Wanted: One Good Man to Impregnate Dozens - Cover

Wanted: One Good Man to Impregnate Dozens

Copyright© 2022 by Sterling

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - James Conant retreats to a cabin in a neighboring nation to recover from grief. But the nation had just emerged from a war during which the marauding enemy had killed all the males they could find. To his surprise, James is in high demand to provide, one girl at a time, the one thing that the survivors cannot do without. A prudish culture and individual personalities add the spice.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Group Sex   Harem   First   Pregnancy  

An unfamiliar pair of girls showed up at James’s cabin during the day -- girls, or young women.

“Hello,” said one of them. “Are you James? James Conant?”

“Yes, that’s me,” he said.

“I’m Rebecca,” she said.

“I’m Lisa,” said the other.

“We heard about you. My cousin is a friend of Jenny’s and of course Jenny shared the news when she got pregnant. She was reluctant to tell my cousin who the father was, but eventually she gave enough hints, and we got some more info from Anne, and figured it out.”

“You are the father of Jenny’s baby?” said Rebecca.

James nodded.

“He does look handsome, doesn’t he?” said Lisa. Rebecca smiled briefly and Lisa giggled.

“We came nine miles to see you.”

“Nine miles!” They had come nine miles for one shot at getting pregnant? Did they know how to read fertility? Or were they hoping to stay a while? Whatever the truth, his cock started surging to life in his pants.

“Are you both looking to get pregnant?” he asked. “Now?”

They looked puzzled a moment, then Rebecca said, “Oh! No, not today.” James was the one to look puzzled next.

Lisa said, “Nine miles away, in Birch Falls, there are two households quite close together. I’m the oldest in the one house, and Rebecca’s the oldest in the other -- except for her mother, who is too old for this sort of thing.”

Rebecca said, “There are a total of seven of us, all hoping to get pregnant. Well, one’s not quite old enough yet, but she will be before long. So we wondered if you would like to come live with us.”

Wow! Mrs. Hardwick knew what her daughters were up to, and she approved, but she didn’t want James in her house. But these families were suggesting he go live with them? In the house, with the girls?

“Seven of you, plus Rebecca’s mother ... anyone else?”

“Nope, none at all! We’d all like to get pregnant, but there’s one key thing we’re missing,” said Lisa.

“I ... I can’t afford rent. I don’t have many skills.”

The girls laughed, and Lisa said, “We have it on good authority that you have the one skill we need. It’s very part-time work, but many people enjoy it as a hobby too.”

James smiled. He figured if he didn’t like it, he could always leave. It certainly sounded like a situation worth investigating. He would have to leave behind Anne, Kate, and Jenny, and that made him sad.

But as he thought about it, he realized something else. He had been feeling a bit restless, and now he knew why. From the point of view of the hill people as a whole, he had done his job here, and it was time to move on to do it somewhere else.

“OK, I’ll come,” he said. “I’ll miss the Hardwick girls ... but I’ll come.”

“Great!” The girls agreed to come back in a week to get him and lead him to their home.

When Anne, Kate and Jenny heard, they had a variety of reactions. They were angry, indignant, frustrated, and sad. Over the course of a few days it simmered down to sad.

They admitted that they knew Lisa and Rebecca’s families were interested, but the moment had never seemed right for raising it with James themselves. James didn’t blame them. They also understood that in the grand scheme of things, it was more important that he go impregnate some other girls rather than staying with them. Mrs. Hardwick made this point to the girls consistently, and they realized that if James was gone, to her the important thing would be that there would be less sinning going on.

James wrote to his few friends and contacts in Einland and said he had found a reason to stay up in the hills of Ausland, and not to expect him any time soon. He wrote Mr. Johnson that the cabin was now vacant again.

The girls had walked nine miles, and that was the sure route to Birch Falls. It was deeper in the hills than Mr. Johnson’s cabin, and no one was entirely sure in the aftermath of the war what the road situation was. The closest he could get by car was two miles away, if he was lucky. He decided to walk. That also let him give his Model T to the Hardwicks. They were thankful and were sure they would find uses for it.

He made time to be alone with each of the girls. Each of them wanted to have sex one more time, and he certainly did too, and so they did, one pairing at a time.

