Twilight Lands - Cover

Twilight Lands

Copyright© 2022 by Fick Suck

Chapter 10

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Orcs, elves, and hobbits are part of Jack’s daily responsibilities as the assistant manager at a hotel. The guests are demanding, the dragon is pressing, and Jack cannot get a decent night’s sleep. The first resort in the Twilight Lands, across the bridge from the human world, is a challenging job that most humans shun. Still, money, adventure and sex await the hardy human who dares to embrace the magic. A satire.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Teen Siren   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory  

Expecting a scolding when the parents came rushing to the site, Jack released a held breath when they touched his arm with sympathy before bending down to examine their daughter. Slurpee took off her backpack and began rummaging through the packets that were stuffed inside. She selected a few and mixed the powders, leaves, and petals in a small wooden bowl. She poured a tinted liquid from a small, corked bottle, mixing the ingredients with a stone pestle. Using her pinkie, she scooped up a pinch on her finger and placed it inside her daughter’s mouth. When Scoobie swallowed, her mother fed her more until most of the mixture was gone. Taking a cloth from the pack, Burpee wet it with her waterskin, laying the wet cloth on his daughter’s head.

Slurpee stood up and stretched her back. She looked at Jack, “If Ralph’s aunt doesn’t get here soon and take that piece of filth away, I’m going to slice up his body into juicy steaks and feed them to the kishi. I will secure a death sentence on his head if there is not justice for my daughter.”

“She has been notified,” Jack said. “I’m sorry that Scoobee got hurt, but she did as I asked. She was remarkable, saving Intern from the same attack that downed her. She stood up against a fricking dragon and did not hesitate. When she recovers, we must celebrate her deed with great magic.”

The elven shaman called out from the other side of the dragon. “What is this unwholesome waste of flesh doing here? Where is my precious grand-niece?”

“We are on the other side, uncle,” Slurpee called out. “Scoobee needs a topical healing from dragon spit.”

The shaman walked around the nose, holding up his official staff as if he were about to strike the officious dragon. He poked the snout with his finger. Satisfied with his examination, he hurried over to the gathered.

Using his staff, he flung the shirt off her and ignited the fabric in midair. The breeze carried the instant ashes away. He motioned for the waterskin, proceeding to pour a thin trickle of water over her body. He waved his staff across the prone body, pronouncing words Jack could not perceive. A thin layer of ice formed over her body as the temperature around her dipped. She shifted slightly forcing the ice to shatter. The shaman slid his hands under her body and rolled her halfway. Crouching down on one knee, Slurpee began brushing the frozen shards off her body.

Scoobee’s eyes fluttered, and her arms moved to wrap her stomach. The shaman grabbed her arms, vigorously rubbing them from the wrists to the shoulder. Jack could not ignore the jiggling of her breasts and when he looked over at Intern, he saw the man staring as well. Jack snickered, more at himself.

“Ah, niece of mine,” the shaman spoke with an authoritative voice, “you need to rejoin the living and talk to your uncle. I have need to ask you a question or two.”

“Silly uncle,” Scoobee said softly as Jack strained to hear her voice. “I should have ducked when I dove, or I went left when I should have gone right. Next time, I will grab that slimy tongue and rip it by the root out of his nasty gullet.”

“My daughter returns,” Slurpee said, taking her by the shoulders and drawing her to her chest. “You must not think less of yourself for the decisions you made. You saved a man’s life, and you saved the magic, darling Do. You’re a Do through and through and have the deed to prove it. Next time, choose a smaller target, please.”

“Thank you, mommy,” Scoobee said as she shook with cold. “Do I still get to make magic with Jack?”

“She is definitely a Do,” Burpee declared to the all the assembled.

Jack wondered if he should say anything as he watched the family reunion. With an acknowledgement of honesty, he was envious of the gathered family who were quietly celebrating a young woman’s escape from irreparable harm. Realizing that he was responsible, he bent down in front of her, tapping her nose with his finger. “You did well, Scoobee; I’m proud of you.”

Before he could say more, an alien shriek filled the air. Jack looked up and a vertical split appeared reaching far above his head. The slit widened until a large dragon body squeezed through it, gleaming blue and black.

“I. Am. Come,” a thunderous female voice declared. “What travesty has been committed that demands my summoning?”

“Ralph,” every Do and Jack shouted.

“He burned our best crop.”

“He attacked my daughter.”

“He attempted to strike a human.”

“He destroyed the magic,” Jack said. “Look around and see the crimes that Ralph has committed. The contract is broken.”

The dragon launched itself in the air on great leathery wings, rising higher and higher to survey the surrounding territory. She dropped suddenly and flew northward.

“Holy cow,” Intern whispered. “Holy cow.”

“Wait for her return, Intern, she merely made a modest introduction,” Jack said. “If she decides an interrogation of all parties is required, you will enjoy her close company. I hope you have a clean pair of underwear on your person.”

Jack felt a whack on his head. The shaman was waving his finger at Jack, “Do not say anything that could be understood as negative. You have a bad habit you should break. You must practice looking for the good in people, at least in people who are worthy of respect.”

“Have you met Intern?” Jack asked, rubbing the sore spot on his skull.

The shaman looked Intern up and down, from his head to his toes. “I see a healthy human,” the shaman said. “If he survives, then I will sit with him and share a cup of good drink. Teach him the good manners, Jack; an invitation to drink with the shaman means he buys the drinks. Good manners are important.”

“Yes, Shaman,” Jack said, suddenly jerking as a shadow passed overhead. “Hypatia is now heading southward.”

“She wants the full story,” the shaman said. “This is a simple case of two plus two divided by ∞, Jack. We must be vigilant with our own sense of justice, wanting revenge for striking Scoobee feels good when we should remember the punishment must fit the crime. In this case, fitting as painfully as possible.”

“I hear what you are saying, but this is extraordinary. I see leagues of destruction in both directions. Ralph has destroyed the balance, consumed the land like it is his personal larder, and caused all of us months of anxiety and concern as we braced ourselves for the next outrage. Ralph is an anathema of everything you taught me. I also feel responsible for not stopping him sooner.”

“He is a dragon, not bound to the weave of magic in the same manner as you and I are, Jack. The contract was meant to guide you, but Ralph knew how to subvert that guidance. He’s an idiot, but as a dragon, he is like an idiot savant. However, you can kick yourself all you want; I’ll watch and recount the blows at the tavern this evening for everyone’s entertainment. You would be better served spending time making magic,” the shaman said, pointing his staff subtly at his niece.

Jacked bowed to the shaman before walking over to Scoobee who was still cradled in her mother’s arms. “Hey munchkin, how are you feeling?”

“Better but weak,” she said. “Are you going to make some magic with me?”

“If you want to climb into my arms and let me hold you, we can generate some magic for you,” Jack said. “I’m not as comfortable as your mom, but we can do it together.”

Scoobee held out her arms and Jack reached under her frame, collecting her in his arms. She encircled his neck and snuggled under his jaw. She murmured and cooed as she snuggled deeper into his arms. Jack kissed the top of her head, holding her as gently as he could while making her feel secure. Softly, as softly as he could manage, Jack sang a lullaby for her ears only. As he sang, Scoobee smiled and closed her eyes. As Jack finished the little tune, Scoobee began to gently snore.

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