Adult Situations: Kit and Dax - Cover

Adult Situations: Kit and Dax

Copyright© 2022 by Wolf

Chapter 5: Back Home With New Things to Try

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5: Back Home With New Things to Try - This is a companion story to Adult Situations, but it is a stand-alone tale. The interactions and activities of Dax and Kit are explored in more detail, including their rapidly expanding sexual undertakings. There’s more intrigue and even a close call with death. 12 chapters.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Sharing   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

Dax had gotten home from Atlanta the evening before I did. I came home late Saturday morning, and he picked me up at the airport. He was full of questions as soon as we got in the car. I told him that I would hide nothing from him, but that I wanted to be home before we started talking about anything regarding the sexual parts of my trip north.

Instead, I told him about the more mundane things that happened during my trip: about the visits with my parents, Beth and I taking them out for their anniversary dinner, and then about Beth’s car, condo, furnishings, and her wardrobe. He already knew about her alternate profession, but by that time knew better than to ask further questions.

We reached the house, and I synched my cellphone to the living room television and played a rather poor-quality video of Beth and I fucking the two brothers on Tuesday night in a repeat of Sunday night. The phone was static and unmoving so the action often moved out of sight.

Dax was still fascinated. For one, this was the first time that he’d ever seen Beth naked. The best he’d gotten previously was seeing her in a bikini at a pool we went to during the week before our wedding. There was no hanky-panky either.

I peeled Dax’s clothes from his body and he stripped me. Soon, we were fucking like rabbits and enjoying every second. I reached over to my purse and pulled out a thick oversized mailing envelope and handed it to my husband. I said, “Here. This is my present to you for letting me play around as an escort.”

Dax glanced into the thick envelope and then pulled out two bundles of cash held together by rubber bands. “HOLY SHIT, KIT! How much is in here? I see some large bills – fuck, every bill in here is a one-hundred-dollar bill.” He fanned through the stacks and looked at me in shock.

I giggled and wiggled my pussy at him with his cock deeply embedded in me. “I believe there’s $14,500 there - $10,000 in the thicker pile of bills, and $4.500 in the other.

“GEEZE, LOUISE. You mean you earned all this money being an escort with your sister?”

“I did. According to my clients, I am a really good ‘date’ and an even hotter fuck. I got really good tips, too. That job was way more fun that my editing job, as well.” I giggled.

Dax rolled his eyes. “I love you, Kit. We’ll talk more. My attention is really on reclaiming you right now.” He tossed the money onto the coffee table, and then jammed his cock inside me a couple of times to reassert his husbandly rights to fuck the shit out of me.

We sped up and fucked like bunnies some more. I came a couple of times, and then my husband deposited an immense load of cum into my hot little used escort cunt.”

He cuddled me to him without withdrawing said, “All right. Lay it on me.”

I giggled. “All right, lover.” I sat up so he could see my naked body more easily, plus it made my breasts look bigger. In the process, his cock fell out of me. “Saturday, I arrived. Beth and I went out to dinner and chatted about inconsequential stuff. She had a ‘date’ after dinner, so I went back to her condo alone. I snooped around in her closet to see what her wardrobe was like. Her closet was full of really expensive clothes and shoes – and I mean REALLY expensive. Like one dress might cost over two-thousand dollars. She had shoes there that were a thousand dollars a pair. Everything in her condo and the furniture in it was designer level. She drives a Porsche. She wasn’t home by midnight, so I went to sleep wondering how she could afford all that stuff.

“The next morning, we were getting coffee and I opened a door to her outside patio balcony to sit outside. The wind blew some papers off a table. I picked them up and one of them was a brokerage statement that showed she had a lot – A LOT – of money invested, at least in that account. I was truly shocked and a few minutes later, I confronted her. That was when Beth told me about her escorting. She’s been doing that for four years.

“Soon after, to put her at ease, I had her watch one of my porn videos. Right after that, I spilled the beans about my career in pornography and then our weekly sex parties and swinging. We compared notes. That was when we got the idea to go on a ‘date’ or two with her and when I texted you.

“She made some calls to a couple of her regular customers, and Carl and Jeff met us that night. We fucked most of the evening. Man, did those brothers have stamina and creativity. I wasn’t even thinking about the money; I was just enjoying the fucking. That was Sunday night.

