Road Trip Rules CWA Union Convention - Cover

Road Trip Rules CWA Union Convention

by PM2Knight

Copyright© 2024 by PM2Knight

Drama Sex Story: Military men meet up with Telephone Operators looking to have fun while at a Union Convention in Puerto Rico. They meet up with a group of Women from the North East looking to party. 1970's style with a bit of truth that ebbs into sexual experiences that none of them will ever forget – Even though it all “Road Trip Rules”.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   Military   Sharing   Group Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   .

This is going back a few years while I was in the Marine Corps stationed at Sabana Seca, US Navy NSGA (Naval Security Group Activity) Station, San Juan, Puerto Rico. This was a very small ‘kinda’ of a top-secret base that pretended to barely exist a few miles east of San Juan on the Atlantic side of the island of Puerto Rico.

In 1973 - their happened to be a CWA-Communications Workers of America Convention being held in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Were thousands CWA-Telephone Operators had flown down from the NorthEast parts of the USA to get away from winter and soak up the sunny tropic temperatures of San Juan. In another words, they were on a boondoggle. Also the vast majority of those CWA-Operators were women. Well it didn’t take long for those of us single military men to hear that San Juan had been invaded by thousands of women who were more interested in partying then attending a CWA Union convention. So on a Friday evening, five of us crammed into my VW Dune Buggy and headed into downtown San Juan. We were spruced up - headed to the upscale La Concha Renaissance Resort and Casino. Back in the 70’s to enter the best restaurants and casinos on the weekend the dress code was simi-formal attire (coat and tie) otherwise you find yourself sitting near the bathrooms, if not outside looking in. I wore my tailored pinstriped double breasted charcoal gray 3-piece silk summer suit, looking sharp even if I do say myself. This wasn’t the polyester leisure suits of the 70’s – but a real silk custom tailored suit.

Anyway it took a bit, but the five of us finally connected with a group of 10 women who were from Rochester, NY. In the future these ladies might be called cougars, as this group ranged in age from 25 to 46 years old, where we ranged from 19 to 23. Shortly after we started chatting with these 10 women, we also ran into Dale, John and Trey three Navy friends also from Sabana Seca. They were having no luck as it seemed the CWA women were running in larger packs. Now at eighteen strong we walked across the street to Danny’s Bar, another popular watering hole on the strip where we were buying Bloody Mary’s by the pitchers. As a group we quickly became toasted. So, a little after 1AM it was decided to move the party over to the girl’s hotel. The ten of them were sharing a suite on the 10th floor at the Condado Plaza Hotel.

As the party continued, and boys being boys and girls being out-of-town partiers – still things were slow to heat up – but some progress was being made ... Anyway, everyone was sitting around the room chatting in small groups and things were quieting down. We heard Mico on the couch with one of the younger women, he was attempting to move things south from second base along to Third base. He was trying to convince this young lady that it would be alright as everyone had either gone to sleep or wasn’t paying any attention to what anyone else was doing. So, how would anyone know what they were doing. So to prove his point – Mico say’s in a loud whisper – “Hey, is anyone still awake?” and all sixteen of us answer “Yes”, and everyone started laughing. Seems everyone was waiting for someone else to start things moving. That’s when one of the ladies said out loud... “OK Girls – as we discussed before >>> this is Road Trip Rules. What goes on tonight will not be discussed in the morning – Comprendre.” What followed was everyone laughing and before long everyone was sprinting around second base, hitting third and a few were striving to make it to home base quickly. Not an orgy but the entire group was ready to party, so the party had definitely started.

In the bedroom Trey was with two of the older women on one of the beds, these two women seemed to be into each other as much as they were into Trey. On the other queen bed were three girls with two of my fellow marines – and those five were hosting their own private party. No idea how the five of them were coping on such a small bed – or even figuring out who was doing what to whom...

I sat in one of the armchairs and had a very nice 30+ year old mom sitting on my lap. Angie had long dark brown hair who still possessed a nice figure with C cup breasts. She told me she was a mother with two kids, a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old, who were staying with her mom, and she was currently separated from her husband who had left her and their kids. She still thought that they had a chance to get back together – but she was done waiting around for him. She said due to complications with delivering her youngest she had an IUD implant along with it being a safe time of the month. She went on to mention - that was part of the problem. Her husband was a conservative catholic and against any form of contraception – but still thought they should make love multiple times a week. Angie wanted to explain the situation to me – me being a horny 21-year-old marine, I kept my mouth shut waiting till it was time to explore this 30-year-old moms’ charms.

