Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 9

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Friday, October 3, 2031 – University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Adam, Tiffany and Sara Baker drove on their own to UPenn. Penny brought David into the city. Kyle, who went to work early, drove up from NovaCare for their 9:00 AM initial meeting. Both families were a couple minutes early arriving at the Admissions Visitors Center in Claudia Cohen Hall. Penny introduced Adam and Tiffany to Kyle. With Kyle’s crazy schedule, they had not met before.

Ms. Manzo-Callahan, an admissions counselor, invited the two families into a conference room. Ms. Manzo-Callahan asked some questions to get to know Sara and David. Sara got more questions, since Ms. Manzo-Callahan seemed to know a lot about the Martin clan and the various aunts, uncles, and parents with degrees from Penn.

She described how undergraduate education was organized at Penn. Sara was interested in communications, graphic design and website design. Her curriculum would be with the College of Arts and Sciences. David, interested in business, would be part of the Wharton School. The university also had a College of Engineering and Applied Sciences and a College of Nursing.

Ms. Manzo-Callahan questioned Sara and David about their high school GPAs and SAT scores. She discussed what AP courses they had taken or were planning to take in the spring semester before they graduated from high school. She asked about their outside interests and what leadership experience they may have had. David’s earning the rank of Eagle Scout impressed her.

Ms. Manzo-Callahan sent the families on a campus tour with a student guide. They visited an undergrad dorm, some classrooms and the student center before lunch. Their guide took them to Houston Market in the lower level of Houston Hall for lunch. Kyle and David saw the 34th Street Carvery and made a beeline for the roasted meat stand. Adam Baker needed little convincing to accompany the carnivores. The ladies decided to try the Ramen bowls at Bento.

David and Sara commented on how good the food was compared to what they would be eating if they were back at the cafeteria at Avon Grove, where they would be if they weren’t doing a college visit. Penny warned the two that residential dining, while decent, was not up to the standards of a retail operation like this.

After lunch, the Bakers headed to a meeting with the financial aid people. David, Kyle and Penny headed over to Weightman Hall, home of the athletic department offices, for a meeting with representatives from the track and field and swim teams.

The receptionist conducted the Martin family into a conference room where three men sat on the far side of the table. All stood. The older gentleman, appearing to be in his forties, smiled and greeted them. David recognized one of the younger men. He was Mr. Wood, who talked with him at the Penn Relays in the spring.

“I am Dan Roper, one of the Penn Athletic Department’s recruiting coordinators,” Mr. Roper said as he offered his hand. Kyle, Penny and David all shook hands. He motioned for the family to have seats.

“David, it is nice to meet you,” Mr. Roper said. “And you Dr. Martin,” nodding to Kyle. “And Dr. Martin,” nodding to Penny. “I am so pleased all of you are taking this meeting today and considering the University of Pennsylvania for your son’s education. You would be hard pressed to get a finer education anywhere in this country than here.” Mr. Roper chuckled. “My colleagues in the other Ivy League schools may disagree.”

“Including my brother, who is a professor at Princeton,” Kyle teased.

“I believe Dr. Henry holds two degrees from the University of Pennsylvania before he ventured across the river to Princeton,” Mr. Roper said. “Penn offers an outstanding education and offers other possibilities for the athletically inclined, like your son David. I would like to introduce you to Mr. John Wood, who is the recruiting coordinator for the track and field team.”

Mr. Wood waved and acknowledged himself. “It is good to see you again, David.”

“You too, Mr. Wood,” David agreed.

“This is Mr. Caleb Johnson, assistant coach with the Penn Swim Team,” Mr. Roper said. Coach Johnson gave a wave to acknowledge his introduction. “If my research is accurate, I understand that you are on the football, swim and track and field teams with your current and previous high schools. I want to gage your interest in participating in any of those sports at the collegiate level.”

“You are correct about my sports,” David acknowledged. “I am playing football this fall but it is not my passion the way it is for my dad. I swim and I think I am pretty good at it. Perhaps I could swim in college. I love sprinting and would love the opportunity to compete in college.”

