Sex, Drugs & Rock-'N-roll - Cover

Sex, Drugs & Rock-'N-roll

by august_west

Copyright© 2022 by august_west

Erotica Sex Story: Fun day at a rock festival ends with hot mom Julie taking on her son and two of his college buddies in a wild drug-fueled orgy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   .

Julie McCullough could feel the tingling of anticipation in her stomach as the miles clicked away. She wasn’t sure why, but she could sense that she was on the cusp of something momentous, a radical change in her life that she didn’t quite understand.

She was in the front passenger seat of her car as her son drove them to the rock festival that was their destination, about an hour from the town where they lived. Eric had brought two of his friends from college, Kyle and David, who were in the backseat.

Julie had just turned 40 and Eric had recently made 21, and to celebrate she had sprung for tickets to the show featuring their favorite band.

She was amped, because this group always delivered an outstanding performance and she always had incredible experiences at their shows. This band, and their fans, were known for being free spirits and the crowds at their shows could be bacchanalian in the right circumstances.

She was also excited to be escorted by her son and his friends. They were all handsome and well-built, athletic and self-assured.

Eric was an inch or two over six feet tall, with a thick shoulder-length mane of blond hair and a Robert Redford moustache. He had a ready sense of humor and an outgoing personality.

Kyle was even taller, at least 6-4, lean with a somewhat darker complexion, short brown hair with a goatee. He was confident, with a commanding personality that was persuasive.

David was somewhat shorter and stockier than the other two boys and a little quieter, though still an attractive young man, with light brown hair that he wore moderately long.

Julie was a redhead, with long curly hair the color of burnt orange, and the freckly complexion to match. She was taller than average, a shade under six feet, and slender, with long legs, a tight butt and breasts that were now just on the plump side of B-cups.

She was a natural beauty, with soft brown eyes, a narrow nose and a ready smile. She had always drawn the attention of men, and more than a few women, and that attention was often reciprocated.

Julie had always been a wild child. She had been one of the younger children – but not the baby – in a large boisterous Irish family and she had fallen through the cracks as far as discipline was concerned.

And she had been aided and abetted by her older siblings, who introduced her to rock and roll, and everything that went along with it, by the time she was 14.

Her sister had given her the first beer she drank and the first joint she smoked, and one of her brother’s best friends had taken her virginity not long after she turned 15.

All through high school she had lived the mantra of sex, drugs and rock-and-roll, generally in reverse order: First the rock, then the drugs, leading inevitably to sex.

Julie was a quick learner when it came to sex. She liked everything about it, the sensate pleasures her body and the body of her lovers produced – and she especially loved it when she was high, on whatever she happened to take at any given time.

Usually, her drug of choice was cannabis, but she also loved LSD and she had a sexual weak spot for cocaine, although she had quickly learned to keep coke at arm’s length.

She had avoided steady relationships, at least through high school, preferring the immediacy of casual hookups and knowing that she was more than a little bit of a nymphomaniac.

Still, the steadiest relationship of her youth came after she finished high school and had left home to follow the band that had become her favorite, the same band she was traveling that day to see.

She had taken up with a fellow traveler and she had ended up pregnant, which she did not learn about until she had returned home not feeling well at the end of one of the band’s tours.

She had never tried to contact Rick, her old boyfriend, about it, largely because she wasn’t 100 percent confident the baby was even his to begin with. Still, she had named her son Eric to remind her of Rick.

She had considered an abortion, a thought that still shamed her, but chose to not only keep her child, but raise him as a single mom.

She knew she’d have to curtail at least some of her activities with a child in tow. She went back to the nearby community college, landed a job as a receptionist there, first on work-study then full-time after she got her associates degree.

It afforded excellent benefits, including good health insurance and placement in the state employee retirement system, liberal personal time and, best of all, no drug tests.

That had allowed her to indulge – modestly – in her old rock-and-roll lifestyle, and when he became old enough, she let Eric tag along to the shows she and her friends attended.

Although she went through a series of boyfriends over the years, she had never married, devoting herself to raising her son and enjoying her life.

Julie always put Eric first in her life, and the men who tried to woo her into a more permanent relationship usually ended up resenting it and moving on. She stayed working at the college and saved enough for a down payment on a small house in a decent neighborhood.

She had thought about another child, but as Eric reached school age, she decided that one was enough for her.