Anne was last. They mated as they usually did, in the way that made them both content, with one exception. Just as the two were on the verge of orgasm, Anne said, “Fuck my cunt, James! Fuck my cunt hard! I’m a cunt, fill me with sperm!” James was shocked, but his inner animal was in charge, and he was thrilled and rewarded him with a supercharged pleasure.

When they had come down from the heights and could talk, James said, “What you said...”

“You liked that? Deep down? Your animal James? I can tell you did...”

“But, but...”

“Kate and Jenny told me about the word, of course. And what you said about it. That’s how I knew it. And I thought about it. And I felt that right when you were at the peak, I wanted to be nothing but a dirty vagina for you to fill with sperm. I wanted to be that for you. And I think it kind of worked.”

“Yeah, but ... but...”

“Shh, I know. I’m not a cunt most of the time and you shouldn’t call me one, and I know you won’t.”

“Oh, you wonderful girl...”

After several minutes she began crying softly. He held her patiently, and fought back tears himself. She had known the risks, but she had fallen in love with him. Sharing him with her sisters was OK, but for him to leave completely ... He wondered if he had fallen in love with her too ... but there was a stronger force at work -- a biological imperative -- that was drawing him away.

Lisa and Rebecca guided him and helped him carry his few belongings.

After they had been walking an hour, it occurred to James that the Hardwick girls had no use for his sperm now, but in two or three years ... perhaps he could help them have second children. It was an idea to stash away for the future. It would be a reason to see them again that was also in line with the plan to repopulate the hill country.

As the miles accumulated between him and Mr. Johnson’s cabin, his thoughts turned to the future. Walking behind Lisa and Rebecca, he looked them over. They were dressed in practical dresses, with no attempt at looking sexy, but that didn’t stop James’s mind from wandering.

They stopped for a rest. “You two remember why it is that I’m coming to visit you all in Birch Falls?”

“Yes, yes, of course...” said Lisa.

“You are both quite attractive,” he said.

“Thank you,” said Rebecca, hesitating.

“No one said we have to wait until we get there to start,” he said, looking back and forth between the two.

“Out here?” said Lisa.

“Well, it certainly can be done ... For instance, we could spread my blanket over under that tree.”

“I’m not sure God would approve,” said Rebecca. “I know my mother wouldn’t.”

“There are a lot of girls. You’re going to have to wait your turn ... Want to have your turn first?”

Rebecca said, “Oh, no thanks...”

Lisa said, “I get the feeling you’re not just having sex with the hill country girls to be kind to us.”

“No, no,” said James.

“In fact, it kind of looks like you’re really horny.”

James hesitated, then decided to own up to it. “Yes, I am, when I’m with a couple of attractive girls like you ... It’s just an idea, and it’s up to you, of course.”

Lisa said, “Well ... I dunno, you make sense...”

Rebecca said, “Really?” to her companion with surprise.

“Why not? I’m not sure why God would disapprove out here more than at home in bed.”

James and Lisa looked at each other and smiled, then went some distance away and spread James’s blanket under the tree. Rebecca stayed out at the trail.

Lisa was visibly nervous, and James said, You and your husband did it?”

“Oh, yes. A little. But you’re a new man.”

“Hmmm. To keep things simple, why don’t you tell me how he did it and I’ll try to do the same?”

“Oh, OK...” She sat on the blanket and raised her dress, and well-worn underwear appeared. She pulled it down, spread her legs, and lay back on the blanket.

“I just slide it in?” he asked.

“What else would you do?”

“Oh, just touch you here a bit, to at least make you wetter inside.”

“Well, OK...”

James started massaging gently.

“OK, hmmm, that feels dirty ... like good feelings from the devil.”

These women in the hill country sure were prudish. Of course he wasn’t exactly very experienced. “Well, don’t think about enjoying it, if you don’t want, just think of it as a way of making the joining smoother. You know I have to feel good to do my part, and if you feel a little bit good that’s OK with God too ... that’s what I say.” Lisa nodded briefly. James tested her vagina with his finger, and it was getting wetter ... he pulled some of the wet out towards the opening, and massaged a bit more. “OK, now I’d say you’re ready.” He turned over onto her and positioned his penis tip right at the place it goes into a woman... “Anything else you’re used to?”

“Like what?”

“Well, did he just finish up real quick?”

