The Bouncer and the Barmaid - Cover

The Bouncer and the Barmaid

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Romantic Sex Story: Fresh out of the Navy, a SEAL is looking for a job when passing through, he comes across a woman in trouble. He helps her and she is more than a little grateful...

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Interracial   White Male   Hispanic Female   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   .

Jimmy Laughlin was new to the city and was looking for work. An ex-Navy SEAL fresh out of the military, he was looking for any kind of work that would allow him to settle down someplace.

Maria was a barmaid at a local pub. She was twenty-three years old and had been working at the bar for two years, but had lived in the area most of her life.

Jimmy was walking down the street headed for the pub after a long day of waiting at the employment office, trying unsuccessfully once again to find a job. He passed by the darkened alley beside the bar and heard a woman’s voice pleading.

“Please don’t ... don’t hurt me!”

He stepped into the alley to see what was going on, and found a young Hispanic girl being threatened by four large men.

“What’s going on here?” Jimmy said to the men.

One of the men turned his attention to him and started walking towards him. “It’s none of your business, mister. Just turn around and walk away.”

He looked at the young girl, who was terrified as she was backed up against the wall in a corner. She had no way out and no place to run to. One of the men was on either side of her. She didn’t say anything, but Jimmy could plainly see she was scared to death.

“I said walk away,” the man repeated. He was obviously the leader of these hoodlums.

“I don’t think the girl much wants to party with you gentlemen,” Jimmy said calmly, “Are you all right?” he asked her. She quickly shook her head and looked pleadingly at him.

“I’m not going to tell you again. Now leave,” the man said. He pulled out a knife and in the dim light of a single bulb overhead, Jimmy saw the glimmer of the blade as the thug flicked it open. That was a big mistake on his part.

The man took two more steps towards him, and in a flash Jimmy was on him. Before she even realized what was going on, Jimmy had dispatched two of the men. The leader of the group was laying on the ground, screaming in pain and holding his knee as his leg was bent in a very odd and disturbing angle.

Another man was laying unconscious in a nearby dumpster. Jimmy had broken the leg off of a discarded table and was using it as a club to throttle the third man, while the fourth had enough sense to cut and run while he still had two good legs.

A quick rapid-fire barrage of blows with the impromptu club, and Jimmy put the remaining thug out of service, then turned to the terrified and shaking young girl.

“No ... please... “ she said, shrinking away from him as he approached her. She had squatted down and was curled up against the wall, making herself as small as she could and covered her face.

“It’s okay, miss. I’m not going to hurt you,” he said. Jimmy sat down on a pallet next to her so he wouldn’t look so intimidating. Slowly she raised her head and saw him sitting there smiling at her. She looked at him for a long moment before the realization hit her. She moved quickly to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder, sobbing and shaking uncontrollably.

Jimmy sat there in the alley holding her for several minutes. Finally she stopped her sobbing and calmed down enough to stand. Jimmy stood up, offering her his hand. She gratefully took it and he pulled her to her feet, steadying her as she stood.

“Are you all right now?” he asked her.

“Y ... yes, I ... I think so,” she said. She looked down at her clothes, which had gotten dirty and the sleeve was torn from being grabbed so roughly by the thugs. “Oh, my clothes! I’m a sight!” she said.

“You look fine. So what happened anyway?” Jimmy asked.

“I had just gotten off of work. These four creeps stopped me as I was walking to my car and forced me down this alley.”

“Where do you work?”

“I’m a barmaid in the pub around the corner. I had just gotten off shift and was headed home. And now look at me!”

“Well, you are still pretty shaky. Are you okay to drive home?”

“I ... I don’t know,” she said.

“Tell you what, why don’t we go to your bar and have a drink until you calm down and can drive home?”

“Yes, I think I probably should. I don’t think I can drive right now. And the least I can do is buy you a drink for rescuing me,” she said.

“My name is Jimmy. Jimmy Laughlin,” he said.

“Nice to meet you Jimmy, I’m Maria Brookes,” she said. They headed back down the alley towards the street and turned the corner to the pub Maria worked in.

