Working Late - Cover

Working Late

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Erotica Sex Story: Rosie was supposed to be working late but left alone in her office, she decided to take a break and read one of her favorite erotic stories. However she wasn't as alone as she figured...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Interracial   White Male   Hispanic Female   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Public Sex   .

Rosie Martinez was working late at the office one evening and was surfing the Internet trying to find a site to help with sales leads when she got an alert that she had received a new email message. She checked her inbox and discovered that her friend had sent her a link to an erotic story site.

She smiled ... it had been a while since she’d had the time to flip through such a site and remembered one particular place that had incredibly hot stories – so much so that just reading a couple of paragraphs would make her pussy swell and throb, the wetness seeping into her panties and wetting the insides of her thighs.

Sometimes the stories she read there got her so hot that she would have to stop and relieve some pressure before she continued reading. Of course she had never risked that at work before, but...

She got up from her desk and went for a cup of coffee, checking to see if anyone was around the office that could interrupt her if she decided to take a few moments to read. She saw Tony, the security guard, walking down the hallway doing his usual rounds.

She smiled to herself because she secretly had a little crush on him. He was five foot nine inches tall, dark black hair cut short and had a “circle beard” – a mustache that flows into a goatee.

Tony had one of those body types that makes a girl say “Mmm Mmm” to herself every time she saw him ... you know, the wide shoulders tapering into a slim waist and a tight hard ass. He knew it too and that gave him a cocksure attitude. Tony had a way of looking directly at a girl that made her flustered and wet at the same time.

Rosie considered herself a confident, intelligent person and she wasn’t used to feeling self-confident around men. But for some reason, Tony could make her feel meek and timid whenever he was around her and that just pissed her off. For that reason she chose to avoid him, just keeping to herself in her office and concentrating on her work.

She headed back to her office, getting excited now. She planned to find a good story to read on the site and forget about work for a bit. She loved getting swept away in a sexy story and imagining the whole thing in her mind.

She walked into her office and pushed the door closed behind her with the heel of her shoe, sat down at her desk and began to click through the titles trying to find one that interested her. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be reading them at work, but she had to do something to pass the time!!

She was a common visitor to sites like this, enjoying the different types of stories found there, She had her favorite authors, ones she read more often than others, and her favorite types of stories as well.

Her favorite type of story was the kind that feature a male authority figure of some sort and a young woman – usually in some kind of trouble from that authority figure. Policemen and young girls, male teachers and errant female students, BDSM Dominants and female slave girls were some genres that she particulary liked. Anything that had a man in charge of and ruling over a woman worked for her!

Scrolling through the website, she found a story titled “Fucked Straight” by Master Jonathan, one of her favorite authors, and focused her attention on it. She brought the story up and began to read.

In this story, a young Hispanic high-school girl is caught driving home after a party. She had been drinking although she wasn’t completely drunk. She sees a police car behind her and tries unsuccessfully to lose it. The officer in the car pulls her over and she realizes it is her next door neighbor.

Trying to plead for him to “let her go this one time” doesn’t work with him and knowing her mother is a single woman working hard to support them, he comes up with an alternative to jail and a big fine – neither of which her mom can afford. He comes up with an alternative punishment for her.

The young girl is quite a tease and she is dressed rather provocatively when he pulls her over. He decides that she should work off her punishment by becoming his sex slave...

He gently touched the girl’s lips with his fingers to silence her. “Shh ... no, Adriana, I’ve got another idea. Yes, you will work for me, but not the way you’re thinking,” he said to her. “Here’s the deal, take it or leave it. You know what I could charge you with, right? It’s pretty serious. Well, I’ll let you go free if, and only if, you agree to become my slave for the week your mother is gone!” he said, smiling down at the young girl.

“Your slave? And you promise you’ll let me go free? OK, I’ll do it,” gushed Adriana with a look of relief. “Thank you, Officer Parks! Thank you so much!”

“Hold on a minute, Adriana,” the officer said, “When I say you have to be my slave I’m not just talking about working for me. Have you ever thought what being a slavegirl might entail?” The officer gently touched the girl’s bare thigh with his fingers, then slowly began running a hand up the girl’s slender leg.

“What are you doing?” Adriana began to exclaim. “Stop it!”

Adriana stared back at him in shock, the realization that he was talking about more than just cleaning house here. She gulped and asked quietly in a timid voice, “W-what exactly would I have to do?”

He smiled and caressed the young Hispanic girl’s face, then slowly ran a finger down her neck and onto her chest. “You dress and act like a little cocktease, wiggling that tight little ass and taking pleasure in keeping all the boys panting after you. Even with me, you think that you can smile and flirt and get away with whatever you want.

