Skimmer - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by Lorn Skye

Chapter 20

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 20 - A man, nearly broken by loss, lives a solitary existence off planet earth in a small habitat he has constructed on the moon. He fills his time skimming, picking up broken or defunct satellites for Space Command. One day, his life changes dramatically when he salvages a ship holding three lovely ladies. Join him as his life changes dramatically and they find a future together. Set in the near future, this is a story of loneliness and loss, leading to love, even if it is unconventional.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Science Fiction  

25 years later

The improvements in Ion drives over the past couple of decades continued to impress me. It had only taken us three weeks to make the trip from Luna to Mars.

The landing on Mars was a bit rough, as the gravity and the atmosphere made it more technically difficult than what we had developed on Luna. Parachutes and airbags were still the best way to land on Mars, but I must say that I didn’t enjoy it very much.

I looked over at my two wives, each holding one of my hands, and saw that they were also not enjoying the bouncing. However, the opportunity to see our son for the first time in a couple of years had all of us excited and willing to put up with the rough ride.

I only wished that Karen was here with us, but we had lost her to one of the mutated viruses that still popped up from time to time after the State had introduced them into the world. We had even gotten her onto a medical evacuation shuttle to take her Earthside for treatment, but she had died despite their best efforts.

Fortunately, no one else had contracted the disease, and after our quarantine period, we were allowed to return to life as normal. Of course, the grieving process went on for a while and if I am honest with myself, I continue to grieve.

Mary and Xina leaned into me once we can to a stop, and they each tapped their helmet against mine twice, a signal we had adopted to say, “I love you.” I tapped back to each of them and then we unstrapped from our seats and prepared to exit the craft, once the airbags had deflated enough that we could climb out.

It felt a little strange to stand after three weeks of near weightlessness. While different designs had been tried to create artificial gravity on the flight to Mars, and hopefully beyond, they induced such motion sickness that they had been all but abandoned.

And of course, the gravity was more intense here as well, over twice the gravity on the Moon. We knew it would take a couple of weeks to adjust, as we had been living in the extremely low gravity environment of the Moon for the past twenty-five years.

Once we got out, we slowly made our way down the ramp to the airlock, into the large domed transportation center. As soon as we were through, James was there, and immediately wrapped in a hug with Xina and Mary.

“Don’t suffocate him,” I told my wives, “let him breath!”

That made them laugh, as it was what James would tell them when I returned from a long skimming flight.

James had left home when he was sixteen, spending a few years Earthside getting his degree in agriculture, with an emphasis on food production in greenhouses. He also managed to get a degree in structural engineering, and filed patents for several grow house designs that we had come up with, to increase production and improve safety.

Once he had all his class work done, he had headed to the new Mars Colony, that everyone called MARSCO. He had finished his PhD thesis and defended it back to Earth via video conference. We were here to celebrate the award and to deliver his official diploma, one of the few things that we still celebrated in paper.

James had accepted a job with MARSCO to build their next set of grow houses using some of his new designs and theories from his doctoral thesis. He was excited to get started, but had agreed to take a week vacation while we visited and to show us around. There was just beginning to be a tourism industry on Mars, with trips to see some of the coolest sights on the planet. Hover-flights to several destinations could be arranged if you booked them in advance and James had worked with us to set up several days of seeing the sights.

I was excited to see the Vallis Marineris. A huge rift valley on the planet and one of the largest in the known solar system. We also planned to see the Proctor Crater Ripples and Bagnold Dunes while we were here. There was also a collection of cool meteorites in the main habitat that I was looking forward to seeing.

We also planned to see the land grant we had received from the UN. Behind MARSCO, we were the largest landholder on the planet and James had been living on the estate and working to build his grow houses and his business providing food for the main hub.

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