Dance - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by Greven

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Due to the economic downturn a newly unemployed suburban father steps in to the role of house husband. When he does he realizes how out of touch he has been to his daughters, and the world they live in. The more he interacts with that life, the more he learns about them, his wife, and the people he thought he knew.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Harem   Hispanic Female   Cream Pie   Oral Sex  

The weekend arrived quickly. Alize and Savannah arrived with bags and smiles. They had heard a little about the girl’s grandpa staying with them and were very gracious when meeting him face to face. It was interesting to see the girls split up with almost military precision to tackle two different fronts. The twins kept grandpa quite busy in the garage talking about how they would like their future rooms done while Bethany kept a lookout. This allowed Alize and Savannah to smuggle me off to the girl’s room to talk.

It seemed that since the last time we had talked Alize and Savannah had become very close friends. Their secrets and problems had been shared with each other. The two girls had become almost as close as sisters and it showed. Savannah went first and told me her how after her uncle had left it had really left a hole in her life. Well of course she missed the sexual part of her relationship she also missed having the physical intimacy that went with it.

“Mike, I really really loved my uncle. It wasn’t until he left that I started to feel sad a lot. I miss talking to him, and I miss the way it felt to have him just hold me. We didn’t get to see each other all that much but now that he’s gone I really miss it.” I pulled the girl against me, held her tight, and let her get it out. Alize looked at us and I could see a few tears as she watched her friend cry. I told her things would get better with time and that if she needed to, she could always come over and visit me when she had something bothering her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek saying. “Thank you so much Mike, if you weren’t here for me I don’t know what I would do.” I gently rubbed her back and told her. “It’s like I told the two of you that first night we were all together, that it wasn’t a one-time thing. If you ever need me all you have to do is ask.”

With a few last snuffles Savannah abandoned my lap to her friend. Alize was more comfortable sitting next to me and holding my hand. “So little love, what can I do for you?” The girl looked at me and said “I don’t know what to do Mike. I mean mom’s new boyfriend is not like any of the guys she’s ever brought home before. Usually they are more interested in being with her than running the house, but this guy is weird. He’s a little pushy when mom’s around, but when she’s not he gets really weird.”

“Mike he will get a little religious around mom but when she’s gone he judges everything I do and then backs it up with Bible quotes. Now I didn’t think about religion one way or the other before this, but this guy is really starting to make me hate it all. I’m even starting to wonder if he’s trying to make me hate my mom because she loves him or at least really likes him. I’m almost afraid to bring anything up with her cause I’m afraid of how she might react. I mean maybe there is something wrong with me and he’s just trying to fix it.” I squeezed the young girl’s hands. “Alize there is nothing wrong with you. If you act around him like you act around me then I can tell you the only problem is with him. I know that with the history you have with your mom’s taste in men you are going to have problems. It seems that your mom is trying to find a man who is the opposite of the one that abused you. Unfortunately she’s gone too far in the other direction and has found a guy who’s still abusing you, just mentally rather than sexually.”

Alize looked at me like a stunned deer. “I hadn’t thought of it that way. You know you are so right. This dude is just as crazy as the other one, but what am I going to do about it. It’s not like I can go to mom and say this dude is hurting me.” I looked her in the eye. “But isn’t he hurting you sweetheart? He’s making you doubt yourself, and he’s making you feel bad about yourself, and that’s not right. Just tell her that and then ask her if she thinks he’s right that, you’re a bad girl. That should get her to confront him about his abuse and hopefully things will change, and if that doesn’t work we can talk again.” Alize hopped up and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m so glad to have a dad like you to talk to.”

We snuck back out of the bedroom just as Leah got home. She was so glad to see the two girls that she squealed and hugged them both at the same time. She asked how things are going, and they told her that after talking to me they were doing better. Leah gave me the eyebrow to tell me that she would be talking to me later to find out the details. In the mean time she hustled the two girls out to the garage to show them what we were doing to the garage.

After dinner things were a little quieter than I was expecting with five young girls in the house. I think Alize and Savannah were being on their best behavior with Paul there. This only contributed to the unease that permeated the house. Later Paul was sitting with Anna in his lap when he announced that he was hitting the sack early. He and I went downstairs to grab two of the inflatable mattresses and take them to the girl’s room. When we tried to set them up we saw there was no room for them. I decided to throw them on the floor in our bedroom instead. Paul said “This may cool things down for you tonight, but it makes you a really good dad.” Little did the man know that with the girls in our room it may heat things up. When we got back to the front room Paul headed down stairs and I told Leah about the new sleeping arrangements.

