Morena, Vic’s Blind Date - Cover

Morena, Vic’s Blind Date

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2023 by Curbstonesetter

Romantic Sex Story: Description: Vic’s blind date arranged for him by a good friend turns out splendidly for both of them. He shows her his condo and makes love with her there many times. She ultimately tells him that she is pregnant. He has her move into his condo with him and they get married.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   .

Author: Curbstonesetter

Author’s Note: This story is a complete work of fiction from the get go and is intended solely for the readers to enjoy. My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

Six years ago I graduated from college with my degree in sales administration. I was quickly able to find a good job with a small manufacturing company in a medium size metropolitan city. My name is Victor but, all of my family and friends call me Vic for short.

The job I found was as an inside sales representative and I have gotten a couple of job promotions since I joined the organization. Each of my promotions came with a nice increase in my pay based on my job performance and my personal ability.

On my last promotion I was promoted to assistant manager of sales. With each of my promotions, my job responsibilities to the company and my pay have increased significantly.

Earning such a good salary I was able, right at the first, to afford to lease a very nice two bedroom apartment and then later I acquired a really nice and spacious condo. In addition, I bought and continue to drive a brand new sports car which turned out to be a really hot pussy magnet.

Since I was single I had no family responsibilities to anyone but, myself. I really didn’t have to worry about pinching pennies. I could provide myself with whatever lavish comforts and luxuries that I chose to indulge in. Some of my friends at work and other friends often chided me on my somewhat extravagant lifestyle. My response always was, “When you got it flaunt it, Clyde.”

Further to that, a lot of my friends knowing that I was single kept asking me, “When are you going to get married and settle down, Vic? You need to get married and let your wife spend most of your money for you, Man?” They would say that with a broad smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes.

To those friends I always replied, “I haven’t found a woman that I liked and who could spend my money any better than I could.” I always had a big smile on my face and a hearty chuckle making a big joke out of it. I always used to think, ‘It is really quite amazing to me how other people want to tell you how to live your life and spend your own money for you. I guess it had to be another form of jealousy.’

After two or three years in my job I joined a country club not far from where I lived and I joined one of their golf leagues. In my golf league I met a guy by the name of Gilberto who is called Gil for short. Gil is a really great guy and we became good friends. Gil is a few years older than I am and he is a production manager at a manufacturing company somewhat larger than the company I worked for.

Gil is married to a very pretty and very elegant lady named, Elena. They have two beautiful, very well behaved children, a boy and a girl. Their children are both very cute and very smart. They each were inquisitive and they were both the apple of their parent’s eyes as one would normally expect.

I had taken Gil and Elena out to eat a couple of times to a very nice steak house and we had a marvelous meal each time we went out to eat. We always had good conversations as Elena is a really gracious and vivacious lady. She is also a great conversationalist as well as Gil.

One weekend while Gil and I were playing golf he said to me. “Hey, Vic, Elena and I would like for you to come over to our house and have a good home cooked meal with our family. I knew that their invitation was a genuine invitation since I knew Gil and Elena were really great people and really good friends. I was happy to accept their gracious invitation to come over and have supper with them.

“Ok, Gil. Tell Elena I’d be happy to visit with you and your family. I’m sure that Elena is a great cook and I can look forward to a great meal and some pleasant conversation with you and your family.”

That next weekend I went to Gil and Elena’s home and had supper with them and their two kids. I was impressed with their children who were so very well-mannered and well behaved. They were a lot of fun to see and talk to.

Both of them asked where my wife and children were and why didn’t I bring them with me to visit with them. I just had to tell them, “Well, kids, I’m not married and I don’t have a wife and children to bring along with me to visit with you.”

After our supper Gil and Elena invited me to sit down in their living room, visit with them and enjoy a glass of wine with them. We had a good conversation and then Elena asked me, “Vic, you are a suave and really good looking guy. You have a free living and affluent lifestyle. Gil and I are both surprised that some good looking young woman has not come along and hauled you kicking and screaming to the altar yet.”

