Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 7

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Wednesday, August 27, 2031 – NovaCare Complex, Philadelphia, PA

Kyle had sat down at his desk a minute earlier, after morning practice, when his phone rang. It was Troy Vincent.

“Can you come over to my office for a couple of minutes?” Troy asked. “We have a situation with Colin Weaver.” Kyle headed down the second-floor hallway to Troy Vincent’s office.

“What’s up, boss?” Kyle asked as he walked into Troy’s office. Troy motioned for Kyle to have a seat.

“I received some terrible news for Colin a couple of minutes ago,” Troy explained. “This will be difficult for the young man. I thought the news should come from one of his coaches.”

“What is it?” Kyle responded.

“Colin’s older brother called here looking for Colin,” Troy explained. “His mother was in an accident.”

“How bad?”

“She was declared dead at the scene,” Troy responded.

“Oh shit!” Kyle sighed. “This one sucks.”

“It does,” Troy agreed.

“I’ve got this,” Kyle said. “I think I should be the one to break the news to him.”

“Were you close to his family?”

“Paradise is a small town but not that small,” Kyle responded. “As best I know, I never met his family.”

“Sorry for sticking you with such a shitty job but...” Tory said.

“Someone has to do it,” Kyle interjected. “I have this.”

Kyle headed down the hall to the coaches’ bullpen. He spotted Zion Cherry. “Zion, could you track down Colin Weaver and have him come to my office.” That announcement attracted the attention of most of the coaching staff. The final cut down day was only three days away. “Tell Colin to leave his playbook in his locker. It isn’t that kind of meeting.” That brought snickers from some of the coaches.

Kyle returned to his office and brooded for a few minutes until Colin showed up.

“You wanted to see me, Coach?” Colin asked as Kyle motioned him to sit down. Grinning, he added, “I’m glad you told Zion to tell me not to bring my playbook. I almost had a heart attack when he came and told me you wanted to see me in your office. This is a scary time of year when you are a seventh-round draft pick. What’s up, Coach?”

“There is no easy way to tell you this, Colin,” Kyle said. “Your mother has been in an accident. You should call your brother Nick immediately.”

“What?” Colin stuttered. “How bad is it? What happened? Is Mom OK?”

“Call your brother,” Kyle said, standing. “Use my phone here. I will be outside and ready to talk with you once you’re done talking with Nick. I suspect you will need to talk with me when you are done with your brother.”

“Tell me,” Colin pleaded. “How bad is this.”

Kyle tried to disguise the pain he was feeling. Colin’s pain was going to be a thousand times worse. “Call Nick.” Kyle walked out of his office and waited outside. He was outside for about five minutes. Colin came out, looking like he had been run over by a tractor-trailer.

“Can we talk, Coach?” Colin asked quietly.

“Certainly,” Kyle agreed. Colin took a seat on Kyle’s couch. Kyle sat down beside him. “I am so sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you,” Colin said. “Cut down day is Saturday. What happens ... what do I ... I’m not sure...”

“Head back to Lancaster County and be with your family,” Kyle replied. “Don’t worry about football. Family is what is important at a time like this.”

“I’m supposed to play the first half Thursday night,” Colin said. “How can I ... Will this affect my chances of making the team if I miss the game?”

“Go home and do what you need to do,” Kyle replied. “We will have a place here for you when you get things settled. Don’t worry about Thursday night or whether you will make the team. We will take care of you. Go be with your family.”

“I won’t be cut?” Colin asked.

“You are part of the Eagles family,” Kyle promised. “You get things settled at home. We will have a spot for you when you get back.”

“Thanks, Coach,” Colin said. “I guess I will get my stuff and head for Lancaster County.”

“The drive shouldn’t be too bad this time of day,” Kyle commented. “The Sure...” He paused, mid-word. He was going to say, “Surekill,” the local nickname for the Schuylkill Expressway that headed west out of Philadelphia.

“The Schuylkill Expressway should be pretty open this time of day,” Kyle said. “Have a safe drive home. You go with my deepest sympathies.”

“Thanks, Coach,” Colin said, still dazed by the horrible news. “I’ll call and let you know what my schedule will be.”

“Take all the time you need,” Kyle promised. “We have a spot for you when you are settled.”

Andrew called Kyle later in the afternoon.

