Wanted: One Good Man to Impregnate Dozens - Cover

Wanted: One Good Man to Impregnate Dozens

Copyright© 2022 by Sterling

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - James Conant retreats to a cabin in a neighboring nation to recover from grief. But the nation had just emerged from a war during which the marauding enemy had killed all the males they could find. To his surprise, James is in high demand to provide, one girl at a time, the one thing that the survivors cannot do without. A prudish culture and individual personalities add the spice.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Group Sex   Harem   First   Pregnancy  

Mrs. Stonefield found Rebecca alone, with Esther occupied elsewhere.

“There’s a lot of sin going on down at the Whitlock house, isn’t there?”

“Well, yes, we’ve all decided that sex outside of marriage is justified because of the situation the hill country is in.”

“Yes, yes, ... I know that ... But Mr. Conant is making the coupling much longer than it needs to be for that purpose, right?”

“Well, ummmmm...”

“And the girls are not discouraging him from that.”

“What makes you think all this?”

“I can hear things ... I’ve been walking by now and then in the course of my daily work.”

“I ... I think it certainly has happened.”

“It’s happened a lot. Even you ... I know even you have found pleasure in the act...”

“Oh, mother ... Have you been spying on us? That’s a sin too!”

“Maybe I’ve been walking that way more often than I absolutely had to ... And I’ve heard girls doing it when it’s not their fertile time! Surely Mr. Conant isn’t forcing anyone, is he?”

“No, mother, Mr. Conant is not forcing anyone.” Rebecca was getting red. “Yes, I have enjoyed it sometimes. But ... Mr. Conant says it’s not a sin for two people to enjoy it.”

“Mr. Conant? We don’t get our sense of right and wrong from Mr. Conant!”

Rebecca fumed. “Mother, I was married. I moved to a different household. No one ever expected I would come back to live here. I’m very glad to be here, but ... I have some ideas of my own now, OK? I know it makes you unhappy, but that’s the way it is.” She was shaking. “I go to church with you every Sunday. I pray. There are a lot of sins I never do, of course. And all the men are dead -- my husband, my father, my brothers -- may they all rest in peace. The rules have changed in one big way, which is why we’re all trying to get pregnant outside of marriage. Maybe they could change in some other ways?”

Mrs. Stonefield was silent a while. “You are a grown woman now, so perhaps I can confess some things to you too ... Naturally your father and I had sexual relations, or you and Esther would never have been born.”

Rebecca gulped and made a sour face. “I don’t want to hear any more!”

“I know, no one wants to hear about their parents’ sex life.”

“No! Be quiet!”

“Let’s just say there was sin sometimes between us.”

Rebecca said nothing.

“You all look happy. You’re getting more work done than you used to. The farm is doing better. You like Mr. Conant, right?”

“Oh, yes! All of us!” She was relieved that the subject of her parents’ sex life was closed.

“And he seems to like you all. You all talk with each other, to make sure everyone’s feeling OK?”

“I’d say so.”

“Rebecca, Rebecca!” said Mrs. Stonefield, shaking her shoulder as she lay in bed.

“What is it?” murmured Rebecca. Her mother waking her early in the morning was very unusual.

“I’ve had a dream. A very important dream ... I think God has revealed something to me!”

“Oh,” murmured Rebecca. She had no idea what to expect.

“It’s the men -- the spirits of all our men who are gone ... They like it when their womenfolk have sex! They enjoy it! Being dead is ... not so good, but knowing your daughter or your wife or your sister is having sex ... they kind of feel it. And it feels good when the woman feels good ... And the better she feels, the better they feel! And it’s not just what the girls feel -- the penis, the man’s penis is very important! The penis of a righteous man. They want the hill people to go on, in the way dead people want things, which I don’t really understand -- but they know it has to do with reproduction. A lot more babies. Babies made the usual way -- and it’s something to celebrate! Oh -- this is so exciting!”

Rebecca had to admit it was quite exciting. There was this little part in the back of her mind that worried about people changing their religion because of dreams. She wondered what the minister would think -- and noted as the weeks went by that when they went to church, her mother never raised the subject, and if anything avoided the minister.

James had thought of his late wife and sons from time to time. He missed them. He loved them, and no one else would ever replace them. Mrs. Stonefield’s revelation made him think about them again. There had been no Holocaust in Einland. His sons -- it was hard to imagine just what they would think, as they had been so young when they died. But if his late wife persisted in some form in this world, would she be happy when he had sex? He thought she would. She was not a selfish woman, and would want her husband to go on with life and make a new one. If that involved sex with lots of girls instead of just one, that would be fine with her too. He could imagine her laughing at the prospect. And imagining that made him sad as well as happy.

He had a momentary guilty thought. If his wife had lived, he would have had just the two children. Her death had allowed him to father far more. Surely it wasn’t better -- surely he wouldn’t say things were better because she died. No, that was disloyal -- and ridiculous too!

Mrs. Stonefield’s revelation was easily accepted by everyone in the Whitlock household. Except Ruth. Ruth thought they had all gone crazy. She was too young to participate in any event, and it was convenient that she could swap rooms and houses with Rebecca. Rebecca could be in the heart of things, and Ruth could be away from it all. Mrs. Stonefield clarified to Esther that participation in this new order of sexual celebration had to be done voluntarily and with cheer, so she was exempt from any obligation. Esther was relieved. So in the Stonefield house lived Esther, Ruth and Mrs. Stonefield, leading a rather ordinary, staid life.

Down in the Whitlock house, the atmosphere was entirely different. The first evening, after Ruth had moved out and Rebecca had moved in, Rebecca said, “I want to do something special -- something to celebrate the new ... freedom. Where sin is just gone completely and not something lurking in the background. What if we all get naked and gather in James’s bedroom?”

