The Fucking Machine - Cover

The Fucking Machine

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Jon's wife, Diane was a self-confessed nympho and he did his best to try to satisfy her. Problem was he couldn't hope to keep up with her voracious sexual appetite. So he enlisted a little help from modern technology...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

It was a little over a week since our anniversary and on this particular day, I had gone out of town on a short two-day business trip, while she had the day off of her work. She had planned on catching up on some housework while I was gone so she’d have plenty of time for a proper “welcome home” when I got back.

She was in that very act when she walked into the bedroom to gather some dirty clothes for the washing machine and another “machine” caught her eye!

Diane mournfully caressed the hard, thick, dildo attachment on the fucking machine that I had purchased as an anniversary present for her a few months ago. She still thought it was unfair that she couldn’t use it when I wasn’t around. It seemed selfish ... the machine was for her after all – it was designed and built for a woman’s pleasure. And Diane needed some of that pleasure in a bad way!

The machine had a keyed lock on it, preventing it from being operated even though she had the remote control. The key had to be in place and turned ninety degrees for the motor to get its electricity. As if that wasn’t frustrating enough, Diane had no idea where I kept the key at! Diane sadly looked through her assortment of battery-operated boyfriends, trying to find something that might put out the fire that was rapidly growing in her belly. But none of the things she could use seemed to be what she yearned for.

Over the years, Diane had amassed quite a collection of dildos, vibrators, and other pussy playthings. She had told me shortly after we began dating that she had a very high sex drive – she called herself a nymphomaniac – and that is took a lot to keep her satisfied. And she was right, she wore me out on many occasions.

So once we decided to get serious about our relationship, I began doing what I could to help her keep that voracious pussy happy. Happy pussy, happy girl; happy girl, happy guy! I knew I didn’t want her to go looking for other cocks to keep her satisfied, so I decided to get her a fake one – one that I wouldn’t have to compete with and wonder what else she might be bringing home with her! Well, one dildo led to another and yet another – all in a futile attempt to keep that insatiable pussy fed.

Now, after being introduced to what she felt must be the ultimate in ladies playthings, nothing else seemed to fit the bill.

That first experience with the fucking machine was life changing. I had bet her that I could keep thrusting into her for three hours and she had just laughed at me. She knew that I was good for about 10 or 15 minutes tops before I couldn’t hold out anymore and blew my load ... after which it was about an hour or so before I was reloaded for another round. But what she didn’t know was that I had bought a fucking machine off a site I found on the ‘Net and that was what I was going to use on her!

After three hours and more orgasms than she could count, Diane had a whole new respect for the marvels of modern engineering and she had finally admitted that she had been thoroughly and completely fucked out. I had started off watching her for a little bit to see that the machine was adjusted right and that she could use it safely.

During that time I added a little bonus in the form of a bullet vibe on her clit. But once I saw that she was working the machine all right and everything was okay, I left my sweet Diane to the mercy of the mechanical fucker and went out of the room – much to her dismay!

But I had not gone far and after a few minutes I peeked back in to see how she was doing. By then she was completely enraptured and I’m not even sure she realized I was in the room at first – so deeply in her lustful euphoria was she that my comings and goings didn’t even register with her.

She was a beautiful sight too, glowing with a sexual blush and her entire body glistening with sweat. Her nipples hard and erect and aching to be licked and sucked. Her pussy slobbering like a hound with a bone. And the moans and groans coming from her was enough to make a marble statue get a hard-on!

Now Diane sat forlornly looking at her magnificent muff massager and wished there was some way she was able to use it. She had a fire growing quickly in her pussy and it needed some attention or else it would soon be out of control!

Diane grabbed up one of her favorite old standbys and set it on the bed. She got undressed, which didn’t take long because with me out of town, she didn’t have on anything but her house robe and her panties. Hanging her robe on the hook on the back of the bedroom door and her panties on the corner post of the foot board, she climbed into bed and got herself in position to scratch that annoying itch!