“Did you hear the news about Kathy Weaver, Colin’s Weaver’s mom?” Andy asked his older brother.

“I had to break the news to Colin myself,” Kyle said.

“Ouch! That’s tough,” Andy commented.

“It comes with my job,” Kyle said. “Did you hear anything about how it happened?”

“This is huge news out here,” Andy replied. “Apparently some nitwit was in a big-assed hurry on Route 30. He was in the right turn lane to go south on Route 896 at Rockvale Square. He cut across the intersection and raced through two lanes of eastbound Route 30 traffic, passed a semi in the center turn lane in front of the Fulton Steamboat Inn, raced by a second semi at 70 miles an hour and then cut in front of the second semi. He clipped the front of the semi, losing control and flying across the road in front of Kathy Weaver’s Prius. He smashed into her car head-on. The front semi lost control and careened into the wreckage, rolling over on top of both cars. He had a full load of steel, which ended smashing both cars. This was an ugly one.”

“I feel terrible for Colin,” Kyle said.

“It is tough to lose both parents on the same stretch of highway,” Andy said.

“What?” Kyle asked. “What happened to his dad?”

“You don’t know this?” Andy asked. “It was huge news three years ago.”

“I was in Pittsburgh then,” Kyle said. “What happened to Colin’s dad?”

“Mark was a police officer for East Lampeter Township,” Andy explained. “He was on routine patrol one afternoon when he spotted a car running the red light at Witmer Road. He pursued and pulled the car over just east of Route 896. He checked the vehicle tags and found nothing unusual before he approached the car. He got to the driver’s window and was ready to ask for the license and registration. Instead, he got a semi-automatic pistol and a burst of rounds in the chest. He was dead before he hit the ground. It turned out that the two guys in the car had just robbed the Santander Bank in front of Tanger Outlets seconds before Mark pulled them over. The call about the bank robbery hadn’t gone out over the radio when he stopped them.”

“I had no idea,” Kyle commented. “Did you know Colin’s parents well?”

“Socially,” Andy replied. “The Weavers live down the street from Jon and Amy Miller. Noah, Connor and Colin were in Cub Scouts together, which is where I met them. When we moved back from LA, the boys were in Boy Scouts with Colin. I saw them at Scouts, football games and PTA.”

“Typical small town,” Kyle said.

“That it is,” Andy agreed.

“Keep me posted about the funeral arrangements,” Kyle said. “I want to make either the viewing or the funeral, if I can squeeze it into my schedule.”

“I will let you know,” Andy agreed. “My sweetie and I are definitely attending. I feel for those five kids.”

“Five? Colin has that many siblings?” Kyle asked.

“Nick, Alexis, Mark, Jr., Colin and Julie,” Andy replied. “Nick, Alexis and Colin are from Kathy’s first marriage. Mark, Jr. is from Mark’s first marriage. Julie is Kathy and Mark’s daughter. She is a freshman in college at Penn State.”

“I’ll talk to you later, bro,” Kyle said. “Thanks for calling and giving me more details.”

Thursday, August 28, 2031 – MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ

Kevin Brennan had the first three drives against the Jets. Brandon Evans followed with three possessions and Aiden Anderson finished the game. Kevin looked like a quarterback who had spent nine days with the team when he played. The offense was confused, discombobulated and ineffective. The Jets led 10-0 when Brandon took over in the second quarter. Brandon rallied the team to a touchdown before half time. The Jets led 13-7 at the half.

Aiden Anderson played well when he replaced Brandon halfway through the third quarter. The Eagles were down 20-7 at that point. He engineered two touchdowns on successive drives late in the third and to start the fourth quarter. The Jets and Eagles exchanged three-and-out, short drives. The Jets got their act together, driving down the field against the Philly defense’s intense blitzing. They kicked a field goal with 1:52 left in the game. The Jets now led 23-21.

Ryan briefed Aiden for the final drive and sent him out. Aiden played great, taking the ten to twelve yards the Jets’ defense was giving away each play. He moved the team crisply down the field. There were a couple miscues and a penalty, but Aiden was able to recover and keep the drive going. He drilled a pass into Aaron Cain at the Jets 15 yard line with 15 seconds left on the clock and no timeouts. He hurried his team to the line and spiked the ball with three seconds left on the clock. The Eagles kicker, Nick Gordon, came in and drilled the field goal. The Eagles beat the Jets 24-23.

