Wanted: One Good Man to Impregnate Dozens - Cover

Wanted: One Good Man to Impregnate Dozens

Copyright© 2022 by Sterling

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - James Conant retreats to a cabin in a neighboring nation to recover from grief. But the nation had just emerged from a war during which the marauding enemy had killed all the males they could find. To his surprise, James is in high demand to provide, one girl at a time, the one thing that the survivors cannot do without. A prudish culture and individual personalities add the spice.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Group Sex   Harem   First   Pregnancy  

A young woman knocked on James’s cabin door not long before noon.

“Hello, Mr. Conant. I’m Kate, Anne’s sister.”

“Oh, hello! What can I do for you?”

“May I come in?”


“Could you do, like the same thing you did for her ... if you don’t mind too much?”

“Oh,” said James. “That sounds OK.”

“I know I’m asking a big favor. If you’re just agreeing to be polite, that would be bad.” she said.

“No, I am not agreeing just to be polite. It’s a wonderful prospect from my point of view.” He smiled.

“Oh, good,” said Kate, relaxing visibly. He wondered if he’d have to go through the same slow process with her to relax and have fun. “Anne told me how wonderful it was ... how you see things differently from the minister, and since it’s to make babies when we really need babies, it can’t be bad.”

James nodded.

“But ... do you mind if I talk about it?”

“Not at all.”

“I just don’t suddenly feel it’s OK because my mind says it’s true. Lots of my feelings are still the other way. ‘Sex is evil and disgusting.’ My husband John didn’t act guilty about sex like Anne’s. She and I never discussed it until now, after she had been doing it with you. My husband didn’t feel guilty or ashamed. He looked like he was having fun, but if I winced or even got teary, he smiled like he thought that was good. Like he thought that if I hurt that meant he was doing it right. I didn’t know; maybe he was right? For me it never felt good, but I made myself smile.”

“Ouch. Sounds confusing and not fun at all. Was John nice to you other ways?”

“Oh, yes. He got me nice things, and complimented my cooking and how I looked. Lots of husbands didn’t do that.”

“Hmmm. The way I see it, you and Anne both got bum deals around sex. Partly because of the particulars of your husbands, but also because of this strict religion of yours.”

“Oh, I’m proud of being Godly. I try and think I do pretty well, mostly.” She glowed briefly, then suddenly deflated. “But then there’s the sin of pride.” She sighed.

“Maybe the local notion of Godly is good in most respects, but got a few little things wrong. Like sex. Or at least, since times are so different and you all need babies so much, things should change a little more than the minister thinks they should?”

“Maybe...” Kate smiled, looking off into space. “Anne told me about how women can feel good, and gave me a few tips, and I figured it out -- for how to feel good by myself. But she kind of hoped with you and me we’d just stick to business -- quick in and give me the seed and out again, and I’d just get excited enough so it would be smooth, and then finish up by myself later ... Would you be happy doing it like that?”

“I think if you and I have sex, we should do it the way we want to and not the way Anne says we should.”

“I think it would hurt her feelings if we did more.”

“Yes, I think Anne has a crush on me -- and I can’t blame her. I’m pretty fond of her, too, but if I’m going to have sex with you -- which I am very much looking forward to! -- I want it to be something we both like, if we can manage that. Would you be OK with that?”

“Well ... I guess you’re right. So, now we...” Kate hadn’t taken any clothing off at all, and now she hesitated. “Anne also said about your organ only gets stiff if a woman is attractive, so ... I don’t know ... What if it doesn’t get stiff for me?”

James smiled. Kate’s face really was pretty, no doubt about it. Blond hair, with a bit of a wave, reaching to her shoulders. Her figure was lovely. “I don’t think that will be a problem,” he said emphatically.

“Oh,” said Kate, a bit mischievously. With boots off, she lay back on the bed and flipped her skirt up. No undergarment on her either.

“So if you say this wasn’t enough to get you excited, then that would be an excuse for taking more off?” she said.

“Nope,” said James, stripping to reveal a strong erection. “I just want to see all of you because you’re sexy and it will be more fun that way.”

Kate looked at him with a mix of discomfort and anticipation, and then she stripped naked and lay back on the bed. Her body went along very well with her pretty face - longer fingers, a bit slimmer than Anne, a bit more pubic hair...