With one child, she figured, she could have some semblance of the active social life she enjoyed; with two kids that wasn’t as likely. So, she got her tubes tied to prevent any unwanted pregnancies.

Eric turned out to be a good child, a smart kid who did well in school without a lot of effort, an athlete good enough to play sports all through high school, and a fan of his mom’s music.

It was when Eric started reaching puberty that he began to be aware of his mother’s sexuality, and Julie really didn’t make a big effort to hide it.

She often brought her boyfriends home for sex, and many times Eric would still be awake and could hear much of what went on in the bedroom next door. The modest house she had bought in a quiet neighborhood near the college was small and the walls somewhat thin.

Several times through his teens, Eric had walked in on his mom with her lovers, and once he walked into her bedroom with a load of folded clothes, when he thought she was just taking a nap, and found her naked working a vibrator between her legs.

It was just a glimpse, and while he didn’t actually see Julie using the tool, he did see it in her hands between her legs, not to mention her delectable body naked.

So, Eric had certainly long had some fantasies about his mom, and Julie had played into them, whether knowingly or not. She was a natural flirt, with men and women, and she used that to her benefit in her relationship with her son.

Although Julie had never seen Eric’s naked cock, she had a good idea what he had packing, and there had been a few times when she had scoped out her son with an approving eye.

So, the seed had been laid long ago, and it had been watered by Julie’s acceptance of her son into her rock-on lifestyle.

While Eric was basically a good kid, he liked to have fun and had developed his mom’s taste for partying, especially where it concerned their favorite band.

Julie had, for the most part, been able to moderate Eric’s behavior when it came to drugs and alcohol, but his teenage sex life had been all his own.

One of Julie’s friends had introduced him to sex when he was 16, and he had developed into an accomplished ladies man in high school.

He’d taken his seduction skills with him to the university, where he found a target-rich environment – and not just co-eds, either. Eric had plenty of success with women who were older, administrators, teaching assistants and such.

There was a point where his partying began to interfere with his schoolwork, and Julie had put her foot down about him not taking advantage of opportunities that she’d never had. He had buckled down after that and had done well in his course of study as a junior.

But now it was summer, festival season, and they were all free to spend their time doing what they loved, going to shows, getting high and enjoying music. The boys were out of school and Julie was in the middle of an extended vacation. It was time to party.

Eric glanced briefly to his right as he drove, casting eyes on his beautiful mother, and felt himself harden slightly as he flashed back to a conversation he’d had with Kyle the previous fall, after Julie had visited the university to attend a football game with them.

“Man, your mom is something else,” Kyle had said as they lounged around the apartment they shared.

“Yeah, she’s great,” Eric had said absently.

“No, man, I mean she’s the walking definition of a MILF,” Kyle said. “No offense, buddy, but I’d bang your mom in a heartbeat. She is sexy as hell. I bet you’d do her too if you had a chance. No?”

Eric had stammered a second and Kyle had pounced.

“I knew it!” he crowed. “Come on, Eric, tell me if you were offered a chance to fuck your mom, you wouldn’t do it? Hard dick has no conscience, bro.”

Eric had half-heartedly conceded that if the opportunity arose, he probably would, and they had sort of drifted on to other topics and never spoke of it again, until the previous night.

After dinner, the four of them had stepped out to the patio to smoke a little weed and discuss their plans for festival day.

They each had a hit of blotter, which they planned to take a couple of hours before the show, plenty of weed, and, as Kyle had let Eric in on a surprise, enough blow to perk them up for the ride home.

Eric knew that cocaine was his mom’s weak spot, that it revved up her libido, and he also knew that acid made Julie shed what few inhibitions she normally had. She had once told him, in a somewhat drunken state, that sex on LSD was the best you could imagine.

David and Eric had gone inside, but Kyle had stayed out on the patio with Julie for some length of time before they too came in.

Right before they crashed for the night, Kyle had turned to Eric with an amused smile on his face.

“Look, I can fuck your mom any time I want,” he said. “No brag, just fact. She’s lonely; hasn’t had a boyfriend in a couple of months and she’s going nuts. I could have done her 10 minutes ago if I’d wanted, but I’m not going to be greedy. I am going to fuck Julie before this weekend is over, with or without you. If you ever truly wanted to fuck your mom ... If we play it right, I think she’ll make everyone’s fantasies come true.”