The coaches and players celebrated ending their preseason with a win. It was great to end on a high note. It was also nice to see Aiden perform under pressure. Their gamble on little known kid from Cornell might prove to be useful.

For too many of the kids who played that night, this would be their last hurrah in football. The Eagles had to cut twenty players to reach the 55-person roster limit by 4:00 PM Saturday. Kyle always felt bad on cut down day. These kids had worked their asses off for him. They deserved a shot at the NFL, but they wouldn’t get it. The NFL was the ultimate meritocracy. Only the very best stayed. The rest got sent home.

Kyle, his coaching staff, Julian, Brent and his scouting staff and Troy met through the morning on Friday as they whittled the roster down to the required size. By lunchtime the decisions were made.

One decision the group spent an inordinate amount of time on was Kevin Brennan. The guy was a physical specimen who screamed, make me a quarterback. He had athleticism. He was no dummy. In the quarterback room, Kevin knew the Eagles offense. Knowledge was not the issue. The issue was Kevin’s inability to transmit that knowledge from his head down to his arm and his feet effectively. Ed was stumped. He recommended ending the Brennan experiment. The Eagles would start the season with two quarterbacks. Tariq Valentine would be offered a spot on the practice squad, ready in case of a dire emergency. In reality, the team hoped someone would cut a marginal quarterback on Saturday who the Eagles could grab to shore up their quarterback position.

Decisions were set. Kyle and Julian would start calling guys in Saturday morning to let them know their services were no longer required by the Eagles football team. Kyle had enough time after dinner to head up to Lancaster County to pay his respects to Colin Weaver for his mom.

Friday, August 29, 2031 – Shivery Funeral Home, Paradise, PA

Kyle came to the Kathy Weaver viewing alone. Penny was called into surgery on a horse just before dinner. Jessie agreed to watch Robbie. David was heading to school for his first football game as a Red Devil. Kyle found cars parked on both sides of Oak Hill Drive as he approached the funeral home in Paradise. Acorn Avenue was packed with cars too. Kyle drove by the funeral home and tried the next street back, Bethany Avenue. It was packed too. Kyle tried Ambassador Drive, also full. He finally found a parking spot on Leaman Drive, a short dead-end street created a few decades ago when Route 30 was rebuilt and expanded. He parked his car at the end of the dead-end street. He climbed the bank, hopped a guiderail and then walked back to the funeral home.

Kyle joined a long line of people waiting their turn at the viewing. He wasn’t recognized immediately. That changed a couple minutes later when Justin and Sherry Baer showed up. Kyle dropped back in the line to talk with his old friends. They conversed for half an hour while the line slowly moved inside to the family.

“Coach!” Colin gasped as Kyle stepped up to offer his condolences. “I never expected to see you tonight. Aren’t you kind of busy, with cut down day being tomorrow?”

“Decisions are done,” Kyle said. “Calls will go out first thing in the morning.” Kyle smiled and chuckled. “You are not getting a call tomorrow morning. Welcome to the roster.”

“Really?” Colin said. His face visibly brightened. “That is good news.”

“You probably could use some good news this week,” Kyle said. “I am so sorry for your loss. How are you holding up?”

“As best as I can,” Colin said. “My brother Nick has been a rock.” Colin introduced his coach to Nick, Alexis, Mark Jr. and Julie.

“Take all the time you need to get things together,” Kyle said before stepping away. “Do what you need to do. The Eagles will be there when you are ready.”

“I plan to be at Monday’s practice, since I am still on the team,” Colin said. “See you there, Coach.”

“Are you sure that gives you enough time for everything?” Kyle asked.

“Nick’s the executor of Mom’s will,” Colin said. “He’s got things handled. I will be ready for you on Monday.”

“I will see you then,” Kyle confirmed. “Once again, my wife and I extend our deepest sympathies to you, your brothers and sisters.”

Kyle paused briefly at the coffin. Mrs. Weaver looked good, considering the trauma she had endured during the wreck that killed her. The undertaker had done an excellent job. Kyle stared at the lady for a moment. She looked slightly familiar. He just couldn’t place her.