I just smiled and kind of replied, “Oh well, Elena, I have not really found a woman as gracious, smart, and as pretty as you are that I felt like I really wanted to settle down with yet. When I find her I’ll make certain that I bring her here to meet you and Gil. I’m sure that your kids would love to know and meet the girl I’d be going out with, too.”

From that time on, I think that Gil and Elena made it their life’s purpose to find me a wife. In order not to insult them I agreed to date a couple of the girls that they fixed me up with.

Those girls were very nice and they were very pretty but, they just did not have the intellect or the gracious personality that Elena had. Elena had kind of become my standard as a possible candidate for a wife. Consequently, we really did not connect any further than a few dinner and movie or dancing dates.

Then one Saturday as Gil and I were golfing he said, “Hey, Vic, there is a young woman that works in my office for me as a master production scheduler. I think that you ought to meet and go out with her, man. She is very pretty and she is very intelligent and a lot of fun to talk to as well.”

“Oh yeah? Well, what’s her name and what’s she like, Gil?”

“Her name is Morena and she is a very sweet and a really caring young woman. She has to be intelligent to be a master scheduler and work for me in my department. If you would like to go out with her next weekend I can let you know her full name, address and phone number but, she is going to be on vacation a week from Monday. I think that she may be going out of town that next Monday morning. What do ya think, Guy?”

I kind of reluctantly said, “Yeah.” and I told him, “Ok, Gil send me her name, address and phone number and I can pick her up at 6 o’clock and take her out to supper this coming Saturday night.”

When I got home on Monday evening after our golf match and before the girl was to go on vacation I got an EMAIL from Gil showing me her name, address and home phone number. He also said that he had told her that I would pick her up on Saturday night at 6 o’clock.

Then I got to thinking, ‘Gil had told me she was very sweet and intelligent girl but, he didn’t say a word at all that she was all that good looking or had a good personality. Gil had not said she had a really great shape either. I began to think that this was going to be another exercise like the other girls Gil and Elena had set me up with in the past.’

The previous girls were cute but they were just not someone I really wanted to continue to see. And I really had to wonder if this chick wouldn’t fit the same mold as the others Gil and Elena had set me up with previously.

At 6 o’clock that Saturday evening I got to Morena’s apartment and knocked on the door. A few moments later the door opened and a really beautiful girl with a great shape answered the door. What flashed through my mind was, ‘Shit, this chick just can’t be my date for tonight.

This girl just has to be her roommate or her friend or someone else.’ Since I only knew her name and I didn’t have a picture or even a good description of her I said to her, “Hi, I’m...”

She interrupted me and said, “I’ll bet you’re Vic, aren’t you? If so I’m Morena, Vic. It’s nice to meet you. My boss, Gil gave me your name and said he thought I would really like to meet you and go out to eat with you tonight.”

“Yes, I’m Vic and it is really nice to meet you, too, Morena.” as I extended my hand to shake hands with her.

“Won’t you come in for a few moments, Vic? I’ll just get my purse and I’ll be right with you.” I immediately thought to myself, ‘This girl is showing some of the poise and graciousness that Elena has always shown. Just how the hell did I luck out with this gorgeous chick?

I guess my first thought was totally wrong and I was damn glad it was.’ I watched her disappear into the other room and a few seconds later she reappeared with her small clutch purse in her hand. She was just as beautiful as she walked away into the bedroom as she was when she greeted me at the door.

She very cheerfully said to me, “Ok, Vic we’re ready to go.” Morena was wearing a powder blue satin pull over blouse and a pair of well-tailored form fitting color coordinated dress slacks. Her stylish clothes beautifully defined her magnificent figure. And they made her look like she was a model right out of a high class women’s fashion magazine.

She had jet black hair that flowed down to just above her shoulders and it gracefully framed her pretty face. She also had piercing dark eyes that really sparkled when she smiled at me. Her entire clothing ensemble accentuated her hour glass figure which looked like it had been carved by one of the renaissance sculptors.

I thought to myself, ‘Holy cow, Gil, you really hit the jackpot for me this time. This girl looks fabulous. Not only that, she appears to have a personality that seems to match her figure and her choice of attire.’

