Return of Quake Girl - Cover

Return of Quake Girl

Copyright© 2022 by Maracorby

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Kai had helped Quake Girl reach her superhero potential through good sex, but she was gone. Now, a new friend's sexual awakening is bringing with it some strange phenomena.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Fiction   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Group Sex   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

“Let’s try to capture Bravo,” Dana said to her team. She, Kai, and her friend Benny were playing Kriegswaffen online together. “It looks like our other squads are keeping them busy, so I think it’s undefended.”

“I’m in a plane right now, so I’ll give you air support,” Kai said.

“Excellent! A crashing airplane will distract their balls off!” Dana replied.

Kai defended himself: “Hey now - I don’t crash that ... Aw fuck. Spawning on you. Fuck you.”

Benny chimed in: “Shit, I’ve got to go, guys. Catch you next time.”

“Later,” the remaining two players said.

After making sure that Benny was gone, Dana changed the subject. “So I saw my shrink. He was surprised that I was mad. He said he had explained all the risks before I started taking the pills. As if saying ‘decreased libido’ to a ten year old who’s just been told she’s going to be as batshit crazy as her mom counts as informed consent.”

Dana stopped talking briefly to perform rude gestures at the enemy players she had just killed.

“ ... And he knew I considered myself asexual. He couldn’t have put two and two together? Maybe given me a heads-up during puberty instead of letting me make a misguided outcast out of myself? Anyway, I fired him. If I had the money, I’d sue him. I hope he gets a burning inflammation of the anus that never goes away.”

“Anything new going on with your power?” Kai asked. “Do you think you can control it?”

“Nah,” Dana said. “It seems to have faded away. I guess it’s been too long.”

“So you haven’t gotten off lately?” Kai asked. “It kinda sounded just now like you were warming up to the idea of being sexual.”

“Eh, it’s just too much fucking work,” Dana said. “Like I want to take an hour of my day to get all sweaty and fuck up my wrist just for four seconds of pleasure. I still say the rest of the world is crazy for buying into that bullshit.”

“An hour seems like a long time,” Kai said. “I bet you just need practice. It’ll get easier and quicker. Of course, the other option is to get someone else to do all the work. You’re a beautiful woman - I bet there are tons of guys out there who would be eager to take the time to make you come.”

Kai had more he wanted to say, but the game suddenly demanded more of Dana’s attention. “Mother fucker! That cock-sucking sniper got me again! That’s it - he’s on my list. Dude, you have no idea what kind of hurt is heading your way!”

Benny Minor was stunned. He was sure he had heard the words right, but he kept turning them around in his head, looking for a more realistic interpretation. His best friend, Dana, had just told him, “I think we should have sex.”

Deciding she had waited long enough without a response, Dana elaborated. “I think it’s time I see what the big deal is,” she said. “You’re my friend, and I trust you. And you know what you’re doing.”

That last statement wasn’t quite as truthful as Dana thought. Since their friendship had begun in the sixth grade, Benny had told a few white lies regarding sexual experiences he had never had. The lies had sprung from a variety of different needs over the years. At first, they were an attempt to impress her, so that she might find him a more worthy suitor. Later, it was to mask his shame that he, a guy with an unusually large sex drive, was on the same level as his friend who actively avoided sexual pursuits. Eventually, Benny didn’t even think of it as lying any more, so much as sharing his fantasies with his friend. Despite having never slept with a girl, Benny figured he was close enough to an expert: he had spent years and years watching porn.

“So, do you wanna?” Dana asked. She was sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard. The curvature of her boobs distorted the otherwise orderly lines of her plaid shirt. Her baggy pants made no effort to hug the curves of her hips, and yet they somehow revealed them. Right there, below her hips, between her thighs, was the pussy that Benny had whacked off countless times thinking about. Yes, he wanted to.

“Yeah! Yeah,” Benny said, and sat on the bed with her.

“So, ah, how do we start?” Dana asked.

