New Child Parent - Cover

New Child Parent

by Harry Bolo

Copyright© 2022 by Harry Bolo

Romantic Story: You never want this call. I was at home at 8.30 in the evening and the tragedy continues for dad and baby daughter.

Caution: This Romantic Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Rags To Riches   Tear Jerker   Sharing   Safe Sex   .

You never want this call. I was at home at 8.30 in the evening, I just put Lola to bed, our 2 year old daughter. When I am home alone with her, I let her stay up later, Only 30 minutes but she enjoys it.

The two police officers asked to enter. I request they remove their shoes. They did. We sat down in the lounge room and they informed me my wife has been in a traffic accident and killed by a run-a-way truck. The driver was in the shop buying a drink and he left the engine running. The truck, full of blue metal gravel, pushed my wife’s vehicle into a concrete wall and crushed the car. They identified my wife through her purse. They requested permission to visit her bathroom. I followed in a daze. They removed some hair from her hair brush and her toothbrush together with a pair of her unwashed underwear.

They asked me if they could call anyone to be with me, I dismissed them as we did not get on with our parents. They both did not like our choices, so we moved away and never told them where we moved to. The police left. I walked into Lola’s room, picked her up, and took her to our bedroom. I hugged her as I laid on the bed and fell asleep still fully dressed.

I was awakened with Lola trying to open my eyes. My tears filled dry red eyes. I held Lola and cuddled her. She laughed and wanted to play. I realised life must go on and I have to bring Lola into this world without her mother. I cried again whilst playing with Lola. I took Lola, removed her nappy and put on training pants, we went into the kitchen for breakfast. We had a good time. I let Lola play in her den as I rang my boss’s boss. I explained what occurred and requested 3 months of urgent leave. I’m asking him as he knew the relationship between me and my newly appointed boss was not good. He immediately agreed and sent me an email to my private address. He also instructed me to switch off my company phone and not to open my company email account for one week. This I did.

I rang my parents and told them what occurred. They were happy she was not around and demanded I return home. They would raise the baby, rename her and I could continue working. I was pissed off with their attitude. I hung up on them angry. I rang her parents telling them. They wanted to collect our baby and her body and told me to get on with my own life. This really pissed me off even more. Even in death those two families would not put aside their differences. Well I decided they would never see their granddaughter until she was ready.

I looked at Lola playing in her den and cried. She came over to me and hugged me then said ‘potty daddy’. Life brings you back to reality. I took her to the toilet. We spent the next few days playing, cleaning, cooking, cuddling, bathing and sleeping. Finally on Friday we needed to go shopping. I opened the front door and got into my car. It was hard. After strapping in Lola, I drove to the shops.

I am a work from home dad and did a lot of things like being a home daddy.

I did the shopping as if it was the three of us until I went to get vegetables then I realised I only needed enough for 1.5 not 2.5. We finished the groceries shopping and placed it in the car. Returning to the centre Lola said poo poo daddy. I took her to the parent room and the kids toilet. Inside was a teen feeding a very small baby. I smiled at her. She smiled back. Another woman in the room demanded I leave as this was only for ladies. I looked at the sign and pointed it out ‘Parent room’ not ladies. She stormed out to get security.
The teen girl said “She is a bossy bitch Mister, be careful.”
I replied “She might be upset because I smiled at you doing what nature intended and thought I was pedo or something. My daughter is only 2 years old. I’m Tom by the way.”
“Hi I’m Sally, thank you, funny most men enjoy me feeding my baby, it is the older women who complain. Tough. Look out she is back.” Sally said.
“Look there he is, he should not be here and what is he doing to that girl?” she squawked.
I replied “I’m changing my daughter’s dirty nappy.” and showed them the contents, both her and the guard turned away in disgust. Sally laughed. I wiped away the mess and closed the nappy up. I replaced her nappy and put the soiled nappy in the container. Lola went to Sally’s baby and looked at him drinking. The baby smiled at her.

