The Biker Babe - Cover

The Biker Babe

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Leah loved motorcycles since she was a young girl on the back of her uncle's bike. So it was no surprise that she made bikes her career. One day a biker named Bear came into the shop and Leah found another interest... bikers!

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

Author’s Note: This story was written for a very special friend who gave me permission to use it here. Thank you Leah for being the inspiration for this story! :)

Leah had always liked motorcycles. Every since her uncle took her for her first ride when she was a little girl, she had liked motorcycles. The feel of the wind in her hair, the vibrations coming from the seat, and the freedom to go where you want, whenever you want. Whenever the family would get together, she would pester her uncle until, laughing, he weakened and took her for a ride.

It was her uncle that bought her her first minibike. Then, a few years later, she got her first motorcycle, a dirt bike that she rode on all the trails that surrounded her small western Pennsylvania hometown. She quickly learned how to handle the machine and the art of riding – she was a natural and she loved every minute she spent on the bike.

As soon as she was old enough to drive she got a job and began saving her money. She wanted a real motorcycle – she had her eye on one at the local Harley shop and she would go in and sit on it, dreaming of the day when she would be wheeling it out of the showroom.

Leah got to be something of a fixture at the Harley shop. She soon got to know the salesmen’s names and the girls behind the counter as well. They would welcome her when she came into the store and she would sit and ask questions about the different motorcycles. She made sure she didn’t get underfoot too much – she liked going there and didn’t want to be a bother so they would not let her come back.

One day she was “visiting” her favorite motorcycle – a gleaming black and silver FLSTC Heritage Softail Classic. This particular one was “dressed” with a tall windscreen, a short sissy bar behind the rear seat pad, fringed saddlebags with silver accents and fringed handlebar covers. It looked very retro and that’s exactly what Leah liked about it.

Leah was sitting on the machine dreaming about riding down the highway to some far-off destination, when one of the salesmen came up to her.

“Hi Leah, back taking your baby for a ride eh?” he said with a big smile.

“Yeah, just thinking about the day when she will be all mine!” Leah said, blushing a bit at being caught daydreaming.

“Well I don’t want to spoil your ride, but the store manager would like to see you.” he said.

“Uh-oh. I’m not in trouble am I? I hope I haven’t been a bother here!” Leah said afraid she wouldn’t be welcome in the store anymore.

“Well, I don’t know what it’s all about. I was just told to bring you to see him,” the salesman said. He led Leah back to the manager’s office and Leah walked in quite timidly.

“Yes, Sir? Dave said you wanted to see me?” she said quietly.

“Yes ... Leah isn’t it?” he said.

“That’s right, Leah Marshall,”

“Well Miss Marshall, I’ve noticed you around the store a lot and...” he began.

“Oh Mr. Williams, Sir, I hope I haven’t been any trouble here! I know I hang around a lot, but I have tried not to interfere or pester your salesmen! I just love being here!” Leah blurted out in her own defense.

“No, Miss Marshall, that’s not what I was about to say. I was about to ask you if you wanted to work here,” he said, smiling.

“Sir?” she asked, not quite sure she understood him correctly.

“Miss Marshall, how old are you now?”

“I’ll be 17 next month ... on the 8th,” she said.

“Well that’s old enough to work here. I know you have a love of these bikes – that much is obvious to everyone. And you seem to have a pleasant personality ... all the salespeople like you.

“So if you are interested, I could use some part-time help here stocking shelves, cleaning the floors, and general duties like that. You won’t be moving bikes around or working in the warehouse – insurance regulations prohibit you from doing some jobs. But we can find enough for you to do around here to hire you part-time. That is, if you are interested?”

“YES! Oh yes! I would love to work here! Oh thank you, Mr. Williams!” she said, almost unable to sit in her seat now.

“Do you have a car or a way to get to work after school?” he asked.

“Yes Sir, my school bus comes by here on the way home – that’s how I can get here so much, I just hop off the bus out front instead of riding it all the way home,” she said, looking down.

“Well, good. Now this job does come with one caveat – you have to keep your grades up. If your schoolwork starts to suffer because of this job, you won’t be working here. Understand?” he said, sternly.

“Oh yes Sir! I will keep my grades up, I promise!” she said, still bouncing in her chair.

“Well, go home and have your parents call me tomorrow and we will talk about it.”

Leah went straight home after that and burst through the front door yelling, “Mom! Mom!” She explained what Mr. Williams had told her and she made her mother promise to call him tomorrow and work out the details.

Leah began working for the local Harley shop that next week and she loved it. She was very helpful – there wasn’t a single job she did that she disliked. Even cleaning the store bathroom was fine with her, so long as she was around her beloved motorcycles. And true to her word, she kept her grades up.

The following year, Leah graduated from high school and began working full time at the Harley shop. She took night courses at the local trade school which just so happened to have a motorcycle repair class.