“Well, it’s sinful, so the quicker the better, of course.”

“We see things just a bit differently over in Einland. I’ll just hold off a bit because it feels so good...” The initial penetration was, as always, exciting and satisfying. He pumped in and out, in the timeless motion of sex. After a minute Lisa shut her eyes and bit her lip. She certainly didn’t look like she was comfortable, though he suspected it was an emotional discomfort rather than a physical one. In any case, he upped his pace, shoved his cock in a bit faster, a bit deeper, and then ... It wasn’t anything extraordinary, but ordinary orgasms feel magnificent too, every time. And every new girl is special too. He felt his penis twitch as it spewed sperm up into Lisa, one pulse at a time. Satisfaction. Release. Maybe reproduction ... He then pulled out and dismounted to lie beside her.

Lisa immediately pulled up her underpants and started to get up, but James held her back gently. “Hey, talk to me. Was that OK? Bad?”

“It was ... I guess it wasn’t bad. It felt ... It felt good ... better than ever with John.” She couldn’t suppress a smile.

James smiled too. “I say it’s OK for a woman to enjoy sex too. Men have to enjoy it for it to work, but ... why should women be left out completely? When we’re trying to start a baby?”

James watched the two women just as they resumed their journey. He could read their unspoken conversation. Rebecca looked at Lisa questioningly. Lisa looked at Rebecca briefly, smiled at her, then faced front and kept smiling. Rebecca looked thoughtful.

At Birch Falls, the older woman was the one who greeted James initially. “Welcome, Mr. Conant. I am Mrs. Stonefield. We appreciate your joining us to help us. Although what we hope you will do with all the girls is sin, God tells my minister it is a justified sin.”

The others gathered around and followed him and Mrs. Stonefield as she gave him a tour of the two households. The Whitlock household consisted of 5 people, all young women or girls, and following some subtle suggestion by Mrs. Stonefield, they all stayed at their house as she led James and her two daughters the couple hundred yards to the Stonefield house. Rebecca’s younger sister was Esther.

Mrs. Stonefield climbed the stairs and James followed. “Here ... I set aside this room for you, the one here at the end of the hall. I’ve asked the girls to track the monthly curse, and when the time seems right for God to perform his miracle for one of them, she can come see me and we can all pray together before the two of you are alone together in your room for a brief while.”

This sounded too restrictive to James, but he thought he would start by following Mrs. Stonefield’s rules and then consider some changes once he got the lay of the land.

Mrs. Stonefield served a wonderful dinner -- potatoes and roast venison -- and then followed it up with an apple pie. Conversation was strained, but James did feel a certain veneration emanating from all three of them.

Mrs. Stonefield accompanied him to the other house the next day for his first serious visit, leaving Rebecca and Esther at home.

As they walked, James said, “Are you the head of the Whitlock household as well as your own?”

“I try to guide them, being older and more familiar with the ways of life. The minister thinks that is best as well. But they are not always obedient,” she sighed.

“I see.”

“The minister is a woman ... wife of the late minister who was killed along with all the other men. But she is a Godly woman in her own right, and we have all agreed to accept her as our minister, though in good times only men are ministers.”

All five of the Whitlock girls joined James and Mrs. Stonefield in the Whitlock living room.

Lisa was visibly anxious before she said, “I thought James could have use of the northwest bedroom when he is here.”

“I have already arranged for a bedroom for Mr. Conant in my house,” Mrs. Stonefield said. “I think it best if you come to our household when his services are required. Prayer with me before each act of sin is in order, and the minister agreed.”

James said, “I know you all have invited me here for a particular purpose, but I am also an adult and feel I should have some say in my living arrangements here. If both households have allotted a bedroom for me, it would seem polite to leave to me the choice of which one to use when.”

James beheld five females looking at Mrs. Stonefield, none of them with an expression that expressed their desire to have her in charge of their household.

James continued, “Perhaps the oldest of this family, Lisa, would be more appropriate as the head of the household.”

Mrs. Stonefield looked uncomfortable, but she could see she had no allies in the room in support of her own leadership.

“Very well. I trust God’s wisdom will be with you.” She hesitated and then retreated to her own house.

