Femdom Gangster Story - Cover

Femdom Gangster Story

Copyright© 2022 by hvaljkabr

Chapter 9

Thriller Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A gangster story containing elements of violence and femdom.

Caution: This Thriller Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Crime   Violence  

Sergeant Josephine spoke to James Sollozzo: “I am glad you are willing to cooperate. So your friend Nicol and me won’t have to beat you up and take you to the police station by force. From what I understand your father and Richard are responsible for the murders of the Barzini people. The killings stopped when you came to power in the Sollozzo family.” James replied: “That is correct. I will provide information on Richard. I can also prove that he killed my father. And I will give information on some of the more psychotic criminals I did business with. Those who killed civilians should go to jail. Some of my men also killed civilians in the crossfire while killing Barzini men. They were not careful enough. That is unacceptable. So it is not against my moral code to snitch on them.”

James spoke again: “But I have one request. I want to be taken by the police after I take Monica, the daughter of Carlo Barzini on a date. Just give me one more day of freedom.” Judy spoke this time: “Ok. Hopefully, if you provide us with good evidence you will be free in a month. We also appreciate you trying to make peace. That shows you have some good in your heart.”

Finlay Nicol spoke to James as he was leaving the meeting with her: “If you screw this opportunity James, and run away, I promise you I will personally smack the shit out of you and kill you.” James replied jokingly: “Well let us make a deal Nicol. If you and your female friends decide to kill me I want you to kill me with your feet.” “No problem. I am glad we agree James on how you are going to die if you screw this up”, Nicol said.

Sergeant Halka added “However, we cannot let you roam around completely free. Your date with Monica will have to be under strict supervision.” It was then that Monica walked over to them with her mother Flavia who was frowning. She stood in front of James with her hands on her hips. She looked sternly at him. “I am pissed off with your selfish attitude, James Sollozzo. I can tell you are a gangster you are just like my ex-husband. She jabbed James in the chest with her fingernail. “There are a lot of dangerous men still out there and you want to swan around town like a peacock with my daughter. What if she got shot by this Richard or one of her cronies you little shit.” She prodded him again. “You will listen to Sergeant Halka and do what she says. You are in no position to dictate terms. Plus you are distracting my daughter’s attention from the tournament. She needs to focus. For some unfathomable reason, she seems to like you so but it will be on the police’s terms do you understand? DO-YOU-UNDERSTAND!” James was forced backward by Flavia’s angry advances. He looked at Monica who stood there contritely with her head down.

“Yes, Mrs. Barzini.” He replied.

“It’s Ms. Maldini you little shit.” She corrected him.

“Yes, Ms. Maldini.” He added.

“Good, come on Monica we have a tournament to win.” Flavia turned on her heels and led her daughter out of the cafeteria.

Nicol blew out her cheeks. “That is one formidable woman.” She said.

James was not listening. For the first time in his life, he felt ashamed of himself. “Ok, I will agree to your terms.”

Sergeant Halka looked across to the corner table to make sure Roland and Louis were alright. “We can provide you with a safe house which will be heavily guarded until the trial. Monica has persuaded her mother to let her come and visit you whilst they are staying in this country. In return, we have agreed to assign two officers to keep watch on her to make sure she is safe. All of your gang members who decide to give themselves up will need to remain here at the tournament until it is finished. We do not have enough evidence to arrest all of you at the moment, so any that do leave before that will be looked on as uncooperative. With your help, we will get them and they will go to jail for a long time.”

She looked at Nicol who gave a nod of understanding of her agreement with Sergeant Halka and the Agency that she would kill those that did not cooperate. “Once we have arrested all the gang members you will be allowed to leave the safe house until the trial. James nodded. It was the right thing to do.

Sergeant Halka then turned to Sergeant Powell and said “We will need to inform the Barzini’s of what our intentions are. Then they can decide who stays and who leaves.” James interrupted them.

“I have an agreement with Carlo. He will stay.” He replied.

“What about Antonio?” Asked Judy. “He does not look happy.””

Make sure you keep an eye on him and that he is aware of your presence. No one is armed. They have all been searched. He would be mad to cause any trouble here.” Replied Josephine Halka.

“When should we approach him?” Asked Sergeant Powell.

“Wait until the tea break after the semi-finals. I think I had better get back to my family. The quarter-finals will be starting soon.” Sergeant Halka groaned.

“That means I will have to keep control of my son when Ming is fighting and even more so my husband when Cristina takes on Monica in the last quarter-final.” They all laughed. It was good to have a little light relief to relieve the tension.

The tournament was still taking place. Ming was fighting with the female champion from Hungary. This time Ming was shown to be just as capable as Nicol and Monica. In the first ten seconds, she smacked her opponent with a well-placed Front kick to the face. The Hungarian champion was knocked out as Ming celebrated and sent kisses to her fans. Louis was convinced she was sending the kisses to him. That made him very happy.

Nicol fought the Russian champion next. This time she won on points. She decided to not smack her opponent with full force this time. Monica vs Christina was the next fight to take place. James was watching the fight. He rooted for the girl of his dreams -- Monica Maldini. Christina did a crazy combination of kicks around Monica’s face with her right foot. But Monica was very good at avoiding kicks. She was smaller but had faster reflexes. While Christina was showing her crazy flexibility by standing on one leg and performing kicks with her other leg in various directions, Monica managed to do the Sweeping leg kick. Christina fell to the ground. Monica quickly sat on her opponent’s stomach, putting her feet around Christina’s neck. Monica asked her opponent: “Do you give up?” Christina was forced to surrender.

Mia and James were both watching the fights together. Mia was as happy for her girlfriend as James was for Monica. Although James was rooting for Nicol as well. He still felt incredibly aroused when he saw Nicol fight in the ring. He could not forget the time Nicol gave him a footjob after beating him up. James was still dreaming about the taste of Nicols’ feet. He remembered it from when she made him lick her feet.

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