some time. Soon enough the crowd parted and I found myself facing her. I think I now knew what a deer has going through its head when it looks into the headlights of an oncoming car. That means she was the first to speak.

“Hello” She seemed as surprised as I. “Did you enjoy the music of the Dolphin,” a pause then she added, “or me more?” She then obviously realized what she had just said, and a rich blush rose on her face.

I was still speechless, somehow only a few syllables made it out of my mouth at first. Finally, I blurted out the only thing I could think of “Have you had dinner yet this evening?”

She blushed again, “No it’s not good to play on a full stomach.”

Good, I thought then added, “Please join me in the dining room then.”

She looked over at the entrance and sighed, “I am considered an employee and that does not allow me to eat in there.”

“You will be my guest.”

“That is rather expensive.”

You know she was right it was. She would have to be registered as a guest in my room to eat there. However, for once in my life I was being selfish. It is ironic in a way, but I was sure Eddy would approve of this use of his money. The fact was I wanted to get to know this young lady. “Please say no more, your wish is all that’s needed, I will manage the details.”

She nodded a yes. And I held out my arm as a proper gentleman should. She took it and we were in front of the maître d’ a moment later. He knew who she was and asked if I needed to make arrangements for Mrs. Lilly to join me for dinner.”

“Please, whatever is required will be fine,” I told him.

“This way then sir,” and he started out. We followed and he led us to the back room. It was basically a roundish glassed-in area with 6 tables in it. Of course, no one was at any of the rest of the tables. “Will this meet with your approval sir?”

“Yes,” I said as I held the chair for my guest to sit down.

“Refreshments?” He asked next.

“Of course, a bottle of St Julian’s special reserve please.” This time his eyes went up.

“I am afraid that is reserved for a special guest sir.”

It was my turn to frown, “And who might that be?”

“It was reserved for Mr. Star’s best friend, we only have three bottles left. Can I bring you something else?”

“The name’s Tim Watson.”

This time I think he connected the dots. “Of course, forgive me, sir. I will bring out your wine right away.”

“You’re a friend of Mr. Star?” Lilly asked.

“Please his name was Eddy and yes he was my best friend.”

She smiled, “Well Mr. Star promised he would introduce me to his best friend when I turned 18. You wouldn’t be the man he was talking about, would you?”

My god, I thought to myself. This is the girl Eddy told me about. “Unfortunate that he passed away before he could do so,” I replied.

“Yes,” she agreed, “A tragic loss for the world. Too bad he didn’t live till my 18th birthday.” She smiled at me. Damn it Tim you’re falling for her.

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