The Tale of Cin - Cover

The Tale of Cin

Copyright© 2022 by storyace

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A young Chinese woman emigrates to Canada with her younger brother. Cin was taught to respect her elders; although it seems some elders aren't very respectable.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Oriental Male   Oriental Female  

Jim fucked me hard, pressing the fronts of my thighs painfully against the edge of the desk, his hands on my ribs. I felt myself expand and contact as his big penis went in and out, in and out, the whole event was so wrong, how could it possibly feel so good?

I seemed to turn liquid, my orgasm shook the room and I think I screamed.

“I’m gonna come!” Jim declared.

“Don’t waste it man, pull out and let me have it.” Tom pleaded.

“Yeah, ok.” Tom agreed grudgingly, and I felt the big cock exit completely.

I stood up and turned; Jim’s big penis was already in Tom’s mouth and as he appeared to be ejaculating as the door opened again.

“Everything ok in here?” Dave asked kindly as he entered, “We heard someone scream. Oh wow! It looks like old Jim’s worked his magic here.”

He was staring at my exposed hairless groin.

I watched Jim’s face attentively as he made the most amusing expression, shuddering as he climaxed with the tip of his big penis in Tom’s mouth.

“Fuuuuuuck!” he muttered as Tom grunted, swallowed, and hummed happily down below.

I felt a sense of relief after Jim expelled his seed. His big penis was harmless then, disarmed.

Tom stood up, looking slightly dizzy, and grinned at me happily. “That was great!” he said enthusiastically, “Who’s next?”

Dave looked around the corner into the main room, and beckoned for another man to join us.

“What’s the score here, Dave?” the new man asked. He was even older than Jim, a small dried up thin man of 70 or 80 years. My first reaction was rejection; no, no, no, this one was just too old for me, it was going too far.

He had white hair pulled across a pale scalp, a cleanly shaved face, and the most wonderful smile as his eyes roamed up and down my exposed body.

I’d enjoyed several men almost as old ... I wouldn’t want to marry an old man, but as a lover what difference did it make, so long as we found each other attractive?

Because the old man was attractive in his way. Or maybe it was just the situation, I can’t say.

His delight as he fondled my breasts was contagious, I let him suckle my nipples and his fingers stroked across my back, shoulders, and neck. He bit my ears and we looked into each other’s eyes as Tom went to work. I ran my fingers over his old face, pulling lightly at his loose skin, because if I was going to have the experience I wanted to have all of it.

“I love your hair!” he said to me as he ran his fingers through it. “So thick and shiny.”

I smiled at him compliment and asked him if he had children, just to make conversation.

“Yes.” He grunted, “Grandkids too. Damn, your tits are wonderful. Never mind me, why are you here? Do you really like this?”

“I guess I’m exploring my desires.” I said as he sensuously fondled my breasts. “Why do men like female breasts so much?”

“Affirmation of sexuality.” He told me, “Women’s breasts feel like nothing else; and when the nipples stand up like that it’s a sign that you’re turned on. Or just cold!”

“Well, I’m not cold.” I told him as he ran his hand over my ass, and then we kissed again as he penetrated me with two fingers, masturbating me while looking into my eyes.

His fingers could do things that a penis couldn’t. the flexed in me and it felt strange and good. The old man held my young body tight, he kissed me lightly and smiled as he saw that I was enjoying it too.

I moaned softly, knowing that soon I’d climax. I looked at the old man, so happy at his ability to pleasure me, his penis stiff in Tom’s mouth, his eyes had seen much, when I was born he was already old, I didn’t even know his name, and it didn’t matter.

“Yes, yes!” he whispered, “Come for me, honey. Look into my eyes and come.”

“Will you come too?” I asked, “At the same time?”

“Yes! Yes I will.” He promised, and we just looked at each other as his fingers went in and out, his other hand on the small of my back, Tom sucking cock for all he was worth, and the old man’s face started to change.

His breathing got shorter, deeper. I felt a hot tension and I knew I was coming too.

“Oh yeah! Yeah!” he mumbled as we shared the most wonderful orgasm too strangers could.

He smiled kindly as he ejaculated unashamedly into my friend’s mouth.

“That was awesome.” The little old man said as he buckled his belt, “You always gave the best head. What are you up to these days?”

“We both work at Meridian advertising.” Tom told him as he stood up to rinse his mouth at the sink.

“Meridian! No shit.” The old man said. “Our bank is holding their note. Some guys from the old days are here, and a few new fellas.”

The old man put a hand on my face and kissed me one last time. “And thank you too, sweetheart.” He said sincerely, “You’re a very beautiful girl, I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

I hadn’t realized I was looking for anything before he told me so.

He opened the door and as he stepped out, another man stepped in.

This one was really good looking, and quite young. He was tall and lean, with a very tight rear.

“Hi, I’m Harold.” He told us nervously, “Listen, I’m really not into this sort of thing, I don’t want the guys to know. They’re a really macho bunch, you know?”

