A Gift of a Special Website - Cover

A Gift of a Special Website


Copyright© 2022 by TNBNB

Erotica Sex Story: A mysterious website changes friendships for a group of seven that are in their last twenties and early thirties.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Magic   Sharing   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Nudism   .

I got the idea for this story after seeing the movie, Yesterday. It was not a big hit but a movie with Lily James and the Beatle music sounded good to me. Yesterday is about a world where virtually everyone in the world has no memory of The Beatles. Like the movie, the catalyst for this story is a fantasy and the how it happens cannot be explained. The story is about what happens as a result not how it happens.


Jane- 25 year old American. Her sister is Olivia. Cute more than a traditional beauty. Recently broke up with her long-term boyfriend. Going through an experimental phase with both male and female FWBs. Makes friends easily.

Matt- 32 year old divorced. His girlfriend is Hannah. She is the first girl he has been serious with since his divorce. Matt looks like a model. Comes from a welltodo family and has a beautiful house near the beach.

Olivia 27 year old American. Married to Derek. They are happily married but their sex life is vanilla. Like her sister, she has a girl next door look but is much more conservative. Olivia moved to Australia three years ago to get married.

Derek 32 year old. Married to Olivia. Friends with Matt and Sammy since childhood. Derek and Olivia have good jobs, but Sydney is expensive. They own a small condo and are trying to get pregnant and it is causing stress. Derek is tall and reasonably attractive with a warm smile.

Hannah 26 years old of Asian descent. She worked as a model while in school. She is still getting to know the group and is quiet around the others.

Sammy 31 year old. Married to Serena. The most outgoing of the group. Formerly overweight. become more private and not as close to Matt and Derek than he used to be, who blame that on Serena.

Serena 42 year old Married to Sammy. Curvy. The group thinks that Sammy married Serena because he needs a mother type.


It is 11 AM on a Saturday in October in Sydney when Olivia facetimed her sister Jane who lived in Denver. Jane had emailed her a couple of hours ago and arranged the call asking if she was available and saying that she has news. Their parents had gotten divorced when they were young and the sisters were very close growing up.

When Olivia met Derek in graduate school, fell in love and moved to Sydney the person she missed most was Jane. Jane had visited twice and fit right in with her gang of friends. Jane had mentioned previously that her company had an office in Sydney and that she would be interested in moving if she could get a position in that office.

After some small talk, Jane said “I have some big news.”

“That is what you said in your email. What is it?”

“Yesterday, the Vice President of my company scheduled a meeting with me. I am like shit what did I do wrong? However, he told me that they are impressed by my work and asked if I was still interested in relocating to the Sydney office. When I told him I was, he said that they have a role for me in Sydney that they think I will be perfect for. They can get me a work visa.”

Olivia screamed “moving here?”

“It looks that way yes.”

Olivia smiled and said “I can’t believe you’ll be here. I am so excited.”

“I am excited too. I am going to miss my friends here, but I am ready for a change.”

“There are a lot of hot guys in Australia.”

“A lot of hot chicks too.” Olivia rolled her eyes and Jane laughed and said, “I saw that.”

After a couple of seconds of silence Olivia said, “You know Sydney is expensive. Are you going to afford it?”

“I am getting a nice raise, but I may need to get a roommate.”

The girls talked some more before saying goodbye.

Later that day, and Derek met their friends at Matt’s beach house and told them about Jane moving to Sydney was surprised when Matt offered to let Jane stay in his granny flat. They went and looked at the apartment and it was perfect for a single person. Obviously being by the beach made it even better.

A couple days later Jane and Matt talked and finalized the plans. Matt gave her a good deal on the rent. They agreed to have a three month trial to see how things go.

Thursday in February

Matt left his office in downtown Sydney around 6PM. On the crowded street he passed an old beggar who was being ignored by everyone. For some reason, Matt locked eyes with the man and the intensity and sadness caused Matt to stop and open his wallet. He did not have anything less than a $100 dollar note. Matt hesitated a second and gave the old man the $100 note.