James smiled, and that seemed to let her lose more discomfort. She looked like a woman who knew her mate found her sexy. He sat on the bed beside her and quickly lowered his head to her right nipple and sucked with gusto.

“Oh, dear!” she said, taking a sharp breath. He lifted his head up again. She continued. “Is that ... necessary? Or, is it OK?”

James considered. “I felt my penis start getting soft again, and I thought that would help it get hard again.”

“Well, in that case...” She let him return his face to her chest and suck more. But he knew that she knew there wasn’t really any danger of his penis getting soft. He was doing it because he wanted to, and she loved how it felt, but had some cover from that fear of sin.

He didn’t hesitate to suck the other one too.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“You asked!” she said with a smile. “Oh, yes ... very ready!”

He paused to look just before he penetrated her. A pretty blond, in the prime of life ... When she spread her legs, she spread them really wide, and it opened her labia up a bit. He decided to just shove in without opening her up special. There was a hint of scratchiness as he penetrated her the first time, but that was all gone by the time he pressed in the second time. Inside this beautiful girl was a hot, deep, wet vagina, and he very much wanted to do it. He wanted to make Kate happy, but he also just wanted to fuck that vagina until he could breed her. The primitive animal’s way of thinking.

As his thrusting got into a regular motion she said, “I really like that.” Then, in shifting position, he momentarily lost his balance and all his weight crushed down onto Kate.

“Sorry,” he said, and worked on getting back on an even keel.

“Wow ... no, I liked that ... Crush me again ... I like feeling all of you ... on me and in me ... if you don’t mind.”

James thought that was fine. He liked the idea of getting as close and intimate with Kate’s body as he could. Crushing her, his front pressed much harder against her front, of course.

“So nice!” she croaked. A minute later, she moaned and convulsed -- it sure seemed like an orgasm. His cock drove in and out faster and deeper, while crushing his girl, and then he reached his goal -- the ecstasy and ejaculation inside her. Lots of sperm, deep, racing to make a baby. Following nature’s plan, he relaxed after the job was done, feeling wonderful. He waited for Kate to wiggle underneath him to get him off of her, but she didn’t. It was nearly a minute before he slid off and beheld a girl who was gasping for breath, sweaty, and smiling. “Thanks!” she said a minute later, and started to get up.

“Are you in a big hurry? I’d like to just lie and relax with you a while.”

“Oh, OK,” she said.

“Mmmm,” he said, their bodies lazily intertwined. “You said your husband thought it was good when he hurt you ... I ... I didn’t mean to hurt you. But you knew that, right?”

“Oh, yes, I knew! As for the other ... I wonder if there’s a connection. Maybe it’s related to him and how I miss him, but if I got to choose it it made it all better?”

“Maybe. I just hope all in all it was good.”

“Oh, yes, it was! You gave me lots of seed, right?”

“Yes I did. That part’s natural, you know. It’s instinct and what a man wants to do more than anything once he’s in. I’d like to take credit for being kind, but ... that part is automatic. But I meant if it was good other ways.”

“Oh, yes, it was good in every way.” Kate started to get up.

“You’re going to stay a while, so we can do it again?”

“Yes, that sounds OK. Since we need to do it to make a baby ... Let me make lunch.”

“Let me watch so I can learn how to do it better.”

“Oh, OK ... That’s women’s work, but ... I guess you don’t have a woman...”

“Think of all the men’s work you’ve had to learn,” he said.

“Well, that’s true.” As she cooked, he watched, and she explained.

When lunch was all cleaned up, she set to cleaning the house again.

“Anne just did that, a week ago!” he said.

“Oh, but it needs cleaning again!” she said.

James didn’t object. It seemed like she really wanted to do it.

“Reading ... Do you know how to read?”

“No ... Anne said you’d started to teach her. That would be nice to learn a little -- but you’re already teaching Anne, and she’s older than me and smarter...”

“You’re plenty smart, and I’ve love to teach you too.”

After they had been at it an hour, James said, “That man -- the friend of the family -- did he bother you too?”