Lisa was 23 and a widow. Mary was 20 and also a widow. Both had gone to live with their husbands’ families when they married, but when the husbands died, the childless widows had preferred to return to their own mothers rather than live with their mothers-in-law, just as had happened with the Hardwick girls. The other three had never been married and were therefore assumed to be virgins: Helen at 17, Grace at 14, and Ruth at age 11. To one way of thinking, some of the fertile females were women and some were girls, but they all liked best being called girls.

After a tasty lunch, James decided it was time to address the reason he had come there. He was surrounded by females of a fertile age who hoped to get pregnant by him, and that was of far greater interest to him than family governance issues.

He invited Lisa into the bedroom she had designated for him and asked what the situation was.

“I think I’m closest to being fertile. We did it yesterday, of course...”

“Then we should do it again today.”

Lisa shrugged, but she also smiled and started tentatively to undress.

You and your husband both stayed clothed, undressing only as much as needed for him to get his penis into your vagina.”

She nodded. “Those words you use ... they are so ... explicit.”

“What words do you use?”

“We ... don’t use any words at all, if we can help it.”

“Oh. I guess the words are rarely required. But I think sex should be fun -- something to celebrate. And step one is to get completely naked. I want to see your entire body.”


“I think that a husband and wife should desire each other sexually and enjoy each other. I think most Einlanders feel that way -- even those who are most devout.”

She gave a guilty smile, and then finished undressing. Cloth came off, one piece at a time, revealing flesh underneath -- flesh of a sexy young woman. James’s cock came to full hardness just from looking.

“You’re so sexy!” he said, and she blushed. But he was being truthful. His fourth Ausland mate, and now he could see all of her. Those breasts, the hips, thighs, and the promising tuft of hair between her legs.

“Untie your hair,” he said.

She did, and the brown hair that spread out down past her shoulders added a wonderful touch.

Still standing, he went to her and hugged her, then moved his hands all over her body. He motioned her to lie down and lay beside her. “Let me try this and you see how you like it...” He took her left nipple in his mouth and licked, then sucked.

“James!” she said. “Can I call you James?”

He lifted his head. “As opposed to ‘Mr. Conant’? Yes, you can certainly use my first name. Girls who want me to stick my peni -- to stick my stiff thing into their, um, hole where the stiff thing goes can call me by my first name.” He returned to sucking for a minute, then pulled his face away once more. “Does it feel good?”

She hesitated and nodded. He smiled and lowered his head, sucking now on the right nipple. He slid his hand up between her legs and started massaging slowly, rhythmically.

Minutes went by. Lisa reached out to run her left hand over his body, but it somehow found its way to his stiff cock. “You mind?” she said.

“No,” said James with a smile. “If that’s what you want.”

“It’s different, but, given what you said, and trying to get used to a new way of doing things ... yes, it’s good.” After another pause, she said, “Is it time to make me pregnant?”

James looked at her. “Now, be honest ... Are you suggesting that just because you want to get pregnant, or because ... you like the idea of me sliding that thing into you?”

“Um, to get pregnant.” After a brief pause, she added, “But not just that.”

“Wonderful. I really want to slide it in.” He mounted her and started inserting his organ. “See how smooth and easy it goes, with your vagina all ready and expecting to receive it.”

James carefully pushed in to the hilt, then began pumping in and out -- the primal motion of sexual intercourse. “I’m having a wonderful time, but I can also finish up and squirt the sperm up inside -- just let me know.”

“OK, I’ll let you know...” Minutes passed. “Oh, dear, it feels so, so good!”

James smiled, and said, “Here, let me try this.” He put down some of his weight onto her momentarily, and moved his right hand around to touch against her, right above where his penis was pumping in and out. He fluttered his fingers up and down lightly.

“Oh, dear ... oh dear, Mr. Conant! I, um ... Are you sure that is OK?”

“Very sure,” said James, continuing the motion, adjusting it in response to what she seemed to like best.

“It is ... It feels good in a way that’s different, and it’s kind of alarming...”

“Just let it feel good,” said James softly. “It’s all good.”

After a minute, Lisa gave a loud gasp and shuddered.

James smiled, removed his hand, and pumped away hard and deep, holding back nothing any more. Somehow his eyes concentrated on the curve of her hips, and how her body narrowed above to her smaller waist. The sensations of her tight vaginal embrace were fantastic and soon made him lurch inside, groan, mutter “Oh, yes!” and empty sperm up into his girl.