The guard stated “You know lady this room is for parents, do you have a baby in this room?”
She um a few times. “Please leave the room for ‘Parents’ not adults. I’ll escort you out madam. Sorry to disturb you folk’s.” He said. She left with him, Sally laughed.
Lola kissed the baby’s head and walked over to me grabbing my hand. I said goodbye to Sally as she continued to feed her baby.

I went out to the middle of the shopping centre and got myself a coffee. Lola had a baby mixture of donuts (little bits) and some of mine. She loved the sugar, it was a treat only.

On returning home she helped, in her small way, to put the shopping away. At no time in the last week did she ask for mummy and I did not notice. I still cried at night in my empty bed.
It was now two months since the accident and I was approached by the insurance company with a $150,000 payout for the accident. I felt this was very low. I did not reply immediately.

The following week there was a flyer in the letterbox about a new playgroup in the area and all kids under 4 could attend. I felt it would be good for Lola to be with other children. We went along to the first meeting. I was the only dad with at least 6 mums. 4 knew each other. We let the kids play whilst we supervised. Lola kept running back to me every time I stood up then went back to the play area when I sat down again. On the last change I sat next to a very quiet red-haired lady, who like me was a first timer. Her name was Misty.

I looked at her when she said her name “That is a most beautiful name and from my first impression suits you well. Thank you.”
Lola arrived holding a boy’s hand “Daddy this is Lloyd.” in her 2½ year old way
Misty smiled “Well Lloyd my son, do you have a girlfriend now?”
He smiled at her and me replying “Yes mummy.” and they ran away to play.

Misty said “Well hello Tom, thank you for my name complement, most people take the mickey. Your daughter is very beautiful and forward.”
“Yes she has the beauty of her mother and it seems the brains of both of us. For her age she appears to be very intelligent. Always looking at my project books, picture books and can handle the TV remote better than I can.” I replied.

Misty smiled “Yes they seem just to understand. How come you are here and not your wife?”
I dropped my head to hide my wet eyes. “I am a widow.” I replied very quietly.
Misty moved very close to me. “I understand. Same here.” Our shoulders touched as we looked at our kids. They looked at us, smiled, waved, and continued playing. We waved and looked at each other. Misty stated “Life goes on. It seems every time I am down Lloyd does something that makes me realise I have him to look after and a life to lead.”
I smiled “Same here with Lola, I get sad and she does something to remind me about life. Our life together.”
The meeting was about to finish when our kids came over and Lola said “Dad, Lloyd is coming home with me for lunch.” and they walked away to wash their hands.
I looked at Misty “Well if my daughter invited your son, I shall invite you for lunch, interested?” All the other ladies were too busy talking to notice us.
Misty looked at them, smiled at me, and replied “Accepted.”

After saying our farewells we left for our place. Lola immediately took Lloyd and showed him around the house and her play area. They played very well together. I made Misty a decent coffee then started on a salad for lunch. I did explain what happened to my wife. She also explained what happened to her husband. He was shot at work. Misty did not say what work he did.

We enjoyed a lovely roast beef salad lunch and as the kids played, we sat in the lounge room. Misty saw the letter from the insurance company and the fact I had not taken any action. She asked me if she could look into it for me as she has some legal training. I shrugged my shoulders and replied yes sure. I have no idea what to do. The only question she asked was what my gross income was last year. I told her around 150k. She smiled and we discussed the kids further. Around 3pm Misty called Lloyd and they departed, agreeing to meet again on Thursday for shopping at 9am Misty and I looked at each other and agreed as we both needed to shop anyway.

On Tuesday Misty rang and a quick question regarding my wife’s income last year. I mentioned it was around 90k. If she would like to hang on for a few minutes I could tell her the actual figure. Misty answered at this stage it’s not necessary yet but Lloyd is looking forward to Thursday. I replied so is Lola. She has a pretty dress out and ready. We chatted for a few minutes then she hung up. I lingered holding the phone grateful for some adult talk.

