The Slut Academy - Cover

The Slut Academy

Copyright© 2022 by ChrisM

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The Sexual Academy Dedicated to providing the utmost in satisfaction. Dedicated to the training of Wives, Mistresses, Maids, Husbands, Grooms, etc. 224 Glenferrie Rd. Malverne SE 4 * Phone U 4761 Inquiries Welcome.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   First   Massage   Oral Sex  

Blonde exposing breasts

I woke with a start and a groan at the feeling of my morning erection engulfed in a hot and wet orifice. My mind in a fog I realized it was not Millie, she was wrapped around my upper body gently purring in my arms with her tit nudging my lips. I gently disengaged myself from her and looked down to see Shelagh our latest student looking up at me with my cock firmly lodged in her mouth.

Her head bobbed up and down, and her tongue twirled around my engorged glans each time she came up for air. This girl is a natural I thought. For someone who had never given a blowjob till last night, she was not missing a beat.

Shelagh looked up and saw that I was looking at her and gave me a mischievous smile before getting back to masterfully, or should that be ‘mistressfully’ gorging on my erection. The way she was going I would not last long I thought. As her nails scratched my scrotum and her hand massaged my testicles, I erupted with a long ejaculation which Shelagh greedily swallowed. She worked my cock and balls till she had completely drained me.

“Good morning, Master James,” she said with a smile, “was that the proper way to wake you up?”

“Shelagh, that was just marvelous. I can see that last night’s lessons were well mastered. Tell me what you learned about last night and what you enjoyed the most?”

“I loved all of it. I had not realized that sex could be enjoyed the way I did. There was nothing that either you or Mistress Mildred did to me that I didn’t enjoy.”

“Tell me more? This was a first time for us to welcome one of our students into our bedchamber on their first night here. So you were somewhat of an experiment for us also.”

“I have to confess, Master James, that I was nervous at first. My experiences with Lord Abercrombie were less than pleasant. Our session in your study yesterday taught me that I could have an orgasm and it was the first time I had ever cum without playing with my own cunny. I thought it was just an accident and would happen rarely. I also discovered that I enjoyed the attention of both men and women.”

“Shelagh, all that is marvelous and by the time you are finished your time with us, you will have become as skilled in the arts of love as we can make you. Damn! What’s that under the sheets?” I said pulling them off Mildred and myself. “Snuggles, what are you doing here, how did you get in?”

“Sir, he was whining at the door, and I let him in earlier. I hope that was not wrong of me.”

“No, it wasn’t. He usually goes to visit his girlfriend over at the next estate and returns with a smug look only for breakfast. His girlfriend is a cute little border collie, and they’ve had this arrangement for a while. I think he likes you since he came back to see you.”

She giggled and proceeded to scratch his ears while he enthusiastically lapped at her face.


Breakfast over, I sat in my office reviewing the day’s schedule and other administrative tasks when Millie walked in with a frown on her face.

“James, that insufferable idiot, Lord Thingy, is on his way here with his payment and he wants to see how Shelagh is doing.”

“He does, does he? Leave him to me, I will settle his hash. When he arrives, bring him in and sit with him on the sofa in front of the viewing window. If he makes any advances fend him off. It will make what I plan to do to him even easier.”

“What do you plan, James?”

“Don’t worry yourself about that just make sure you act extremely indignant.”

With that, I left to set up events that would result in us getting rid of the idiot as I had come to think of him.

After setting up my scenario, I returned to my office where Lord Idiot was sitting next to Millie, and she was fending off his advances. She was disheveled, and her blouse had been torn by the Idiot. As soon as I entered he moved away from her and acted as if all was normal.

Millie stood up and glaring at both of us left the room.

“Well, what brings you here this morning, Lord Abercrombie?”

“I came to bring you your exorbitant payment and to see Shelagh and make sure she was fine,” he replied.

“I can assure you she is fine, but we agreed that you would have no contact with her for the duration of her stay here. I am however prepared to permit you a glimpse of her during her next training session.”

I raised the blind in front of the sofa we were sitting on to reveal the training room on the other side. Shelagh was sitting on the edge of a bed in the center of the room. She was wearing a short diaphanous shift, and it was apparent from where we watched nothing else under it.

Abercrombie on seeing her started to almost drool. Shelagh’s nipples were tenting the material of the shift, and you could perceive her pussy at the apex of her long legs. Abercrombie’s trousers bulged outward as his cock started to stiffen. Not a very impressive bulge but a bulge nevertheless.

The door into the room on the other side of the glass opened and in walked Jonathan. He was stark naked, and his ebony body glistened. The moment he saw Shelagh his cock stiffened to its full majesty and Abercrombie stared at the eight-plus inches of rampant masculinity advancing towards Shelagh.