Tom looked at Harold intensely, then wrapped his fingers around the man’s neck, pulled him tight, and kissed him right on the mouth.

“Cin, we’ll be changing positions for Harold.” Tom told me.

Harold moaned softly and surrendered. I sat on my knees and removed his shoes, trousers, and underwear as he and Tom kissed each other.

I wasn’t sure about this at all; once again I thought about retrieving my clothes and getting away; I didn’t want to disappoint Tom. So I went ahead.

Harold’s penis was stiff and excited in my hands, and I examined it with interest. Just six inches at most, and his testicles were small and tight below, like Sam’s. The shape of the crown was unique, the veins. It was fascinating how each penis was slightly different; you could look at faces all day any day, but how else could one study a random selection of male organs?

I liked holding it. My hands stroked and caressed the hard young penis, and after a minute my doubts lifted away. I could do my part here and pleasure the young man.

I opened my mouth and sucked him in. It felt nice in my mouth; all penises feel nice in my mouth. I sucked and stroked as I thought about that.

I enjoyed sex so much, I wondered if I was addicted to it. The thrill of this evening in the back room of the sports bar was quite intense. Harold was the sixth stranger within an hour, and I was gratefully anticipating his ejaculation.

Yes, I wanted it in my mouth. I wanted to feel the semen fill my face, I wanted to taste stranger come.

I looked up at his face as he started to quiver. He was staring at Tom, their eyes locked together as I felt the first burst of semen shoot into my waiting mouth. Another, a third, and a fourth as I sucked and swallowed.

It was just like Barney’s come, like Ralph’s come, like my young brother Sam’s come. Yet different, because every man was different. That was why I was here.

“Oh man.” The young man groaned, “I have a girlfriend!”

“Don’t string her along, it isn’t fair.” Tom told him.

“It’s not like that, I love her.” Harold argued weakly as he got dressed.

“Whatever, man.” Tom said, “Who’s next? Hey Cin, you should rinse your mouth out with something strong. Here, use this.”

He gave me a bottle of strong liquor. I didn’t drink any, I just forced the harsh liquid around my teeth and spat it out into the sink that was on one wall.

When I turned, another man was looking at me; he appeared to be afraid. I wondered about that; I realized my own fear was almost gone. And in its place was power.

Power over my inhibitions, power to suck, power to fuck, to take and give pleasure, to defy convention.

This stranger, man number seven, was afraid of me! Because I was what he wanted. Perhaps he was married, or had religion, or some other prohibition.

I was still wearing my shoes and stockings, other than that I was naked, my firm little breasts standing proud, weapons in the battle between accepted behavioral standards and our wild base desire.

His fear drove mine away. I was the predator now! I smiled in triumph as I took his face in my hands and kissed his mouth, his hands had to hold me, he couldn’t resist.

Because I was young and beautiful, what men want.

Tom sat in a chair and watched as I kissed number seven passionately for a few long minutes, as I opened his trousers to get cock number seven into my hands, and then into my mouth.

He sat on the desk, legs open, cock up as I went at him. He was hard, and made the right noises, but didn’t come. His penis filled my mouth with pleasure, power, sensuality.

I realized that I could not make him come. Some men could be controlled, some couldn’t. I realized there was so much more to know.

Perhaps it was impossible to really understand it all; sex, submission, desire, pleasure, lust, penises, ejaculations, emotions. Maybe I could have sex with a hundred men and still not understand.

The penis slid in and out of my mouth, it was nice. Hands held my head too, I steadied myself by holding his legs.

If I had ten men this one night, a hundred wasn’t so many I thought to myself as I sucked him.

Suddenly, he lifted me and turned. setting me onto the desk. He dropped to his knees and he smashed his face against my hot wet vagina.

I was coming within a second; I looked down into his eyes, and they were lovely eyes. Kind eyes that did more for me than his rapidly flicking tongue. Yes, I could have a hundred men, but instead of servicing them, they could service me! I liked that idea. A hundred tongues, two hundred eyes, a hundred orgasms, then I might get to grips with the subject.

He stood, my ankles in his hands, his penis ready to enter.

“Hey! Hold up there man, you need to wear a rubber for that.” Tom said, “Hold still, just give me a second.”

We were frozen there, staring at each other. Nameless strangers, my ankles in his hands and my wet waiting vagina open in front of his hard waiting penis.

He was sort of average. Non-descript. Brown hair, brown eyes, not fat nor thin. His penis was average too, pleasantly sized. I saw Tom behind him, reaching around to roll a condom on.

“Ok, go on.” Tom said, and the middle aged middle size man slid his average cock up my tight wet tunnel.

“Holy shit!” he exclaimed, “You’re tighter than a duck’s ass!”

It felt so good.

Wild, crazy surrender. Not to man seven, but to myself. To my wild side, the dark secret sexuality that was inside.

Where his penis was.

I held his biceps, they were strong, his cock was strong, his face was exultant, he’d gotten what he wanted.