It was Thursday. Lola came into my bedroom at 7am smiling “Are you ready to have a shower and get ready to meet Misty so I can see Lloyd please daddy.” I laughed and got out of bed and hugged my daughter. We had breakfast then I got ready. Lola needed some help to get ready. We arrived at the shops 15 minutes early. Guess who was waiting, Lloyd. As soon as he saw Lola he ran to her and she ran to him, as long lost lovers. It was classic to see. Misty and I laughed as they hugged each other. We walked together laughing as we kissed each other and a quick friendly hug. We walked to the coffee shop, the kids held hands and sat together whilst we got their drinks and nibbles.

The two of them sat and chatted in child code whilst I talked to Misty about her week. She was very lucky as her mum did a bit of baby sitting whilst she did some research work. We finished our drinks and started our shopping Lola and Lloyd just handed their items to us as they continued talking, it was amazing to see. Misty and I looked at each, shaking our heads. We paid for our shopping and returned them to the cars. Misty asked if I could come around tomorrow morning to review the legal letter. Before I could say yes Lola stated “He will be there before 9am so Lloyd and I can play all morning, isn’t that right Lloyd?”
Lloyd replied “Yes Lola, I can show you my play area as well. Do you swim?”
Lola replied “No but dad will teach me. We will see you tomorrow.” and they hugged.
I looked at Misty “Decision made, shall I bring swimmers?”
Misty laughed. “Yes, see you tomorrow before 9am.” We hugged and cheek kissed.

I returned to the shops to get Lola a pair of swimmers and a new beach towel. Well she picked out the towel. After putting the shopping away I packed a bag of clothes for Lola, our swimmers and some extra clothes just in case I got wet as well. That afternoon at 2pm Lola climbed on my lap, kissed my lips and fell asleep for her nap. I carried her to her bed and spent 10 minutes just looking at her breathing. Tears rolled down my eyes, I was at the crossroads of missing my wife, looking after our daughter and thinking about Misty. The main thought/message was, life goes on.

Meeting Misty the next day, Lloyd took Lola’s hand and showed her around the house. Her parents were out at present. I had coffee with Misty. She explained it is her house but her ‘grandparents’ were on a three year assignment locally and she asked them to live with her. Her parents and her husband’s have passed on so now she only has her godparents who she calls mum and pop. As the kids were playing well Misty went through the legal work with me. It was outside of my knowledge and I was prepared for her to proceed with arbitration before formal court action. She explained some 70% get solved in this way. The only delay is the meeting could be next week or next year, depending on when a gap appears. She submitted the arbitration application online as they spoke. A case number came back. Misty printed this out. I emailed a copy to myself.

They went out to the kids. Lloyd asked “Mum can we have a swim now, and do we have to put swimmers on?”

Lola replied “I have new ones to show you Lloyd. Come on, let’s change.” They started to undress without a care of anything. I looked at Misty. “Kids no care.” I opened her bag and got out her new swimmers. Putting them on Misty came over and showed me how to put on female swimmers. I had no idea. Never done it before. Lloyd had his own. We put sunscreen on the kids.
They went to the pool gate with Lola saying “Come on dad get changed!”

I looked at Misty to see where to change. She looked at me without saying a word. So I stripped off and put on my swimmers. Misty turned around and did the same. We entered the pool. Misty took the kids and explained the rules. I dived in as Misty’s swimsuit was very nice and I was in need of ‘cooling’ down. Misty smiled at me.

I came over to Lola and Lloyd. We let them play in the spa area. I took Lola into the main pool and got her to walk out. She soon realised it was deep and the need to stay in the spa area. Lloyd apparently had been given the same exercise. Misty and I swam for a while both keeping an eye on the kids on this warm day. We did bump into each other a few times. After some 30 minutes we floated in the pool watching the kids and quietly talking. She did have a nice body.