“He’s black! What is he doing there?” Blustered Abercrombie.

“You are very observant, Lord Abercrombie. As to what he is doing there I believe he is going to fuck Shelagh.”

As I said that Shelagh stood up rushed to Jonathan and embraced him. They stood there kissing passionately while Abercrombie stared with bulging eyes at the scene.

“Stop them!” he yelled. “He’s going to ruin Shelagh for me. I won’t have her if he does anything to her.”

“Why not?” I asked. “Surely you were aware that the curriculum would include practical experience sessions.”

In the meantime, Jonathan had lifted Shelagh off the ground and was lowering her on his big cock. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and was bouncing up and down while impaled on his rampant erection. Her head was thrown back, and from the expression on her face, it was evident she was delighted with the new position she was experiencing.

“Abercrombie, are you perhaps a bigot? Does the fact that he is, as you put it, black, have something to do with your reaction?”

“Yes. I will not have anything to do with that woman any longer. She is shaming me and that I can’t tolerate.”

“Shaming YOU? What is shameful is your attitude. That young man might be black, might not be a Lord; however, he is certainly more of a gentleman than you are or will ever be.”

“How dare you, Sir,” he roared at me.

“You ... you piece of garbage are not a gentleman. While I was out, you tried to force your attention on my wife. You previously forced your attention on Shelagh. You were perfectly willing for her to be turned into what you thought would be your sex slave.”

“But your wife made it clear that she enjoyed the attention of the Prince of Wales,” he responded.

“Yes, she has, however by her and my mutual consent. Furthermore, you are lucky that I have not called the authorities to have you ejected from these premises.”

“It would be my word against yours, you have no proof, and your wife’s word would be dismissed in a court of law. She is after all only a woman.”

“So you are not only a bigot but also a misogynist!”

“I want Shelagh returned to me and to hell with you. Have her ready to leave right away.”

“No! Lord Abercrombie, that will not take place. You will depart and never darken the doors of my school ever again. You will also leave the sum of money you have fetched in payment for Shelagh’s tuition.”


As he started to protest Mildred entered the room bearing a small black box. “Here you go dear,” she said handing me the box.

“Do you know what this is?” I asked him.

“No, and why should I care?”

“You should care a lot. This apparatus was invented by George Eastman and is called a Kodak. It has recorded your indecent assault on my wife. Now when the pictures are exposed, I will be delighted to send a set to the authorities as well as to Lady Abercrombie. Those will be accompanied by a copy of the contract you signed for Shelagh’s training and a written transcript of your behavior towards her. The choice is yours. The money or the pictures?”

“Damn you! Here’s the money. I understand that it will be refunded should Shelagh choose not to return.”

“Of course, we here unlike you are gentlemen and gentleladies and our word is our bond.”

Summoning up the little dignity he had left he strutted out of the room.

Millie tittered at this and turning to me said, “Well played darling. Seeing a powerful man in the exercise of his power makes me so horny.”

She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a full body kiss. You could not have slid a sheet of paper between our bodies as our tongues wrestled in delight.

“Enough,” panted Millie giving my now hardening cock a squeeze through my trousers. “We have business at hand. Lady Melanie Burke is waiting outside to be interviewed.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll like her. She is your typical milk and honey complexioned British aristocrat with a slight layer of baby fat still covering her frame.”

“You mean cute and cuddly?”


“Well show her in.”

Millie returned with the woman. The description I had been given was accurate to a T. Lady Burke was a blue-eyed blond with a voluptuous figure. Her breasts were full, and her hips turned her figure into an alluring hourglass shape.

This was the first married woman who had been sent to us by her husband, and I knew I had to tread lightly with her.

“Good morning, Lady Burke, my name is Master James, and I am the head of the Academy.’

“Pleased to meet you, Master James. I take it that you will be in charge of my training while I am here?”

“That is correct,” I assured her. “What is your understanding of what the training will comprise of?”

“Master James, I do not like to beat about the bush. I fail to satisfy my spouse with my sexuality. He has been cavorting with young lads because I fail to satiate him. I have agreed to follow your curriculum as I love Lord Burke and want him to be pleased with what I offer rather than see him seek his pleasure elsewhere. That said, I will undergo whatever you suggest to make me into an object of desire to my husband.”

“Very well so you have no reservations about being here, or what you will be subjected to during your stay?”

“I don’t believe so?”

“Well, Melanie, you do permit me to call you Melanie?”

“Please do, Master James.”

“Why don’t you tell me what you hope to gain by attending our academy?”