“Coach Dupont, who handles western Pennsylvania recruiting has spoken with your coaches back in Fox Chapel High School,” Mr. Roper explained. “Both coaches indicated they thought swimming or sprinting was more in line with your talents and interests. That is why I do not have a football team staffer here today. However, if you should decide to pursue football, I think we can find a space for a wide receiver named Martin on the football team.”

“Not necessary,” David replied. “I believe I should concentrate on sprinting or swimming. Mr. Wood spoke with me at the Relays in the spring about me joining the track team.”

“Mr. Wood, why don’t you fill David and his parents in about the Penn track and field team,” Mr. Roper suggested. Jack Wood spent about five minutes discussing the Penn program. When he finished, Coach Johnson talked about the Penn swim team and the possibilities of David joining that program.

To conclude his recruiting pitch, Coach Johnson stated, “I have spoken with Coach Keller, our head coach. It may be possible for you to participate in two sports collegiately. Would you be interested in that?”

“Yes and no,” David replied. “I enjoy all three of my sports. I also know what my father preaches and has practiced in his life. At some point in time, if you want to be the best, you need to put all your focus on improving in that one skill, rather than being pretty good at everything. I could be a pretty good football player and follow in my dad’s, my Uncle Andy’s, and my cousins’ footsteps. I love swimming and could see myself following my Uncle Hunter. Do you know my uncle is on the Stanford swim team, right?”

“I do,” Coach Johnson agreed.

“I am about ninety percent sure I want to pursue sprinting,” David said. “I am not following anyone...” He chuckled. “ ... at least not after I break my dad’s 100-meter high school sprint record next spring. I would like to see how far I can push myself while I am blazing the trail for my family.”

“Should you decide to attend Penn and be accepted, you will have a home on one of our teams,” Mr. Roper said. “I would like to show you around our facilities so you can get an idea of what Penn has to offer you in your drive to excel.”

Mr. Roper, Mr. Wood and Coach Johnson showed off Penn’s athletic facilities to the Martins. They headed from Weightman Hall around Franklin Field to the east side of the stadium. Built into the outside of the stadium was Weissman Pavilion. This housed the weight room and study center for Penn athletes. The facilities were nice.

Mr. Roper and Mr. Jackman hiked the group over to the almost new indoor training facility beside Hollenback Hall. They were particularly proud of this facility that featured an indoor track, pole vaulting area, high jump and throwing areas with seating for spectators. The $29.5 million dollar project was completed three years ago.

An athletic department van picked up the group and drove them over to the Sheerr Pool on the other side of campus. The pool was older but well maintained. It frankly did not look all that different from the pool at Lincoln University that David had trained in last spring. The van took the group back to the admissions center.

On the way, Mr. Roper made his final pitch. “Well David, what do you think? Are you ready to wear the red and blue of our university?”

“I am leaning that way,” David agreed.

“What do you need to step over the line and become a Penn man?” Mr. Roper asked.

“Not anything you can do directly,” David replied. “My girlfriend and I plan to go to college together and I do not know how her meetings have gone.”

“Does your girlfriend have the grades necessary to be accepted at Penn?” Mr. Roper asked.

“Her grades are about the same as mine,” David answered. “She shouldn’t have any trouble being accepted academically. I am not sure how her family is for finances.”

“I guess you don’t have those concerns, Coach Martin,” Mr. Roper chuckled.

“I think my family can afford the price of a Penn education for David, if he is accepted.”

The van dropped Mr. Roper and the Martins off at the admissions center. Mr. Wood and Coach Johnson headed off to their offices. Kyle allowed Penny and David to go inside first. He pulled Mr. Roper aside quietly.

“If things don’t go well for my son’s girlfriend Sara with financial help,” Kyle said quietly. “Perhaps the Martin Trust could help fund a suitable scholarship that Sara could be eligible for.”

“That is completely outside the scope of my responsibilities,” Mr. Roper replied. “Gifts and bequests need to go through the university’s development department. I am sure they would welcome any gifts the Martin Trust would be inclined to offer but under no circumstances can Penn make a commitment towards admission of a perspective student based on gifts to the school.”

“Duh!” Kyle said as he smacked his forehead. He sighed. “That is not at all what I meant. One of the curses of being wealthy is to forget how things appear to others when I try to help. All I want to say is that I feel Sara Baker is a deserving young lady who would make an excellent student at Penn. I would hate for her to miss the opportunity for her to attend here for lack of financial aid. If the Bakers need help that way, my wife and I will work directly with them and not involve the university.”