Diane has let me watch her a few times as she used her toys and I have even “forced” her to “perform” for me when we played BDSM games before so I knew her favorite positions when masturbating.

She started by laying on her back with her legs spread and her knees up, feet flat on the bed. She began by rubbing her pussy with her fingers spreading her lips and giving her clit a good hard rub.

This got her motor running at a good speed and she began getting very wet. She started pushing two or three fingers into her hungry pussy and she made those wonderful squishing noises that turn us both on so much.

By this time her fire was raging and she reached for her toy. Turning it on she rubbed the vibrator over her nipples which were hard and pebbles. She loves to have her nipples played with and she doesn’t ever have a playtime without giving them their due. When they reached the point where they were hard and aching, her pussy began yelling for its turn.

Diane took her toy and rubbed it up and down her slit, lubricating it while teasing her pussy with the delicious vibrations. Her pussy got super wet and slick as she did this and it turned up the burners big time.

Soon it became more than she could bear and with one mighty thrust, she sank her vibrator deep as she could into the dripping hole. Plunging in and out with one hand, she used her other to either pinch and tug on her nipples, or strum her clit until she came good and hard.

“Ohhhhhfuuucckkk!!” she screamed out to the empty room as she burst, pouring juices out of her spasming pussy. She shook and bucked and writhed on the bed as her orgasm took control of her finally leaving her panting and a bit haggard, but happy.

“Well that should hold me for a little while, at least!” she said, licking her juices off her vibrator friend and putting him away until next time. She got up and slipped on her robe, not worrying about her panties because she knew she’d only have to take them off again later!

Diane decided she had better do a little bit of work at least while she could. The laundry especially needed attention so she went into the laundry room and took the clothes that were in the dryer out and put another load in.

She took the clothes into the bedroom and began folding them. When she had finished folding this load she began putting them away. Most of the clothes in this batch were mine and she went to put them away on my drawers.

While she was putting away my clothes she heard a strange noise in my drawer ... a scraping noise. She dug around in the clothes until she found the source.

“Jon, you sneaky little...” she said as she pulled out a small brass key. She shot a look over to the fucking machine and her heart leapt in hopeful anticipation. She went quickly over to the machine and test-fitted the key and it was a perfect fit!

Diane squealed with delight, clapping her hands and bouncing up and down like a little girl at a birthday party! She quickly finished putting away the clothes and threw another load in the washer and the dryer.

Once she had started the next load of clothes, she figured she had a few minutes. She set the fucking machine up on the bed and plugged it in. She got in position in front of it, kneeling so it would fuck her from behind. She put a leg on either side so she could hold it in place while it did its work.

She turned it on slowly so she could find the “sweet spot” where it would go all the way in, but not too far to hurt her. Once she found it she turned it to the speed she liked and put her head down on the bed, She reached between her legs and rubbed her clit as the machine fucked her deep and powerfully.

“OhhhhmyGAWD ... this is fucking wonderful!!” she moaned as the machine pumped in and out of her soaked pussy. Diane must have still been a bit “hungry” because it didn’t seem like it took much time at all for her to get to the edge of her cliff. She was pushing back against the dildo and clawing at her tits as she felt her lust boiling over.

“Ohh, Fuck! Ohh, Fuck ... I’m cumming! OhmyGod OHHHH, FUUUUCKKK!” she screamed out. The machine once more had done its delicious work and as this new orgasm slammed into her she arched her back and bathed the plunging dildo in her flood. Her legs shook violently as they tried to hold her up and her breath came in tearing ragged gasps - each one she believed would be her last.

Since the machine cared little that Diane was losing control of both her mind and her body, it kept pumping her pussy into a creamy froth. Diane couldn’t handle the orgasm and the teasing dildo at the same time and she pulled away from the machine as if it shocked her.

She collapsed on the bed, gasping for air at one end and leaking juices from the other. She reached over and shut the machine off with the remote and laid there for several minutes recovering.