Blushing furiously and lowering her eyes she said, “According to my husband, Lord Burke, I will be taught how to enjoy the act of being sodomized. That way he will not be tempted to enjoy that pleasure with young men.”

“Essentially correct, Melanie. However, we could go way beyond that in teaching you to explore your sexuality.”

“Please explain, Master James?”

“Do you enjoy any aspect of your sexual relations either with your husband or with others, either now or previously in your life?”

“Not really. My father was an Anglican Archbishop, until my marriage, I led a very sheltered life under his eagle eye. My marriage night was a huge disappointment. I expected that it would be so different, but it was both painful and non-enjoyable. I hear of women who enjoy sexual relations, in my case, it is simply a duty I fulfill for my husband.”

“Would you like it to be more than a duty? Would you like to find out if you can enjoy sexual relations?”

“I don’t know. I have read a few romance novels and if what I read is true I certainly would. However, it is hard to imagine what you have never experienced.”

“You mean to tell me that you have never sought to achieve sexual self-gratification?”

“No never. I have been taught that when I get those types of thoughts, I have to avoid them.”

“Well if you desire, then we could teach you the full range of sexuality, and that goes way beyond the act of sodomy. By the time we are through you would be exposed to all forms of sexual gratification both with men and with women.”

“With women? Is that possible?”

“Yes. The reason I go that far is that unless you discover for yourself what is possible, you will always be limited. It’s important that you be exposed to all forms of sexuality to find out what you enjoy and then if you were to share those with your husband you might then enjoy him also. So what are your thoughts?”

“I’m not sure, and I have to admit the prospect scares me, and I am afraid that either I will not succeed to find that enjoyment or having found it I will be changed. However, I do love Lord Burke, and for that reason, I will agree to go through the program with trepidation mind you.”

“Good Girl. Let me call Mistress Mildred.”

When I called Mildred back into the room, I instructed her to get Melanie ready for her training.


“Come with me, Melanie. Let’s go have a nice chat and prepare you for your first training session.”

“Very well, Mistress Mildred.”

“I have a confession to make to you Melanie, my office is situated so that I can hear all the conversations that take place in Master James office. That is to permit me to understand what needs to be done for your training to take place most efficiently.”

“You mean you heard all that I said to him?”

“Indeed I have. Now we are going to start your day with a nice long bath to wash away the grime of your journey followed by a long and relaxing massage to get you ready for the sessions which will follow. How does that sound?”

“The bath will be most welcome; however I have never experienced a massage.”

“Oh, I am sure you will enjoy the experience. Here we are, as you can see the bath has been drawn and all you need to do is get out of your clothes and step in.”

Millie watched as Melanie started removing her clothes starting with her blouse and skirt. When she had removed those, she froze and looked at me with an air of indecision. “Everything?”

“Yes, everything unless you are going to bath half dressed.”

She turned crimson as she said, “No one has seen me naked since I was a child.”

“But surely your husband has seen you naked,” I commented.

“No, he hasn’t.”

“Never? What about when you get dressed or undressed and when you engage in intercourse?”

“We have separate bedchambers. Jeffery joins me in bed after I turn off the lights. In any case, I wear my nightgown on those occasions,” Melanie replied.

“You poor child! Have you ever seen him unclothed?”

“Not really.”

“So if I understand you have never seen a naked man or woman?”

“No never.”

“Well, that is about to change. While you are here, you will be seeing both naked men and women, and they will see you. You are a gorgeous woman, and they will admire you and desire you. Now if it will make you more comfortable, I will also undress so that I can assist you with your bath.”

Millie proceeded to hastily remove her clothes as Melanie stood there gawking. When Millie was entirely unclad, she went behind Melanie and assisted in removing the rest of her clothing. She was genuinely luscious with her pale skin and full-bodied figure. Her breasts were perfectly proportioned, full and ripe topped by the most adorable pink nipples. She was narrow waisted and long legged with a lovely rounded tush that begged to be caressed.

Turning her around, she looked at Millie with curiosity. Millie smiled as Melanie did because it was apparent she was attempting to be discreet about it, but not succeeding very well. When her eyes finally took in Millie’s thoroughly shaved pussy her jaw dropped. “You have no hair on your privates,” she exclaimed.

“I keep it shaved and smooth, it makes me much more sensitive, and I think men like the look it gives.”

Looking at Melanie’s crotch was like looking at a furry animal. Her pubic hair completely masked her mons and extended almost to her navel. She blushed as she asked, “Don’t you get cold?”

Millie burst out laughing. “No. I don’t as you will soon discover neither will you.”

“You mean I will look like that?”

“Oh, yes. I think you will find it much more enjoyable.”

