Adult Situations: Kit and Dax - Cover

Adult Situations: Kit and Dax

Copyright© 2022 by Wolf

Chapter 3: Foursome and Going Commercial

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: Foursome and Going Commercial - This is a companion story to Adult Situations, but it is a stand-alone tale. The interactions and activities of Dax and Kit are explored in more detail, including their rapidly expanding sexual undertakings. There’s more intrigue and even a close call with death. 12 chapters.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Sharing   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

Dax and my bedroom looked like some Hollywood set for a scene from some melodrama. There were lights, unfurled fold-up reflectors, a thousand wires, remote cameras, and even microphones all over the place. I was assessing the set-up from my supine position underneath Dave – Crystal’s boyfriend and lover, and now my lover.

I had been dripping cum up until a few moments ago when Dave, Crystal, and Dax took turns cleaning up my snatch until I was sure I was sparkling and shiny between my legs, just like a new piece of jewelry. Dave went first and had gotten a good splooge of his own, so we snowballed that while the others focused on my sex area.

About forty minutes earlier, Dax had blasted a load into Crystal and she’d been the recipient of our attention to her. I loved how she tasted with my husband’s spunk leaking from her. Dax has snowballed with her, and then I’d also eaten cum from her pussy and shared it with her, dribbling the goo from my mouth into hers. She loved being as ‘dirty’ as I did.

We’d been making our foursome video for over three hours. The videographer was Carol, the young woman that worked for and also lived with Crystal and Dave, and a woman named Trish. Crystal told me Carol become like a second girlfriend and that they all had sex together the house owned by Dave’s father, who lived with Crystal’s sister Trish. There were many crossing points there.

Both Carol and Trish were naked, the idea being to arouse the men even further than they were with just Crystal and me. We’d all be together again at that evening’s sex party. I was aroused about the idea of the party; let alone all the sex we’d just had that afternoon. I could remember being so horny.

Crystal finally declared an end to the filming. Almost immediately, there was a flurry of activity by Carol to collect the memory cards from each of the video cameras and back them up on the laptop computer that they’d brought with them. Simultaneously, the memory cards also got backed up to Crystal Blue Photography’s part of the cloud.

Carol explained, “If something happens to a card, or even the computer, we have up to two other sources for the data. Otherwise, if we lose something, it’s be gone forever and maybe we’d have to re-shoot the whole scene.”

I spread my legs as I lay on the bed and said as I flashed everybody my cunt, “Oh, boy. You want to do it all again. I’m ready.”

Everybody in the room laughed.

Dax and I helped the filming crew fold up their videography kit, and get it into the back of Dave’s SUV and Carol’s sedan. A half-hour later, we drove to Dave and Crystal’s house to join them for the Saturday party. I’d made a huge three-bean salad to bring this time. I had enough to feed all sixteen and then some. I also had made brownies for everyone and brought those. Dave and Carol had dropped off all the equipment at Crystal’s studio downtown on the way home.

This was my second party, but I wasn’t near as nervous as I had been a week earlier. During the week, I’d had a lot of time to think about what had happened at the party and with Greg and Darlene, who I really liked. Dax and I had rehashed the party many times, often our discussions ending in bed with his cock giving me pleasure again.

Still further, at our girls’ lunch on Wednesday, Molly, Allison, and I shared with the others our view of the party as well as described in stroke-by-stroke detail what had happened with each other. Crystal was unable to join us but promised to try again the following week.

Lois confided that she was on ‘probation’ from her husband. I asked, “What’s that mean? Why?”

Lois said, “The ‘why’ is that I came home from our lunch a week or two ago, all fired up about the sex party. I greeted Garth with a blowjob in our entry hall, and after that he asked why I was so fired up. I told him about the various discussions over lunch and about the party.

“I thought he’d get inspired and turned on by the idea to see me with another man, and to be able to fuck some other women. Boy, was I wrong; Garth went ballistic. I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen him so angry. He called me a bunch of very bad names, and then that rant spilled over onto all of you, especially Crystal, who I’d unfortunately told was the party hostess.

“He doesn’t even want me coming to our lunches. He thinks you’re all a bad influence on me. Thus, I’ve got to drop out of our lunches for a while until he cools down. Anyway, he said if he found out that I was still harboring thoughts of being with another man in any way, that he’d have to re-think being married to me. I swear, just in that short discussion, I saw a side of him that I didn’t even know existed. He was horrible ... and to tell the truth, I’m not sure I even want to be married to him if he thinks that way. He was almost vicious.”

