Seducing Sis-in-law on Nnd - Cover

Seducing Sis-in-law on Nnd

by LiteroCat

Copyright© 2022 by LiteroCat

Incest Sex Story: Wife presses me to meet & seduce her sister on NND who is a prude and germaphobe. All is not as it seemed and lessons are learned before and after our Nude Day walk.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Swinging   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   .

Tan, pleated, and short were Mary’s choices for her accessible skirt of the day. Though she rarely wore skirts, drives more than thirty minutes normally inspired her to go commando. The drive to her sister’s takes about sixty minutes — more than enough time to cum three times and arrive dripping moist. We couldn’t tell her sister, Bri, that this was NND, National Nude Day, or arrive naked. Could we?

Just to appease our irritable neighbors, we waited to strip. Yet, before we reached the corner STOP sign, I had my clothes around my knees, as she insisted. Her compromise — she folded her skirt above her waist and spread her legs letting anyone nearby get an enchanting view of her hairless heaven. When I put the top down at the STOP sign we stripped and stashed our clothes under our seats.

Out of our neighborhood, we shouted at other cars and pedestrians, “Happy NUDE Day. Strip!” To make our point, Mary stood and flashed all her goods until we were past them, then she racked her seat back down and began gently teasing her little man. Other cars full of naked people honked and waved.

Stopped at a traffic light, we saw several people walking nearby with huge shopping bags. When Mary stood, I put the car in Park and stood too. Shaking our goods, I shouted “It’s legal today to be naked in public. CARPE DIEM - strip!” Red-white lights flashed and a police car pulled in front of us. They made us stand against the car, facing them. Before they cuffed us, I asked her to call their sergeant and ask about ordinance 1169a. She stared at my semi hard cock and he at Mary’s pussy as we waited. Once confirmed, I added that the nudity exemption applied to them too. I like to think that after they let us go, they stripped each other and finished their shift naked.

I’m glad I looked up the law yesterday. The pedestrians watched us closely. Before we drove off, they all stripped and strolled naked shouting “Happy Nude Day to all.”

After a few turns, we got on a mostly straight US Highway so I could observe her better and she could fondle my cock more safely. “Feed me your tits, babe, and get some sun on them.” Straddling me while we drove was extremely distracting, especially with her wet pussy sucking my cock and, even worse, when blinded with her tit briefly in my mouth. She jumped back in her seat when we swerved onto a shoulder.

She pinched and pulled her perfect, growing nipples. “The sun is so hot on my nipples. I love it, but they say it may hit 100 today. I’ll have to cover up soon. Sorry hun.”

I stroked her thigh and felt its heat already built up. She lightly stroked my windswept cock. Cupping and twisting her luscious nipple helped remind me how dense and delicious it always is, even sun-warmed. Though that made my tongue dance, watching her rub her pussy and make it swell and leak made me ‘taste’ her succulent nectar. Keeping one eye on the road, I teased, “Give me a taste, sweetness.” Smiling, she sighed deeply, released my cock, and slid two fingers profoundly into her depths.

After long and exaggerated stirring she put those fingers under my nose. Inhaling slowly by nose and exhaling by mouth, I made the most of her intoxicating aroma. My cock throbbed with each inhale and I soon licked her elixir from one finger. She laughed as she teased me and rotated her tasty fingers into my mouth. Since my eyes loll or close when exposed to her pheromones, she held the wheel to keep us on the road and reminded me to back off the gas pedal.

As I became fully aware again, I felt her squeezing my cock hard. “We don’t want this going off too soon, do we?” she said as she leaned over and lapped my Cowper’s off my rod. “Mmm, sweet as ever. Too bad my sister is too afraid to taste this. I’m sure she used to when she played ‘hippie.’ Don’t forget Bri is prudish and a germaphobe. Your cock is so hot. I’d love to feel its heat inside me before we get to the prude.” Mary then abandoned my cock and left me unsatisfied despite frequent revisits and occasional laps, the tease. So my turn. Wait. Was there a chance Bri would be tasting my cock?

When I reached over and cupped her pussy, I displaced her fingers just as she started breathing hard. “Wh-what are you doing? I was about to cum.” I teased and said I was concerned about her overheating so was checking her temperature and it was hot. As she was about to push my hand away, I slid my middle finger up her lips to her clit and circled it. She gasped and sighed with a smile. When I pushed that finger deep inside her, she stiffened — so I pulled out. As I sniffed and sucked my finger, she glared at me. “Retaliation? Hmm.” We drove silently for a bit, both gently stroking ourselves, both frustrated.