“That would be best,” Mr. Roper replied, looking relieved.

“I have no intent to buy my son’s or his girlfriend’s admission to Penn with my wealth and fame,” Kyle added. “They earn admission to this university strictly on their own merits. If there is an unmet financial need, my family and her family will figure out how to meet it without breaking any laws.”

“That would be best,” Mr. Roper agreed. “David is pretty serious about this girlfriend?”

“Like I have never seen in my son before now,” Kyle replied. “David doesn’t run around on his girlfriends but before Sara, he never lasted much beyond six to eight weeks of dating. You know how high school romances can be.”

“I do.”

“When David first met Sara, he spent almost two months pursuing her to get a first date,” Kyle explained. “David has been with Sara since last May. My son focused on one girl is pretty unprecedented, so yes, I guess he is serious.”

“High school romances sometimes do stick,” Mr. Roper allowed.

“I would know,” Kyle laughed. “My wife and I shared our first kiss just before we started ninth grade. We had a couple painful breakups and a couple wonderful reunions since that kiss, but I do not regret for one moment pursuing my wife. The kiss was twenty-six years ago, and we have been married for eighteen years, now and four kids. So yes, high school romances can have a happy ending. I am hoping that David experiences this too.”

“Yes, it can,” Mr. Roper grinned. “I still thank my lucky stars my wife said yes to my stuttering, stumbling request for a first date when we were in tenth grade. Thirty-one years later, we are still together. Our oldest daughter is in grad school at Columbia. Our younger son is a sophomore here.”

The two men rejoined the rest of the group inside. Ms. Manzo-Callahan ushered the Bakers out of their financial aid meeting. She gathered the parents for a few final words, leaving David time alone with Sara.

“How did things go?” David asked. “Are you still interested in coming here?”

“I am,” Sara replied.

“Will you be able to swing it financially?” David asked.

“Penn has some scholarship money I may be eligible for,” Sara allowed. “My parents are going to need to sit down and do some calculating to see if we can swing the tuition here. How about you? How did your meeting go with the athletic department?”

“I will be welcome on whichever team I want to be on,” David replied. “Football, swimming or track and field.”

“Which one will you choose?” Sara asked.

“I am leaning towards track, but I could change my mind,” David allowed. “I won’t be playing football next fall.”

Their parents came out of the conference room just then. The two families headed home after thanking their hosts for their hospitality. Fortunately, David would be home in time to meet the football team for that night’s contest in Downingtown. It would be special, first because Downingtown West was one of the top ChesMont League teams. Second, Kyle would make his annual appearance to watch his son play football. That happened only when Kyle’s football team was on its bye week during the season.

Friday, October 3, 2031 – Downingtown West – Kottmeyer Stadium – Downingtown, PA

Downingtown West had a strong offense and an excellent defense. They had allowed 51 points in their first five games. That was forty-one points less than the Red Devils had allowed to start the season. Though the Red Devil varsity felt their defense was stronger. They allowed 41 points in three games, skipping over what the JV players had done when they took their place during the suspension. On the flip side, Avon Grove had scored 145 points while Whippets had only scored 122 points.

The two defenses predominated as the game began. The Whippets rolled a safety over to help cover David Martin, preventing him from getting loose like he did other games. Normally when David couldn’t get open deep, that meant the defense shifted someone deep and left themselves vulnerable to the run. The Whippets d-line was big, quick and aggressive. They kept the middle of the field clogged up and a difficult place for the Red Devil ground game to gain yards. They managed to make some outside runs work.

Coach Bunting counseled David and the other receivers that the others needed to up their game. He reviewed ways for David to break free, even while covered short and deep.

The two teams managed to move the ball in the middle of the field but both teams bogged down as the field shortened and they approached their opponent’s end zone. The score was 6-3 Downingtown West’s favor mid-second quarter. From the Whippet 22 yard line, David, Mason Ewing and Ricardo Munez, the other wide receivers, streaked for the end zone. They drew the defensive deep. Adam Morrison, their tight end, was left covered by the middle linebacker. Adam was too quick for the MLB. Owen drilled the ball downfield and hit Adam in stride. Adam dashed for the end zone. Two Whippet defensive backs intercepted him but couldn’t drag him down before he bulled his way into the end zone. Bill Everson kicked the extra point. The way this game was going, they were going to need Bill’s leg.