We were sympathetic, but urged her not to sacrifice her security and marriage over a fantasy. Lois explained that it wasn’t the fantasy, it was the overall attitude, including his apparent ‘ownership; of her as a chattel that he could easily dispose of. Moreover, she said there was some rough sex after that, which she didn’t particularly care for. There’d apparently been other situations where they had fundamental disagreements about various aspects of their life and marriage as she revealed. This was just one more. An issue with having children was still on the table.

Lois’ situation with her husband really shocked me. I suddenly realized that the lifestyle that Dax and I were in the process of adopting was far from being thought of as a ‘nice’ alternative to a traditional marriage that included possessiveness, exclusivity, and controlling conduct. Sometimes, there were other negative behaviours that went along with those.

That night, I told Dax about Lois’ situation and about her dropping out of the lunch group. He shook his head. We both promised each other that we’d give lots of warning if we felt our values were shifting to some direction other than where we were heading. In the process, we also re-confirmed that we liked where we were taking our marriage, each other, and ourselves. I felt so supported by him.

On Wednesday a month later, Sheri became our lunchtime star for a completely different reason. Sheri had done a video with Dave’s father Ross – a handsome and distinguished man who’d fucked her into a sex fog for the video.

What made Sheri our ‘star’ is that she somehow sold the video to an Internet porn site. She was on the open Internet having sex, and her husband loved it. She’d made $3,000 in the process, and planned to do it again and again, too. She liked being ‘out there’.

We’d all seen parts of her video at our lunches when we did ‘show and tell’, and it was a hot video ... but going ‘public’ was a whole different level from what Crystal called ‘private porn’.

Crystal was there for Sheri’s announcement and just took it in. I could see she was doing some serious thinking about what had happened and how it would impact Crystal Blue Photography.

The lunch ended with Sheri tossing out a challenge to those of us that had done videos. “See if you can match me by getting yourselves out there in public on the Internet.” We all laughed, but she was serious.

Dax and I had really enjoyed our videoing session with Crystal and Dave. We loved the resultant video and had watched it a half-dozen times since Carol finished editing it, fucking each other deep into the bedding as we did. I’d even shared some of it with the girls at lunch.

Going ‘commercial’, as Crystal called it, was a whole other story.

Almost a month later, we were at a Saturday party when Bill and Allison arrived. They rang the bell and Crystal answered the door.

Allison pranced into the living room completely naked, but wearing sexy black stockings and CFM shoes. She looked very sexy. She announced that she a ‘porn queen’ – she also had a video up on the Internet as of the day before. I should have known that she’d be next after Sheri.

My friend Molly and I looked at each other and sighed. The bar had been pushed to a new height. I looked at Dax and he laughed. He said, “If you want to go public, it’s fine with me. I’m there with you babe. Just tell me details as you go along so I don’t get blindsided.”

Jake, Molly’s husband, pretty much told her the same thing. He was more of a cuckold, and so loved it when Molly did something sexual with another man. To do it in a video and to go public with it would take his arousal and desire for her to a new level.

Crystal offered all of us an opportunity to go online. She was developing connections. Further, she was heading off to Las Vegas to some exposition that was pretty much the entire adult entertainment industry in one place for a long weekend. She hoped to make contacts that could help her photography business, particularly the glamor and erotic components.

That night at the party we had a new man in our group – Steve Wallace. He’d hired Crystal to do a video with him. I learned that Dave and Carol had been the photographers. Steve was going to use the video to tease his wife Julie. They were a liberated but older couple.

Molly had sex with Steve after dinner that night, and I got him later. He was a hot fuck, a delightful older man with all sorts of stamina, and an attitude about having his sex partner maximize her pleasure with him.

Later that night, I also made love with Ross, Dave’s father. My God, I had no idea that an older man like that could turn somebody my age into a blithering sex zombie. He was wonderful. We slept together, but did not make love in the middle of the night. He was like my big teddy bear. We did fuck when we woke up, and then he showed me the morning routine of arriving naked for breakfast in the kitchen, with just about everybody else from the party the night before. I was really hooked on this crowd and our sexual behaviors.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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