Well it’s time you learn that such behavior can come back on you. You are going to do whatever I say, and I am going to do anything I want to with your lovely body,” he said in a husky voice. “This luscious body ... I like the way it looks in those tight, skimpy clothes of yours. I want to see if you know how to use what you have been showing off,” he said.

“You are a policeman! I mean, isn’t this illegal?” she said. She didn’t need to remind him.

He looked deep into her eyes. “Look, Adriana, I could bust you right here, right now. I’ve got all the evidence I need to haul your ass in right now and make it stick. I probably should have already done it, but instead I’m trying to help you and give you a break.

I’m going to unlock the handcuffs you’re wearing and then I’m giving you the key to my front door. Then I’m driving back to the station to sign out for the weekend. I’ll be back here in exactly forty-five minutes.

Either you’ll be long gone by then, which means I’m filing an all-points bulletin out on you for your arrest ... or, you’ll be in my house, bathed, totally nude, and wearing these handcuffs as my willing, submissive slavegirl. It’s your decision,” he told her.

... Rosie could feel herself getting excited, wondering what Officer Parks was going to do to the girl, putting herself in the girl’s position and feeling very vulnerable and exposed. Would she have agreed to this arrangement? From the description of Officer Parks in the story she probably would have...

With that, he pulled Adriana up and out of his patrol car, got back in it himself and drove away. Adriana stared at the patrol car as it made its way down the street. She was pretty shaken up by what had just happened, and shocked at the proposal Officer Parks had just made to her.

He was suggesting trying to turn her into his personal sexual plaything. It was outrageous. But at least she’d be free ... no, it was just too bizarre. And yet at the same time, deep down, the idea also kind of excited her.

Officer Parks pulled into the station and checked out without incident. As he returned home, he passed by her house and noticed that Adriana’s car was exactly where she had left it. So far, so good. He pulled into his driveway, opened his front door, and a smile slowly crossed his face.

There, sitting on the sofa, totally nude and with her arms handcuffed behind her back, was his pretty neighbor, Adriana Hernandez.

“Welcome home, Robert,” the girl said.

The girl stood up. He saw that her lithe body was trembling. Her C-cup breasts looked pert and soft and wonderfully well-rounded. His eyes devoured the young Mexican girl, surveying her up and down as she stood there biting her lower lip coyly.

“Turn around, my pretty slave,” he said, “and let me see your pretty ass.”

Adriana did as she was commanded, bending over slightly so that he could get a good view of her gorgeous derriere. He unlocked her handcuffs at that point so she could move her hands out of the way.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered.

He stepped up behind the young girl and softly stroked her rounded ass, enjoying the silky smooth skin and sinking his fingers into her soft flesh. Adriana seemed to like the way his hands felt because she began wriggling that delightful ass in time with his strokes. His hand seemed to automatically be drawn to the crack between her cheeks and he softly brushed over her young tender pussy...

Rosie was now reading the story intently and didn’t notice that Tony stood watching her through the crack in her office door, wondering what she was up to. Rosie felt her panties getting moist as she read the story, her body going through the same reactions as if she were the young misbehaving girl caught by Officer Parks.

She read on, squirming a little in her seat as she got to the part where Officer Parks made the young girl go get the hairbrush from his bathroom ... pulling her onto his lap and rubbing the flat back of the wooden hairbrush across her bare ass inpreparation for spanking her.

As Rosie read, she reached under her desk and lifted her own skirt up her thighs, pulled her panties aside with one hand and began to stroke her clit with her forefinger. Her pussy was so wet, she could hear the sound of the wetness as she moved her fingers against her pussy, pushing between her swollen lips and up to the tight bud of her clit. She closed her eyes briefly as she imagined the scene she was reading and moved her hand faster.

Tony watched her with increasing curiosity. He couldn’t figure this girl out – he had tried, but found that she didn’t respond to his advances and his charm like the other girls in the office. Which of course only served to make him want her all the more. He figured she was playing hard to get, but he couldn’t figure out what it was she was looking for from him. The reality of it though was that she was as unnerved by him as he was by her!

Every once in a while he would stop outside her door as he did his rounds and watch her as she worked, trying to figure out how to get her attention. Rosie was beautiful and like any man he often wondered what it would be like to get her in bed. Would she be wild? Timid maybe? Was she aggressive – demanding what she wanted and taking charge of things? Or maybe she was submissive, giving herself over to whatever he wanted to do to her?

There is more of this story...
The source of this story is Storiesonline

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