In the other armchair was John and his new friend, who I found out later was Linda, a 46-year-old, married lady with 3 kids and in a stable marriage. She was the senior operator from Rochester here with this group and took on the role of house mother. She was telling John, that even though she couldn’t have any more kids, i.e. female things, she wasn’t going to fuck him. However she felt that her oral skills should be more than adequate to have a little fun. She slid off the chair and was kneeling in front of John, as she reached in and pulled out his cock. Not loud, but with me and Angie just a few feet away, we heard Linda whisper, “Oh My God – that thing is as big around as my arm. There’s no way I’d get that in my mouth.” Angie looked over as I was blocked and couldn’t see anything. Angie whispered to me, “He’s not that long, but that has to be 3-4 inches thick.” Linda stayed on the floor and licked and proceeded to jack John off.

Angie and I were down to just her panties and my boxers – and I was enjoying her very responsive nipples. A bit later we progressed, and I was laying the wood to Angie who was flopped open sprawled across the arm chair that I saw that John was returning the favor and lapping at Linda’s sugar notch. She must have enjoyed it, as she wasn’t being silent in her response or in her encouragement to John. But at that point Angie wasn’t being that quiet either and around the room you could hear lots of others encouraging their partner(s) on to new heights.

Latter Angie fondled me back to full mast, I flipped her over doggy for a fierce seven minutes before I deposited my second load deep inside her pussy. We cuddled up on the chair afterwards, and we held a whispered conversation while others around us were still in different stages of their copulations. We dozed off, and a bit later as my cock was waking up, Angie spun around mounting herself in a reverse cowgirl as she slowly grounded both of us to a very slow but agreeable third orgasm. We cuddled up and we were both asleep for what was left of the night.

The next morning the girls were attending a convention luncheon at 11AM, so us guys headed back to the base – to refuel and get a shower along with a change of clothes. After the 3 hour luncheon the women went to the pool and mostly took naps on the chase chairs while getting a bit of a tan. Early that evening the eight of us from the base loaded up in two cars and headed back to the hotel to meet up with the girls for a late dinner. After eating at a terrace Surf-n-Turf restaurant we walked back down to Danny’s Bar again. Tonight the girls wanted to drink Pina’ Caldas. Usually a bit sweat for my taste, so I didn’t drink nearly as much as I had the night before. By midnight we were back at the girl’s hotel. It didn’t take as long to get things re-engaged. I think the pairings and activities remained much the same. Positions and locations within the room changed around, as Angie and I commandeered one of the sofas, the one where Pat and his lady had been the previous night.

I saw across the room that Linda was giving John a first-class titty-fuck. Licking the head each time it rubbed up to her mouth. Though they were on the other side of the room I could still make out John’s cock. It looked more like a large can. I’m not one to take time studying another man’s appendage, but my God, that was a weapon and would require considerable foreplay for a pussy to be wet and pliable enough to accept what John brought to the party.

I returned my focus to Angie, forgetting the other 4 couples and that hodgepodge of 3 guys and 5 girls who reclaimed both beds in the bedroom.

I started by peeling off Angie’s panties and doing my best to eat my way to China. I’ve never gotten complaints about my oral skills. Angie soon was complimenting my skills with words of wisdom like, “Yes right there, deeper, yes ... suck my clitty ... Oh my GOD, DONNNNYYYYY, I’m Cumming.” After she came back down and was catching her breath – she looked down at my face covered with her juices still wedged between her legs. “I’m sorry Paul...” It’s never a good thing to hear another man’s name while you’re doing your damm’dest for your partner. Angie pulled me up and gently kissed me, tasting herself on my face. After a bit she asked, “Would you mind if we took a walk on the beach? I know it’s late, but I’d like to explain things to you...”

I responded, “Angie, you don’t owe me an explanation, you told me yesterday that there was a good chance that you and your husband, who I assume is Donny, were going to get back together – I know this was just a ‘convention trip rendezvous.’ Which is almost a guarantee that we’ll never ever see or hear from each other again.”

“Paul, I feel I owe you and I’d like to explain WHY. Please let’s go for a walk on the beach or sit out by the pool and let me explain thing ... I’d like to talk ... Please.”

I nodded. We got up. I put on my pants and a T-shirt, and Angie pulled on a sundress. No underwear or shoes – she handed me a room key that I slid into my pocket, and out the door we went. Nothing was said as hand-in-hand we took the elevator down to the pool deck and walked over the berm down to the beach. I was thinking it might be a bit too cool out on the beach – but apparently not for someone from upstate New York. There were a few scattered couples and small groups out walking on the beach even at 2AM. As we walked down the beach, I gave Angelia time to pull her thoughts together. Never thought she owed me an explanation.