After she said she was ready to go, she opened the door and we walked through it, me after her. I pulled the door closed and checked to make sure that it was securely latched and locked before we turned to leave her apartment building.

As we turned to leave her building to get into my car I asked her, “Do you have a favorite restaurant where you would like to eat this evening, Morena?”

“Oh yes, Vic, I do. Do you like to eat Etouffee, Gumbo or Jambalaya?”

“I have eaten Etouffee once before and I enjoyed it very much. Are you a fan of Cajun food, Morena?”

“Yeah, I am very much so. There’s a great Cajun restaurant downtown not far from here that serves great crawfish Etouffee, shrimp Gumbo, Jambalaya, farm raised catfish and other Cajun food and it is all absolutely delicious. Oh, and their red beans with rice with sausage is an excellent choice, too. You may like that if you have never tried it before.”

“Ok, Morena, you give me the direction and we’ll be there very shortly. When we arrived at the restaurant, we walked in the door and the aroma of the food was so delicious I thought that we wouldn’t have to order our meals. We could just make our selection from the delicious aroma.

Morena and I were shown to a table and she ordered the shrimp Gumbo and I ordered the crawfish Etouffee from the menu. The portions were so big I thought that we were going to have to come back the next night to finish up our meal.

Since the restaurant only served beer we each ordered beer to have with our meal which was excellent. Morena said, “I don’t often drink beer but with this meal I can never resist having just one beer anyway. Maybe I’m a Coon Ass and I didn’t even know it.”

During our meal I asked her, “Where are you from Morena?”

“I’m from right here in the city, Vic. I was born and raised here and have lived here all of my life.”

“And where did you go to college?”

“I graduated from the university right here in the city. I got my degree in industrial management about three years ago when I got my job working for Gil. He has really been a good guy to work for and I have learned a lot from him since I have been working for him. He has really helped me to learn the job and grow in it.”

Then Morena asked me about my degree I told her that my degree was in sales administration and I was now the assistant manager of sales. I have been with my company for nearly six years since I got my degree. I continued to look at this beautiful young woman with all kinds of thoughts running through my mind.

I marveled at how good a conversationalist and how easy it was to talk to her. I marveled at how pretty she was with her jet black shoulder length hair. And I loved her piercing dark eyes that looked like they could burn holes in steel. When she looked at me I felt like she was looking right into my very soul and she knew what I was thinking.

I felt like her expressive, sparkling eyes could look right through me and I really loved her beautiful light milk chocolate complexion. Then I asked her, “How did you get your name, Morena? It seems to be a most unusual and very pretty name at that.”

“My Mother was a fan of the singer and actress Rita Moreno and my mother loved her last name so much, she adapted it for me when I was born. She told me that moreno is the Spanish word for brown and the feminine form of the word is morena. My mother thought that name was fitting for both herself and for me, too, as we both have nearly identical light brown complexions.”

I said, “I guess that is very fitting.” We finished our supper and I asked her, “Would you like to go to a club or to a movie with me, Morena?”

“How would you like to come back to my apartment and watch a movie on TV with me, Vic? I have some beer and also some wine in my fridge and we could relax, watch a movie and have a glass of wine or a beer if you would like to do that with me, Vic.”

How could I turn down such a gracious offer? “Yeah, that sounds like fun to me. I’d like that very much but, I don’t want to drink up all of your wine. Let’s stop and pick up a couple more bottles of your favorite wine and take them back to your apartment with us tonight.”

“That’ll be fine, Vic.” she said. We stopped at a liquor store and she picked out two bottles of the red wine she liked and I asked her, “Have you ever had any White Zinfandel before? It’s a really delicious wine and it is also good as a desert wine. It really goes well with your meals, too. I think that you’ll really like it. Would you like to try it?”

“Ok, of course, I’m convinced since you seem to like it. I’d like to try it, too.”

Morena had the two bottles of the red wine in her hands and I picked up two bottles of the Zinfandel and paid for all of the wine and we went back to her apartment.

When we got back to her apartment Morena excused herself saying, “I am going to change clothes and I’ll be right back, Vic.” as she disappeared into her bedroom closing the door behind her.