As they walked in the door, one of the other girls spotted Maria first. “Oh my God! Maria, honey, what happened!” she cried out. Her panicked voice brought the bartender quickly around the bar as well.

“Maria, sweetie, are you all right?” the bartender asked.

“Four men shoved me into the alley. God knows what they were going to do to me. But I’m okay, thanks to Jimmy here. He came by and took care of those thugs!” she explained.

“Well, we owe this young man a big thank you then, and a drink is a good start! What would you like – Jimmy is it?”

“Yes Sir. Jimmy Laughlin. And I’ll just have a beer if that’s okay.”

“A beer it is then. Alice, why don’t you get our friend here his beer. And make sure his glass doesn’t get empty until he leaves.”

“Right away, boss,” she said smiling. She put her hand on his arm as she was leaving, “Thank you. Maria is a sweet girl and a dear friend. Thank you for stepping up,” she smiled, and left to get his beer. The bartender shook Jimmy’s hand, thanking him as well and then went back to his bar after making sure that Maria was all right one last time.

“We can sit here if you like,” Maria said, pointing to a little out of the way table in the corner.

“That would be just fine,” he said. They went over to the table and he pulled out her chair, seated her, and adjusted it back in for her. She looked up and smiled at his courtesy.

The two of them sat there enjoying their drinks and conversation. He learned that she had practically grown up in this little town, having moved here when she was just a kid. She found out he was an ex Navy SEAL and that he had recently gotten out of the military and was now looking for work.

“I was wondering how you took care of those four men,” she said, “I was so worried when you showed up. I was scared that you were going to get hurt or worse trying to help me. I’m glad you didn’t,” she said, looking at him, then looking down at her fidgety hands.

“No, I wasn’t worried. I’ve been in a lot worse scrapes than that and with a lot more at stake than just getting my ass kicked,” he said.

“I’m sure you have. But I’d rather not know. I’m just glad you are here now,” she said.

“You are?”

“Yes, very much,” she said, looking up at him and smiling softly.

“Well, I’m glad I was here too. I’ve always been a sucker for a damsel in distress!” he said, with a playful grin.

They finished their drinks as they talked. It was getting late and Maria finally said, “Jimmy, I want to thank you once more for coming along and helping me. I can’t bear to think what would have happened if you hadn’t come to my rescue out there. But it’s late and I need to get going. Can I ask one more favor from you?”

“Sure what is it?”

“Will you walk me to my car, just to make me feel better about going out there again?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said smiling. He stood up, taking her by the hand and they walked up to the bar. He thanked the bartender and the other waitress for the drinks and Maria hugged the two of them and then Jimmy and Maria left the bar.

“Where are you parked?” Jimmy asked.

“Just down the street a block or so.”

They walked slowly to her car and as they got close, he checked around the car before she approached it. “Sorry,” he said, “Force of habit, I guess.” She smiled and then he opened her door for her.

“Where is your car?” Maria said.

“Oh I don’t have a car. I took the bus to the employment office earlier.”

“Well then, can I give you a lift someplace then?”

“Sure, I guess. I’m staying at the Munson Motel right now, until I find a job and get a real apartment or move on.”

“Okay, hop in. I know the Munson Motel,” she said.

He got in the car and they left to take him home. While they drove, they chatted some more. The two of them were getting along very well and Maria was enjoying his company a lot. She had taken to her knight in shining armor and as they turned the corner, Maria spotted a handy parking lot that wasn’t being used at the time. She pulled into it and parked.

“What’s wrong? This isn’t the motel,” he said.

Maria turned to him and took his hand in hers. “Jimmy, I hope you don’t think I am in the habit of doing this, because I’ve never done anything like this before. But with all that has gone on tonight, and with your kindness ... I ... I just don’t want to be alone tonight. Would you please stay with me tonight? I would feel a lot safer.”

“Sure, Maria. If it will make you feel better, I can stay the night. I just need to grab a few things from the motel and then we can go to your place.”

“How can I thank you for all that you are doing for me, Jimmy?” she asked. He just smiled and they resumed driving to his motel.