Before our first meeting, I saw photos of Bri, always in genes and button up blouses — except for one of her in a modest bikini. Though as pretty as Mary, they were different beauties. Both were slim, yet Bri was borderline sinewy. Both were shapely, but Bri’s ass was smaller and her tits much bigger. While Mary’s near blond hair barely reached her shoulders, Bri had long, jet black, straight hair. Both had deep blue eyes and captivating smiles. Mary was an inch taller, at 5’7”.

“Mike, don’t say anything about her legs, she thinks they are scrawny and rarely wears a dress or shorts. She hates her tits too and says they are too big and too lumpy. Gently appeal to her hippy self image and you’ll be fine.

“Brad is much looser, though he hides his tension. She razes him about his weight though he isn’t that heavy.”

“Unlike me, you mean? Sounds like he and I will get along fine. Not sure about Bri.” Mary is also obsessed with weight. She looks great at 130, but longs to stay at 110.

We stopped a block from Bri’s and dressed. After our frustrating drive, I held Mary back as we stood at the oak-tone door and knocked. When the door swung open Bri took a step back and Mary leaned in to hug her. Bri wore loose, white jeans and a short-sleeved, loose, blue, button down shirt with just one button open. An awkward hug was our first contact with no skin touching. She smelled like blooming roses, yet apologized for the lack of a/c as it recently broke. The house was nearly ninety degrees.

Brad entered around a corner and Mary pushed past her sister and ran to him, her short, pleated skirt flying behind her and giving us all a view of her shapely thighs. I wasn’t ready for the athletic rush and leap onto his hips. Bri smiled as I blinked my way to understand the spectacle.

Brad hugged her and she pulled herself tight against him. When she dropped to the ground, she wrapped her hands around his neck, flattened her small tits against him, and kissed his mouth as he held her skirt up and grabbed both her ass cheeks over it. He pulled her hard against the thigh he slipped between her legs. I recognized the slight movements as they rubbed her already damp clit against his tensed thigh. That’s one of her favorite hugs. Bri tilted her head and smiled like a Stepford Wife.

“You smell like a ... woman — an excited woman, Mary,” Brad whispered loud enough for his wife and me to hear. She grinned and Bri frowned briefly.

In a low whisper I asked, “Um, Bri, is that normal? Have they had a special, close, relationship I should know about?” Mary told me they were having problems, so maybe she just didn’t care any longer.

“For them, it’s normal. They tease each other and flirt like they are new or about to be lovers. It doesn’t bother me anymore. We haven’t seen her in many months, so I expected it. He usually pretends to pinch her nipples too and look down her shirt with a ‘shocked’ expression.”

“I’ll have to take your word for it.” Mary’s hard nipples pressed against her yellow tank top. It didn’t seem like innocent teasing to me. “Can I expect the same kind of greeting from you soon? Just kidding.” No, I’m not. Maybe I can use this to connect to her hippie-self. “If you’re OK with that dirty dancing/jilling move, I guess I am too.”

“Jilling? You think she’s rubbing one out on his thigh?” Her face drooped some and her smile vanished as that possibility sank in. “OK guys, break it up. Lunch is ready.” I could tell by her dropped shoulders that she was looking at her sister in a different way. Maybe she still cared a little? After a light lunch, we moved to facing sofas. Brad and I, in our flared shorts and T-shirts, faced our wives. “How about a frosty beer? I have several in the freezer.”

Mary loves beer so she heartily agreed. She began fidgeting, crossing her legs, and fanning her face. As sweat formed on her brow, Brad teased that she should remove her heavy skirt since we’d all seen her in a bikini. She teased back, “Maybe later.” I wondered if he knew she traveled commando. Bri arrived with the beer, no glasses. “Just what I need,” Mary said and promptly rolled the cold bottle over her face and exposed legs. When they parted, most of her thighs were bared. She and Brad guzzled their beers, so Bri got four more.

After a moment under her chin, Mary put the fresh bottle between her legs and quickly pushed it all the way up. She surprised us all into silence as we stared at her exposed inner thighs and her chilled crotch hidden only by the cold beer bottle. Brad put his left foot on the sofa and grinned a challenge at Mary to show more knowing that his shorts fell away from his jewels.

When Mary saw us staring at her crotch, she feigned anger, “What? You can’t see anything you haven’t seen before,” she smirked. Her defiant tone left us to stare in silence though Bri looked horrified. Mary guzzled her third beer. With just enough light to see fully up her skirt, as she rotated the cold bottle, then took a sip. We all calmly looked for Mary’s panties, though I knew there weren’t any. Then her damp pussy briefly appeared for us several times. My cock swelled watching her bro-in-law stare at her parted labia and his dick swell. Bri saw my shorts tenting.

With the slightest blush, Mary added, “Did you guys remember today is Bastille Day? Or as everyone knows, it’s also National Nude day. Look it up. It’s been around for many years. Many towns suspend indecent exposure laws so people can walk or ride naked in public. We even drove here nude and encountered the cops.” Brad grinned, but Bri gasped. Her lips sputtered embarrassment and asked her sister to cover her vulva in front of Brad.