Julie had worn a light peasant-style skirt, with her sandals – complete with a couple of ankle bracelets – and a light shift-style top. She never wore a bra to these events, preferring to let her B-plus puppies bounce freely. She completed her ensemble by pulling her flame-red hair under a bandanna and donning a couple of necklaces. Minimal make-up and she was ready.

They decided to take her car, because it was less conspicuous than Eric’s vehicle, which was adorned with a few stickers that might draw the attention of the police.

The day went well for everyone; they had a few beers, had some food, smoked some weed, then dropped their blotter about an hour before they went into the arena.

They were starting to feel the effects of the acid about the time the opening act came on, and they were very good, an up-and-coming, blues-based band from the South. By the time their favorites came on, the acid had kicked in, and it was good stuff, a full-body trip out of reality.

And for Julie, it was a walk down memory lane, back to the free, wild days of her youth. Her body hummed with the acid and her mind felt totally out of her body.

What she understood, vaguely, was that LSD amplified whatever emotions were going through her mind at a given moment during her trip, and if that emotion was lust, then the acid would render that lust all but uncontrollable.

And if you added cocaine to the mix, something she knew made her horny as hell, it was a recipe for what was to come, and at some level, she knew it.

The only thing that was causing her to pause was the fact that one of the men in her current orbit was her own son.

But she’d gone several months without sex, for a variety of reasons, and the passage of her 40th birthday had put her in the mood for something that would help her recapture her youth, even if just for a night, and if one of the participants just happened to be her son, well, so be it.

Near the middle of the performance, without even thinking about it, she simply slid the straps of her top off her shoulders and pulled it off her chest and left it bunched around her waist. Her pink-tipped nipples were hard as nails as her bare breasts shook and swayed to the beat of the music.

Eric was transfixed by the sight of his sexy mom, dancing to the beat of the music, her naked breasts sitting up proudly on her chest, swaying sensually with the movements of her body.

Finally, late in the show, as they were beginning to peak in their trip, Julie pressed herself to Kyle’s back, handed him her wadded-up panties and whispered in his ear.

“I’m ready for anything you guys can throw at me tonight, big boy,” she said.

She had, through the haze in her mind, decided that she was going to have all three of these gorgeous young men – even Eric, especially Eric. She was going to give free rein to some of her most lurid fantasies.

“I’m not Mom today,” she had said earlier. “I’m Julie, and I’m here to have a good time.”

So, as he pocketed Julie’s panties – which were still slightly damp from her arousal – Kyle looked over at Eric, they locked eyes and nodded their heads. It was on.

Julie’s body was sizzling as they walked out of the festival. She reveled in the admiring looks of men and women at her naked breasts, still swaying gently as she walked, arms around Eric and David.

Both men massaged Julie’s butt through her thin skirt, and that just raised her arousal to new levels. They were still tripping when they reached Julie’s car, and giddy from the great show they’d just seen and at what lay ahead later that night.

Kyle got in the back seat, and Julie crawled in the back seat next to him. Eric and David just looked at each other and grinned at the implications of Julie cozying up to Kyle in the back seat.

They decided to sit in the car for a while to let the parking lot clear a little, while Kyle pulled his stash of blow from where he’d secreted it when they left for the show.

He didn’t have a lot, but he had enough to get everyone taken care of. He brought out a small vanity mirror, a credit card and a small straw, dumped about half of what he had onto the mirror and drew out eight lines.

“Ladies first,” he said as he handed the straw to Julie and offered her the mirror.

She quickly vacuumed two lines, one in each nostril, lifted her head to get the drug into a nasal passage a little quicker, then leaned back in the seat with a sly, dreamy smile on her face.

Without thinking, she brought her hands to her bare breasts and lightly massaged the mounds, rolling her stiff nipples between her fingers. The three boys couldn’t miss what was going on with Julie in the back seat.

Kyle offered Eric, then David, a taste of the white powder, which they both accepted, then Kyle took the last two lines. When the mirror was clean, he put the kit away and leaned back to work his magic on the goddess next to him.

Julie was more than willing to snuggle up to this big sexy young man as they got underway. Kyle leaned with his right hand and began running his hand up her slender legs, to the inside of her thighs.

Julie moaned softly and spread her legs as Kyle’s hands lightly caressed her thigh. He leaned over and nibbled on her ear, licked down her jaw line then turned her head so that their lips met, and they kissed.

