The Tale of Cin - Cover

The Tale of Cin

Copyright© 2022 by storyace

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young Chinese woman emigrates to Canada with her younger brother. Cin was taught to respect her elders; although it seems some elders aren't very respectable.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Oriental Male   Oriental Female  

One Friday, there was another man at the McDonnell household when Sam and I arrived. He was introduced to us as Philip. I didn’t think much of it, until Barney told me to go ahead and undress.

I stared at him in incomprehension for a moment; how could I possibly do as he had instructed? There was a stranger present!

“Go on, Cin.” He insisted. “Go in the other room and put on the negligee I got you he other day. Don’t wear anything under it; go on, now.”

“Yes, Barney.” I answered him. When we were at his house, I had learned to respond like that, or he would get cross with me. I hated it when that happened.

Philip was an older man, probably older than my lover. He was African American, with very dark skin and thin white hair. I shuddered as I put on the slight garment that I had earlier looked forward to wearing in front of my friends. It was worse than being stark naked; my body could be seen clearly through the gauzy black nylon. I felt cold in it, and I felt my nipples harden, as if part of the conspiracy to humiliate me.

I stood in the bathroom, not wanting to expose myself to the stranger; but I knew my lover would soon get impatient, so I steeled myself, and stepped out into the main room.

My hostess stood with the three men, and they were all laughing comfortably at some joke. Barney saw me; “Ah, there she is. Our little Cin, isn’t she lovely?”

The others all agreed, as I stood frozen in delicious embarrassment.

The hem of the negligee was just covering my groin, and I knew if I moved, I would be revealed even more than I already was.

“Cin, sweetheart, refresh our drinks, won’t you?” Joy requested. I felt hot in my face and cold everywhere else as I poured wine, standing in my nakedness amidst my fully dressed friends and the stranger.

Philip was tall and lean, and his eyes roamed over me without any apparent uncertainty. He smiled at my obvious unease.

“Isn’t she a dish, Phil?” Barney asked him, “And she’s so obedient. She’ll do anything for me, right, Cin?”

“Yes, Barney.”

“Wonderful, Barney.” My lover’s guest said, smiling at me again in a way that made me even more self-conscious.

My brother hid behind his wine meanwhile, and wouldn’t meet my eyes. I couldn’t blame him; how could he look at his older sister in such a situation?

They all sat at the table, and I served the food that was waiting for me in the kitchen. As I tottered around the table in my heels with the tray, I felt a hand brush up the back of my naked leg, from the calf up to my upper thigh. I didn’t look down, I just pretended I didn’t notice; but I knew it was Philip. I was just mortified.

And I admit, just a little bit excited also.

After I had cleared the plates [a woman came and cleaned in the morning], Barney was talking to his friend about me.

“She comes every Friday; several times! Haha, anyway, Sam here always has fun, don’t you Sam? Don’t worry, Cin, Philip is a really old friend of ours. She’s really opened up since she’s been seeing me. She rims me and everything.”

I thought I would die: I hoped that my brother didn’t know what “Rimming” was.

“She’s got great legs.” Philip said, “But how come you haven’t shaved her?”

“Well, I’ve been breaking her in slowly.” Barney said defensively.

“What do you think, Sam?” Philip asked my brother, “Would you like your old lady to be all baby smooth?”

“Well, I ... I don’t know.” My brother stammered.

“Of course he would.” Joy said, “He loves me that way, don’t you, darling? Sam just loves to lick a smooth crotch.” And she kissed him on the mouth.

“This will be fun.” Philip said, looking at me again in that way that made me so uncomfortable. “Sit here on the table, honey.”

I looked at Barney for help; “Go on, Cin. Do as he says.” He told me. “I’ll get some hot water and things.”

Trembling, I hoisted my bottom onto the dining room table. “Spread your legs, sweetheart.” The strange man said. My lover was in the other room; I didn’t know what to do.