Everyone seemed to like that idea.

None was particularly shy about her body any more, and with the new revelation, the girls all seemed happy to be together in one place. The naked James, so muscular and masculine and endowed with his stiff penis, helped bond them, but they also enjoyed looking around at the others -- other young, fertile females -- each with the body of a vigorous young human, but also with breasts, and hips, and a growth of pubic hair, and all the other subtle signs of a healthy big girl.

“I think I’m going to faint,” said James when all had gathered. “You all want to be here? You all want to do sexual things with me?”

All the girls nodded.

‘I could make love to all of you -- insert my penis into your vagina, and thrust away ... But I can only ejaculate once, and then I need a rest. Anyone in a fertile day?” Everyone shook their heads. “That’s what I thought...”

“Are your vaginas all ready to get invaded? How about you all play with yourselves until you’re ready ... I guess we’ll figure out the end later, but first ... stand in a circle here.”

James went to Lisa, kissed her on the cheek, and then bent down to suck her right breast, while he worked his right hand between her legs. She spread them to let him get at her, and he slid his middle finger up inside her. Lisa smiled. After several seconds of that, he went on to Rebecca, and did the same thing -- breast, and finger up inside.

“Oooo, you can poke up into me deeper than that!” she purred.

“Rebecca, the holy one!” said Lisa.

“Not any more!” said Rebecca, moaning as James’s lips worked energetically on her nipple and his finger jammed in deep.

Further down the line, Grace put her hand between her legs and started rubbing gently. The others saw and started too. James went on to Helen. Sucking breast, sliding finger up into her lovely, happy, lustful vagina.

“When I’ve gone around, lie back on the bed one at a time and I’ll slide it into you -- I’m looking forward to that so much! -- but I can’t stay long inside or I’ll come too soon.” James finished fingering and breast-sucking Mary and Grace.

Lisa lay back with legs spread wide, and removed her finger from her clit just as James connected with her vagina and shoved in. He pumped in energetically, grunting and moaning.

He wasn’t in more than fifteen seconds before Lisa shuddered and yelped. James withdrew. The plan was for James to go on to the next, but Lisa was in the way.

“It’s not fair to ask her to get up,” said Helen, and the others smiled and agreed. They nudged Lisa over on the bed a little, and Rebecca found a spot beside her. She gasped with pleasure as James’s penis filled her up, and then she came hard, “Oh, fuck!” she yelped, and the others all smiled. “Did I really say that?” she asked meekly when she had calmed down a bit.

Helen took it from the rear, and orgasmed quickly. Mary didn’t come while James was thrusting inside her, but she said, “OK, move on...” As James’s slick penis slid out from inside Mary and aimed at Grace’s innards, Mary orgasmed from the work of her own fingers following up on James’s ever-so-sexy insertion and thrusting.

The circle done, James’s slick cock slid free, ever so ready to blast forth semen, impatient for James to pick the place. “But ... but how do I finish without playing favorites?”

Lisa said, “I’ve got an idea. I’ve never seen you ejaculate ... you’ve always got it up inside me when you come. Has anyone else?” Everyone shook their heads. “Maybe you could do it outside ... But first...” She paused a moment, thinking, and then a smile spread slowly over her face. “I really love James’s penis. Anybody here who doesn’t?” No one disagreed. “I like it so much I’m going to take the tip in my mouth -- would you mind that James?”

“Uh, no, not if you want to ... In fact,” he said, smiling lustily, “it would be nice.”

Lisa took it in her mouth. James gasped with pleasure, then said, “That’s enough, or ... or you’ll get a mouthful, and we wouldn’t want that.”

Lisa removed her head, and Rebecca quickly lowered hers for a quick suck on the knob of James’s organ. “It’s what makes us pregnant!” said Helen with near reverence, and then took it in her mouth briefly. Mary and Grace followed.

“Now, how to do it without favorites?” said Rebecca.

“I can use my hand,” said James. All the girls smiled. Helen pranced with anticipation.

Then as they watched James move his hand up and down on his penis, he said, “Oh, could you all hold yourselves open? Let me see inside?” All the girls did as requested, and with his eyes shifting rapidly from one open pussy to another, he jerked up and down with his hand faster, and then James came. One little blob of white goo came out, then a big one shot way up on his chest, and another big one, and another ... The girls all looked on with amazement, and there were some excited gasps. Catching his breath, James said, “You know what would be really sexy -- really nice for me? ... If you could take a little on your finger and slide it way up in your vagina. Anyone who’s willing, that is...”

All the girls were willing. “It’s like he finished in all of us at once!” said Grace.

James’s body language showed the others he was tired, and sexually satisfied for the moment. Lisa kissed his cheek on the way out, the others saw, and with a smile each girl did the same.

James had fond memories of his twosome with Kate and Jenny. He hinted now and then at how it would be exciting to have two of his Birch Falls girls join him at once, and the pair was usually willing. But they never did more than a threesome again. That had been a one-time experience.

Esther was pregnant, but not part of the household. Helen and Rebecca were pregnant. That left Mary, Lisa, and Grace. They tracked their cycles and checked their lubrication. When a fertile period was expected within a day, they put a “Stop” sign on the inner and outer sides of the door leading into James’s bedroom.

Without the benefit of a sign to remind them, when one of the girls got an erotic craving during the night, she might slip into James’s room and induce him to joyously part with some of his precious sperm. Similarly, James might get a craving for one of his girls and climb into her bed, where she would happily let him relieve himself of the same precious fluid up inside her body, while both shuddered and glowed with satisfaction.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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