Road Trip - Cover

Road Trip

by Kotton Khandy

Copyright© 2022 by Kotton Khandy

Incest Sex Story: Thirty year old daughter has to ride on her father's lap on the trip home from a family reunion.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Mother   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Exhibitionism   Squirting   .

Long trips riding on someone’s forbidden lap have always been some of my favorite stories. The forbidden desires. The exhibitionism of being able to be caught. The sheer naughtiness of it. This is my little take about riding on Daddy’s lap by a woman who is grown and get’s to live out her desires during a car trip home from a family reunion.

To keep people from messaging me asking later. No this is not real. This is fiction. No one in the story is real and everyone is at least thirty years of age.

We had been at a family reunion three hours ago now we were loading Aunt Sharon’s things in mom’s SUV. Dad was frustrated because things were just not leaving much room as he packed her things in the car.

“Dammit, June! I told you we should have brought my truck.” Dad was frustrated trying to load all of Aunt Sharon’s things into mom’s car.

“Shhh, Tommy. Sharon might hear you.”

Dad lowered his voice. “I am sorry honey, but we should have brought my truck instead of your Cadillac.”

“I know but it is too late now.”

“Can she at least leave the damn snow skis? There is no snow in Texas. Or hell even here in Louisiana. If you had gotten the luggage rack as I had suggested...” Dad trailed off seeing Aunt Sharon coming with an armload of pillows.

“Angie sweetie, could you get the rest of the pillows? They are on the couch.”

I nodded, “Sure Aunt Sharon, and headed in.

We had been to mom’s family reunion in Monroe, Louisiana today. Driving in yesterday we stayed in a nice little hotel last night with several other family members from out of town. During the reunion, Aunt Sharon and Uncle Remmie had gotten into a fight when he showed up late for lunch and drunk. Everyone had let them argue it out for half an hour till Uncle Remmie gave her a backhand. That prompted dad to ‘loaning’ him the use of a right hook, as dad called it against his chin.

Cops had come and gone with Uncle Remmie, but Aunt Sharon had had enough. She was dead set on coming back to Texas with us and mom was dead set on it happening today. So that left us with our current problems.

Four adults in a car that was designed for four adults plus all the things Aunt June was wanting to take. I was suddenly wishing I had stayed at home. James my husband had to work at the plant and was unable to attend. Wanting to go anyway I had called mom and of course, received the invitation to come along.

I returned outside with an armload of king-size pillows. Dad was quietly reorganizing that trunk area for at least the third time. He was right about the skis. Half the back seat had to be let down to get them in. Finally, dad stood up stretching his back.

“That is it. There is no way to get all this stuff and all four of us in the car.” He was using a conversational tone, but the frustration was evident.

I know I was suddenly fighting to keep from smiling as an idea formed in my head. “Daddy,” I touched his arm.

“Yeah, Babe.” Everyone has a pet name from their father I suppose, and mine had always been Babe since I was a babe. So, for thirty years.

“You and I can sit in the back.”

“Babe there is no way any two of us can fit in that seat. It is only a seat plus bout eight inches. Not even a seat and a half.”

“Mom and Aunt Sharon get car sick in the back seat, so that leaves us.”

“This is crazy. It will not work.” Aunt Sharon broke down into tears. Big old crocodile tears.

“We will figure it out,” Mom tried to console her pulling her into a hug.

I whispered to dad. “Look we can stuff the pillows over by the skis. It is what four hours?” Daddy nodded. “Well Daddy, I am the smallest.”


“I can sit in your lap. When you need a break mom can pull over and we can stretch.” Dad looked skeptical but he looked at a crying Aunt Sharon and mom starting to have tears. Sighing and doing what Daddy always did he took charge of the situation.

“Ok ladies. Here is what we are going to do. Babydoll, you are going to drive. Sharon, you will ride in the passenger seat and Angie has agreed to sit in my lap. When we need a break, we can pull over and stretch.”

“That’s just too much,” Aunt Sharon said. “I can’t ask you two to do that.”

“Mom, we can do this. Besides it is almost dark, hell daddy will probably be snoring in twenty minutes.”

“What about you?” Mom asked.

“The pillows. I will stack them beside me, and I can lay on them. That will leave most the weight off daddy and let me fall asleep also.”