The old man’s face registered surprise at the amount and said, “Thank you, sir. When the clock strikes midnight may your home be granted a miracle.”

Matt stopped for a moment and thought what a weird thing to say, but also did not take it seriously and forgot about it immediately. He was beating himself up for giving the stranger so much money that would likely be for booze. Matt did not like to be wasteful.

As Matt drove to his house in Bondi Beach, he thought about the upcoming weekend. It was his birthday on Saturday, he was going to have a day with Hannah and then on Sunday, his friends were going to come over to hang out at the beach.

Hannah was on a business trip and would not be back until tomorrow, so he was on his own tonight and was planning a quiet evening. For the first time in a long time, Matt was happy with his life.

He had married his high school girlfriend, Tori right out of university and after a couple of years, things had started to go wrong. Tori was much more ambitious than Matt and although they both wanted the marriage to work, they were too different. Matt learned that people are not the same at 18 as they at 25 or 30. For about six years, from the time the marriage began to go bad until a couple years after the divorce when he finally started to be his old self, it was a miserable time in his life.

Matt had met Hannah through Derek who worked with her before they both found new jobs. Besides being gorgeous and smart, Hannah was the most positive person he knew and clearly adored Matt. Pretty much every workday, they would text each other something nice around mid-day even if it was just a heart. They had been going out for over a year and Matt was pretty sure they would eventually get married.

Three years earlier, Derek and Olivia’s wedding had been in the middle of Matt’s marriage problems, and it was a struggle to keep a happy face. Jane came to Sydney for about a month around the wedding. Jane was the Maid of Honor and Matt was the Best Man. Matt was not really attracted to Jane, but he enjoyed her energy and spunky attitude. He liked being around her.

When Matt had heard that Jane was moving to Sydney, he offered her the granny flat since it was not being used liked Jane and he considered Derek and Olivia like family. The granny flat had a separate entrance and its own kitchen. He had not seen much of Jane since she moved in a couple months ago. She always seemed to be out.

When Matt got home, he texted Hannah. She was at a conference and was getting ready for the final dinner. They both said they missed each other, and Hannah was looking forward to being back tomorrow. Matt then went for a run along the beach for a few miles. When he returned to the house, he was surprised to see Jane coming home at the same time.

Jane had been busy working 10 to 12 hours a day and then partying since moving to Sydney a couple of months ago. She was worn down and was taking her first day off since the move on Friday. She was looking forward to a long weekend with no work for the next few days.

Jane had just arrived home after work and was planning to go to sleep early after going out the last few nights, when she ran into Matt outside the house. Matt invited Jane to come to main house for dinner. They ordered Chinese delivery and planned to meet in an hour.

An hour later, Matt had showered, and the Chinese food arrived. Jane had changed into shorts and a t shirt. She was exhausted. Matt had an open living room that was modernly furnished with a huge tv. Jane did not have a television and since breaking up with Asher rarely even watched shows on her.

Matt and Jane ate their Chinese food and drank a couple of beers. Matt was clearly in a better place than he was a couple years ago when they first met, and Jane was happy for him. Of Olivia’s group of friend Jane connected more with Matt than the others. He was a legitimately nice guy and very good looking.

Jane was going out with Asher when she was in Sydney for Olivia’s wedding a few years ago and now Matt was with Hannah, so Jane did not think much about Matt sexually. However, she thought he was out of her league.

Matt had some sort of Australian sport game on and wanted to compare it to American football, but she was not sports fan and did not know enough American football to add much.

Matt then said, “So how do you like living in Australia?”

“It is great. The city is awesome.”

“I don’t think I could ever move to a new country across the world like you did.”

Jane smiled and said, “Well Donald Trump is not the President of Australia.”

“True. If he was, that would be motivation.”

“Trump is horrible, but he has nothing to do with me coming here. I just like the idea of a new adventure.”