When Leah heard that the girls were staying in her room she immediately looked over and smiled at them. Savannah and Alize heard as well and had the same sly look on their faces. For some reason I felt like I wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight. I mean how are you going to get any sleep in a room with three horny women. I looked over at my three beautiful daughters and could tell that they didn’t want to be left out. Since Paul had barely gotten downstairs I ran down and asked him to help me fill up and move up two more mattresses. He looked at me questioningly. “Well it looks like I may be spending the night in the girl’s room while Leah and the girls take over the master bedroom.” Paula patted me on the shoulder and we began the process of filling up two more mattresses.

As we worked I told him how spending time with our daughters and their friends seemed to bring out the young girl and her. “I mean it Paul you should see her. She sits and giggles and gossips like she was a teenager and the girls just eat it up.” Paul smiled sadly at me and said. “Well I’m glad she gets to now. Her mother hated having children around her, especially if they were friends of Leah’s. Growing up the poor girl didn’t have much of a chance to be a child. I’m so glad to hear that she’s able to let that part of her out after so many years of being stifled.” When they were done inflating, Paul and I each grabbed one and hauled them through the house to the bedroom. “Well that should keep them comfortable and happy for the evening. Although I doubt many of them will sleep much tonight.” Paul smiled at me and we both headed back, him to his bed and me to a room full of giggling young girls (yes that included my wife).

When I went back into the living room it was nice to see my wife sitting on the floor with the girls. With all the emotional stress we had been under these last few days I’m glad she was able to forget it for at least a little while. I was also very impressed with the girls. It seems they all looked up to Leah as a parent, and treated her with respect she deserved, but they also treated her like an older sister and were opening up to her.

We all watched TV for a while longer when Leah said that we should move this all into the bedroom so the noise wouldn’t keep Paul awake. While the girls giggled their way out of the room, I shut everything down for the night. As I was doing so I began to think that it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to sleep in the girl’s room after all. I had a good idea of what will be going on in there till the wee hours of the morning and while it would be wonderful to watch and participate in for some reason I didn’t feel I would fit in tonight.

When I walked in the room everyone was sitting on the bed talking and giggling. I grabbed a T-shirt and sweat shorts then looked to my wife. When I caught her eye I let her know that I was in the hall wanting to talk to her in private. It wasn’t very long before Leah slipped out the door and met me. I pulled her into my arms as she smiled at me. “Sweetheart, I’m going to leave you and the girls to your own devices tonight. I think I’m going to sneak into their room and crash on Bethany’s bed.” She gave me a sly smile. “I think I understand Mike. Trying to deal with all of us would be too much for any man.” We gave each other a long lingering kiss and I headed to the showers.

After getting cleaned up and changed I stretched out on Bethany’s bed. I was just starting to drift off when I heard the bedroom door open and light from the hall silhouetted the figure of a young woman. I scooted to the side and pulled back the blankets. I didn’t know who it was but I knew that if they had left the party they needed me. “I’m over here, get in.” The sound of small feet dashing across the room made me smile.

As soon as the small naked body pressed against me I knew it was Savannah. Of all the girls her hair was the longest and there was something about her scent that told me who it was. “Mike I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you but I really need you tonight.” I pulled her mouth to mine to quiet her, and to let her know that I wanted her there. She let out a small whimper as I began to stroke her back and hips. We were lying on our sides facing each other and her upper leg wrapped itself over mine so she could pull herself closer to me.

I knew what she needed and for the first time with any of the girls I was ready to give it. I kissed my way along her jaw and whispered in her ear. “I need you on top of me little lover.” I rotated my body so that I was lying on my back with her on top of me. We never stopped kissing as she arched her hips in order to stroke her clit against the underside of my cock.

It didn’t take long for me to become completely wet with her juices from the tip of my cock to the base. When her sliding had become easy for her I waited till she was near my tip before I put my hands on her ass and held her in place. I pulled my hips back until I felt myself slip past her clitoris, and then I arched my hips forward so that my tip began to slide upwards between her lips till it lodged where we both wanted it.