Without realising what I was saying I asked “I would like to take you and Lloyd out for dinner tonight. Will you accept?” Misty looked at me “I will accept but Lloyd has a previous engagement, If you allow, Lola could join him?” She swam over to him before I could say anything.
Misty asked “Lloyd you know this is Nonna night, would you like to have a friend with you?”
Lloyd looked very happy “Only if it is Lola!” he answered in his 2 year old way.
Lola answered “Yes Daddy I am going out with Lloyd tonight.”
Misty answered “Lloyd is generally asleep by 7.30 exhausted by Nonno. It’s my night off and I go out with friends. I do not have anything organised yet so yes I will accept if you allow Lola to stay here with Lloyd.”
Without a chance of Tom answering Lola replied “He accepts.” Misty laughs.
I replied “I will need to go home to change but I did bring a few clothes for Lola.”
Lloyd asked “Lunch time mummy please?”
Misty asked, “By the pool son?” He nodded yes.

We got out of the pool and dried off. I sat outside of the pool gate with the kids. They were fine and played by themselves. I just watched. Misty came out with some drinks, then returned with some sandwiches and fruit sticks and dips. They had to eat their sandwich first before the dips. Lloyd showed Lola. I sat close to Misty. No Misty sat very close to me, I could feel her body heat.

Lloyd said to Lola “We prepared these this morning for you, they are yummy.”
Lola replied, much to my amazement “Thank you Lloyd. We appreciate it.” Where the hell is she getting these words from, I wondered.
I looked at Misty. She stated “Yes I wonder, myself.” As if she read my mind.
After we finished the sandwiches and dip Lloyd asked “Now mummy please?”
Misty asked, “Coffee Tom?” I nodded. Lloyd and Misty walked inside the house.
We heard “Lloyd wait for the kettle please.” They came out, Misty with two hot drinks and two poppers. Lloyd had a basket of cupcakes all iced with various sweets. You could see he had iced them with either Misty or his Nonna. He handed one to Lola with a heart on it.

“This is yours Lola.” He stated and offered me one from the basket. He gave one to his mum, put the basket on the table and got another one, again with a heart on it, and sat close to Lola showing his cake had the same sweet. I had a hard time not laughing. I looked at Misty, who looked at me with the same expression. We just smiled and ate our cake. Later I mentioned to Misty If this is what they are like now, what are they going to be like in 15 years.
Misty replied “no comment.” laughing.

Misty stated “Tom you did not put on sun protection, You are getting pink. Would you like me to put some on? The kids need some more on as well!”

I put sunscreen on Lola and Lloyd and my legs. Misty did my shoulders and my back. She followed through to my chest and arms. I got her to lay down on the sunbed and did her back and legs. Turning her over I did her legs and noticed her nipples were hard. I did her arms, stomach and above the chest. I did around her face and node avoiding her eyes. She was away with the pleasure.

Then both Lola and Lloyd asked “Potty.” Their term for a big job. I took Lola to the main toilet. Misty took Lloyd to the ensuite. She stated “I was away with your massage. It’s been a long time since I have allowed another male to touch me like that. You could have taken me but kids. Bring you back to reality.” She put her arm around me and hugged me. I returned the hug and kissed her lips. “Later.” she said. We took the kids back into the pool.

At 2pm we removed the kids’ swimmers and put on a nappy. It was their afternoon nap time. Lloyd took Lola’s hand and laid down on his bed with her. Within minutes they were asleep.
I looked at Misty and smiled, raising my eyebrows. Misty answered “I would love to but mum is” the front door opened and in walked her mum/Nonna. “Later lover boy!”

I was taken, still in my swimmers, to meet her mum. She was quite an elderly lady but very beautiful. I could not see a family resemblance. She introduced me as Tom but did not state her name other than Mum. I went back outside whilst they talked and Misty made me another coffee. She came out smiling. “Nonna will be home around 6pm, Mum will feed the kids at 5 so we can leave before then, change at your place and return later. We have just looked in on the kids and they are still holding hands. I took a picture of the kids in bed, one for their 21st birthday.” She sat close to me whilst we had our coffee.

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