“You sure you can hold her for four hours?” I could tell daddy wanted to sigh but he held it in.

“Yeah, she ain’t big as a minute anyway.” I gave dad a hip bump and a smile. He smiled back and gave me a little elbow back.

Mom was smiling now and trying to lift Aunt Sharon’s spirit. “See we have it worked out.”

Aunt Sharon nodded whipping her eyes. Aunt Sharon gave me a quick hug then dad. I noticed the hug she gave him had her pressed to him hard. Aunt Sharon pulled his head down kissing his lips just a quick one, but I could see the surprise in daddy’s eyes. I was also afraid one of them would see the jealousy I felt for a second. Mom had been walking to the house for one last check when all of it happened.

“Uh, you’re welcome, Sharon.” Daddy said.

“Wait. Daddy where did you put my bag?”

“On top, just open the hatch that is where all the bags are. I did not know if you ladies would need anything on the trip and did not want it buried.”

“Don’t lock up yet,” I called to Mom and Aunt Sharon. Opening the hatch, I retrieved some items from my bag. “Gonna change into something really comfy for the ride.”

I ran into the house having to calm my heart rate down a bit. I could already feel the wetness starting between my thighs. Being a member of StoriesOnline I had read many stories of cars, buses, or other trips where an innocent lap-sitting ended up in a pussy full of cum. They are my favorite stories. Hopefully, my number one fantasy was about to come true. The man I had wanted in me for years would hopefully end up in me. I looked at myself in the mirror and broke into laughter. Horny laughter. Getting myself together I exited the bathroom and headed back outside.

“Isn’t that what you slept in last night,” Mom asked seeing me in baggy navy shorts and a t-shirt daddy had given me a few years ago. One of his old worn t-shirts I had wanted. It was so big on me it hung to my knees.

“Yes, but I only wore it till I went to my room. I sleep naked.”

“TMI Babe,” Daddy said with a nervous chuckle. “Ok ladies. Lock up and load up.”

Five minutes later we were on the road. “Mom asked every few minutes if we were ok. “June we are fine other than the heat back here. I hate to say it but with everything packed around us we are not getting too much air so you two will probably be cold most of the trip.”

“I will freeze my tits off if it gets me away from that asshole.”

Dad reached around the seat patting aunt Sharon’s shoulder. “You are, and he will never do anything like that again.”

Mom turned on the radio and she and Aunt Sharon chatted. Daddy was leaning against the window his eyes closed. Me? I was a little frustrated. I figured he would have gotten a boner by now. I had maybe fifteen minutes till it was doing to be totally dark in the car, so I leaned over on the pillow to my left playing the innocent daughter.

Mom and aunt Sharon were chatting back and forth without a thought for us now and it was completely dark in the car. Aunt Sharon cracked a window and lit a cigarette. “Let me get one of those,” Mom said and powered open the sunroof some.

“I thought you quit.”

“Oh, I like one now and then. Especially after a good fuck.” Mom said making them laugh and me. “Shit, I forgot you were back there Angie.”

“Mom I am thirty. I have had a few fucks in my life. Never a good one though.”

“Sounds like you married the wrong man.” Aunt Sharon laughed. “I am sorry. I guess I am feeling silly getting away from Remmie after all these years.

I grinned and let out what was in my mind. “Yeah, sounds like mom married the right man from what I heard last night.”


“Yeah, she did.” Aunt Sharon said and they both exchanged a look and giggled.

“I see,” I said with a laugh.

“Oh hush,” mom said playfully and laughed again. “Go to sleep like your dad. He must be asleep, or he would have been gripping about us women talking about his cock.”


“Well shit. I...” Mom and Aunt Sharon laughed.

“That’s why your mom did not let me sit on his lap.”

“Sharon!” Mom was still laughing. “Do not give her any ideas back there. She is the biggest Daddy’s Girl already.”

I dropped out of the conversation wondering if daddy had fucked Aunt Sharon. I smiled and slowly started ease my baggy shorts down. Nobody could see me from the front due to me having stacked more of the pillows beside me and between me and the opening to the front seats. I was trying to avoid waking daddy as I eased them off. If I woke him, he might freak out and say something.

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