Justin and Sherry caught up with Kyle after they paid their respects. “Did you know Kathy well?” Sherry asked.

“Not that I can remember,” Kyle replied. “I came for her son Colin. He plays for the Eagles.”

“I gathered that from the excited way he reacted when you told him he made the team,” Justin said. “I am surprised you didn’t know Kathy.” Kyle shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe you knew her by her first marriage. She was married to Scott Jackson when we were younger.”

“Jackson? Really?” Kyle commented. “I used to mow lawns for a Scott and Kitty Jackson when I was a kid.”

“That’s them,” Justin said.

“It’s a small world,” Kyle marveled.

“It’s a small town,” Justin retorted. “I knew you had to have run into her somewhere.”

“Wow! Mrs. Jackson!” Kyle marveled. “That is why she looked familiar.”

Friday, August 29, 2031 – Avon Grove High School

Avon Grove opened its football season Friday. The JV and varsity teams would face off against one of the District 1 powerhouses to begin their season, Strath Haven. The team from Delaware County had been winning championships since long before any of the players or their coaches had been born.

Jake Myers put Strath Haven on their schedule to motivate his team to work hard to begin the season and also to use as a measuring stick of his team’s progress in preparing for the season. The Red Devils had not measured up the previous three years, losing each of their starting games. They had been blown out three years ago. They lost but the score was closer two years ago. Last year they were a missed field goal shy of winning. Jake was confident his team could overcome this self-imposed obstacle this season. His team had looked sharp during training and Jake felt they would prevail.

Due to the travel distance, the JV game was at 4:30 PM on Friday instead of the more usual 9:30 AM Saturday when they played schools within the Ches-Mont League. Jake made time to watch the start of the JV game. Danny Martin, named the JV starter a few days earlier, had proved a Godsend to the team. If he kept learning and growing, he most certainly would be joining his cousins in FBS college football and then the NFL.

Danny Martin lived up to the high expectations. He had his offense organized and on point. They scored touchdowns on their first three possessions. Danny’s fakes on the team’s bread and butter play, the option, kept the JV Panthers defenders guessing. When you threw in the occasional play action pass off the option, the Panthers just had no clue what was coming. The score was 20-6 with five minutes left in the first half when Jake headed back to the senior high school to supervise his varsity team’s final preparations.

Word reached Coach Myers that the JV team won 33-16 while his team was dressing for their contest. The Red Devils scoring included two field goals. Jake smiled to himself. His varsity team kicker was a senior. Maybe the JV ninth-grade kicker would be ready next season when Jake needed his next kicker on varsity.

Jake watched his team warmup. Hanrahan, his starting QB passed to David Martin to warmup his arm. Jake had to reflect on the good fortune that brought Coach Martin to the Philadelphia Eagles and his talented sons to Avon Grove. Danny already proved his worth. David had good hands and enough speed to take the top off any high school defense. Hell, the boy had enough speed to burn college cornerbacks today. A Robert Burton acolyte, Jake Myers knew exactly how to utilize the kid’s speed.

Last year’s game had been close. This year, with an extra edge, the Red Devils proved the superior team. Hanrahan hit David Martin on a deep pass early in the first quarter. That opened the running lanes. Play action passes kept the Panthers defenders back on their heels, guessing at what play would come next. David Martin concluded the scoring with a streak to the end zone for the final touchdown of the game. Avon Grove won 27-16.

Jake watched on the sidelines as his players and the students and parents in the stands went wild. Beating Strath Haven to open with season gave everyone hope that this season their team would be a power in the Ches-Mont League and District 1. Maybe they could make it into the state level of the playoffs too. That would be sweet.

Unknown to Jake Myers, his excited kids made plans to celebrate their victory. Owen Hanrahan’s parents were away for the weekend. It would party time Saturday night. More than a few varsity players had hopes of bedding one of the sweet cheerleaders at the party.

Saturday, August 30, 2031 – Hanrahan House – Inniscrone, West Grove, PA

David turned onto Aringa Way. Cars lined both sides of the street down to the cul-de-sac, where Owen Hanrahan’s house was located. David pulled behind the last car. He and Sara hiked down the street to the football team’s party.