“Go on, Cin!” Joy told me; “Don’t be shy, we’re all friends here.” I felt short of breath; the stranger’s dark hands took my knees and gently pulled them open. His hands were dark brown, soft and warm, and I noticed his fingernails were perfectly clean and clipped.

He took my left ankle and stretched my leg out, placing my foot on the table edge. “Here, Joy; hold her foot, will you?” he said to our hostess, before taking my other foot, and gently but firmly, pulling it the other way, pulling me completely open, exposing my most private organ to himself.

“Here, Sam; hold your wife’s other foot.” He said to my poor brother. “This is really cool. Ah, just in time, Barney. You’re right, she’s one swell dish.”

I felt so betrayed; my own brother was holding my foot, my friend and hostess was holding the other. My lover handed the older stranger a small pair of scissors.

His large confident hand held my exposed thigh; I was forced back onto my elbows, I looked through the valley of my breasts at the smiling white haired black man. I could feel my poor exposed vagina quiver in expectation.

As I look back on this event, I realize that despite the fear, shame, and immense humiliation, I also felt considerable sexual excitement as I opened my legs to a complete stranger.

He didn’t touch me there; not at first. My breath was short and ragged as he clipped my pubic hair away, the scissors frightening and cold when they touched me. Joy and Barney watched, smiling. I didn’t dare look at my brother. Could he be watching? looking into my shame?

Business like, Philip brushed shaving foam over my groin; it was warm, and somehow less frightening than the scissors.

He hummed happily as he began to scrape around down there, where even I had rarely groomed or fussed. It was cold then; I could feel the slightest draft against my damp smooth groin.

His finger touched my clitoris; it made me shiver again, but I didn’t dare move with the razor there. He pulled my sensitive flesh to one side to shave the other.

As he finished, he dipped his thick brown finger blatantly inside me; I gasped, and involuntarily I lifted my stretched hips, which drove his finger deeper in.

There was soft laughter from everyone.

“She’s all hot and bothered.” Philip said, before using a warm wet towel to clean me.

“Who goes first?” he asked Barney.

I stared at my lover in alarm; first?

“You have first taste, Phil. It was your idea.” Barney said.

“Is that all right with you, Sam?” the black man asked my brother, “She’s your wife. Maybe you should taste her first.”

“Oh, no. That’s okay.” Sam said.

“Well then.” Philip said, and I watched his white and brown head drop between my still wide open legs.

Icy hot, his negro tongue lashed my defenseless sex; the sheer disgrace of it nearly overcame me. I felt a burning below my stomach, a tightness; a growing orgasm as my ankles were held open, as my lover looked on while a stranger licked me mercilessly.

There was nothing I could do; I couldn’t prevent it, and I couldn’t prevent everyone from seeing it. I came, looking at his old brown eyes staring intently back at me from his odd position.

Then Barney squatted down and licked me, his familiar tongue reassuring even in this odd setting. I wanted to come for him, I wanted to show everyone that he was really my lover, not Philip; but somehow, I just couldn’t.

“Let Sam have a turn, now.” Joy said. “Go on, Sam. Show us how you pleasure your young wife.”

“Why don’t you try?” Sam said to her.

“You naughty boy!” Joy said, and I was surprised to see her blush; I had never seen even a hint of uncertainty in her before. “I suppose you’d all like to see me do that?” she asked the men.

“Go on, Joy,” Philip said to her, “Our little plaything is getting cold. Let’s see you do it.”

My friend giggled like a schoolgirl, and knelt down to get her face to my bald wet vagina.

I waited for her touch; I felt very odd about this. I had never had any homosexual urges, and yet I was excited by this new depravity; this further degeneracy. I found myself anxious to feel her tongue, to know even Joy had done it to me, joining in the decadence.

“Oh no, I can’t!” she said, standing up.

“Come on now, Joy, do it for me.” Philip said.