“It would suck for me. I hate meeting new people.”

“I have already met a bunch of cool people.”

“Adventures are not for me. I like comfortable.”

“You remind me of Asher and Olivia. No offense but you are boring!”

They laughed. “Yep. I suck.”

“You don’t suck, we are just very different.”

Jane yawned and said “I suck at sleeping. As tired as I am, I bet I won’t sleep for more than four or five hours. Tomorrow I am planning to take a long nap in the afternoon.”

Jane got up, said good night and went to the granny flat to go to sleep.

The domesticated life got boring so quickly to Jane. Her decision to break up with Asher was what she needed. She had a serious relationship in high school which ended midway through her freshman year in college the beginning of her sophomore year she met Asher who she dated until last year.

Last year, it had not been much of a secret that Asher was going to propose to her when they were going on vacation to the Caribbean. It had been assumed that Jane would say yes. However, Jane did not know what she was going to do.

A month before the vacation, she was wasting time on the internet when she read an advice column that spoke to her. The columnist was giving advice to a couple with a difference in sex drive. The columnist said marriages will not work for couples with big differences in sex drives. Jane had a much bigger sex drive than Asher and it became clear to her then, what she must do. Jane broke up with Asher that evening.

Jane recognized that the happiest time in her adult life was when she was single during her freshmen year in college. She decided then that she was not interested in being in a relationship any time soon. Jane found that Tinder was perfect for what she was looking for, which was to expand her sexual horizons and have a lot of casual sex.

Olivia did not seem to recognize that it was Jane that had broken up with Asher. She acted like Asher had broken her heart, not the other way around and treated the breakup as a tragedy. Olivia thought Jane needed to meet someone just like Asher and she should get in another serious relationship immediately. Jane would tell her over and over again that it was not what she wanted, but Olivia did not seem to get it.

In the last year, Jane had her share of firsts including same sex, a threesome and she had been with an African American. Before moving, Jane had friends with benefits of each sex and if she was in the mood, she would hook up with someone new on Tinder.

She was not as concerned about her weight as she used to be and had put on 15 or so pounds since breaking up with Asher. She also stopped shaving her pubes and underarms as part of her new attitude.

Olivia acted like her new adventures were a cry for help. At the time that Jane got the job in Sydney, there was a strain in her relationship with Olivia that had gotten worse since the move. Jane was frustrated that Olivia just could not grasp that she did not want the same things in life as Olivia did.


About eight years ago, Sammy met a couple of older women at a bar. They took him home and they had a threesome. That was Sammy’s introduction to the swinging lifestyle. The two women were friends with several other women that were around ten years older than Sammy that liked to share younger men. Through that group, Sammy met Serena. They knew each for a couple of years and had numerous sexual encounters before they started dating.

Meeting a spouse through swinging might seem strange but it has worked for Sammy and Serena. They had a good marriage and felt secure that despite different sexual partners they would always return to each other. They had sex separately with others and together. They had threesomes together with both men and women and foursomes with other couples. They kept their swinger’s lifestyle cordoned off from their work and most of their friends who were not into swinging.

Sammy usually stuck to their informal group of swingers. However, Serena liked younger men that she could corrupt. Tonight, they were having a threesome with this guy, Owen that Serena had hooked up on her own a few weeks before. They had met at a bar. Owen was about five years younger than Sammy and reminded Sammy of himself when he was just getting started in swinging.

Owen had come over to their flat few hours before and they grilled on the barbie. Owen seemed very quiet and awkward with Sammy when he came over. However, they had gone through two bottles of wine with dinner, and he was more relaxed now. Sammy let Serena take the lead but figured that they getting to the sex soon.

After Jane left, Matt watched the rest of the rugby game and drank a couple more beers before heading to his bedroom.

Hannah did not typically travel as part of her job and her being away this week made Matt feel off balance. They did not live together but Hannah often stayed over.