“Um, take off your shirt and lie down,” he instructed her. Her boobs looked fantastic, contained for the moment only by her plain white bra. Were they bigger than he had expected? No, he decided. He had seen her partially dressed before, of course, but never like this: never with the expectation of touching them. Benny climbed on top of her and grasped a tit with each hand before leaning in and launching a machine-gun sequence of kisses on her face and neck.

Benny briefly planted his lips on Dana’s. She did her best to mimic his actions, having never really thought about the details of kissing. But Benny couldn’t ignore the feeling that his mouth had better places to be. He pulled down on the cups of Dana’s bra, and once she assisted by wiggling free of her shoulder straps, Dana’s marvelous femininity - part 1 - was exposed to him. He sucked on one nipple while kneading the other boob with his hand. He switched back and forth, several times, giving both breasts equal time. Her nipples were so wonderfully soft and pink. He delighted in shoving them around with his tongue.

Soon Benny gave in to the siren call of her pussy and started removing Dana’s pants. He had to stop, once they were bunched around her ankles, to take off her shoes first, of course. Her panties were disappointingly bland, but they cut such a lovely shape against her otherwise naked pelvis. Benny stripped off his own clothes eagerly. At the same time, Dana finished removing her bra, and hung it on the bedpost, figuring that the symbol might make a nice memory for her friend.

“God, Dana, you’ve got me so hard!” Benny said. Kneeling by her feet, Benny grabbed his cock and gave it a couple wanks, thrusting his hips forward to give his partner a good show. Dana’s look of wonder, which Benny took for awe over his meat rod, was due, rather, to surprise at the bizarre rituals of the bedroom that she had never suspected existed.

“Are you ready?” Benny asked with a bit of showmanship as he pulled Dana’s panties down. This was it - he was finally going to see Dana’s pussy.

It didn’t look like he expected. For one thing, it was covered with hair - more than he had ever seen. It wasn’t just a big bush at the top: she had hair all up and down the sides of her opening, too. The many layers of skin were recessed and wrinkled. He pulled her lips apart as if peeking through drapes, only to find more slightly pinkish weirdly shaped skin. This wasn’t the gleaming smooth pussy of the nympho coeds he was used to seeing on his computer. Still, there at the bottom was her fuck hole. A disappointing appearance wouldn’t make it feel any less marvelous.

Benny starting moving up closer to Dana between her legs.

“Um, do you think you could lick me?” Dana requested.

Benny wrinkled his nose. “Ah, you’re really hairy down there. Let’s just skip that for now.”

“Oh,” Dana replied.

Dana could see that Benny was positioning himself for the big act. She couldn’t help but think that they had missed a few steps along the way. “There are some rubbers in my bag,” Dana told Benny. “I bought them in case you were out.”

“Oh, right - you’re not on the pill,” Benny observed. He was disappointed at having to wear a rubber - everyone knows they don’t feel as good. But that was a temporary thing: now that he and Dana were together, she could start taking the pill right away and they wouldn’t have to put up with rubbers for long.

Dana watched as Benny unrolled the condom onto his dick. There was still good length of it rolled up at the base of his dick when he was done. Was that right? Is it supposed to unroll all the way? Best not to ask - she didn’t want to make him feel bad if his dick was smaller than normal. Benny knew what he was doing. Sure, his claims about the girls he’d slept with were undoubtedly exaggerated, but at least he wasn’t a total beginner like her.

Finally Benny took position on top of Dana, resting his weight on one arm while he guided his cock into her hole with the other. He repeatedly had to readjust his angle, and sometimes tug her skin, to get it to go in. It was slow going.

Dana winced. “It hurts,” she informed her lover, much like she would have told her dentist the same thing.

“That’s okay, it’s supposed to hurt a girl’s first time,” Benny explained. “It’ll get better.”

Dana wasn’t so sure. This wasn’t a stretching and tearing pain like one would expect from a broken hymen. She wasn’t even sure if she had a hymen - if so she’d never noticed it before. This was the chafing and pinching of rubber on dry skin. Maybe Benny was right, though - maybe it would get better. She gritted her teeth and put up with it.

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