“Oh, my goodness!” she panted, as James continued to slide his cock in and out lazily.

“That’s nature’s reward for trying to make a baby,” he said. “Maybe it even helps, who knows.”

“What was it?”

“It’s called an orgasm. When men shoot sperm out and get that wonderful feeling, that’s a man’s orgasm. Nothing shoots out when a woman has an orgasm, but it feels just as good, they say.”

“And ... it’s not sinful?”

“I don’t know what your ‘minister’ would say, but I certainly don’t think so. Neither do many of the churches over in Einland. They would say it’s part of the joy of sex between a man and a woman.”

They dressed and opened the door, returning to the living room with no visual hint that anything had happened. James heard whispering between the girls. Helen said, “What was that when you cried out? Did it hurt a lot?”

“Oh, no,” he heard Lisa whisper. “That was when it felt very, very good.”

“I’m due soon -- maybe the day after tomorrow. But I’m scared. Could I wait another month?”

“Oh, don’t wait. You’ll be nervous, but ... Oh, you want it. You want James to do it to you. You’ll see.”

James was the first male in the two households since the war ended. Lisa said his presence changed everything. She agreed that very little sex was happening so far, but said his presence changed the way the girls thought.

The farm work still had to be done, and beyond that, food prepared, clothing mended, laundry done. Even as sex happened more often, it still made up only a small portion of the hours of each day.

James found some things to do around the yard. There were a few things where his man’s strength seemed to be genuinely helpful, but aside from those few tasks it seemed the girls had the workload down. They found easy things for him to do if he asked, but didn’t really need his effort. As time went on and his sexual activity increased, it was just as well he was conserving his strength and not spending much time working hard at other tasks. Or that’s what he told himself.

James showed Lisa how to determine fertility from the consistency of the vaginal lubrication, and she in turn told the others. That would allow more precise attempts at pregnancy. With so many girls, precision might be important to be impregnating with the most efficiency.

Helen had predicted she would be fertile soon, and she was the next one to come see him. She had big blue eyes and wavy light brown hair that went down to her shoulders. Her face was round, and she was definitely pretty. Beautiful. Maybe gorgeous. And here she was in the room with him, a virgin hoping to get pregnant.

“I’d love to see you naked,” said James, stripping.

She started undressing, but paused when she was in bra and panties. “I’m embarrassed.”

“Yeah, it’s natural. But if you’re still willing, we’re going to get very close, especially down below. So close together part of me will be inside you,” he laughed softly.

“OK, just the bottom then? I don’t like my breasts.” She removed her underpants.

“OK,” said James, “though I’m sure I will love them.” He kissed her stomach and her fingers and nibbled her ear while his hand worked below, nudging her legs apart for better access to the magic place. He massaged and stroked at what he knew was the right place for pleasure, and she responded. He dipped his finger in.

“Wait a sec,” she said, looking at him intensely, with lust. “I want you to see them...” She removed her bra.

James grinned, and moved in to suck the nipple of her right breast.

“You like them OK?” she said.

“Yes, I certainly do, but actions may speak louder than words. He moved in once more and sucked ardently at the nipple of her left breast. She moaned.

He continued his finger work below, and she got wet, and then wetter. But there was an obstruction.

“I wish I knew a way to make sure it wouldn’t hurt,” he said affectionately. “But I don’t.”

Helen nodded.

“Let’s try fingers,” he said. She steeled herself as he slid a second finger into her and spread them apart.

She winced. He continued to slide in and out with the two fingers. He put a third finger in, and pushed all three apart. She winced again.

He returned to one finger, going in and out gently. “Does it feel better? Ready for the real thing ... the thing that’s going to make you pregnant?” he said with a lusty smile.

“It still hurts a little -- but I want it. I want it a lot.” Then she said, “Oh, dear, that’s sinful of me, isn’t it?”

“Oh, you hill country girls and sin!”

James mounted, he positioned his cock at the virginal opening, and he pressed. Helen’s face registered surprise, which continued as he worked it in more. There was only a hint of resistance, and then his member slid in, and then in more, back and forth until he was all the way in. He slid back and forth lazily. “That feel OK?”