Before Matt met Hannah, he had spent a lot of time looking at porn on the internet since the end of his marriage. His porn habits had deceased quite a bit lately, but tonight he was not tired, and it seemed like the thing to do.

He went to a cam website on his that had couples as well as females, which was typically his go to porn site. Matt really enjoyed when there was a reasonably attractive couple that had personality and knew what they were doing. The issue was 99% of the couples bored him so he had a lovehate relationship with the website.

Since most of the English-speaking couples were in the United States, the time difference did not help. There were thumbnails of all the couples that were on, and Matt clicked on a few to go to their room. However, the selection was poor and after about 30 minutes, Matt still had his shorts on and had barely touched his mostly soft dick.

Matt was thinking of going to some other porn site when suddenly the power went out. The power was out for about ten seconds and then came back on did have to power his iPad back up and when it came back, he saw that it was 12:01 and he thought of the old homeless man and chuckled.

He figured that it was getting late and that he would go to a porn site where he could have a quick jerk and go to sleep. However, when he clicked on his browser, instead of the home page coming up, a website. Matt figure this was a virus and he tried to get out but the browser would not close.

Matt was shocked when he looked closer and saw on the screen eight thumbnails all with people that he knew. There were two thumbnails with co-workers, one male and one female with their spouses who he met a couple times. His cousin, Julie who he grew up with was hooking up with someone he did not know on one thumbnail and ironically her parents, his uncle and aunt were on another thumbnail. There were three other friends including a gay guy he knew from college who was with his boyfriend. The last thumbnail was Sammy, Serena and someone he did not know.

Matt had three immediate thoughts

How the fuck is this happening?

This is a huge invasion of privacy, and he should not be looking at this.

What kind of sex lives do these people have and what do they look like naked

For one Matt got out his phone and when he went to the browser came up. However, when he turned off the Wi-Fi and used the data from his phone, the homepage returned to he tried to go to the website, he got a server could not find website error.

He thought about of the morality of spying on people he knows having sex and justified it because it was not like he set up cameras to watch people have sex. Matt figured this was a onetime thing and nobody would ever know about it. Besides he was already horny, and this was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Matt took off his shorts, lied down and touched his already half hard dick as he clicked on the thumbnails. He noted how good the picture and the sound were.

His dick got harder as he watched his cousin Julie tell this guy how wet she was before they started fucking with her on top. Julie had been a swimmer her whole life and was in incredible shape, especially her ass.

Matt settled in the room with Sammy and Serena. He could not believe that they had another guy in bed with them. He knew from going to the gym with Sammy when they were younger that he was well hung. Now that Matt saw Sammy fully hard, he could not help but be impressed with the thickness and length of Sammy penis. However, what really surprised him was Serena.

Matt had never really thought of Serena in a sexual way. She was older and heavier than what Matt found attractive. However, she looked better naked. She full curves and huge nipples and just oozed sexuality. Serena was on all fours. Sammy was in front on her and she was taking all of his enormous cock in her mouth while this other guy, who looked like he was around university age was pounding her pussy from behind.

Matt’s dick was now fully erect, and he was furiously rubbing and squeezing his cock while watching on his iPad. He came all over himself at about the same time the other guy pulled out and came on Serena’s ass. Sammy came on Serena’s face a minute or two later.

The three of them were silent catching their breath for a moment when Sammy smiled and asking the other guy how he liked it. The guy smiled and said it was awesome. They were moving around and cleaning up. The other was getting dressed. Suddenly the picture went blank.

It was getting late and there were only a few other people he knew fucking now. Matt watched for a few more minutes before turning out the light.

As Jane predicted, she woke up at 2:30. Despite being more at peace with herself, Jane still slept poorly. Now that she was single, it was too easy to wake up when she could not sleep and talk to her friends in different parts of the world.

After tossing and turning for a few minutes, she got out her tablet. Jane figured she would try to facetime some of her friends. However, when she went to her browser, came up. There was only one person on. It was her friend Stella who she recently met in Sydney. Jane had hooked up with Stella last week and had plans to meet her on Saturday. Stella was a big partier. She was pounded by a large blond-haired man with all kinds of piercings and tattoos.