The Whippets managed another field goal to narrow the score to 10-9 at halftime. The coaches preached patience as they met with their players in the locker room. Coach Bunting talked more with the receivers about how to exploit the Whippets pass coverage. A similar scene was undoubtedly taking place in the other locker room.

The Whippets received the second half kickoff. They managed to move the ball down the field and score a touchdown to get a 16-10 lead. The Red Devils responded with a patient drive of their own. They moved the ball well, pushing across mid-field to the Whippet 45 yard line. Coach Myers unleashed a play the team practiced over the summer but had not used yet in the season.

David lined up in the slot between the left tackle and receiver Ricardo Munez. David shifted across the back field as Owen began his cadence. The center snapped the ball as David ran by. Owen took the snap, turned and stuffed the ball in David’s belly as he ran by. David streaked across the back of the formation and cut between Adam, who blocked the outside linebacker away as Mason tied up the cornerback facing him. Normally the free safety was supposed to come up for the tackle in this situation, but he had shifted to the opposite side of the field where David lined up.

David turned on the jets and streaked for the end zone. The free safety, delayed a moment when he reacted to David’s motion at the start of the play, was late in getting to David. The free safety took the swift teen down on the 3 yard line. Coach Myer sent his 22 package (two running backs and two tight ends) in. The Red Devils bashed their way to the 1 yard line. A second try was smashed with no gain. Coach Myer went with subterfuge the third play. The 22 package stayed on the field.

“You get this ball, God damn it,” Owen growled as he stared at David. “Covered or no, this ball is going to the corner of the end zone.”

“I’ll get it,” David promised. He wished he was as certain as he tried to sound. He could do this. He’d watched his dad do this a hundred times.

At the snap, Nick DiMaio smashed into the line as a lead blocker. Owen turned and stuffed the ball into Hector Chavez’s belly. Hector cradled the “ball” as Owen slipped it away again and dropped back in the pocket. Hector smashed into the line behind Nick. Meanwhile all the Whippet defenders, save one, crowded towards the scrum in the middle of the line. David dashed for the corner of the end zone just as Owen lobbed the ball over the line.

David jumped as the ball arrived, jostling the cornerback covering him as both kids leaped for the ball. David managed to get his fingers on the ball. He muscled the ball to his chest as the defender tried to pry the ball loose. David managed to get his feet down in bounds. The referee blew his whistle and threw his hands up to signal a touchdown. Reliable Bill Everson kicked the extra point to give Avon Grove a tenuous 17-16 lead.

The Whippets took the ball back and started another drive down the field. The Red Devils’ lead did not look secure as the Whippets pushed down to the Red Devil 20 yard line. Coach Hermann, the Red Devil defensive coordinator, took a risk. He blitzed the Whippets, sending free safety Joey Phillips on a delay blitz. The Whippet QB was turned away from the blitz and did not see Joey coming. He raised his arm to throw just as Joey hit the QB. More properly as Joey alertly tackled the arm with the ball. Joey stripped the ball away neatly as he knocked the quarterback to the ground.

Joey sprinted for the end zone. Joey was probably the second fastest player on the varsity team. He had been the third man in the 4x100 relay team with David last spring. No one came close to catching Phillips before he dashed into the end zone. Bill Everson kicked the extra point, bringing the Red Devil lead to 24-16.

The last seventeen minutes of the game weren’t easy, but the Red Devil lead held up. Each team managed a field goal before time ran out. A very happy and relieved bunch of players congregated on the field to celebrate their victory.

Kyle Martin was in the stands, thanks to the Eagles bye week. This was the first game he had seen David play since the Steelers bye week over a year ago. Kyle came down to the field and found his eldest son.

“Excellent work David!” Kyle smiled. “So, did you have fun?”

“I did,” David replied. “Football won’t be my career but tonight was a lot of fun.”

“Good,” Kyle answered.

“Dad, I know you’re on your bye week,” David asked. “Do you think maybe you could free up a little time to work with me? I have this sudden interest in learning more about beating double coverage.”