Even though she was trying to sit back I held her in place. I wanted to take my time doing this. Slowly lifting my butt higher I felt my tip slowly entering her. I knew she had been sexually active, and I know I am not hung like a horse, but it felt to me like I was in virgin territory. I wanted to go slow in order to savor the experience and also so that I knew she wouldn’t be hurt. Savannah broke our kiss and began panting in my ear. “Please Mike, don’t torture me. I really need you right now.” I still held her back a little bit by holding onto her ass, but I eased up till I was fully seated inside of her. I found it interesting that half way into her it had become very difficult to go farther. I knew I wasn’t against her cervix yet so I figured that was as far as her uncle had ever been.

From that point onward as I pushed deeper into her, Savannah could only gasp, and make small mewling sounds. When I finally felt our pubic bones press against each other the young girl gasped out loud “oh my gosh.” The girl gave an experimental wiggle and a sigh. I kept one hand on the girls butt in place the other on her hip. This way I could keep her in place till she got used to me. By simply flexing my ass I was making tiny thrusts of maybe half an inch. This was still enough to excite her without causing any discomfort. After a few minutes of this she had become used to me being inside of her. I decided to see what the girl knew and where she would take this. I let both of my hands slide up her body till they cupped her breasts. I began pulling lightly on her nipples to let her know that she was now in control.

When she realized my hands were off her hips and doing other things, she began to experiment with her new toy. It was at this moment but I truly began to understand and appreciate dance class. I had watched this girl as well as my daughters perform dance moves for a while now. I had always thought that the dance moves were sexual in nature and quite arousing; but I hadn’t understood how useful they would be.

After a few tentative thrusts of her hips Savannah began to get down to work. As the girl began to move her body I recognized that she was doing part of the dance routine. As soon as I made this connection I knew how best to help her reach her satisfaction. First she started with a left to right rocking of her hips as she ground against me. Soon she began to make circles with her hips causing me to stir her insides with my full length. With only the light coming in through the window all I could make out with her silhouette but I could still tell her head was thrown back as her hands rested on my chest. Deciding to see where she would go I slid my hands from her sides to her back and pulled her hair slightly. This caused yet a deeper moan to grate from her throat.

I have made love to women before, but I had never felt the raw energy that I did was Savannah. I wasn’t sure if it was her, or because of her age, but there was something about this encounter that had an unbelievably raw quality about it. She shifted her knees a little higher up so that even when she was sitting on me only about half of me was inside of her she lifted her butt up till only my tip was resting inside of her and then she would go back down. It was as if she was measuring me up for something.

She scooted back a little further till I was about three quarters within her. When she slipped my tip and then back down she had found the position she needed. She arched her back till I was barely inside and then she slammed down forcefully. “Oh fuck yessss.” She grunted out and then she did it again. After a few of these she began to do something I’ve seen many times at dance. It was called twerking and let me tell you it is something completely different than I had ever felt before.

I suddenly had this girl driving her hips up and down at an amazing speed. Grunts, groans, and even a few growls were pouring out of this young girl’s throat. I was so taken aback by the sensation that it wasn’t till she stopped that I realized she had been doing this from tip to base for quite a while. She began grinding against me harder and faster, and then I felt her cervix rubbing my tip and I knew she was about to climax.

I let her ride out to the end. When it hit it was savagely beautiful. My only regret is I couldn’t see her face as her body arched and she grabbed my arms to keep from falling backwards. Her entire body was making small jerking motions as her tight sheath massage me closer to my own cum. As I felt myself edging closer I did everything I could to hold off. Just when I didn’t think I could control it any longer the girl collapsed across my chest and I rolled her to the side. I wrapped my arms around her still twitching body so that the closeness we had just shared wasn’t lost.

I was just beginning to nod off thinking that she was asleep when a cold spot on my chest told me that she was crying. I kissed her on top of the head. “Are you okay Savannah?” She only nodded her head and pulled me tighter. We stayed that way for quite a while, and then she moved up, gave me a sweet salty kiss, and left me in the dark alone. As I lay there drifting off I knew in my heart I had given her what she needed.

I was awoken from my sleep when my wife crawled in next to me. The Sun was just starting to lighten the room but the smile on her face made it even brighter. “Well, someone must have had a fun night. I haven’t seen you grin like that since last time the girls were over.” A soft look filled her eyes as she traced her fingers along the side of my face. “I really am glad I married you.” I really love it when she says that to me, but I was wondering what I had done this time to earn it. “Savannah told us why she was leaving our little get-together last night. When she came back she burst into tears and we all stopped what we’re doing. There was a huge group hug, and when she told us what you had said and done together it turned into a group cry. I don’t know if you realize how important last night was for that young girl, but you fixed that broken heart and bruised spirit and that will stick with her forever.”

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