RV There Yet? - Cover

RV There Yet?

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Sex Story: I decided to take my girl on a special vacation this year. So I rented a recreational vehicle to surprise her with!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Public Sex   .

“So where are we going on our vacation this year Master?” pet asked me as we sat at breakfast one morning. We had talked about what we wanted to do this year for our vacation time, but nothing really firm had been set. In year’s past we had done different things – been to Hawaii, went to Mexico, seen the sights of Los Angeles.

“I’ve been thinking about that and I have already taken care of it,” I told her flatly. I knew exactly what the next words out of her mouth would be.

“Oh really? What is it Master? Where are we going?” she asked excitedly. I smiled – my girl was so predictable!

“Now if I told you that, it would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it,” I said.

“Oh, Master! That’s not fair!” pet said, with a little girl pout.

“Since when have I had to play fair, slut?” I asked.

“You are always teasing me, Master,” she said.

“That’s right ... and you love every bit of it, don’t you?” I chuckled.

“Yes, Master ... I do. You know me too well,” she said.

We dropped the subject for now and I went off to work. By the time I got home from work that day there were other conversations and the whole vacation thing had passed from her mind.

But Friday was the last work day before our vacation and on Thursday we began packing to be ready to leave when I got home on Friday. So the subject of our destination started eating at her again.

“Please, Master!” she begged like a child, “please won’t you tell me where we are going? Just a little hint?”

“Just work on your packing, my sweet pet. You’ll find out what’s going on soon enough,” I said.

“Yes, Master,” she said. I knew she wasn’t happy about not getting it out of me, but she knew that the subject was closed.

I called her from work a couple hours before I was to get off work the next day.


“Hello, pet. Have you got everything done on the list I gave you this morning?” I asked her.

“Yes, Master. I stopped the newspaper and the mail. I talked to the neighbor about watching the house while we are gone. My sister is coming over a couple times just to check on things. I have set the timers so the lights and radio will come on at different times. The house is clean and all the dishes are done,” she said, proud of herself.

“Good girl. I will be home shortly and we can get going,” I said.

“I’m glad, Master ... I am dying to know what the big secret is!” she said.

“Well, I think you will find it worth the wait. I will see you soon,” I said.

“Please hurry home, Master. I don’t want to wait a minute longer than I have to!” she said. And I knew that to be true – patience was not my pet’s long suit!

It was just after 5:30 when I pulled up to the house that afternoon. I purposely parked on the side street instead of my customary place in front because I knew she would be looking out the window for my arrival. Normally she is to wait for me by kneeling and waiting at the front door, but I knew that this surprise would have her trying to sneak a peek before I was ready for the big reveal.

Sure enough, as I walked around the house, I saw the curtains at the front window suddenly move as she scurried to get into position before I could catch her out of place. I smiled and walked slowly up to the front door to give her time to position herself. I didn’t want to start our vacation by punishing her!

“Welcome home, Master!” she said as I opened the door. She was in position, although I could tell just barely because she was breathing faster than normal.

“Hello, pet. How was your day?” I asked.

“Fine, Master. How was work today?” she replied.

“Oh, they made sure they gave me plenty to do on this last day before vacation!” I said, “I’m beat!”

“Oh, my poor Master!” she said taking off my coat, “Why don’t you go into the living room and relax. I’ll fix you a nice drink and bring it in to you.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea,” I said. I went into the living room and sat in my recliner and a moment later, pet came in with my Jack and Coke mixed perfectly.

“Here you go, Master. May I remove your shoes?” she asked. I nodded my head and took a sip of my drink as she took off my shoes and rubbed my feet. I looked at this beautiful creature kneeling in front of me and tending to my aches and pains and smiled.

“Come,” I said, patting my thigh. She smiled and crawled up into my lap, straddling me and sitting on my thighs. She put her arms around my neck and looked at me.

“I know what you want ... you want to know what I have in mind for vacation don’t you?” I said chuckling.

“Master! You know it has been driving me crazy! Please don’t tease me anymore!” she whined.

“Okay, you nosey little slut! Get off me and I’ll show you!” I laughed. She bounced off me in a second and I got up from my chair. Taking her by the hand, I led her to a window on the side of the house, different from the one that she was peeking out of when I came home.

“Now, I saw you trying to sneak a peek when I got home tonight. But what you didn’t know is that I parked on the side of the house so you wouldn’t be able to get a ‘preview’,” I said. She looked at me surprised, then hung her head.

“I’m sorry, Master,” pet said quietly.

“It’s all right, I know how curious you can be. Now are you ready?” I asked.

“Yes!” she said excitedly.

I pulled the drapes aside and she looked out the window.

“OH MASTER!” she cried as she looked outside. There, parked next to the house was a shiny Class A recreational vehicle!

“We’re going to be vacationing in that?” she asked enthusiastically.

“That’s the plan, pet. I thought we could do something a little different this year and make travelling our vacation instead of picking a specific destination and staying in one place,” I said.

“I love it, Master! Oh this will be so much fun! I’ve never been in one of these before – can we go look at it now?” she asked.

“After dinner, my impatient pet!” I said, smiling.