Monday, after visiting with my parents most of the day, I had a solo ‘date’ that Beth arranged for me. His name was Charlie, and he was hung like a horse. I wondered whether I’d be able to walk by the end of the night. He made a good impression, and also presented me with an envelope that I picked up as I left him in bed with the life nearly fucked out of him.

Tuesday night, Beth and I did the brothers again at their bachelor pad. That was the video that you saw. They both laughed when I told them that I needed a video to show my husband.

Wednesday, Beth and I spent the afternoon with our parents and then took them out to eat at their favorite place. We were through, and they wanted to head home by seven-thirty. We met two different men at nine that night, and I made some more money and had some more pleasure.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, we did more fucking with different ‘dates’. So, overall, I went on several appointments; one every night from Sunday through Saturday. I made $2,000 up to $2,500 for the evenings. Beth knew just how much to charge. She told me that the next time, she’d teach me how to know that skill.”

Dax kissed me. “Give me the details of, say, your Monday night date with Charlie?”

I nodded. “We met in the bar at the Hilton. They had a combo playing nice jazz, and we even danced to a few numbers as we had drinks. He’s a large man – six-six in height. I’m sure he was also athletic, although we didn’t talk about that. He did have muscles.

“Eventually, I suggested that he take me to a more comfortable location. We went up to his room – nothing fancy; a basic nice hotel room. I followed Beth’s formula from some of her other assignments. I put on some music and then did a sexy striptease.

“I was wearing one of Beth’s expensive and really sexy dresses with a pair of thousand-dollar CFM shoes. He liked watching me strip and even rubbed the front of his pants after I did. When I was through, wearing only the spike heels, I went to him and pried his cock from his pants. I already knew from sneaking a feel of him on the dance floor that he was packing, but having him in my two hands and mouth proved he was a whopper. I blew him, and even got him down my throat.

“He shed his clothes and ate my pussy for a fair bit, and skillfully used his fingers and mouth to elicit several orgasms out of me. I even squirted once on him, and he loved it. I like that I’ve discovered that sensitivity. He was kind of brash, but he was a careful and respectful lover. He did like sawing his cock into me from tip to root. I gave him a large ration of dirty talk and that hyped him up something fierce.

“Good ole Charlie filled my cunt with cum, ate me some more, fucked me some more, ate me some more, and fucked me yet one more time. He was the energizer bunny. The last time, I took him on a ride he’ll never forget. We fucked all over that suite, in every position that I’ve ever been in, and I kept urging him on and on to do more. He understood harder, faster, and liked to kiss. I even offered him my ass, but he wasn’t interested in that end of things.

“By the time we stopped, he was panting and gasping for air. He was so grateful. He gave a $1,000 tip. I kissed him goodnight, and told him I’d love to see him again, or my sister would. That got to him. I left with the envelope, and got a taxi back to Beth’s condo. She got there about ten minutes behind me. We sat up and compared notes.”

“How’d you feel mentally?” Dax asked with a grin.

“Like I was doing something really naughty,” I chuckled. “I mean, basically I was a prostitute, I was cheating on you, and I even lusted after my sister.”

Dax said in a philosophical tone, “All of us are prostitutes in some way. The little housewife down the street fucks her husband and gives him love in exchange for his love and financial security. Eventually, she even allows him to get her pregnant, and she has his kids. Other currencies come into play, but money and security are right up there near the top.”

“I never thought of it that way.”

Dax said, “I have to do some unpleasant things in my job occasionally, like deal with people I’d just as soon not associate with. I do that so that I get paid. That’s also a form of prostitution. We all have our price. We’re all whores to one degree or another; it’s just that some people draw a line as to what’s acceptable and what’s illegal. Others have a threshold regarding money.

“Remember that old joke about the millionaire that asks a girl if she’ll sleep with him for a million dollars. She says, ‘Yes, of course.’ He then asks if she’d fuck him for fifty bucks. She says, ‘No, what do you think I am?’ He responds, ‘We’ve established that. All we’re doing now is haggling about price.’”

I laughed. “I did think about the legality of what I was doing. I got off on the illegal nature, just the way I did about doing the porn.”

I asked Dax, “So, did you go to Dave and Crystal’s last night?”

Dax grinned broadly. “Wild horses couldn’t have kept me away, mostly because I knew what you were doing and I needed something sexual to compensate.” He laughed.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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