Jane went through a similar list of questions in her head as Matt did when the website first appeared for him. She was more curious about how this was happening than Matt and less interested in watching. However, she was unable to come up with any answers.


Matt’s alarm went off at 7:30 and he got up and he started getting ready for work. After showering and getting dressed he checked his phone and found his home page was still

is ex-wife, Tori was showering with her husband, who was quite a few years older than her, but Matt was disappointed to find he had nice sized cock and that Tori was giving a hand job in the shower. She rarely used to do things like that with him. Also, she had obviously been working out and looked really good. It was not a great way to start the day as he ate his breakfast smoothie.

He was about to turn it off and go to work when he saw there was a thumbnail of someone new. It was Jane. She was on bed, naked looking at her tablet with her fingers buried in her pussy. For some reason, perhaps because Jane was in his house or because they had an innocent meal together the previous evening, Matt felt more of an invasion of privacy with Jane than the others. He was not feeling good about himself when he turned the browser off on his phone and left the house to get in his car and go to work.


Jane was naked since she rarely wore any clothes when she was alone in her bedroom, but she was not one to look at porn and at first, she was not particularly interested in looking at the people she knew having sex. Jane spent about an hour trying to figure out what was going on but could not get figure out any more than Matt had. When using the Wi-Fi in the house, the home page was set to and it was not possible to change it.

As a new thumbnail appeared, Jane started looking at it more as she became more curious than turned on. She clicked on a thumbnail of a couple that said Hong Kong because at first, she could not figure out who they were or how she knew them. They both appeared to be in their thirties and were reasonably attractive. The guy was fairly muscular with short brown hair and an arm sleeve tattoo on his right arm. The girl was a slender Asian with small tits, black hair, and sophisticated edge about her.

Suddenly Jane realized that the guy was Mr. Harvey her 9th grade Social Studies teacher. The reason she had a hard time recognizing him besides the fact had not seen him in years, he had much longer hair when she knew him.

When Jane was in the 9th grade, Mr. Harvey was the cool teacher in her school. He was only in his mid-twenties at the time and had long hair and dressed very casually. Jane had a massive crush on him and in her fifteen-year-old mind she thought they had a deep connection because he was nice to her and they talked a lot.

At the end of the year picnic, Mr. Harvey was a chaperone and Jane was on the cleanup committee. When there were just a few people left and nobody around them, Jane worked up the courage and tried to kiss Mr. Harvey.

Mr. Harvey did not kiss her back. He told Jane that it was inappropriate, that not only was he Jane’s teacher, but he was an adult and Jane was a child.

That was pretty much the last conversation they ever had. Jane was not in his class her last three years of high school, so it made it easy to avoid Mr. Harvey. Fifteen-year-old Jane was upset that Mr. Harvey refused her advances, but twenty-five-year-old Jane him credit for not being a pervert preying on his young students. However, here she was perving on him.

As Jane watched her former crush pound this girl like she used to fantasize about Mr. Harvey doing that to her, Jane sex began to get moist, and she put her hand between her legs. Soon Jane was furiously masturbating. She turned herself up so that her ass was in in air with the tablet in front of her and her hands were reaching back of her, rubbing her clit.

After she was done, Jane continued to look at the site and started to go from room to room. She found this far more enjoyable and addictive than porn. There was something about watching people she knew like this that stopped her from looking away. Jane realized that although she was spying on these people, she doubted there was any way of getting caught. Soon her hands were between her legs, and she was going at it again.


Olivia was on the subway on her way to work. She was one of thousands of people doing the same daily commute to their job. They all seemed like they were on autopilot doing the same routine day after day, going from the station near where they lived to the station near where they worked. Some were with their partner or a friend, but most were by themselves with earbuds listening to music or podcasts. Olivia was by herself, but she was not listening to anything. Every day she used this time to think.