Joy bit her lip, and lowered her head again; this time, her tongue slid across my wet waiting slot; the boys held my ankles steady as I writhed helplessly, staring into her bright blue eyes.

Her soft fingers traced sensuously across my belly and hips as her hot little tongue investigated the folds of my vagina. Her tongue was no different than that of her husband or their friend Philip; yet the feeling was totally new.

A woman; my friend, my lover’s wife, my brother’s lover. She was at my groin, pleasuring me, licking me. As the men all watched.

Hands, men’s hands, began to caress my body; touching me, stroking me, appreciating my smooth young oriental skin. It was too much; I had no dignity left at all, no education, no class. I had no intellect; I only had my body and the sensual things that were being done to it. I clutched Joy by her lovely blond hair, and I thrust myself against her mouth, coming again. I heard myself groaning, gasping, it was horrible and fantastic all at once.

Even the orgasm was a degradation. It was proof of my unspoken acquiescence.

“Your turn, Sam.” I heard Joy saying.

Alarmed, I looked at my brother; he was shaking his head, a look of almost comic alarm on his face. Joy put her arm around his shoulder, and steered him towards my waiting hairless valley.

The older woman stood behind him, and with a hand on each of his cheeks, she directed his face down and forward.

“You don’t want to be the only one who hasn’t tasted her, do you?” she asked him, “She’s all smooth and fresh, darling. Have you shown her all the things I’ve taught you?”

For a moment, I caught my brother’s eye; he was truly distressed, but didn’t know how to refuse. For myself, I find it hard to explain my lack of protest through this entire sordid evening. I was somehow numbed by it all, unable to find the strength to resist these people and their depraved desires.

And then my brother’s young mouth fitted itself to that strange mound of flesh that was normally hidden; he opened his mouth wide, and encapsulated my groin.

For a second, I thought it was a clever ruse; he could pretend to do it while not committing incest. But then he started to suck.

I felt my lips swell into his mouth; then I felt his tongue touch me for the first time. It darted in and out, up and down my bulging clitoris, stimulating me in a different way than the others had. My own brother! I’d thought my shame could be no greater, but I’d been wrong. Now I was allowing even my own little brother to do it to me, and I was going mad; I shook with tension, with my powerlessness. I wallowed in the fantastic forbidden secret, and came against my brother’s fantastic talent.

I lay back on the table, trying to come to terms with what had happened; my ankles were released, and my legs swung out, hanging limply and rather uncomfortably. “I suppose you boys all want your fun now.” I heard joy saying, “Barney, get a quilt and some pillows from the closet please.”

I stood up on shaking legs, the 5 inch heels I still wore not doing much to improve my balance. Sam and Joy were clearing off the coffee table in the adjoining room, as Barney brought some bedding in. suddenly, I realized what was going to happen; they all wanted me. They were making a place where they could all have their way with me, where they could each use me as the others watched!

The big negro put his arm around my shoulders; he stood higher than me despite my shoes. I turned my head to look at him, and saw that he was now completely naked.

“This is going to be a whole lot of fun, baby.” He said to me.

His black penis arced out before him, half hard; I shuddered, and felt a quiver run through my belly and groin.

“Touch it. Go on, don’t be shy; take it in your hand.” He said.

How was it, I wondered, that I always did what these men told me? It was as though my free will was no longer operating when I was here.

It felt fascinating; I squeezed the head in my palm and then let the warm stiffening shaft slide through my fingers.

It was big; not thicker than Barney’s white member, but considerably longer. The proportions were mesmerizing as it grew to its full length and power at my touch.

“Come on, sweetie. It’s your time.” He said, and steered me towards the waiting table, like a lamb to the slaughter.

They all watched silently as Philip laid my naked body out on the table; a fresh meal for the old men to cherish and enjoy. A young sacrifice on the altar of their lust.

The big old black man placed his knees under my armpits; the tip of his cock brushed my lips.

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