“Well I admit it is much prettier than mine,” she said with a titter.

“Come get into the bath before the water gets cold, and I will prepare you.”

Both women got into the bath facing each other. Millie started by washing Melanie’s feet making sure she did a thorough job of soaping each toe and then running my soapy hands up her leg. She proved to be very sensitive to her touch as Millie washed along her inner thigh. Part of her mission was to find out whether Melanie was unable to be aroused or just never had been.

Millie observed Melanie’s face as her hands titillated the young woman’s flesh. As she reached higher, she saw her eyes close, and her body started to arch back. At that point, Millie knew we would change the woman forever.

Having Melanie sit on the edge of the bath, Millie trimmed off the hair around her mons and lower belly. Using a razor, she depilated every hair around her pussy till she was as naked as a newborn baby, before introducing her to her first shower. I had it installed, and it was still not common to find them in homes in England.

She marveled at the feeling of hot water cascading over her body. Millie undid her hair and shampooed it while she stood there luxuriating at the feel of warm water sluicing over her body. When she turned Melanie around and soaped her magnificent breasts, the young woman gasped with pleasure especially as Millie kneaded her nipples.

“You like that, Melanie?” she asked.

“It feels so good, Mistress Mildred. It makes me tingle everywhere.”

“Tell me where you feel it the most?”

“Uh ... down there.”

“You mean your pussy?”


“Say it, there is no shame in calling it a pussy.”

“My p ... pussy is tingling like it never has.”

“Oh. My dear, we are just getting started,” Millie said, lowering her head and taking Melanie’s now erect nipple between my lips and sucking on it while her hand tugged at her other nipple. Millie raked her teeth over that hard bud causing Melanie to whimper. The young woman reached out her hands and started mauling Millie’s breasts while the older woman’s hand descended to soap her between the legs.

Melanie spread her legs to Millie’s touch inviting her hand to reach further into Lady Burke’s now sopping pussy. Melanie arched her back and moaned as she was touched. Her clit raised its head and became a hard little nub begging for attention. Millie was anxious to get on with her, so she soaped her ass cheeks and lingered over her anal pucker to test its sensitivity. The gasp and moans coming from Melanie encouraged Millie to penetrate her anus and soap her deeply and thoroughly.

Millie finished by rinsing her and invited her to step out of the shower. Toweling Melanie dry, Millie handed her a towel and encouraged her to dry off. Millie smiled as Melanie tentatively patted down her new friend while spending more time at her pussy and ass than anywhere else. It was like watching a flower slowly opening up and reaching for the rays of the sun.

“Mistress Mildred, was that what is called an orgasm?” she asked.

“No. It was close but not yet. When you have one, you will experience ten times the sensations you just did. Now enough talk, time for your massage.” Millie led Melanie to the adjoining suite and had her get face down on the massage table that was in the center of the room.

The air was warm and redolent of the smell of incense, and candles cast a soft glow which was focused on the massage table. Melanie was such a delicious looking woman, and Millie’s mouth was almost salivating at the sight of her as she climbed on the massage table and lay face down on it.

Millie drizzled a rivulet of scented massage oil over Melanie’s upper back and softly massaged it into her soft skin. The older woman’s hands kneaded the skin and the tensions she felt in Melanie’s shoulders and back. She stretched out with a sinewy almost feline movement as Millie’s hands glided over her.

“How does that feel, Melanie?”

“It is so relaxing. I am feeling all the tension I accumulated slowly draining from me. Tell me, Mistress Mildred, I enjoyed your touch more than I have ever experienced in any sexual contact to date. Am I a lesbian?”

“Would it bother you if you were?” Millie answered back.

“I don’t know. If I were, it would be hard to keep up the pretense of being a happily married woman. It also would be difficult to reproach my husband for his extramarital adventures with young men. I am truly confused at this moment.”

“Melanie, it’s too early to know whether you are lesbian or bisexual. The one thing I feel I can safely say is that you are neither asexual nor frigid. We will find out which you are later on as the day progresses.”

“What do you mean?”

“After I finish the massage you will be introduced to some young men who will attempt to please you sexually in different ways. You will then know what you are or want to be. In the meanwhile let me work your body and see how you like that.”

“I love the feel of your hands caressing me, and again I feel myself getting wet between my legs. I mean my pussy. That is what prompted my question.”

You ain’t seen nothing yet, Millie thought as her hands slid lower and began to knead Melanie’s magnificent ass. While massaging those twin globes, Melanie started to almost purr. When Mellie ran a finger over her puckered star, the woman’s hips lifted off the table as if to swallow the fingers into her hot arse, as she would have termed it.

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