Arriving at the motel, he walked her upstairs to his room. “Come on in, I will just be a minute,” he said. Maria came in and sat on the edge of the bed as he went to get what he needed.

The Munson Motel wasn’t much to look at. It was old, and had definitely seen better days. But it was cheap and with his only real source of income coming from whatever day job he could get at the time, cheap was about all he could do.

She looked around at the cracked paint, the faded and stained carpeting, and the antiquated furnishings. The bed she was sitting on had been used up several times over and had a distinct dip towards the middle of it.

Damn, she thought to herself as she waited for him, I know my place isn’t much to look at, but this place is a real hole! She put her hands in her lap as she sat there, afraid to touch anything.

She could hear him rummaging around in the bathroom and soon he came back into the main room. He grabbed up a clean change of clothes and stuffed it into his daypack along with his razor and bathroom essentials.

“Okay, that should do me for the night,” he said.

“Are you sure?” she said, looking at the small daypack he held in his hand. “I take more than that when I go to the grocery store,” she chuckled softly.

“Well, I have gotten kind of used to traveling light.”

“All right, let’s head to my place then,” she said. They left the motel room, Jimmy making sure the door was locked. He didn’t have much to lose, but he didn’t want to lose the few meager possessions he did have.

They drove across town to her apartment. Maria lived in a nice apartment complex in a good neighborhood. It wasn’t fancy, but it was clean and safe. She lived in a secure building, so when they arrived Maria punched in the door access code and then they went inside.

“Welcome to my apartment,” she said with a smile as she opened the door. She walked in followed by Jimmy and she shut the door after them. “Make yourself at home. Would you like a soda or something. Sorry I don’t have any beer or anything, but working in a bar I see enough of that at work!”

“No problem, I’ve had enough beer anyway. But I would take a soda, if you have one,” he said.

She went to the kitchen to get their sodas and then she came back and sat down on the couch next to him. They sat there and talked for another hour or so enjoying each other’s company, both happy to be having a conversation with someone other than themselves for a change.

She asked him about his time in the military. And while he couldn’t talk much about specific places he’d been or the things he had done, she sat captivated as he talked about life on board a Navy ship, about what he went through in boot camp, and in training to be a SEAL member.

He told her he had been discharged while in San Diego, and he had been hitchhiking around heading east to Atlanta where he was originally from.

But it was getting late, and before long it was time to go to bed. She got up to take the glasses to the kitchen and close up the kitchen for the night. She returned to the living room.

“If you have an extra blanket and pillow, I can crash here on the couch,” he said, patting the seat beside him.

She looked at him and blushed. “Actually, I was kind of hoping that you...” she dropped her head unable to finish her sentence. But she didn’t have to.

“Oh, I see...” he said, as the meaning of her faltering words became clear.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want!” she said quickly, trying to regain some of her dignity.

He smiled at her and reached out for her. He pulled her down to straddle him, sitting on his lap. Putting his hand to her cheek, he softly stroked her delicate skin. She looked up, her eyes darted back and forth, searching for his answer, for some signal from him.

“Of course I want to, baby,” he said, leaning forward and kissing her deeply. He could feel the tension drain from her body as she gave herself over to him. Her muscles relaxed and she melted into his embrace.

Maria wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his kiss passionately. Although they had just met only a few hours ago, she felt a certain something towards this man and she very much wanted to explore it further.

They kissed for a few moments as the passion between them built. His hands roamed over her body, exploring her form and seeking those spots he knew would ignite her. He chose his path slowly and carefully, guided by her soft moans and labored breathing.

As his hands ran up her ribcage and neared the sides of her breasts, she gasped and broke their kiss. She hugged him tightly putting her face on her shoulder.

“Please...” she whimpered in a little girl voice.

Wrapping his left arm around her waist and his hand under her ass, he used his right arm on the arm of the sofa to get up, picking her up in the process. He wrapped his other arm around her, and gently carried her into the bedroom. She clung to him in a sort of reverse piggyback as he took her to bed.