A few minutes later she returned wearing a pair of white, skin tight, form fitting shorts and a pink belly shirt. And boy, did she have the most gorgeous shape and the best looking set of feminine legs I think that I have ever seen.

On top of that her belly shirt accentuated her voluptuous, prominent breasts. When Morena emerged from her bedroom and I saw her and how she was dressed my dick went boing. I thought it was going to bust right out of my slacks and briefs and salute both of us.

Morena went directly into the kitchen and asked me to come into the kitchen to help her open the Zinfandel. She handed me a cork screw while she found a couple of wine glasses for us to use. She put the glasses and the wine bottle on a tray and I carried them into the living room for her.

She motioned for me to set them down on the coffee table where she poured a glass of the Zinfandel for each of us. She looked at it and after smelling the bouquet she said, “Geez, Vic, it has a beautiful pinkish color to it and it has a wonderful fragrance to it, too. I’m really glad you suggested we pick up a couple of bottles of it to enjoy tonight.”

“Wait till you taste it, Morena. I know that you will love the way it tastes, too. It’s just slightly sweet and slightly tart. It is not sickeningly sweet like some wines and some desert wines are and that is why I really like it. I like it with my meal or as an after dinner wine, too.”

Morena took a sip of the wine from her glass and went, “Mmmmmm. That is a very good wine, Vic. You have made a firm believer out of me with respect to this wine.” Morena then asked me, “What movie would you like to watch, Vic?”

I told her, “Let’s make it the lady’s choice of the movie tonight.” She flipped on the TV and brought up the TV guide. Running through the list of movies she chose a romantic drama and she sat down very close beside me on the love seat. We began to watch the movie and chatted as we sipped our wine during the movie.

After the movie started she turned and looked directly into my eyes with a hungry look in her eyes. I put my arm around her shoulders pulling her close to me feeling the warmth and softness of her luscious body. Then I softly kissed her lips and she kissed me back just as softly and very sweetly.

I thought to myself, ‘Vic, you’ve got a beautiful girl here with you tonight and she appears to be warm and very hungry for you.’ As I was thinking that I could tell that “Little Vic” had the same ideas I had. And I didn’t know if I could contain “Little Vic” tonight.

All during the movie we continued to kiss one another and then I pulled her even closer to me, I kissed her with my arm around her shoulders and then I laid my free hand on her warm soft tummy. A few minutes later I kissed her again and moved my hand up just under the hem of her belly shirt.

She didn’t object or say anything. She just kind of wiggled in her seat. I waited a little while longer until there was a particularly romantic scene in the movie and I kissed her very tenderly and moved my hand further up under her belly shirt to just below the lower band of her bra.

This time she very softly said to me, “Let’s not do any more than that tonight, please, Vic.” I took that to mean that she liked it but she probably thought that we were going too far too fast for this evening and that she wouldn’t mind going further sometime later.

It wasn’t a total shut down signal and I whispered back to her, “Ok, Morena.” Then I kissed her again as a kind of apology for moving too fast. But, I was not saying that I wouldn’t try it again some other time or more likely the next time when we got together.

I noticed that my wine glass was empty and hers was nearly empty, too. I asked her, “Do you want me to pour you another glass of wine, Morena?”

“Yes, please, Vic. I’m glad you suggested this wine it is really delicious especially as an after dinner treat.” I poured us both another glass of wine and we continued to watch the movie.

During the remainder of the movie we sipped our wine and we continued to make out at various points in the movie. She certainly wasn’t angry with me for trying to feel her titties. Otherwise she would have thrown me out of her apartment at the get go.

At the end of the movie I kissed her very passionately, drained my wine glass and then I got up off of the love seat. As I rose from the love seat Morena got up, too. I took her in my arms holding her tightly, kissed her passionately and said, “Thank you for a very pleasant evening, Morena, and I would like to see you again if you would like to see me.”

Morena held me tightly, kissed me back just as passionately pressing her whole body against mine. Her whole body hug included, lips, titties, belly and pussy. Then she said, “Yeah, Vic I would love to see you again very soon. Would you like to come here to visit me next weekend and I’ll make supper for us here if you would like for me to cook for us.”

