My Two Cents - Cover

My Two Cents

Copyright© 2022 by Westside24

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Events which occur in the lives of media people are interesting but are seldom disclosed. This story centers on a young man’s life in the news business. There is a little sex in the story which is not overly descriptive.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual  

During the time that Paul had been writing the column, “My Two Cents,” several things had happened. His parents retired and downsized by purchasing a new townhome. Dad however insisted on keeping his fourteen-foot deep-v aluminum fishing boat that was on a trailer. Because of the rules of the townhomes association which prohibit boats from being stored where they can be seen, dad’s boat is kept in their two-car garage. With mom’s car parked in the other spot that means dad’s car parks on the driveway.

Paul when he was looking for something to do or a way to relax, would drive over and hitch up his dad’s boat to his car and go to the Colorado River to fish. During the week there aren’t many boats at the boat launch so one man can do the launching and retrieve the boat by himself without receiving pressure from other boaters telling him to hurry it up. Dad’s boat trailer was outfitted with guides that made launching but more importantly retrieving of the boat onto the trailer fairly easy.

Paul is a good fisherman. If he is fishing for bass he will release all he catches. If he is fishing for white bass or crappie he will keep just enough to make a meal for his parents and him that evening. Fried fresh fish along with potatoes and onions makes for a delicious meal. Paul wrote a column mentioning his favorite foods and restaurants.

At the office one day Paul received a phone call from a lady who identified herself as the executive assistant to Dan Fagan who is the television station manager for Channel Four. She said she was asked to set up a meeting with Paul and the station manager. She said she was unaware of what the reason was for this meeting and asked Paul what time was convenient for him.

Paul gave her a time for the next day and wondered what this was about. He knew he hadn’t written anything recently that commented negatively on television or this station.

At the agreed time Paul was shown into Dan Fagan’s office. Dan warmly greeted Paul and introduced him to Burt Radisson the news director who was there.

“I suppose you are wondering why I asked for this meeting with you,” said Dan.

“You can say that as I know I haven’t written anything recently about you or the station.”

“And I hope it stays that way. The reason we want to have this discussion is because of the addition we want to make to our ten o’clock newscast and we are hoping that the addition will be you. At present, our ten o’clock news broadcast is in third place compared to the other networks and our goal is to be in the first place. We would like to do that by having you do a two-and-a-half to three-minute commentary on the ten o’clock weekday news program. The following day that commentary would be shown on the six o’clock news. Your commentary would be the same way you write your columns as you can choose any subject you want to comment on. We want to inject some life into that news program and we think you by telling the viewers how it is will do it. Are you interested in doing something like this?”

Paul was quietly thinking about what Dan had said.

“I am interested in doing this as it would be something different for me. But putting in time at the paper and then coming here at ten to do a commentary makes for a very long day.”

Dan and Burt smiled at each other after hearing Paul’s response.

“That’s not quite how it would be done. We would ask that you come to the station at some agreed time during the day on Monday and do the five commentaries for the week. We will record and show them first on the ten o’clock news and the next day on the six o’clock news. So it’s one afternoon a week you need to work for us and you can continue to write your column for the paper.”

“I do need to ask the question of what will I get paid for doing this?”

They told him and Paul tried not to react when the amount they said was three times what he presently was being paid by the paper. Being paid that much money for one afternoon’s work was unbelievable.

He tried to give the appearance that he was considering their offer before he said, “I’ll give it a try. Is there a contract I need to sign?”

They handed him a contract and Paul said he would get back to them after his attorney reviews the contract. Hands were shaken all around before Paul left the office.

Paul went right over to Ellen’s office where he explained the offer he just received and showed her the contract. She was reviewing it and was comparing it to the copy of the contract she had kept that he had with the newspaper. While Ellen was doing this he noticed and remarked that her assistant was gone. Ellen without looking up from reading the contract said that she took a personal day.

Because of the job offer Paul was in a playful mood. Hearing that her assistant was gone caused him to think this could be an opportunity. Ellen was looking damn good in the white blouse she was wearing. He stood and went to the front of the office and locked the entrance door. Back in Ellen’s office, he closed the door to her office. He went to her side of the desk and stood there looking down at her.

Ellen without looking up said she didn’t see any conflict and then looking up noticed that her door was closed and the look Paul was giving her. She quickly put two and two together and said, “Paul, we can’t, not here.”

He didn’t say anything and indicated she should stand which she somewhat reluctantly did. He took her into his arms and kissed her. She was hesitant at first but then she returned his kiss with her arms going around him. It wasn’t that much longer than her blouse was unbuttoned, her bra was slipped up over her breasts, her skirt was pulled up over her hips, her panties were hanging from one ankle, and she was bending over her desk.

Paul was standing behind her with his pants and shorts down by his ankles plunging his shaft into her. By bending a little he was able to reach under her which enabled him to caress her clit while his hips were in motion. He heard her say she was cumming just as he too was approaching that moment. Since she had previously told him that she was protected he didn’t hesitate to make a large deposit in her.

As she rose from bending over her desk he anticipated her giving him hell for doing this. Instead, she turned to him and put her arms over his shoulders, and gave him one long open-mouth kiss. His hands were massaging her bare ass since her skirt was still above her hips. When the kiss finally ended she just stood there with her arms around him.

Ellen with her hair a little disheveled, her lipstick smeared, and having that freshly made love look on her face said, “What brought this on?”

“Well, I was excited by the job offer and you looked so damn sexy and your assistant was gone so this seemed like an opportune time to do the nasty.”

“Seeing how I look now, do you still think I look sexy?”

Moving her back a little from him he looked at her bare breasts, the small tuft of hair above her precious place, along with a little of his sperm running down her leg. He said, “Maybe more so now than before.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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