Return of Quake Girl - Cover

Return of Quake Girl

Copyright© 2022 by Maracorby

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Kai had helped Quake Girl reach her superhero potential through good sex, but she was gone. Now, a new friend's sexual awakening is bringing with it some strange phenomena.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Fiction   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Group Sex   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Dana Tyson couldn’t sleep. Ignoring the itch hadn’t made it go away, but neither had her previous efforts at scratching it. Giving in to what she was sure would be another futile attempt, she rolled onto her back, pulled down her underwear, and applied her fingers to her cunt.

It longed to be touched. It welcomed the pressure she was applying. Her whole lower body was alive with blood flow: her body had decided that this was where its resources were needed. But her clitoris, in particular, demanded more. More what, damn it? Dana thought as she tried to figure out how to get her body to leave her the fuck alone. Touching it directly was clearly a mistake - doing so caused a raw grating pain. Even moistening her finger and touching it gently was, if not painful, than certainly too intense to be useful.

What then? Rubbing her labia, or sticking her fingers into her vagina certainly felt nice, but that just made her need for relief that much stronger. No, some instinct told her that her clit was the puzzle that needed solving. Whoever invented the human body is an asshole, she thought to herself as she tried to think of new ways touch herself.

At age 19, Dana was substantially behind the curve in facing the challenges of sexuality. It had quite simply never been an issue for her before. When all of her friends had started losing their minds over boys and sex, Dana had proudly declared herself above such things and instead devoted herself to more worthy pursuits: science fiction, video games, and for a few months in her early teens, the drums. She had no interest in sex, and that suited her fine. Masturbation was, as far as she was concerned, a crass animal urge, on par with throwing your own feces.

That’s how it was. But now, for some reason, her body had betrayed her. Now her body was demanding crude sexual release. It wouldn’t let her sleep, and it wouldn’t stop yearning no matter how she touched herself. It was like one of those horrible moments when there’s a tingle in your nose, and you know you’re going to sneeze, but it won’t happen.

Finally, Dana stumbled onto something that worked. If she tugged the skin of her vulva around, back and forth just right, something was happening. The intricate folds of her sex slipped against each other, lubricated by her unwelcome sexual fluids. It felt good. It was what her body wanted. It was building toward something.

Mother fucking shitstorm, how long is this going to take? Dana thought as she rubbed herself more vigorously. Her pelvic muscles contracted from time to time without her permission. Even her asshole clenched, and her legs flapped pointlessly. Her arm was aching from the exertion. Just let it fucking end! She thought.

Almost there - one last big push, Dana thought, ignoring the fatigue in her arm. Harder and faster she rubbed herself, praying that she’d reach the end - that fabled orgasm thing that the entire human race won’t shut up about - and finally be able to sleep. The strength in her arm wasn’t enough; despite her will, she couldn’t make her muscles keep up their pace.

Panting, sweating, and on the verge of tears, Dana gave up. She pulled up her panties and rolled onto her side, cursing a God who’d better not exist if he knows what’s good for him. She had given it her all, and failed.

Sleep still wouldn’t come. “God damn it! God fucking damn it!” Dana exclaimed through gritted teeth. She threw her blanket off, pulled her panties down, and started rubbing her pussy furiously again. It felt so good, but feeling good wasn’t enough. She was close to the ending - closer than she’d ever been. She swore to herself that she would not stop, no matter what. Finally, she reached the point of inevitability of her first orgasm. Her body took over - it would handle the rest. Muscles deep inside her abdomen pulsed even as her pussy gulped toward an absent lover. Endorphins flooded her brain, washing a warm weightless euphoria through her whole being. Her hand kept strumming her clit, maintaining the same nice feelings from before her climax, until her body finally settled down and her clitoris, even through the layers of skin, became raw and prickly.

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