He thrust in and pulled out, we looked at each other, two strangers having sex. I felt a sudden sense of shock about it all; how did I get here, my ass on this hard wooden desk in a back room in a foreign country getting fucked by a succession of men?

I squeezed my vagina and smiled at him, wondering who he was, whether he was in a relationship, what sort of home he lived in...

And I watched his face as he came, the twist, the surprise, the shock even though he was definitely not a virgin and knew what was going to happen.

I didn’t come myself, and it was ok. I enjoyed it anyway.

Man seven stumbled back, as man eight entered the room.

“I thought it was just blowjobs.” He said in a startled tone.

“You need to get undressed and put a rubber on it.” Tom told him, “Hey, I know you don’t I? Yeah, I remember you have a big one.”

I was surprised; he was a small man, thin shoulders, weak chin. Thinning light brown hair speckled with grey. A tired face, 60ish.

“This is quite irregular.” The man said, staring at me with a wonderful mixture of curiosity, horror, and desire.

“That’s for sure.” Tom said, “Come on man, in or out?” I faced him, leaning back against the edge of the desk. What was I now?

Some would say ‘whore’, but that is not correct. Whores do it for money.

Sex addict; Possible, but that would mean I can’t stop myself. Since I hadn’t tried to stop myself, that status was unknown.

Slut; I don’t like the term, it is not clearly defined. But I suppose I have to accept it.

This man, number 8, had a kind face framed by round steel frame glasses. He was in his 40’s, with thin ginger hair and pale eyes. He was dressed in a well fitted suit that looked expensive, and he wore black leather shoes.

“You’re a very beautiful girl.” He said to me sincerely, “Is this what you want?”

“Yes.” I said simply, waiting impatiently.

He approached me and looked into my eyes intently, then whispered in my ear so Tom wouldn’t hear his words over the noise from the bar.

“You’re truly here by your own choice?” He asked.

I realized that he was concerned I might be a trafficked or abused woman. That seemed so sweet, that I kissed him and then opened his belt.

He was really large. Man 8 sighed in pleasure as my hands brought his big penis to full erection, 10 inches or more, the weight of it was wonderful even though he wasn’t as big as Jim.

I pushed his trousers down, he sat on the desk and fondled my breasts as Tom took off his shoes. I noticed a wedding ring, and I hesitated.

It was too late to stop now. His big penis and big smile were drawing me closer, I dropped to my knees and sucked him. He moaned and held my face in his hands, but I could only fit a small portion of him in my mouth. I looked up at him; another face to study, another penis too. I knew I had to stop soon, things had really gone too far.

It was such fun though!

I sucked on man 8’s big penis, looked into his eyes, and reflected on that. Why did I like this so much that I was willing to accept the risks? Why did it feel so good to be touched, kissed, admired by strange men who really just wanted to relieve their lust on me?

My neck was getting tired from bobbing my head forward and back over the hard hot penis. I didn’t want to stop, I wanted to suck, suck, suck! I wanted him to come in my mouth so I could taste his semen, I wanted to look into his eyes and see his soul when he succumbed.

He had his own ideas though, and he lifted my face, kissed me, and then sat me on the desk and lifted my legs.

He’d seen the other man do it that way and he wanted it too.

Tom put a condom on the big penis and then he slid it inside me.

Well, I was expecting more. Somehow, I thought the big size was why I came so quickly with Jim.

Don’t get me wrong, it was very nice inside, it did feel better than normal size organs.

I realized that for me, it’s not the cock that makes me come. It’s the thrill of coupling.

The smell, the danger, the tactile sensations of flesh on flesh, hands, tongues, touch, and the thrill of my partner. The pleasure he feels, his excitement as he gets wat he wants, and his penis is hard for me and his semen flows optimistically.

Of course, a big penis is also nice.

Man 8 was too excitable. I barely came and he exploded, gasping and clutching me tight. He looked sorry afterwards, ashamed of what he’d done.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him softly, holding his face.

“I have a wife.” He said, almost in tears.

I felt bad for a second. Then I decided that I wasn’t responsible for his choice. I hadn’t seduced him, he’d entered the room knowing what was happening here. Still, there were consequences to this that I had to consider.

Man 9 was large and strong, his penis was small and strong. He was muscular and somewhat hairy. He held me Off the floor with his elbows under my knees, his hard little cock tight in my vagina as I held onto the back of his neck.

“This is good!” I laughed as he lifted me up and down.

“It sure is!” he agreed, “I always wanted to do it this way but I never found a girl small enough. Uh, uh, damn, you’re so tight! Hey man, do you think you can get in there and suck my balls?” he asked Tom optimistically.

“Sure, open your legs and don’t move too much.” Tom said, sliding under.

“Holy FUCK!” the muscular man exclaimed, shuddering and holding me tightly. “Sorry honey. I should have held out for you.”

“It’s ok.” I said sincerely as I got my feet back down on the floor.

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