I responded very quickly, “Yeah, that would be really great, Morena. I get very tired of cooking my own meals and going out to eat. Fast food gets tiring, also. If your cooking is as good as your choice of restaurants, I can expect a really delicious meal.”

She just kind of blushed and hugged me again, kissed me and then she said, “I’ll expect you here next Saturday night at 6 o’clock then, Ok, Vic?”

“Ok, I’ll be here and what do you want me to bring with me for our meal?”

“Yourself, is all that you need to bring with you next week. I’ll do all the rest for us” she replied.

“I’ll see ya next Saturday night at 6 o’clock then, Morena.” I left her apartment headed home for my condo. When I left Morena’s apartment, I went back home with a galloping case of the blue balls. I said to myself, ‘I sure as hell hope that I don’t have to leave here again with another galloping case of the blue balls like I’m having tonight.’

I thought about Morena all week and I was really anticipating seeing her again on Saturday. She told me that I didn’t need to bring anything with me but, I figured that she would love to have a bouquet of flowers. So, I stopped at a flower shop and bought a dozen red roses to take to her to put on her table as we ate our meal.

When I arrived at her apartment and knocked on her door, Morena opened the door and said, “Hi, Vic, you’re right on time. It is really good to see you again, Baby.” She was wearing a pair of skin tight form fitting knit short shorts again. She also had on a belly shirt similar to what she had changed into the previous Saturday night when I was here in her apartment with her.

And boy, did she look gorgeous again. Her knit shorts were so form fitting and tight I thought I could see a little bit of camel-toe peeking out at me. My dick noticed how pretty and shapely she looked, especially with that hint of a camel-toe inside at the top of her thighs. And shit, “Little Vic” was quick to notice that hint of a camel-toe, too. I had to ask myself, ‘Was that a hint of what she wanted me to see later tonight after we ate our meal?’

Seeing her in her short shorts and belly shirt I told her, “You’re really looking very pretty tonight, Morena, and I have something for you.” I took her in my arms and kissed her then I presented her with the bouquet of roses. She got so excited I thought that she was going to pee in her shorts when I handed her the bouquet.

She just wiggled and pressed her warm soft body tightly against mine and kissed me. “Oh thank you so much, Vic. That is so thoughtful of you and these roses are just so beautiful.” Then Morena said to me, “Come on into the kitchen. I have supper just about ready and you can pour the wine for us while I set the table.”

After I handed the bouquet to her, she immediately put fresh water and the roses in a vase and sat it on the dinner table. She wanted them there on the table so we could both enjoy the beautiful bouquet during our meal.

“Ok Honey. I think I know how to pour wine into wine glasses. At least I can say I made a small contribution to our meal tonight.” I said with a broad grin on my face and a little chuckle in my voice.

“When you finish pouring the wine you can take your seat while I set our food on the table. Since you asked for Etouffee the other night when we went out to eat I wanted to make that dish for you tonight.” She just beamed as she set a steaming serving bowl of Etouffee on the table between us.

The aroma from the bowl of Etouffee was mouth watering but, we started on our salad. Then Morena asked me to hand her my plate and she dished out a huge serving of the Etouffee onto my plate and then she dished out a similar serving onto her own plate, also. She motioned for me to start on my meal as she watched my reaction when I first tasted her version of the crawfish Etouffee.

I looked at her as she was taking her first bite of the Etouffee and I told her exactly what I thought, “Morena, this is really delicious. It is even better than the Etouffee I had at the Cajun restaurant last week. How did you learn to make such a delicious dish?”

She kind of lowered her eyes and said, “My Mother taught me to make this dish, Vic. I still kind of think that the way she makes it is always better than mine though.”

“My compliments not only to you but, to your Mother, also. I think that your cooking is even better than your choice of restaurants. You are not only very pretty and very smart; you are a really great cook, too, Baby.

As far as your Mother’s cooking is concerned, you have to remember she has been cooking all of these meals much longer than you have and I’m sure she has many more years of experience at preparing them.