“I have to go into NovaCare tomorrow,” Kyle offered. “I could work with you after dinner.”

“I got a hot date with Sara tomorrow night,” David replied. “How about Sunday?”

“Deal,” Kyle smiled as he gave his son a hug.

Saturday, October 4, 2031 – Downingtown West – Kottmeyer Stadium – Downingtown, PA

The JV game between Downingtown West and Avon Grove drew unusual attention from the local paper, the Daily Local News. The fact the sons of two NFL players would face off gave the game a human-interest angle that the paper loved. Danny Martin, middle son of NFL Hall of Famer Kyle Martin, would face off with Pat Devlin, Jr., the eldest son of Chester County’s own Pat Devlin. The paper did interviews with both boys and their famous fathers the week before the game.

Pat Senior had grown up and played high school ball in Downingtown before moving on to Penn State for college. Pat lost the starting QB job to Phil DeStefano and transferred to the University of Delaware. Pat led the Blue Hens to the FCS championship game as a senior before losing to Eastern Washington State. Pat made it the NFL, playing for the Dolphins, the Bears and the Browns over the course of five seasons. Pat and his wife moved back to Downingtown after his playing career was over. Both Pat and Kyle were there Saturday morning to watch their sons play.

The JV game lived up to the pre-game hype. The two teams exchanged leads half a dozen times in the forty-eight-minute contest. Both teams aired the ball far more than was normal for a JV game. Then again, both teams came to the contest well prepared to pass.

Pat Jr. was a drop back passer. Danny was a little more versatile. He did drop backs, but he rolled out and wasn’t afraid to pull the ball down and run when the Whippet defense wasn’t accounting for him to run. That skill provided the edge that allowed Avon Grove’s JV team to prevail. Late in the fourth quarter, behind 28-24. Coach Morris, the offensive coordinator, called a play to flood the defense with receivers. The Red Devils lined up four wide receivers and a running back.

The Whippets blitzed on the play. Noah McMullen, the running back was forced to block the blitzing outside linebacker. Danny scanned the field as his receivers streaked downfield. No one was open. Danny squirted between Noah’s block and his left tackle into the void the blitzing linebacker left in the defense. The defensive backs were looking downfield, chasing the receivers they were to cover. Danny dodged a desperation tackle by the middle linebacker and scampered downfield. Jake Lilley and Tyler Glass both managed to tie up the defenders on them as Danny darted for the end zone. He went in untouched. Bill Everson kicked the extra point to give the Red Devils a 31-28 lead. 0:55 seconds remained in the game.

Bill Everson’s kickoff sailed out of bounds, giving the Whippets hope and possession of the ball their 35 yard line. Coach Eshelman turned up the heat as Devlin and his team tried to score. He completed three passes and got his team down to the Red Devil’s 23 yard line. Seventeen seconds remained on the clock. Pat drilled the ball into the end zone but Cameron Sheehan, a Red Devil cornerback, managed to bat it away. Pat hustled his team to the line. Pressure got to Devlin on the next play. Pat threw the ball through the end zone to avoid being sacked. 0:05 remained on the clock.

The only play was to try for a field goal and then win the tie breaker in overtime. NFL kickers make around 75-80% of their kicks at 40-some yards. The Whippets had a good ninth-grade kicker with a strong leg. He had the distance, but the ball drifted right and missed the goal posts by a couple yards.

The Red Devil players swarmed the field to celebrate with victory. These guys survived and had won at varsity level. They just beat the best JV team in their league. Coatesville, Bishop Shanahan and Downingtown East would provide challenges to them, but all the kids knew, just KNEW, they would prevail.

Saturday – October 4, 2031 – near Lincoln University

“Thanks for agreeing to give my brother a ride to the party, David,” Matthew Sloan said as he climbed in the back of the old minivan with Jessie.

“No sweat for me,” David replied. “As long as Tyler doesn’t mind squeezing in the back with you two when I pick up the rest of my passengers.”

“It’s cool with me,” Tyler agreed as he climbed into the middle seat. David drove over and picked up his girlfriend, Sara Baker, next. He headed west and picked up Cameron Sheehan and his date Maria DiNapoli. David dropped Jessie, Matthew, and Tyler off at a house at the end of a cul-de-sac near Lincoln University. Matt, Jessie and Tyler’s friend, Charlotte Stone, was hosting an end of season swim party for her friends.