Angie started, “You are the only man I’ve ever been with that wasn’t my Donny. Donny, who is my husband, is an up-and-coming Jr-Executive at Birds Eye Frozen Foods. He had been a walk on Guard for the Syracuse Orange Basketball Team in 1961. When Donny was a Junior, I was a sophomore playing the flute and piccolo for the Syracuse pep band. We knew of each other but only casually. Syracuse played in a tournament in New York City, but we lost, and the team was a bit down, so a cute girl was just the ticket to pick up this one players spirits. The coach had released the team telling them they had just played a better team and he thought they played extremely well -- hold your heads up high - but they still lost. We were both just hanging out in the hotel lobby when we started talking, and he asked me if I wanted to get something to eat. Well ... we kind of...”

I said nothing, so she continued. “Even though I was halfway through my 2nd year of college, that night, Donny was the first guy ever I’d let get inside my panties. Prior, I’ve had a few dates rub me off with my panties on, and I’ve given a few hand jobs to keep my dates from raping me with their raging hormones – but Donny was the first ever to touch my coochie but that was as far as we got that night. I’d say we both had a good evening. Returning to school, I assumed that my NY City ardor with Donny was just a road trip affair – no regrets. But he surprised me when a week later he stopped by my dorm and asked me out on a proper date. I was a bit circumspect, after I’d given up 2nd base on our very ‘first meet’ so quickly, I hoped he wasn’t planning a speedy repeat or an oral escalation to 3rd base. But the date was nice. We were on our 5th date before we got back to 2nd base, with a mutual fingering / hand job that got both of us off. A few months later he pinned me, and we were going steady. (I know the 70’s) It took a while before we found out that both of us had grown up in the Rochester NY area, having attended rival high schools.

Donny hadn’t gotten much playing time on the basketball team at Syracuse that year, so he talked with his parents and decided to focus on school. So he quit basketball and was able to graduate early with his BS degree. For the next two years we dated while Donny continued on to get his Masters Degree in Food Science, while I finished my Bachelors Degree in Music. By now we had moved up to 3rd base, we taught and learned together how much we loved oral sex. Though were both catholic we did hit the occasional home run when Donny and I traded our virginity. Our fear that I might get pregnant keeps us from going all the way to very special occasions or a few very stupid decisions. We’d become very serious but agreed we needed to wait until we were both established before moving things to the next level.

For spring break in our final year at Syracuse, Donny asked to take a trip with him out to Martha’s Vineyard. Donny planned that we’d drive to Falmouth Massachusetts, take the ferry over to Martha’s Vineyard on Monday for a four day stay and then catch the ferry back and return home Friday. I’d called home Sunday, letting my Parents know about our trip. And yes, Mother kept quizzing about Donny and me sharing a room for four nights. Her exact words were, “You’re going to be sleeping with that BOY for four nights – – – do I understand what you’re telling me?” All I could say was, ‘Yes Mamm, you do understand.’

Anyway that first night on Martha’s Vineyard as we were walking down the beach Donny got down on one knee and presented his Grandmothers Diamond ring asking me to marry him. We’ve hinted about it some, working on issues like, what do look for in a spouse, where do you want to live when you get married, how many kids do you want – you know questions where you find out how compatible you are with each other. Anyway, I wavered – Donny looked stunned, I answered “I’m sorry Donny” he went white. I continued, before he fainted, and I quickly added, “You have to ask my father first. You know how old fashioned he is.” Well the blood returned to his face, and with a big grin he pulled out a letter and handed it to me. It seems the previous Thursday and Friday, while I was at school studying and taking my last mid-term exams Donny had driven home to Rochester and talked to his parents and grandmother, and then had driven over and asked my dad’s permission to marry his daughter – of course my mom was in on it as well. Donny had met my parents many times, but Dad still had to grill him with questions just to torment Donny – so after a bit, Dad gave him permission to ask me.

Donny told me, then after Dad said yes, your father got up and went to the other room and returned. He handed me that letter signed and dated with both mom and dad’s signatures “You’ll need proof that your asked us, knowing our daughter.” The letter stated that they were giving Donny their blessings. Seems his parents had called my parents and told them that – ‘Ta-DA – He’s headed your way, -- it’s finally going to happen’. And hung up. So both of our parents were in sync with us getting married from the start.”

Well after the proposal, I was thinking of ways to kill my Mother for putting me through her ‘Be a good girl speech – sleeping with that BOY’ even though she knew Donny was going to pop the question.”

“Let me tell you about Very Special Occasions and getting to home base, except for food and drink we didn’t leave our bed for the next 30 hours. We, however, did go through a large box of condoms.

So a few months later we both graduated in June, I still wore white when I walked down the aisle to marry the only man I’ve given myself to. Donny delayed starting at Birds Eye Foods so we could get married and take a quick honeymoon down to Cherokee North Carolina – Gatlinburg Tennessee and the Great Smoky Mountains Park. Seems Niagara Falls just doesn’t cut it for a honeymoon vacation spot for two kids who grew up just a few hours east of the falls.