She had taken an ovulation test and confirmed that she would be ovulating the next couple of day so that means she and Derek would be having a lot of sex this weekend. Derek should be happy. It was convenient that she was ovulating on the weekend.

They had to get pregnant this time. They had been trying for about a year now and she was beginning to think there was issue. Olivia had a plan for her life that included having kids. She thought her and Derek would be excellent parents and they were ready. Each month that she did not get pregnant made it more difficult for Olivia. It was going to happen this time; she was going to think positive thoughts.

Olivia thought about Jane. She was so happy when Jane moved to Sydney, but she not seen as much of Jane as she thought she would. Oliva decided to text Jane and make sure that she would be at Matt’s birthday party on Sunday.

Olivia was worried about Jane. She did not seem like herself. Even though Jane kept saying that she did not want a boyfriend, Olivia knew that she really did. Jane had been acting strange since breaking up with Asher. Her weird sexual promiscuity was like a cry for help. She was probably worried that she would never meet the right person. Olivia thought meeting a nice, cute guy would make everything better for Jane.

Derek had fixed up Matt and Hannah and they were not the first couple he fixed up. Derek knew a lot of people and had a knack for being a good matchmaker. Olivia asked him to find a friend for Jane, but Derek had said no because Jane made it clear that she wanted to be single. Olivia argued that she was just saying that. Derek said she seemed happy to be single. Her husband really did not understand women.

The train pulled into the Circular Quay Station, which was where Olivia got off along with hundreds of others and set for another workday.

High up on the 34th floor of a skyscraper in downtown Sydney, Matt and the other Department Managers had a weekly meeting with their middle manager boss every Friday morning. They took turns providing a status of their departments. His boss would sometimes ask very difficult questions and put them on the spot. Every week when Matt was done with his status and his boss moved on to the next person, it was like the beginning of the weekend for him.

Matt was the second of eight managers to provide their department’s status. His boss only had a few questions and Matt thought he gave good answers which seemed to satisfy his boss. As the other department managers were giving their status reports, Matt was now thinking about what happened last evening and what to do next. He decided at lunch time he was going to investigate replacing the Wi-Fi at the house and see if that did anything.

Hannah would be coming over in the evening and Matt was unsure how he was going to handle that. Would she think he was a pervert or would she enjoy looking at the people they know having sex? Matt was not sure.

Suddenly Matt had a thought that caused him to realize that it was going to be difficult to contain this. When he saw Jane playing with herself this morning, she was looking at a tablet. Jane could have been looking at When Jane moved in, he agreed to let her use his Wi-Fi. It did not seem like a big deal at the time.

Matt briefly considered texting Jane and asking her but decided against it. What would he say? Is something strange going on with the internet for you? Are you able to see people you know having sex? I saw you fingering yourself this morning. Did you see me masturbating last night?

Suddenly Matt was surprised to hear one of his colleagues ask if was getting up. Apparently, the meeting had just ended.


Derek was eating lunch with his three co-workers at a busy food court. They were discussing their weekend plans.

One of his co-workers, Cathy was married with a couple of kids who were eight and two. They had a gymnastics class with the younger kid on Saturday morning and then a swim meet with the older kid in the afternoon.

Another co-worker, Martin was around twentyfive and had been going out with his girlfriend for about a year. They still seemed to be in the honeymoon phase. They were going to a wine tasting on Saturday and hiking on Sunday.

The other co-worker Esther, who was also around 25, was unattached and was hanging out with her usual crowd of girlfriends. They were going clubbing tonight, to the beach and then a concert tomorrow and a movie on Sunday.

Derek told the others about hanging out with Olivia on Saturday and then going to Matt’s birthday party on Sunday. Left unsaid was all the stress from trying to get pregnant that was sure to make for an unpleasant weekend. Olivia assumed Derek was happy when she was supposedly ovulating the last few months because they got to have a lot of sex. However, Derek did not enjoy the forced planned sex.

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