My Two Cents - Cover

My Two Cents

Copyright© 2022 by Westside24

Chapter 10

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Events which occur in the lives of media people are interesting but are seldom disclosed. This story centers on a young man’s life in the news business. There is a little sex in the story which is not overly descriptive.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual  

Paul was becoming more comfortable doing these newscasts the more he did. Before he was doing these newscasts he normally had an opinion on hearing what was in the news and now he was being paid handsomely for saying what that opinion was. It was expected that not everyone agreed with him but he knew the majority of the viewers along with his column’s readers did agree with him.

After a broadcast, Burt said he wanted to talk to Paul. He said that Paul’s comments were showing that viewers wanted to watch and hear news people and people in the news give their honest opinions on various topics. To that end, they were going to have a talk show on Saturday evening after the late news which was going to be called, “Opinions.” That time was a dead spot in the ratings for them because it was up against SNL.

The format would be four people and a moderator sitting in a group discussing current topics. The moderator was going to be Clarence Thomson. Burt asked Paul if he would be a regular on the show. He said the show would be taped Friday afternoon for showing on Saturday. A buck is a buck was Paul’s philosophy in agreeing to do it.

What Paul started to notice was that his comments in doing the news were starting to rub off on some of this news team. Joyce would now and then comment on what a celebrity said with Joyce saying that the celebrity would have been better off not to have said anything. Larry might comment on a sports figure by saying that the person for what he is getting paid should be thanking everyone instead of complaining.

Paul thought he had made Mona a friend for life when she received some criticism for over-hyping the possible damage a thunderstorm that was approaching the area could do. Other than some heavy rain that was all that had occurred.

He said, “Before we turn to Mona for the weather let me say that there have been some negative comments made on what Mona said regarding that thunderstorm last night. Would you have wanted Mona not to express her concern and warn you about the possibility of the severe storm damage that could occur from it? What if there was a tornado that spawned from that thunderstorm and you weren’t warned about the possibility of that happening? You could have been seriously hurt if Mona didn’t advise you of that possibility and urged you to take precautions. It’s best to err on the side of taking precautions and that is what she did and what I will encourage her to continue to do. Let’s all of us be safe rather than sorry.”

After the program was over Mona came up to Paul and hugged him. She thanked him for what he said.

Some critics were saying this was no longer a straight news program but was turning into a combination news-talk show. Station management never said anything since Paul’s comments were attracting viewers.

Burt, in mentioning the news show’s ratings said, “We are kicking ass.”

Larry told Paul before one newscast that he was going to negatively comment on an athlete that took a knee before the game yesterday. Paul said he agreed with Larry but if he does it, Larry might catch a rash of shit and he is in no position to defend himself. If Larry wants, he can mention this kneeling at the end of his segment and throw it to Paul who will comment on it.

Larry did mention this kneeling and gave it to Paul. Paul didn’t take any prisoners when he said how unpatriotic this overpaid athlete was who lives in a country that enables him to make a considerable amount of money and he disrespects the country. He takes his freedom of speech for granted and forgets that his right to do what he did was paid for in blood by people who died defending this country’s flag. Paul said this athlete should express his views when the television camera isn’t on him by calling a press conference. He will be able to count on one hand how many people will show up to hear what he has to say. Paul asked why corporations wanted someone like this athlete to represent them. He finished by saying he would purchase his athletic shoes from another shoe manufacturer.

In his Sunday column, Paul continued to comment on what he thought were disrespectful athletes. He gave his opinion on the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award which is given to people who have made a meritorious contribution to this country’s security, national interests, world peace, or were successful in other significant endeavors. The award was going to be given to a soccer player who takes a knee when the National Anthem is played.

Paul wrote in part, “If she doesn’t want to stand when the anthem is played, she should give her legs to a veteran who lost his legs in giving her the freedom to express her ill-informed views. Giving her this award tarnishes and devalues this award. This speaks volumes to the standards of the current administration in giving the award to this person.”

The great majority of responses he received were in agreement with his comments on players who take a knee.

Paul received a phone call from Alice Cramer who wanted to set up a date with him for this dinner with him which was auctioned off. He knew his parents didn’t have plans for coming to this house this weekend and that Ellen had some unknown commitment this weekend. He said this weekend would be fine and unless he hears anything different he will be at the Blue Bon restaurant at seven on Saturday.

Alice told him the high bid for this dinner with him was three thousand dollars. The dinner with the football coach went for sixteen hundred dollars.

Ending the call he thought it would be nice if he has a date for this dinner but Ellen was unavailable. Nothing ventured nothing gained was Paul’s thought as he pressed Sharon’s phone number on his phone.

Sharon answered the phone and was surprised that Paul was calling. Before he could say why he was calling she said she had purchased and was enjoying reading his book. He explained he was calling about the dinner. As luck would have it she said she was at her Belton house now and would enjoy going to dinner with Paul and this other couple. She gave Paul her address.

Paul knew the atmosphere at Blue Bon was semi-casual. Wearing a sports coat along with a button-down shirt, tie, and dark slacks he pressed the doorbell button at what he could see was Sharon’s upscale house.

She opened the door wearing a black off-the-shoulder form-fitting dress. He looked at her and said, “Wow, you have gone from the tomboy look to the supermodel look,” which brought a smile to her face.

In doing the short drive to the town she told him about what was going on in her life. He kidded her by saying he was going to write a column about her dance performance when she is on DWS.

The manager of the restaurant greeted them and seeing Sharon, who he recognized, asked if he could have a picture taken of all three of them. Paul thought that it would not be in his best interest if there was a picture of him and Sharon hanging on the wall here and told the manager it just should be of the manager and Sharon as there was a photo here already of Paul.

They were shown to their table and were greeted and introduced to the other couple. They were Doctor Duane Snyder and his wife Kerri. They said they were looking forward to dining with Paul but Sharon who they recognized was a very pleasant surprise.

The meal was good and the evening progressed as Paul thought it would with Duane and his wife constantly asking questions of Paul and Sharon. Paul could see their table garnered considerable attention from the other patrons who were there but no one interrupted them to ask for an autograph. Overall it was a pleasant time with Duane saying that if either of them ever needed medical attention not to hesitate to call him.

The drive back to Sharon’s house had Paul wondering about what would happen since he was hoping the evening wouldn’t end. It turned out it didn’t because she did invite him into her home. He knew what he wanted to happen but wasn’t sure how to go about doing that and that made him a little nervous.

Sharon must have sensed that because she came up close to him and said, “Why don’t you let me show you my home?”

She took his hand and led him up the spiral staircase to her bedroom.

“I was thinking by the looks you were giving me that this is the room you wanted to see. Now, I won’t object if you kiss me.”

He took her in his arms and gave her a long open-mouth kiss. When it ended he noticed the smile on her face as she turned in his arms and asked him to pull down the zipper on the back of her dress. That he did and then he heard her say. “Unsnap the bra too.”

Her asking him to do this eliminated any of the nervousness Paul had. He now became the aggressor as he took her in his arms to kiss her and fully undress her. Sharon reclined on the bed and watched him as he undressed.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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