She also started hanging around the shop more often, learning how to work on these machines and how to put them together. She was pretty good at it too – she had a knack for turning wrenches on a motorcycle and soon was helping the mechanics with the simpler work like tune-ups and assembly of new bikes.

One day she was in the back doing some work on an old Sportster that a customer wanted to get back on the road. It was a simple, but dirty job – an oil change, lube, and tune up, and the lead mechanic had to deliver a new bike so he left her in the shop alone. She was busy working on the bike when he came in.

“DING!” Leah heard the little bell at the service counter ring. She walked up front wiping her hands of the grease and as she came around the corner she saw him.

He was a mountain of a man – 6’6” tall and 325 pounds with a short, scruffy beard and shoulder length dark hair. He wore a leather biker vest and his arms were heavily tattooed. He had faded blue jeans and heavy biker boots. As he saw Leah approach, he removed his dark aviator-style sunglasses.

“Hi, I was wondering if someone could look at my bike. It ain’t runnin’ right. Sputtering and puking when I hit the throttle,” he said in a low deep voice.

Leah looked at the man and she could feel her pussy tingle. There was something about this guy that got her own motor running. “I can have a look if you like,” she said.

“You? No offense little lady, but isn’t there a mechanic on duty here?” he said looking her up and down. Leah was smudged on her face and across her belly with dirt and grease from working on bikes.

“Listen pal, I happen to know quite a bit about bikes and I do work here. You want me to look at your ride or not?” she said indignantly.

“Okay, okay – don’t get your panties in a bunch! It’s out front,” he said, backing up a step and holding his hands up grinning. “By the way, my name is Billy, but everyone calls me Bear because of my size,” he said, holding out a hand. Leah introduced herself and shook his hand. Then he took her out front to see the bike and Leah looked it over. She revved the engine a few times.

“It sounds okay to me,” she said. “When did you say this happened?”

“Well mostly when I climb hills ... whenever the engine has a load on it,” he said.

“That is strange. This bike has a lot of power, it shouldn’t have any trouble with hills.”

“Why don’t you hop on, I’ll take you for a ride and show you what it’s doing. There some hills just out of town that it has trouble with,” he suggested.

Leah hesitated. She knew she shouldn’t go off riding with a strange man. But he was a customer who needed help with his bike and the regular mechanic, Tony wasn’t around. And he was making her girly parts all wet and tingly!

“Okay, just for a bit, though. Let me lock up the shop,” she said. She locked the door and put the keys in her pocket. He got on the bike, then gave her a hand to help her on back of the big cruiser. She wrapped her arms around his waist and she felt her pussy getting wetter. He started the bike up and kicked it into gear and they were off.

Leah rode with Bear as they headed out of town. She laid her head on his back and he smiled to himself feeling her tiny body behind him. He reached down with one hand and patted her thigh as they rode. They got to the hills outside of town and as they started to climb, the bike did in fact balk and sputter.

“See what I mean? It shouldn’t be doing that,” Bear said.

“Yeah you’re right. Sounds like it’s starving for fuel. Probably a clogged line someplace,” Leah said. They rode a little further up the hill and the problem got worse. “We’d better head back to the shop before the bike quits on us altogether!” Leah said. So the next wide spot in the road, Bear turned the bike around and they went back to the shop.

“Just pull it in and I’ll have a look,” Leah said. He pulled the bike into the shop and Leah got off. “Come up front and let’s get the paperwork out of the way. It will probably take a couple weeks to get to it and get it fixed.”

“A couple weeks! Shit I wanted to go on a Poker Run this weekend!” he said disappointed.

“Well there’s no way that will happen! It would take longer than that to get any parts in, if we had to order any!” Leah said.

“I suppose so,” he said. “Say where’s the bathroom in here ... I gotta take a piss!” he asked.

“Here I’ll show you ... I gotta go that way anyway.” So with Leah in the lead, he followed her to the bathrooms. But Bear didn’t have to take a piss – he had another idea in mind...

The shop was in a separate building across the parking lot from the store and with Tony not around, there was no one but the two of them. Just as they reached the bathrooms, he quickly shoved her into the ladies room.

“Hey! What are you doing?” she said, shocked.

“Quiet! I saw how you looked at me when I came in here. I know you want this, slut!” he growled.

And she did. Truth be told, she was attracted to him. She had felt a tingle in her pussy the moment he walked in and the ride had only heightened her desire. Somehow he knew that. He knew that she was his for the taking, despite her seeming reluctance and protests.

“Now take off your clothes,” he ordered, after locking the bathroom door.

“WHAT??” she said, stunned at his demand.

“You heard me you little slut! Now take off your clothes ... unless you prefer I do it for you!”

“Please ... don’t...” she said, her hands shaking.