The weather in September had been unusually hot, more than half the days exceeding ninety degrees. Today, the high was eighty-seven at 3:00 PM, a degree short of the record temperature for an October 4th. Everyone attending the party was glad the Stones kept their pool open beyond the normal season for pools.

Charlotte was a senior like David and the newly elected Venturer Crew president. She had gotten friendly with Jessie when Jessie helped plan and buy food for a couple crew trips. Kaylie Denning, Jessie’s best friend and next-door neighbor showed up just as Matthew, Jessie and Tyler were walking up the driveway to the house. Logan Hall, Kaylie’s boyfriend, drove Kaylie.

“Sorry we couldn’t give you a ride to the party,” Kaylie said as she hugged Jessie.

“Yeah, I am sorry,” Logan agreed. “My parents are really strict about me driving teens. I am allowed no more than two until I turn eighteen.”

“No problem, Logan,” Jessie said. “My brother David was able to haul us over here.”

Everyone headed around the side of the house to the back, where the party was happening. Charlotte gave everyone a big wave to gather them.

“We have lots of beer and sodas,” Charlotte explained. “Enjoy the munchies. My parents are away for the weekend, so we shouldn’t be disturbed. Our neighbors are old and deaf, so they shouldn’t bother us either. One thing I ask, please don’t hook up in the bushes or woods around the property. The neighbors are closer than you think. We have a big house with three bedrooms, and a basement rec room. You can also use the pool house. Enjoy yourselves and have a grand party.”

Jessie and Matt grabbed cans of beer and socialized with the friends. Jessie gave Matt a tummy rub when they were by the pool goofing around. Usually, that turned her boyfriend on. This time he jumped, like it was a shock.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Jessie asked as Matt settled down after jumping back.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” Matt answered. Jessie accepted the odd explanation. She tried a more direct track.

“You up for some privacy soon?” Jessie asked. “It’s been over two weeks since we got together, and I need another ride on your big rod.”

“Cool!” Matt said, grinning from ear to ear. “Let’s get some more beer and then I’m ready to go too.”

The kids headed across the pool deck and each grabbed another bottle of beer. They downed the chilly liquid quickly. Luck was with them. Logan McGhee and Christina Hammond came out of the pool house just then. Jessie dragged Matt straight over to the pool house, beating another couple by half a dozen steps.

Matt pushed the door shut as Jessie headed over to the couch on the far side of the small room. “God, I’ve dreamed of this day,” Matt remarked as he followed Jessie over to the couch. Neither teen had known the couch converted into a sofa bed. Logan and Christina or some previous couple had unfolded the bed to provide more room for teen couples.

“You’ve dreamed of today?” Jessie asked, laughing. “You make it sound like you’ve never done this before.” Matt and Jessie had been sharing sex since their second date last May.

“It’s just been too long since I’ve been inside you,” Matt answered. “I can’t wait.”

“You have too many clothes on,” Jessie replied as she pulled her shirt off. The bottoms followed. Matt dropped his shorts on the floor before joining Jessie in bed. She stared at Matt as he climbed into bed. That big dick of his was fully erect. It did have one unusual feature. Normally it stuck straight out from his belly. Today it leaned to the left. Jessie shrugged off the oddity.

Matt sprawled over Jessie’s naked body as they began to make out. Tongues dueled; kisses were exchanged. Hands roamed across naked bodies, slowly ratcheting up the lust of each teen. Jessie allowed the foreplay to last about five minutes before pushing Matt over on his back and giving him her traditional pre-fuck blow job. She couldn’t get over the look of surprise on his face when her mouth engulfed his cock head.

Jessie took about two minutes to cause a big load of boy come to boil out of Matt’s balls. She swallowed every drop, to Matt’s utter amazement. Jessie had developed into a first-rate cocksucker since her first blow job about a year ago. She cuddled with her boyfriend as he gathered his wits.

“Your turn,” Jessie said as Matt returned her kisses. She rolled on her back and spread her legs wide to allow Matt access to her womanhood. Jessie noticed Matt take a deep breath before lowering his head into her crotch.

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