Not only that you grew up eating her cooking and it is a sign of how much you love your Mother by how much you like her cooking. Do you make shrimp Gumbo and Jambalaya, as well?”

“Yes I do and I think that how I make them, they are just as good as or better than what the restaurants serve, too.”

“Judging from how good your Etouffee is I have no doubt that yours are as good as or better than what the restaurants serve.”

“Then I’ll make them both for you the next couple of times I cook for you in the future and you can form your own opinion as to how good you think they are.”

“I can’t wait to have them both, Morena.” We finished our meal along with our wine which complimented the meal extremely well. I helped her clean up her kitchen and we took our glasses of wine along with the bouquet of roses into the living room. We set the bouquet of roses down on the coffee table and we sat down on the love seat.

Morena took a sip out of her wine glass and then she flipped on the TV. She asked me, “Would you like to watch another movie with me tonight, Vic?”

“Yes, very much so. Why don’t you choose a movie for us to watch this evening?” I said. She ran through the list of movies on the TV guide and she asked me to pick one for us to watch.

I picked one out and asked if she would like that one. She immediately said “Yes”. It was an “R” rated movie and I didn’t know how good it would be but, it seemed like a reasonable choice for the night for us.

The movie started and it appeared to be a good one. Later I began to think, ‘This movie ought to be rated “RRR” and not just “R”. As we did the last time when we watched the movie together, I put my arm around her shoulders. I pulled her close to me kissing her cheek and her lips as I did previously. Morena just kind of snuggled up next to me and cooed to me after our kisses.

That was enough to start another bulge rising between my thighs and a really good feeling of lust invaded my lower belly and my balls. “Little Vic” was chomping at the bit to get out and get to work.

I sure hoped that Morena wouldn’t stop my advances like she did the last time we watched a movie together. I didn’t want to go home with another galloping case of the blue balls again tonight.

As the movie progressed the scenes began to get more erotic. I could tell that it was affecting Morena as much as it was affecting me. During one scene I pulled her tightly to me and kissed her very affectionately.

I softly placed my hand on her warm tummy as I had done before. She had no objection to that and when I kissed her again I moved my hand up under her belly shirt. Slowly and gently I lightly caressed the really soft skin of her warm, soft upper tummy.

She just kind of shivered a little but, she still had shown or voiced no objection to what I was doing. Moving my hand up to the bottom band of her bra I fingered her bra. She turned to me, kissed me and gave me an approving smile with a soft little purr to me.

I reached up and fondled first one and then the other of her soft titties through her bra. Morena cooed to me and wiggled her cute, round bottom in her seat moving as close to me as she could possibly get to me.

With her unspoken approval I hooked my fingers underneath the bottom band of her bra. Very slowly and gently I lifted it and pulled it up above her breasts freeing her soft, warm titties. Morena turned her body more toward me and laid her head in the crook of my neck and kissed my neck softly purring to me.

Then she kissed my lips and holy shit was she ever so affectionate. I couldn’t stop now so, I took each one of her very warm, soft titties in my hand and tenderly fondled them. Along with that I lightly fingered the nipples of her sweet titties. Little Vic just couldn’t get over what I was doing and what she was allowing me to do so far tonight.

Holy shit, did it ever feel so good to have my hand on her warm, soft titties. Then in turn I gently rolled each of her hardening nipples between my thumb and my index finger. She began to very softly moan with her head laying on my shoulder.

I pulled her pretty face up to mine and kissed her passionately and lovingly with our tongues dueling for the mastery of each other’s mouth. Not only was “Little Vic” standing at attention I could feel the excitement rising to increased heights in my lower belly and in my balls with the pre-cum progressively moving along the length of my dick.

As we were kissing I reached my hand down between us and slipped it between her thighs. She instinctively spread her thighs to make room for my hand. I very gently cupped her really hot, moist pussy with the palm and fingers of my hand. I could feel her soft outer pussy lips through her shorts and her thin panties.

Not to be outdone, Morena slowly reached down and took the bulge in my slacks with her small delicate hand and she gently squeezed my already hard dick. And, man, did “Little Vic” really like that. I was a little afraid he was going to spit his approval at her hand through my briefs and my slacks.

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