“I’m not going to wait forever. Now strip!” he said.

Leah began slowly removing her clothing. That day she was wearing a hot pink tie-front crop top with a wide lapel collar and tight fitting low-ride blue jeans. Leah removed her top, untying the front and after pausing in hopes that this was all a joke, taking it off.

She wasn’t wearing a bra that day – she was supposed to be working on bikes and it was too hot in the shop for unnecessary clothes. So once the top was removed, her breasts were bare.

“Nice tits!” Bear said licking his lips, “Now let’s see the rest!”

Leah stood there trembling, her eyes cast downward and hesitating for a moment. But she knew that Bear wasn’t going to let her off. She unfastened her jeans and peeled them down her long legs and then stepped out of them.

Leah was a curvy five foot one inch tall girl with very nice set of 36C breasts, nicely rounded hips and a firm high ass. She had short, red hair and soft brown doe eyes. She was very much a looker!

Clad only in her panties now, she stood there in the ladies room using her arms to try and cover her exposed breasts. Bear looked her up and down with a critical eye. She trembled, not knowing how much further he would take this. He had seemed like a nice enough guy. Yeah he was intimidating, but he had been friendly to her. Now she was seeing another side to this man.

Bear finished his survey and without saying anything, held out his hand. She knew what that meant. She shook her head, but he pointed to his palm. She peeled away her panties, the last vestige of modesty she had, and went to place them in his meaty paw.

But instead of taking the panties, Bear quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. He took her over to a makeshift couch made from a old pickup truck bench seat that Tony had welded a base onto. He sat down on the couch and pulled her over his knees.

“Now we are going to start by teaching that when I tell you to do something you do it. You don’t tell me no and you don’t stall. I am not the debating type. When I say something, I mean do it now ... got it?”

“No, please!” Leah said squirming on his lap. She struggled, but he held her down with one massive arm across the small of her back. She kicked her legs trying to get away, but he quickly hooked his leg around her ankles pinning them against the front of the couch so she couldn’t kick anymore.

“The more you fight, the worse it’s gonna be on you!” he warned. He began rubbing her upturned ass gently. He caressed her soft silky skin feeling her tremble under his big hand. Leah was at first scared, but the more he caressed her, the more she realized that this big hulk had a tender side. She found herself enjoying his touch and even starting gyrate her hips to the movement of the hand on her behind.

This was what he had been waiting for ... for her to relax and let her guard down. Without warning, he raised his hand and then brought it swiftly down before Leah had a chance to react.

SMACK! Leah let out a howl, partly from the surprise and partly from the pain. Bear watched as an angry red handprint slowly emerged on her pale, soft ass cheek. He rubbed her ass for a couple moments before he struck her other ass cheek.

SMACK! Leah howled again squirming as the burn in her ass increased. Leah moved her hands back to protect her tender ass, but Bear brushed them off easily. He swatted her ass twice more, once on each cheek and her skin started taking on a rosy glow.

“Please, Bear ... please no more! I’ll be good!” Leah whimpered.

“Oh we are just getting started, you little slut!” he said, chuckling wickedly. He reached up and grabbed a handful of her red mane and hauled her head back making her arch her back. He took her panties from his vest where he’d stashed them and shoved the skimpy garment into her mouth, pushing them in until she almost gagged.

“Now don’t you take them out of your mouth until I tell you to!” he shook her head by the hair for emphasis. Then he grabbed her wrist and bent her arm behind her back, holding her down with her own arm.

Bear raised his hand and began the spanking in earnest. While Leah laid over his lap writhing and squirming fiercely, Bear began raining down blows on the young girl’s ass. His swats came hard and fast with no pausing between them. Leah screamed into her panty gag, but that only made him smile and encouraged him further.

Bear’s hands, toughened from years of riding and from God knows how many fights, weren’t fazed at all by the softness of a young woman’s ass. He continued to swat her until her ass felt as if it were on fire and the heat from her skin radiated outwards. Leah’s screams had turned to sobs, and then strangely enough to soft moans behind the panty-gag.

Bear smiled knowingly as she began moaning. He paused his attack on her to slide his hand between her thighs. He found just what he wanted – Leah’s pussy was drenched! His spanking her had gotten her incredibly turned on and her pussy was dripping. He moved her thighs apart a bit more and began toying with her wet slit.

“Ohhh ... Leah moaned. Her mind was confused – while her ass was on fire from the spanking, Bears fingers playing with her sopping pussy felt so damn good! She began raising her hips subconsciously, allowing him better access to her and hoping he would push his fingers into her.

But Bear had his own plans. He wanted to toy with her, to build her desires and her lustful passions to a point where she would be more ... receptive to his ideas. He ran his thick fingers up and down her slit, tugging playfully at her swollen pussy lips and flicking lightly across her clit.

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