Mary pointed up Brad’s shorts, “Why? Brad’s cock and balls are hanging exposed in his shorts.” She stared directly at them and waved with a smile. Brad beamed; Bri gasped. He smiled back and opened his legs wider for a fuller view of his tiny stiffness. I wondered how he ever satisfied Bri with that.

Mary complained, “It’s so hot. How can you wear jeans today, Bri? You’re making me hotter.” She finished her beer and Bri stomped off for another. By the third beer, Mary began slurring some words and letting her libido rule her.

I noticed Brad’s cock thicken and throb. He fidgeted some so even I could see his wide shorts’ leg flare and hold Mary’s attention. Being commando, his dick was nearly free and visible to our wives. Mary locked onto it again and she smiled.

“Heyyy, Brad, I never seen yer cute cock before. Ledz danse.” Though there was no music, he quickly agreed. Mary guzzled her next beer. Bri and I moved their coffee table away for them when they started and we watched closely as Mary slowly melted into his arms. Her tank top rose up several inches and billowed. We had no doubt that he could finally see her nipples, maybe not for the first time. He slid both hands to her ass and squeezed. My dick swelled and I saw his small tent when he slowly spun her around.

“Bri, are you still OK with your husband groping your sister’s ass and staring at her tits? Mary said you used to be a hippy and implied you were often naked in your big group so you weren’t shy then. You can see where this is going. At least Mary will be naked in minutes.”

“Yes. That was another lifetime ago. I’m much more modest today. Sometimes I miss it. They’re both adults so they can parade around naked if they want. I don’t care anymore. We haven’t been intimate in months.” I wondered why Bri confided so much and why Mary lied or exaggerated about her ‘prude’ sister.

That was encouraging. I moved behind and against her tiny ass, skinless contact still, as we watched our spouses hug and sway. She didn’t object to my pulling her against my groin and beginning our own slow dance. The beer and Brad’s groping helped make her compliant. “Mary is right though, your jeans are much too heavy for today. Let me help you take them off and we can go outside to dance or just sit under the parasol?” As I said that, Mary’s skirt fell to the floor. Bri’s jaw dropped as she saw her sister’s naked ass in her husband’s hands. He squeezed her cheeks and she rubbed against him.

As she was so intensely distracted, I let her see I applied hand sanitizer, then unhooked and unzipped her jeans. She only resisted for a second, accepted the escalation, then let me remove them. “Much better. Now your shirt. I know you have a bra on, so you are still covered, unlike your sister.” I unbuttoned her shirt and removed it. “You are beautiful and shapely.”

When I turned, I saw Brad removing Mary’s braless top so she was completely naked and unfastening his shorts. He tossed his shirt and stepped out of his shorts as Mary kissed his tiny dick. “Happy Nude Day,” she whispered. They danced again — he with one hand on her ass, the other on a tit massaging her hard nipple, she with a hand rubbing his swelling dick. Maybe I shouldn’t have left her so horny in the car?

When I unhooked her bra, Bri stiffened for just a second, then let it slide off. Moving to her side, I let her feel my tented shorts slide along her hip. We turned so we could still watch our spouses fondle each other and I rolled her panties’ waistband down twice until some of her thick, raven bush appeared. She angled her head and looked at me, unfazed that her big, bare, flattened tits faced me. I cupped one and twirled the other nipple. It stiffened quickly, though not as perfect as Mary’s. “Mary said you hated your tits. I see nothing wrong with them. The bumps you complain about are simple cysts under your silky skin. I’ll ignore them whether you can or not.”

Lifting one tit, I kissed and licked her nipple; she moaned lightly. Mary knelt and licked the sweet Cowper’s off Brad’s bishop, then swallowed all of his small cock and sucked. I knelt and slid Bri’s panties to her ankles and helped her step out of them. I pushed her legs apart and combed back her pubic nest to see the swelling labia buried within. When I circled her clit, she moaned loudly and drew the attention of our spouses. They paused a moment to stare at Bri’s sudden and surprising nudity and my fingers breaching her prudish pussy. Mary added, “Glad you got her naked or Brad and I were about to attack and strip her. But you are still dressed.”

I stood and proved that wasn’t quite true. My stiff cock had escaped my shorts and now my bare bishop pressed against Bri as I more deeply fingered her. “Ohh, Mike, that’s so big ... and hot.” With trembling fingers she wrapped around my cock and pressed it against her slim leg. I slowly unfastened my shorts as she watched. She lifted my shorts to expose my balls and the full length of my cock before quickly and nervously dropping my shorts. As I tossed away my shirt, she watched with open mouth as my stiff cock bounced. “Mary, can you take all that in you?”

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