To Save a Life - Cover

To Save a Life

Copyright© 2022 by Mustang

Chapter 15

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 15 - A wounded soldier separated from his Regiment, finds aid and comfort with a Dutch family. He spoke very little Dutch, the girl spoke no English.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Military   War   Sharing   Incest   Group Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Public Sex  

Benthe and I entered the farmhouse, and Lana hurried to me. Sitting by Boris was a man wearing shabby, drab-coloured clothes.

“Sergeant Van Den Haven, I presume?” He asked in perfect English.

“Who’s asking?” I replied cautiously.

“I’m with the Dutch underground. You can call me, Max. It’s best you don’t know my real name.” He came to me, and we shook hands.

“Finally someone who speaks English. I have so much I want you to tell them.”

“Boris contacted me about a wounded Canadian soldier, who was separated from his Regiment and needs to get back. Did you know you’re behind enemy lines in German territory?”

“I sort of figured that out.”

“Ze wil niet dat je haar verlaat.” Lana came to me, giving me a tight embrace.

“She doesn’t want you leave her.”

“I have to get back to my Regiment. They need to know I’m still a live so they can notify my parents. I know the doctors will want to take a look at my leg and head wounds.”

“Ik moet terug naar mijn regiment. Ze moeten weten dat ik nog leef, zodat ze mijn ouders op de hoogte kunnen stellen. Ik weet dat de doktoren mijn beenwond willen bekijken.”

“Yes, Boris told me they found you, apparently considered dead, and Benthe removed the other man’s bone splinter from your leg. Boris told me you shot and killed a German soldier who was about to kill him.”

“I had to do something. Boris, Benthe, and Lana had done nothing wrong and saved my life.”

“Lana wil dat ik vertel wat ze zegt?”

“Lana wants me to interpret what she says.”

She took my left hand and placed in on her chest between her breasts. “Richard, ik word verliefd op je. Ik heb je nodig om te leven en bij mij terug te komen.”

“Richard, I’m falling in love with you. I need you to live and come back to me.”

“I’m falling in love with you too. I will come back to you, I promise.” I gave her a reassuring kiss.

“Ik word ook verliefd op jou. Ik zal bij je terugkomen, dat beloof ik.”

“I’m certain I will have to return to Canada, but maybe I can stay with you until the last boat.”

“Ik weet zeker dat ik naar Canada moet terugkeren, maar misschien kan ik tot de laatste boot bij je blijven.”

“That will give us time to consider our future and see what it may hold for us.”

“Dat geeft ons de tijd om over onze toekomst na te denken en te zien wat deze voor ons in petto heeft.”

She nodded her agreement, kissed me, and stayed by my side, holding my hand.

“I can’t stay too long. I will return at 2200 hours tomorrow night. There is a curfew on after dark, so we have to be extra careful when we travel,” Max explained.

“Should I wear my uniform?”

“No, if we meet up with any Germans, they’ll shoot at you first. Bring it with you along with your rifle and ammunition.”

“How are the Canadians doing?”

“They’ve taken Deventer, the city centre mostly saying intact. The plan is to liberate Apeldoorn in the next few days, then further west. They might get here the same day or the next.”

“Boris, jij en je gezin zouden hier niet veel langer moeten blijven. Je land zal binnenkort een slagveld zijn.”

“Boris, you and your family shouldn’t stay here much longer. Your land will soon be a battle ground.”

“Dit is onze boerderij, ons land en de Duitsers hebben er geen recht op.”

“This is our farm, our land, and the Germans have no right to it.”

“Dat is waar, mijn vriend, maar je moet veilig blijven als de strijd begint.”

“That is true, my friend, but you must stay safe when the battle ensues.”

“Hoe kan Richard mij ooit vinden, ons vinden, als we zijn ondergedoken?’

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