“Oh, him. Oh, yes. I said no -- over and over. I guess I didn’t fight him the whole time. Once he started doing it I figured it was too late. He is a friend of the family -- kind of ... I couldn’t report it. But it’s still called ‘rape’, isn’t it?” Her anger showed as she finished talking.

“It most definitely is,” said James.

As they sat side-by-side on the couch, he slid his arm around behind her shoulders, then kissed her ear.

“You ... it’s not bedtime...”

“No one said we have to wait until bedtime. That is, if we both want to.” He slid his hand between her knees and she opened her legs just enough to let him up under her skirt. At her girl slit he caressed her gently, then slid her lips open a bit, slid a finger in, caressed some more with the others.

After a minute she looked at him. “You ... I wouldn’t mind...”

“OK, great!”

She started to get up, and he said, “We don’t have to go to the bedroom. It’s fun to do it different places.”

After some shuffling around, they found a position he thought was going to be exciting. He beheld beautiful Kate naked, lying diagonally on the small sofa, one leg on the floor, one on the back of the sofa. Kate looked around at how she was situated and said, “God wouldn’t mind even this?” She laughed.

“Even this!” said James, as he lowered himself to work his cock into her vagina -- hot and welcoming, as he knew it would be. The haphazard positioning was exciting, but not terribly comfortable.

“Oh, I just want to go for it!” he moaned. “I want to ejaculate in your vagina, right now!”

“OK, that would be great!” whispered Kate.

James grabbed her butt to push the two pelvises together, humped in hard and deep, each stroke an effort, and then dosed her innards with a shot of sperm not many seconds after the first penetration.

After he withdrew, they returned to simply sitting on the sofa.

“You didn’t even take your pants off,” she said, “but you had me get naked.”

“Well, you could have asked.” He then saw she was smiling, and more teasing than serious.

“Yeah, I guess...” Then her tone got more serious. “Really, I can ask for things?” James realized she wasn’t kidding at all about that.

“Yes,” he said softly, looking into her eyes. “You maybe didn’t get much in the way of good feelings at all. You want to do it now?”

“Me? Now? Oh, no. No need. A good feeling every now and then is wonderful -- something I never knew I might have ever.”

There was the rest of the afternoon to pass, doing this and that, and there was dinner to eat, but then they went to bed naked. James crushed her square and solid, glancing at her for approval and seeing an excited nod. And then he fucked into her pussy, and went on and on. He couldn’t read Kate’s reactions exactly but then she squeezed his back hard and scratched him hard with her fingernails. Time to give her what he had gone into her to give her -- more sperm ... Then time to roll off.

When she had caught her breath, she checked his back and was relieved that she had not drawn blood.

They lay intertwined. In five minutes he could feel the blood surging into his cock, making him erect once more, and he knew Kate could feel it too where it lay against her leg.

“Oooooo ... A man can’t do it to a girl unless hit thing gets hard, but does that mean if it does get hard he wants to do it to her?” She had an impish smile.

James smiled. “Not always, but lots of the time. I sure would like to do it again now.”

“You would?” asked Kate.

“Yes, I would.”

Kate smiled and opened up for him. “Do me quick as you can, OK? That would be nice!”

“We’ve done it enough I doubt I can be very quick...”

“Oh, that’s OK, slow then...”

It was ten minutes later that he came again, his reproductive glands depleted enough that he had just a few dribs of semen to surge up into his mate. The sensation of orgasm was dull and sleepy, but still very satisfying.

“What you wanted?” he asked.

“Yeah. But it kinda hurt.”

“Why didn’t you say something?”

“You don’t stop a man once you let him start,” she said. “But I guess I really could, couldn’t I? ... And you’d stop, and not be too mad?”

“It would be great if it happened as little as possible, because it’s frustrating, but ... yes, a decent man would stop, and not be too mad.”

The pair slept side by side, with no evidence of sexual desire or tension. James’s cock did not fill with blood at sunrise either. “Are you feeling OK down there -- in your vagina?” he asked.

“Not bad. It’s getting better,” she said, kissing him. “You’re so considerate...”

As they shared a tasty breakfast, James said, “You know, I could walk a couple miles myself, to meet at your cabin instead of you and your sisters having to do all the walking.”