It was the night to celebrate. David had scored two touchdowns in their season opener last night in the first half against bitter rival Strath Haven. Fullback Nick DiMaio’s blocking along with hard running by tailbacks Hector Chavez, Kaiden Randall and Adam Bock had secured their 21-3 halftime lead. Better, David’s brother Danny had led his JV team to victory over Strath Haven’s JV squad. Even little EJ Fritz got in on the act. His middle school team bested Strath Haven’s middle school team earlier that morning. EJ iced the victory with a deep pass caught by Dylan Reynolds.

Jake Pickering was escorting Julia O’Farrell up to the house when David and Sara arrived. Jake was a senior who played split end on the opposite end of the line from David’s normal flanker position. David gave Jake a perfunctory hello. The two were teammates but they weren’t friends. Sara said hello to Julia but didn’t even acknowledge Jake. Jake was the prototypical football player who she hated.

Owen greeted Jake, Julia, David and Sara as the two couples came inside the house. He explained where to find the beer, the snacks and the bedrooms for fun later. The big family room was cleared for dancing. David and Sara talked with Owen and Sophia as they enjoyed their first beers for the evening.

David and Sara talked with more of their friends and danced a bit. Just having time together again was precious. They had been a couple for less than a month when David headed to work at Scout camp for nine weeks. The past three weeks since he came home again were needed to rebuild their relationship after the summer’s separation.

Closeness while dancing was especially welcome. Time to properly share their bodies was needed too. They had made love once since David came home but it hadn’t lasted as long as they expected. David was in the midst of two-a-days at football practice and was exhausted when they got together the past two weekends. Two-a-days were done, and they had a three-day weekend without any football interruptions. David and Sara planned to take full advantage of the opportunity that evening.

David and Sara couldn’t help but be amused at Jake Pickering as he tried to coax his date, Julia O’Farrell into having sex. Other partygoers were coupling up too. David and Sara talked with friends, enjoyed snacks and danced a bit more. Finally, they found a quiet spot to cuddle and make out. Neither teen needed a lot of foreplay before they decided to head upstairs for sex.

David and Sara found an empty room. They enjoyed some 69 after stripping for each other. David brought Sara to climax before she returned the favor and sucked him until he came hard. Soon David stuffed Sara with his dick. They did it doggie style first. The sex was energetic but not frantic. Both needed to get off and this was a fun way to start. Sara humped back on David’s dick as they screwed. He had his hands on her hips, enjoying the view as Sara’s lovely tits swayed in time to his thrusts. Doggie was a nice change of pace for the couple. David finally spurted his seed into Sara.

They cuddled for a little bit until David was ready for more action. Sara wanted a more intimate position the second time. They did it missionary style, David’s muscular chest just brushing Sara’s tits as the made love. David made sure to add a hip wiggle and grind with each thrust. He brought Sara to climax as they made love. He came about thirty seconds after Sara calmed down from her orgasm.

They pair collapsed in a heap on the bed. They exchanged kisses as they recovered. David glanced at the clock on the nightstand.

“We better get dressed,” David suggested. “There is probably a line of couples waiting to use this room.”

“You’re probably right, lover boy,” Sara agreed. “You are thoughtful to others as well as a dynamite lover for me. I love you, David Martin.”

“I love you too, Sara Ann Baker,” David declared. They exchanged kisses before getting up and dressing.

David had been right. There was a line outside in the hallway, but not the kind of line David had expected. Three guys were lined up outside the door across the hall from their room, waiting impatiently. Something looked weird to David. He stared at Drew Smith, the first guy in line. Drew was a junior and backup at middle linebacker.

“What’s up, Drew?” David asked. Drew motioned for David to come closer.

“It’s a train,” Drew whispered. “This girl in there is doing any guy who wants a piece.”

“A train?” David growled. Just as he spoke, two more younger guys from the football team came up the steps and joined the line. Sara’s first reaction was shock but that was quickly replaced by anger.

“A train ... she’s pulling a train,” Drew explained like David didn’t understand the term. “She’s hot for sex and willing to do anybody who wants sex.” Drew leaned in closer and added in a whisper, “You don’t need a rubber either.”

David had his father’s temper, which he usually kept under control. Not now. “I don’t FUCKING believe you guys! Get out of here! The party’s over.”

The five guys reluctantly went downstairs. David was bigger than any of them and he was considered one of the leaders on the team.