He let her down as he got to the edge of the bed and she stood in front of him as he sat down. Maria was still dressed in her now torn and dirty barmaid outfit – a short sleeve crop top that was tied in front.

The top was cut to just below her full breasts and the front plunged down to the knot below and between her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra either, so her interest in this Navy SEAL in front of her was obvious.

She also wore a short plaid skirt barely long enough to cover her and silver open toe t-strap high heels. A cute dangling hearts piercing in her navel added a glittering interest to her bare midsection.

Her outfit was designed to attract the male patrons of the bar and it was definitely working on Jimmy at that moment. With tentative hands, he reached up and slowly untied the knot on her top. As the ends of her top fell loose, she gasped ever so slightly and bit her lip. She watched for his reaction as he peeled the two sides apart and pulled the top down off her shoulders and off her completely.

Maria had perfect breasts, 34C in size, but they stood high and proud and didn’t sag a bit, and topped off with full ripe nipples that were now at full attention and begging to be kissed and sucked on. Jimmy wasn’t one to waste such an opportunity.

He took Maria’s wrists and held them behind her back as he pulled her forward, to straddle his lap once again. Taking one of her ripe nipples into his mouth, he gently bit it as his tongue ran over the tip.

Maria moaned softly as she felt his teeth clamping down lightly on her sensitive bud. She arched her back a bit, pushing her chest towards him and offering herself to him. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair before pulling him closer to her trying to shove more of her nipple into his hungry mouth.

Her other hand began toying with her other breast so it wouldn’t feel left out. But Jimmy had no intention of leaving one breast unloved. He switched between the two stiff nipples giving each one the attention it craved.

After feasting on Maria’s throbbing nipples for a bit, he helped her to stand again. He knew there were more treats in store for him and he was eager to sample them all. As she stood in front of him trembling now with her need, Jimmy slipped his fingers inside the waistband of her short skirt.

He slid it slowly off her hips and down her legs, accompanied by a moan as the skirt dropped to the floor, pooling around her ankles. He sat back for a moment, admiring this new view of her. She was nude now, save for her pink thong panties and silver high heels.

Damn, she really is quite beautiful, Jimmy thought to himself and smiled, knowing that at least for tonight, this spectacular woman was his and his alone. He stood and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply and passionately.

It had been a long time since he had felt the softness of a woman. He had been out to sea and in war-ravaged areas fighting for his life in places most people can’t even pronounce. He had been away from anything he could call home for the past five years. And now that he was done with the military life, it was time to start a civilian one.

Maria looked like a good way to get started, too. As he held her soft body next to his own, he drank in her scent – one of her sweet perfume mixed with the musky smell of her desire. It was a heady cocktail to be sure.

“I hope you taste as good as you smell” he whispered in her ear. Maria moaned, feeling her pussy dampen with his words and low deep tone.

Jimmy smiled at her reaction. He pulled her a bit closer to him. With his foot he gently nudged hers apart. She spread her legs automatically, without thinking, and he began rubbing her dampening pussy through her thin panties. Maria gasped at his first touch of her most intimate area, but then she shuddered and moaned again, louder this time as she gave in to what he was doing to her.

He rubbed and toyed with her pussy through the satiny material of her skimpy panties, running a finger up and down her slit and pushing into her as much as the garment would allow. Maria went to reach for his hands, wanting him to press harder on her but as she reached out, he took her firmly by the wrists.

“Hands behind your back and keep them there,” he said, pushing her hands away and behind her. His commanding tone and firm grip made Maria’s knees weak. She had never had a man take control like that and she found it exciting and very hot. She did as he told her, keeping her hands behind her back even as his rubbing and toying increased.

Maria was on fire now, her pussy was soaked as were her panties. She was moaning and trembling with lustful need. She struggled to keep her hands away, but every fiber of her being wanted to grab this man and ride him like a rodeo bronc.

“Ohhh ... Goddd...”

“You like this do you? You like my hand playing with your pussy?” he asked, with a devilish smirk.

“Ohhh, yess,” she whimpered in reply.

“Well this is only the beginning, baby. Wait till you see what’s coming up next!”

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