It was slow and tentative at first, but quickly the heat built, especially as the cocaine worked its way into their system. Julie gasped as Kyle’s fingers found her wet sex. He slid his fingers through her labia and over the opening to her pussy.

Kyle’s cock was like iron in his shorts as Julie’s left hand found the telltale bulge and began to lightly squeeze.

“Oh my,” she exclaimed. “Big boy you got there, Kyle.”

“The better to fuck you with, my dear,” Kyle replied, as he bent over and found Julie’s hard nipple with his lips. He kissed and licked the little nub, then moved to the other breast and spent a moment or two suckling it.

By now, Julie’s skirt was pulled up over her thighs, exposing her wanton pussy to the guys. Eric squeezed his cock through his shorts as he gazed through the rearview mirror at his mother’s pussy for the first time, with his best friend’s fingers working all over the wet opening.

Eric was glad for the boost from the cocaine, as it had allowed him to focus a little better, while still on his trip, even though it seemed to have gone straight to his dick.

He gritted his teeth and willed himself to concentrate and ignore what was going on in the back seat. He’d get his turn once they were safely home.

And the activity in the back seat was beginning to heat up. Julie had paused long enough to pull off her skirt and blouse, leaving her naked in the back seat, except for her sandals and jewelry, as Kyle resumed his digital assault on her dripping pussy.

In response, Julie leaned over, flipped the front of Kyle’s shorts down and gasped as Kyle’s 8-inch meat flopped out, already hard and leaking lube from the head.

Julie didn’t hesitate. She opened her ruby lips and sucked that head right into her mouth. She sucked about a half of him into her mouth and into the opening of her throat before pulling back up to work on the head and shaft with her lips and tongue.

She licked and kissed her way down the stiff shaft to his balls, sucked each one in her mouth for a moment then worked her way back up the shaft and once again engulfed the cock into her mouth.

Julie’s body was humming with the potent combination of LSD, cocaine, weed and unbridled lust. In her mind, her whole existence had been reduced to her mouth and Kyle’s cock, and she reveled in the taste of that cock in her mouth.

Kyle leaned his head back and squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself not to come too quickly, and trying not to explode in Julie’s voracious mouth.

Just as they were coming into the city where Julie’s home was located, Kyle summoned his willpower and gently pried Julie’s mouth off his cock.

“When I come, I’m going to come in that hot pussy,” he said, shakily.

Julie was shivering with lust as she sat up, her arousal still climbing to incredible levels. Her chin was wet with the combination of her saliva and the fluids from Kyle’s cock.

She crossed her arms tightly across her chest to cover her breasts from casual view, but otherwise did nothing to hide her nakedness. At this point, she had no cares about anything – except getting her trembling pussy filled with some hard cock.

As soon as they got to the house safely, Julie climbed out of the car and sashayed naked to the side door of the house.

Once inside, they pulled drinks out of the refrigerator, and Eric rolled a joint while Kyle lined out the rest of his blow to replenish their collective buzz.

Julie was kneeling over the table as she took two fat lines in each nostril and when she finished, she looked over at the boys, who were still dressed. She had an almost desperate look in her eyes and her voice was shaky.

“No fair,” she said. “I’m here on my knees naked and you boys aren’t. Come on, let’s see that meat.”

She stared at Eric as her son quickly stripped, and she gave a low whistle when she saw his cock, a solid 7 inches that was a slightly fatter version of Kyle’s cock that she’d sucked on earlier.

“Oh my,” she said softly as she knee-walked her way to where Eric was standing with his impressive cock in his fist. It was an angry purple color and leaking from the tip as she took it from Eric’s grasp and fed the head into her hungry mouth.

A thrill ran through her stoned body and the smoking crater of her mind as she realized she was really doing it; she was sucking her son’s big cock, and she loved it.

While she fed Eric’s dick into her mouth, her other hand was busy between her legs, stroking her bloated clit and sliding her fingers through her gooey cunt.

Eric couldn’t believe the sensation of Julie’s mouth working up and down and all around his cock. She was panting as she licked the underside of his cock, kissed up the shaft then stuffed his cock back into her mouth.

After a few minutes of this, Eric gently pulled Julie’s mouth off his cock and turned her head to where David stood next to him. His cock was nice and long, if a bit slenderer than those of Eric and Kyle.

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