“Oh, that’s kind of you. We sort of hinted at the subject with mom, and she knows what we’re doing, though she didn’t say it in so many words. But she made it clear she felt strongly it should all be done over here, away from her house. At first she said something about how innocent Jenny is, but we could tell that wasn’t really it. I think she knows we have to sin, as she’s still thinking of it, but she doesn’t want it going on under her roof. And she doesn’t want to hear any beds creaking or sounds of pleasure. She certainly doesn’t want to hear any sounds of pleasure from her girls! Talk about sin...” Kate was smiling.

Soon Kate was on her way, with the sort of comfortable smile suggesting that all was well between them.

Jenny was just 18 and had never been married and so, in line with the teachings of most churches, was a virgin. Yet she had a duty to have babies, just like the others.

Her big sisters had apparently given Jenny a good introduction. She too already knew how to masturbate to orgasm. She had stuck things as big as an erect penis into herself.

Jenny’s face was also quite lovely in its own way. Her body ... a little more solid, breasts a little larger. Wavy reddish-brown hair down down her back -- quite an alluring sight when released to cascade where it would.

As he prepared to penetrate her for the first time, he stopped to feast his eyes on the total picture. Jenny still had a bit of the girl about her, though he couldn’t say why. But she too was naked, with legs spread, hoping he would make her pregnant. And he loved that idea in every way, and mounted her and poked his penis against the place where penises go in and he shoved.

“Oh, wow!” she said, eyes wide.

“Are you OK?”

“Oh, yes ... It’s just ... different. New. I don’t know what I expected, but ... this is wonderful!” James was not in a terribly fast rhythm, instead surging deep each time. “Oooo, ooooo, oooo” she cooed each time his thrust filled her up completely. She stopped the cooing but her facial expression showed the same feelings. He was at it for nearly half an hour. Finally he surged his sperm up inside her as he had so many times in her big sisters.

Jenny had arrived just before lunch and they went to bed right away. It was a few hours later, during the middle of her reading lesson, that James was aware of the lovely young female beside him. He kissed her cheek and nibbled her ear, while sliding his hand slowly up between her thighs. Jenny responded positively. After his hand had been gently stroking her feminine lips for a minute, she got up, took him by the hand, and led him to the bedroom.

She smiled when his penis entered her vagina. “It wasn’t a dream ... it really did feel that good!” she said.

“You can try putting yourself different ways, to see if something feels especially nice.”

She did. James felt the slight changes in angle and pressure. Suddenly she said, “Oh -- oh, wow. You keep doing it the same way ... yeah, like that. Oh, my goodness,” she said, then her eyes closed part way and her face was slack with pleasure. “Oh, wow, wow...” She shuddered.

“Did you get one from that?” James asked.

Jenny nodded and smiled.

“That’s terrific.”

They had only been at it about five minutes, and James still had the strong desire to thrust in and out of this sexy girl. Her face once again began looking vague in a sexy sort of way, and he noted she had positioned her vagina in just the same way. It was just three minutes later she convulsed again.

“Oh, my goodness,” she said. “I’m ... is that OK? I had another one!”

“It’s great! It’s terrific!” He considered. He still felt like thrusting in and out more. He wasn’t quite ready to deliver his load.

“Maybe I’ll take a little break from that,” she said, and he could feel her vagina shift subtly around his penis.

Now she looked up at him. “You like doing it to me. You like shoving it in and out like that?”

“I sure do.”

“I love it too. I love how you feel so ... insistent. In, in, in ... you want to be in.”

“That’s right, I sure do. And now I want to shoot some sperm up in there ... assuming that’s OK with you.”

“Oh, that would be great! I want a whole bunch! A big goopy mess!” she giggled.

As his pace quickened, she became silent again, and then he reached climax. The ecstasy, the twitching cock, the fluid pulsing out.

“Oh, that was great,” said Jenny. “I ... when I felt you going for it I just wanted to go with you, so I did it again ... that was great to feel you huge and twitching in there while I was coming too...”

James lost count of how many times they did it that afternoon. His cock got hard, and she made it clear how interested she was -- for instance, something subtle like lying flat on her back, naked, and holding her vaginal lips apart. She told him to go for it as soon as he wanted, and he took her up on that ... and every time she came right along with him.

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