Dinner would be a quick one that night. She had it well on its way before I came home anyway, and once she had seen the RV from the window, it didn’t take long for her to get the table set and dinner on it! We ate and talked about the vehicle. I explained that there were certain things we had to do a little differently when in the RV. She listened intently as I explained how I would have to hook up the water, electrical connection, and sewer.

When we finished dinner, she put the dishes in the sink to soak and then came over to me as I sat at the table. I didn’t say anything at first, just sat there watching her fidget and play with her fingers.

“Um ... Master? Can we ... um...” she balked.

“Yes, let’s go pet,” I said. I took her hand and we walked out to the RV. Unlocking the door I opened it for her and helped her up the steps.

“Oh Master, it’s so beautiful!” she said as she went inside. It really was a very nice vehicle – completely equipped with everything that we could need except for our own clothes and food. I had got it from a company that rented these things to those wishing to experience RVing before going out to buy one. I showed her around and got her used to where everything was kept and what all the knobs, buttons and other controls did. I showed her how the slide-outs expanded the interior size and she marveled at the whole thing.

Early the next morning we set out on our adventure. Work had been tough for the last couple months – we were running short-handed and everyone was under an unusual amount of pressure and stress. This vacation would be a very welcome and much-needed “escape”. We made a quick stop at the grocery store before we left town to get the food for the first part of our trip and then hit the road. I had put the suitcases in the RV the night before and even though she wanted to spend that night in the RV, we slept in our beds one last night.

Driving the RV wasn’t hard, it cruised right along and once I got used to the size of it, it was fairly manageable. We drove in the right hand lane because we couldn’t keep up with the fastest vehicles – large recreational vehicles like the one we had were limited to 55 mph even though the posted speed limit was higher.

We drove for about four hours before stopping in a small roadside pull off for some lunch. Since it was only a quick stop, I didn’t want to expand the interior and we just ate on the couch with the slide-outs still tucked in for traveling. It was nice to be able to just stop and eat without the hassle of looking for someplace to eat. We were completely self-sufficient and able to stop whenever and wherever we wanted.

After lunch we got back on the road and after another four hours we arrived at the first overnight stop on our travels. I wanted to get to this first overnight stop early because it would be the first time I hooked everything up and wanted to make sure I had daylight and time to get it right.

Of course, my little pet had no idea of my real intentions!

We arrived in plenty of time and soon we had checked in, found our campsite and set up, and got some wood for the night’s campfire. It was a cute site, tucked away in the trees and secluded, but still easy enough for me to maneuver the big RV into place. The site was a little wet because of the rain all the previous night, but not too muddy. My job was to set up the RV and make all the connections. She would be in charge of the interior housekeeping duties – unpacking, getting the beds ready and getting things situated on the inside. Setting up the RV wasn’t hard and soon I had everything connected and working. Then I set to getting the firepit ready. I wanted to have a couple of beers, enjoy the peace and quiet, and sit around the fire that evening after dinner.

Once dinner was finished and the evening was ours to enjoy, I got out a couple lounge chairs from the back storage compartment and set them up. I started the campfire and got it going good. The sky had cleared and evening turned out to be warm and balmy. Being away from the city lights like we were the night sky was amazing. The full moon seemed huge and the stars looked so close that you could almost touch them. We sat there side-by-side for a long time just enjoying the amazing views and the quiet of the night. There were no familiar city noises. No horns or sirens, no neighbors shouting, nothing but the chirping of the crickets and an occasional bird chirping.

Pet was enjoying how relaxing this was as well. My work had been just as stressful on her, although she did a very good job of hiding it. Her main responsibility as my submissive was to please me, and coming home every night wound up like a ten-day clock was making her job very difficult. I tried not to be short with her – I knew I was tense and I didn’t want to bring my work home with me. But sometimes that is easier said than done and there were a couple times I had to apologize for jumping on her unduly for a simple mistake I would have otherwise overlooked. And so this vacation was as much for her well-being as it was for mine.

She sat there next to me wearing a pair of “cut-offs” – blue jeans that had the legs cut off and made into shorts. But these were cut considerably higher than usual, almost to the point of obscenity, which is exactly where I had her cut them! She also wore a tight fitting cami top that left her flat toned belly exposed. Her long brown hair which was normally kept in a ponytail was loose now and it framed her face wonderfully in the firelight.

Pet was feeling a little frisky out here in the open air and hoping for some “Master/subbie bonding time”, so she had removed her undergarments ... no panties, and no bra. I noticed her attire but I approved, so I didn’t mention it to her. There was a slight breeze out that night, just enough that when it blew over her it caused goosebumps and made her nipples hard and erect, poking at the fabric of that tight thin cami and showing me that she was glad to be here too.

I got up and came over to her “I have something special in mind for you tonight, my sweet slut,” I said. She cocked an eyebrow at me, both concerned and excited at the same time.

“Remember, Master, we aren’t home now. There may be people watching or who come by and catch us,” she said. “I don’t know if we can do anything like that here.”

I knew what she meant by “like that”, and so I assured her that what I had in mind wasn’t going to hurt anything.

About that time, an older couple came by our site on their evening walk. I waved a friendly hello to the pair, while his eyes bugged out a bit at pet’s scant clothing. After his wife gave him a punch in the shoulder, they moved on. I looked over at my pet and she was blushing and giggling at the same time!

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