My Neighbor and I - Cover

My Neighbor and I

Copyright© 2022 by comix

Chapter 16

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Senior citizens get together for fun and entertainment.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Bestiality   Oral Sex  

Once the last dog was gone, it was time to store all the files, arrange for the dismantling of the kennels and finally, decide where he and Ester were going to go for their vacation.

Thelma and Fay had taken the last dog, since no new answers had appeared in the last week, which meant and Cynthia was quite happy with her continued education on the art of loving your pet.

Antonia was quite happy with her dog and her ongoing affair with Jasmine.

All the ‘loose ends’ were finally taken care of and now it was just the two of them. No more dogs to feed and take care of, no more appointments to be scheduled. It felt good to have nothing to do.

“I think you did a great job with what we’ve accomplished here. You should be proud of yourself,” she told Henry. “I know I’ve learned a lot, had a blast learning it, as well as participating in the training and getting to know you much better, my dear.”

“Thank you. Honestly, I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t been here. My plans wouldn’t have been as successful if you hadn’t accidently found out about Oscar and his talents.”

“I know. I think about that first time and always amaze myself ... I mean, not going overboard with my reactions to that first licking and eventual fucking. I can truly tell you that I’ve never been fucked so hard in my life, no offense of course, but fucking a dog is so much different than a man. Not only are their cocks larger – and longer – but their staying power is just wonderful.”

“I can tell you that I don’t fully understand it, my dear. Once I read all that information online and discovered how abundant it is and that women do enjoy engaging their dogs for sex, I just couldn’t get it out of my mind.”

“Now that it’s all behind us, where do you want to go for the next two weeks?” he asked her.

“I haven’t thought too much about it. I’ve heard of several nudist colonies further south of us and thought it might be nice to go there for a while.”

“How about a cruise?” he asked.

“Never entertained the idea of spending so much time on a boat, not sure if I’d be seasick or not.”

“Just asking.”

“Understood, but I was thinking about something further from home, where we can truly be ourselves and not be afraid of what people think about 2 old fogies being so in love and together.”

“Who’s and old fogie, you old fart?”

“I guess that makes both of us old farts then, right?” he laughed and pulled her closer and gave her a deep kiss. “No matter where we go, we’ll be with each other and I want you to know how much I do love you.”

“I love you, too, dear.”

The next day Henry decided to get up early and serve her breakfast in bed, something he’d never done before and, after last night’s activities, he felt she deserved to have something special.

When he entered the kitchen, he glanced out the window, over to her house and noticed a “For Sale” sign being taken down in the front yard.

‘I see she finally sold the old place, wonder who bought it,’ he thought, then moved to the refrigerator and pulled out the eggs and bacon, along with some canned biscuits.

As he stood in front of the stove, working on the eggs, flipping the bacon a couple of times, and checking to make sure he didn’t burn the biscuits, he thought about the night before and how much in love he was with her. They seemed like the perfect couple.

‘I’m so blessed to have found her,’ he thought. ‘I honestly don’t know how my life would’ve turned out if we hadn’t met.’ Once the meal was ready, he placed it on a tray and carried it upstairs, hoping to surprise her.

Instead, the surprise would be on him.

As he entered the bedroom he called out, “Wake up sleepyhead, I’ve fixed your favorite breakfast and I do hope you’re hungry. After last night I could eat a horse,” he joked as he turned towards the bed and noticed she wasn’t moving.

Sitting beside her she gently shook her but got no response. He set the tray on the floor and reached for her hand and finding it cold and clammy.

“Ester, wake up, dear,” he prompted.

No response.

“Ester, quit kidding around, you’re beginning to scare me.”

Still ... nothing.

He took her by the shoulders and shook her upper body.

“ESTER!” he shouted, then he pulled her close to him in a bearhug, knowing full well what had happened, during the night she’d quietly passed away.

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