“It’s in -- so it’s hurt as much as it’s going to hurt?”

“Yeah, I’d say so.” It wasn’t as if he was an expert on the variety of reactions virgins had to being penetrated the first time, but it was his guess.

Helen’s look of surprise gave way to a huge smile.

“I’m sinning to let you put that thing in there, and you’re sinning to do it, and I’m sinning because I like it, and you’re sinning...”

“Oh, be quiet about your sin business. It’s for making babies, and because that’s so important, all the sin stuff is suspended.”

“If you say so,” said Helen, hints of pleasure appearing in her expression. After a minute, she said, “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely sure,” he said, and he could sense Helen relax and stop fighting the good feelings.

James pumped in and out for a couple minutes, feeling exquisite pleasure with each stroke.

“You want me to try to make you pregnant right now, or wait?”

“Oh, right now, right now!” she said.

“That’s my girl!” he said, kissing her playfully on the nose. “So, tell me what you want me to do.”


“What exactly do you want me to do.”

“You know...”

“Yeah, but I’d like to hear it from you ... What’s going to happen?”

“Well, you go in and out, and you feel really good, and then the seed shoots out and up inside me. Is that what you wanted?”

“What’s the thing called that I’m sliding in and out of you.”

“Your ... your penis,” she whispered.

“And what part of you is it going in and out of?”

“My ... vagina,” she whispered.

“Now say it louder ... say it like you’re proud.”

She took a deep breath. “I want you to slide your penis -- your stiff, wonderful penis -- up into me -- my vagina -- really hard and fast, and I want you to get it way up in there. And then I want you to ejaculate...” she shuddered. “Ejaculate lots of sperm up into me.” She looked relieved, like she had just unburdened herself of a big secret she had been keeping for too long.

“Then what happens, if we’re lucky?”

“The sperm swims up into my belly, finds an egg, and I get pregnant. I’ll be the mommy. And you’ll be the daddy.” She paused and looked at him. “And a wonderful daddy. Such a wonderful daddy...”

Encouraged by the hot talk, James went faster, he went deeper, and then he lunged as deep as he could and froze. Sperm shot out of his tip, making a sticky mess up in there -- some of it on her cervix.

“Tell me when you want me to pull out,” he said sliding his softening cock back and forth.

She ignored the question. “You know what my vagina is also called? It’s so naughty ... I shouldn’t say it, but I want to...”

“Go ahead, if you want ... Does it start with ‘c’?”

“Yes ... my cunt ... my Cunt!” she said emphatically, and smiled and shuddered.

“I love your cunt,” he said, “when you call it that I’ll call it that too, OK?”

Helen smiled. James smiled back. She reached her head up to kiss him on the lips. He kissed her back for just a second, and then drew away.

So around here some of the girls, at least, knew the naughty ‘c’ word.

Mrs. Stonefield arrived one morning a week later to inform James that it was Rebecca’s time and he should come visit at three o’clock. He dutifully rang the bell at the Stonefield residence at the appointed time. He wasn’t sure just what she and Rebecca had in mind, but it was sure to involve him ejaculating into her vagina, so it couldn’t be too bad.

The three of them sat in living room chairs and held hands. After Mrs. Stonefield finished some lengthy prayers, James and Rebecca went into the designated bedroom and closed the door.

Rebecca lay back, reached under her dress to do something, and then slid the front of the dress down to cover herself and spread her legs, just a little.

Another Ausland prude. James sighed.

Then she said, “I have a secret to tell. A big secret.”


“I’m ... I’m a virgin.”

“You were married...”

“My late husband David -- he was a wonderful man. But ... in bed, he never really even tried. On our wedding night, I knew we were supposed to do it, and not knowing any better I got like this, since I knew enough to know his organ had to go into me down there. And he touched me just a little. But he never made his organ stiff. So he never tried. I would ask occasionally if he wanted to do the husband-wife thing, and he said he loved me dearly, and when the time was right he would let me know. But two years went by and he never suggested it again.”

“Sounds like maybe he was a homosexual.”

“A what?”

“Homosexual. A man who is attracted to men instead of women.”

“Oh, no!” said Rebecca.

“They can’t help it. They can be good people, I guess.”

“But to father a child ... couldn’t he just make his thing hard and slide it in enough to give me the seed?”

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