After we returned to Rochester, Donny kicked it into gear at Birds Eye. I got a job teaching Music and Band at a middle school just a few minutes from our apartment. Donny was like a kid in a candy store. Those first two years of marriage he couldn’t keep his hands off me. I think we only missed 10 days that he didn’t fuck my brains out – he didn’t mind my monthly cycle or let a headache or toothache get in his way. Let’s see the days we missed, I had a terrified messed up stomach the first two days when I started teaching school, then we shared the flu over a six-day period that first winter and we missed two more days when Donny had to make his first business trip to a visit a few Birds Eye plants outside of Chicago. But we kind of made up for those days when he got home that weekend. I don’t know how I didn’t get pregnant. I had cum leaking out of me every day of the week morning, noon or night, over those first two years we were married. In fact we were beginning to think something was wrong, we’d never used birth control or rubbers after we had said our - I Do’s. But it took over 2 years for me to get pregnant.”

I’d been pregnant for five months when things changed, Donny must have thought I’d break, or he’d hurt the baby, or he was just turned off with a fat pregnant pig of a wife. He never stated why. We went from having sex morning, any time of day, and within a month we were down once a week. By my 7th month – Donny wouldn’t touch me. I would still give him blow-jobs, but he stopped returning the favor, no fingers, or rubbing my clit to get me off – nothing.”

Angie paused, so I suggested that we turn around and head back to the hotel. At least we were walking slow. We spun around, as Angie continued.

“After Donny Jr was born, things changed back to more normal. With me breast feeding our son, we couldn’t go at like rabbits, but Donny sure could go at it like a rooster. Anytime I exposed my ass, Donny would mount me. Over the next two plus years it was easy to see that doggy, reverse cowgirl along with oral 69 were his favorite positions – they got his motor running. I’d just assumed that since I now had gained the extra weight that he didn’t want to look at me.

Well two years after DJ Jr. was born the school budget cuts got the music department; I was let go from teaching middle school. So I started working at the Telephone company. Not too long afterwards we also found out that I was pregnant again, but this time we sat down with the Doctor who explained to Donny that if we didn’t get overly vehement or aggressive that we could have sex that we both felt comfortable with up to and through my 8th month. So while I was pregnant with our daughter, our sex life was a little more normal. It did wane a bit, but nothing like it had been during my first pregnancy.”

“Tabatha was a very difficult delivery; I was in labor for over 28 hours. DJ Jr. I was only in labor for 11 hours, so the Dr. became very concerned that my second birth was taking so long. They monitored the baby’s vitals which were OK, but I was exhausted. After Tabatha was born, I crashed, out cold. The next day my mom told me that the Doctor’s had wanted to do an emergency partial hysterectomy. But my husband had refused to sign the consent forms. I spent a week in the hospital before they let Tabatha and me go home. However due to complications they told Donny and me NO sex for at least 10 plus weeks. I had to setup several appointments with my Dr. for a follow up visit before any penetration sex.”

“At my 2-month follow-up with my gynecologist he discussed the damage that my pregnancy had done to me and what would happen if I were to become pregnant again. In short, he told me that I would not survive another pregnancy, and there would be next to zero chance of the baby making it to viable terms. He strongly urged me to undergo at least a Partial hysterectomy, and at a bare minimum I should use several measures to ensure that I don’t get pregnant, or I’d be looking at a miscarriage or even being forced to have an abortion – or losing both the baby and my life. The Dr. said, I can’t make it any simpler – you both will not survive having a 3rd child.”

After some discussions, the Dr said we could again have sex, but he also fitted me with an IUD, and suggested that Donny wear a prophylactic until my uterus accepts the new unit. The Dr. said, ‘I’m glad to say, you have two healthy children, a Boy and a Girl.’ But he cautioned me that this IUD is just a temporary solution, I’m sorry but you’re not going to have any more children and you really must consider the hysterectomy.

Well after a good cry, I left and headed back to my mom’s house. She was watching DJ, and Tabitha. She could see that I had been crying. Anyway after catching her up on what the Doctor had told me we had a long discussion. She suggested that I go to our church, and I talk with Father Shaun. Mom watched the Kids, and I went over to the church. This old parish priest wasn’t much help. The Bible didn’t have much to say about IUD, so in short, he suggested that I should leave it in God’s hands.”

Donny and I were regular church goers, but I wouldn’t call us die-hard Catholic’s. Anyway that night after we put the kids to bed, I sat down to explain things to Donny. He was PISSED on several fronts. First that I had discussed this with my mom, then our parish Priest and only then finally with HIM. Also that I had an IUD placed in my uterus, again without discussing it with him first. It seems like I was making these decisions without him. SO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU NEED ME FOR! And out the door he stormed. I really screwed up that discussion we hadn’t covered everything as I kind of put the cart (IUD) before the horse.”

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