Fooled Me Twice - Cover

Fooled Me Twice

Copyright© 2022 by greenday0418

Chapter 17

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17 - This story is a dramatic mystery, with two romantic story lines, science fiction, loads of erotic sex, including lesbian love, threesomes, and some B&D. No sex happens until Chapter 5, and no one under 18 is involved in the sex parts. I promise there is plenty of sex throughout the novel.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Mystery   Tear Jerker   Space   BDSM   Humiliation   Light Bond   Anal Sex   Facial   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

New Year’s in Seattle, Liz gave me a book, and we went on a FIELD TRIP.

Liz and I stayed in Greenville until the 28th and then flew back to school. There was an invitation to Sapphire’s New Year’s Eve party in the pile of mail our house sitter left on the dining room table. We had already decided to fly up to Seattle for a New Year’s Eve party that would be attended by some celebrities that I knew about. Never again would we visit Sapphire’s mansion, but we did R.S.V.P. with a message to Mrs. Smith that was short and straightforward;

“We have NO regrets informing you that there is no way we will ever attend one of your parties again.”

Happy New Year! The party in Seattle was a blast, and being a masquerade ball, our costumes were elaborate and over-the-top. Liz went as Marie Antoinette; of course, I was Louie XVI. Both of us had golden masks held on by a thin strap. We met some famous people, Danny Bonaduce, who hosts a radio show, Bill Nye, ‘The Science Guy,’ and a couple of married NASA astronauts, Kate and Carl. How did I know they were astronauts? The spacesuits they had on were authentic. When I told them my name, school, course of study, and hometown, Kate asked, “Are you related to Bob Stevens?”

“He’s my uncle. My dad, Alex, is CFO.”

We became best friends for the night. They told stories of their time on the international space station, and I told them some of my theories about space propulsion and human space travel. After talking for half an hour, I felt Liz needed some attention, so we danced. Conrad and I switched partners for one dance, and I had a friendly chat with Kate. She told me about their two kids, and I talked about my desire to have a bunch after Liz and I married. Finally, midnight rolled around, and Liz and I toasted the crowd, kissed, and headed to our room in the hotel hosting the party.

“Tonight is all about you, my queen. What is your desire?”

“Oh, my king, your queen desires around the world with your tongue. Fais-moi avec ta langue. (French for Make me come with your tongue).”

So I did, over and over, with nothing expected in return, and I enjoyed every minute.

Larry called me on January 2nd while Liz and I were eating dinner and gave me a name, Walter, and a phone number to call in San Francisco. “Call him tomorrow between 1 and 3 PM and give him your American Express card number. The total cost is $11,489.00, and I’m emailing you a copy of the invoice.”

When my first class ended at one fifteen the next day, I called the number from a payphone and paid for it Larry’s reward.

Friday, February 1st, arrived, and when I came home from my last class, I found a gift bag on the dining room table. There was a card leaning against it with my name written on it. Liz wouldn’t be home for a couple more hours, so it was my job to make dinner. Tonight was soup and salad, so I had time to check out the bag before I started dinner.

I reached inside and took out a book, ‘Beginners Guide to BDSM.’

“Wow! Liz, what are you up to now,” I asked myself out loud?

When she came home at 7:05, the salads were made, and the soup was heating up. “Dinner will be ready in five minutes, babe,” I called out to her from the kitchen.

She walked in, saw me reading a book, and asked a silly question, “What are you reading?”

“You should know,” and I showed her the book.

She stared at it for a few seconds with a blank look before smiling weakly at me, “So what do you think? My, um, advanced CPA class partner, my, um, Sophomore year, Sophia, told me, um, all about her experiences in bondage and got me, um, curious about being restrained during sex. I bought this book, and, um, I used up all my D-cell batteries while reading it. I packed it away when I moved here, and you made me forget all about it with the course you’ve been teaching me, Marty’s Introduction to Multiple Female Orgasms.”

“So why do I have it now?”

“I was, um, looking for an accounting book I got my, um, first year. It had, um, a spreadsheet you could create, um, on a PC that I needed for a project. It was in a box, um, on top of the book you’re now reading. I picked it up, and my, um, memories of what I read, oh my God Marty, I came so hard I fell to my knees. I didn’t touch myself, just held the, um, book, and my legs gave way. I had two choices: burn the book and wonder what it would be like to be totally under someone else’s control, or I could talk to you. I was too, um, embarrassed to talk to you, so I put it in a bag and left it for you to read; if you want to read it, I mean.”

Her hands were pressed together in her lap, with her fingers interlocked. She was undeniably nervous but what concerned me was all the, um, interruptions. Whenever Liz fell into that speech pattern, using um, she wasn’t speaking the whole truth. I would have to watch myself to see where this takes us.

“Okay, I’ll read it, but don’t hover over me. Let me finish, and we’ll talk.”

“Oh, Marty, I love you so much,” and she slid some tongue between my lips.

We sat down to eat, and I told Liz about my day as I ate all my salad and two bowls of soup. Meanwhile, Liz picked at her salad and hardly touched her soup spoon. She was quiet and jumped when I asked about her day. When I stood up to take my dishes back to the kitchen, Liz jumped up and snatched them away from me, “You cooked; I’ll clean up. Relax on the love seat, and I’ll bring you some tea.”

I’m not stupid, and I don’t feel like plucking her last nerve, so I picked up the book and continued reading. I was intrigued by the chapter’s on restraints, dominance over your partner, minor pain, teasing and tormenting, humiliation, and multiple orgasms. When I went to bed, Liz was lying on her belly, pretending to be asleep, and I confirmed that by sticking my tongue in her ear. We played for several hours before falling into a deep sleep.

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