When she was able, at last, to sit up she licked and sucked her juices off her beloved machine, giving it an appreciative blowjob to thank it for its dedicated service. She took the machine off the bed and then stripped the sheet from it – she had made a wet slippery mess of it!

“Well I guess I’ll add it to the laundry pile!” she said. It made her smile that she could still squirt and that she had a “friend” that helped her do so.

“So how has your day been honey?” I asked when I called her that evening. “Have you been a good girl?”

“Well I got some laundry done and picked up the house a little. I made the bed too. And as far as being good, you know me ... I have to have a little fun!” she said.

“Yes I know you do. But there is such a thing as too much fun too, young lady!” I said.

“Well, maybe,” she said. “When are you coming home so I can have fun with you?” she asked.

“I should be home tomorrow night. So don’t bother fixing dinner ... we will just go out right from the airport, okay?”

“Sounds good to me – I am always up for a dinner I don’t have to fix!” she said.

“Okay, it’s a date. Well, have a good night baby, and I will see you tomorrow night. Be a good girl!” I told her.

“Dream about me!” she said, and blew me a kiss. I knew I would.

The next day, Diane was looking forward to my return. According to the itinerary I had left her with, my flight was due to arrive at around 7:45 that night. So Diane did some last minute picking up around the house so it would look nice and she could give me her undivided attention when we got home. There was “welcome home sex” to be had and she didn’t want it interrupted by something as mundane as housework!

She began by making sure the dishes were done. She unloaded the dishwasher of the dishes in it and put the dirty ones in to wash. She wiped off the table and counters looking around the kitchen looked in good shape ... Done!

Next was the living room. She dusted and vacuumed and made sure thing were picked up and put in their place. The living room looked good now too. She went in and looked at the laundry. There were a few clothes in it but it wasn’t bad. Besides, I would have more dirty clothes from my trip so she held off on that.

She moved to the bathroom. Here she had to spend a little time. She put some toilet bowl cleaner in to make sure the toilet was clean, she wiped down the fixtures and cleaned the sink. She arranged the things on the counter and wiped it down. She cleaned the mirrors and cleaned the shower stall. That took a little time, but it was done.

Lastly she moved to the bedroom. Picking up the dirty clothes there and putting them away she came back to make the bed.

This is where her trouble began. She glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand and saw it was a little after 1:00 in the afternoon. “Plenty of time to have a little fun and still get my work done with time to get ready to meet Jon,” she thought to herself.

She looked over at the fucking machine, biting her bottom lip mischievously. She was already horny just thinking of my getting home, and she had another eight hours to go at least before she could take advantage of that fact. There was no way she would last that long! She needed to relieve the stress already built up if she was going to hold out till after dinner.

Diane wanted to cum and the more she thought of it, the harder and more intense the orgasm needed to be. She decided that she needed to add a little something to this orgasm.

Diane remembered that her biggest and most spectacular orgasm have occurred when she was helpless – either because I was holding her down or because she was tied down. The feeling of loss of control and being made to do something somehow lowered her inhibitions and allowed her to experience the orgasm without worrying about the guilt or feeling as if she was acting inappropriately.

To that end, Diane took some of the ropes that we play with and tied her ankles to her thighs, and then another length was run to the bed frame, thus holding her legs spread wide as she could get them. She placed the tip of the dildo into her drooling slit and laid back on the bed.

She tied a handcuff key to the headboard where she could reach it and put the remote for the machine close at hand as well. Then when she was sure all was in readiness, she locked her wrists in the handcuffs and turned the machine on, adjusting the speed to a pussy pounding rhythm.

Diane looked again at the alarm clock on the nightstand just before placing her wrists into the handcuffs – it was 2:30pm. She didn’t have to be at the airport to pick me up for another five hours at the earliest, and it only took about 20 minutes to get there. She had plenty of time to have her little pussy party and get things put away before she had to go pick me up.

Satisfied, Diane closed the police-grade handcuffs and let the fucking machine have its way with her. With the remote control in her hand and her emerald-green eyes half shut, Diane pretended that I was there, watching her being banged with her prized penile protrusion.

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