“Now what?” David asked as the boys left. He and Sara could clearly hear skin slapping together rhythmically and two persons moaning.

“We can’t let this go on,” Sara insisted.

“You’re right,” David sighed. He backed up away from the door and prepared to bash the door open.

“Is it open?” Sara asked. She tried the doorknob. It swung open. David shook his head. The pair stepped into the room. They weren’t totally prepared for the sight.

Mike Palmer, the sophomore #3 tailback, was bare assed naked on top of a girl, humping away. David and Sara stepped closer and saw the girl was Julia O’Farrell.

“Oooohhh ... Oooohhhh ... fuck,” Palmer grunted as he screwed Julia. Julia just moaned, but the moans weren’t from ecstasy. They sounded more like she was in pain. “I’m ... uh ... ccccoooommming...” Mike groaned.

Palmer’s balls twitched and David and Sara could see the base of his cock throb. “GET ... OFF ... HER!” David snarled. Mike Palmer turned and stared at the intruders.

“What the fuck?” he demanded. He finally realized who had interrupted him. “Dave?”

“Get the fuck off her!” David insisted.

“Did you want a turn?” Palmer asked. “You got to wait your turn, man.” Mike Palmer crawled off Julia. His slimy dick was drooping now. A gush of come poured out of Julia’s hole when he unplugged her opening.

“Get dressed and get the hell out of here!” David insisted. “This party is over, asshole.” Sara flew over to the bed and checked on Julia.

“My head,” Julia moaned. Sara stared into her eyes.

“Julia is totally wasted,” Sara commented.

“What?” Mike Palmer asked, still not comprehending why David was so mad.

“It’s called rape, asshole,” David snapped. “Sex with a girl so drunk she can’t consent.”

“She wanted it,” Palmer replied defensively.

“Get dressed and get the hell out of here,” David demanded. David stepped closer to the kid.

“I’m going!” Palmer insisted. “I’m going.” David stood between Palmer and Julia, glaring at the boy until he retreated from the room.

“What happened, Julia?” Sara asked soothingly.

“Jake and I wanted some time alone,” Julia answered. Her words were slurred. “We ... uh ... had sex.”

“You wanted to do it with him?” Sara asked. David gathered up Julia’s clothes while Sara talked with the unfortunate girl.

“I wanted him,” Sara acknowledged.

“What happened next?” Sara asked.

“I was feeling a little dizzy after we were done,” Sara explained. “I laid down to rest. Then some guy I don’t know came in. He stripped down and hopped on top of me. He stuck his ... his ... cock in me ... and...”

“Who was he?” David asked. “What did he look like?”

“Um ... he was about my height,” Julia said. “Maybe 5’-6” or 5’-7”. He was younger than me. Dirty blond hair, not long; bangs across his forehead.”

“Do you know his name?” Sara asked.

“No ... uh ... I know he is a swimmer,” Julia said. “I remember his picture was in the school paper last spring ... when uh ... you know ... you guys won at states.”

The perpetrator was easy to identify. “Kaiden Randall,” David snapped. Jacob Berk and Mike Hoover were both at college now. “Sounds typical of that asshole.”

“What happened next?” Sara asked.

“After the first kid pulled off me ... uh ... I sort of blacked out,” Sara said. “When I woke up this kid you just chased off had his cock stuffed in me and was fucking me.”

“Let’s get you dressed and out of here,” Sara suggested. David handed Sara Julia’s clothes.

“Where are my panties?” Julia asked.

“Um ... I’m not sure,” David said. “I’ll look for them.” David didn’t find them. Sara helped Julia get cleaned up and dressed.

“We will take you home,” David offered. Julia was unsteady on her feet. Sara had to help her down the steps so she didn’t stumble. David caught Owen’s attention before they helped Julia out to David’s minivan.

“What’s up, Dave?” Owen asked when the two met near the front door.

“We have a serious problem,” David explained. “A bunch of guys were upstairs doing a train.” Owen looked at his friend blankly. “A bunch of guys having sex with the same, almost comatose girl, one after another.”

“Are you serious?” Owen asked, clearly shocked. “Help me go stop this shit.”

“I did already,” David answered. “Sara and I are going to take the girl home so she’s safe. We need to get together to figure out what the team is going to do about this shit. It can’t stand.”

“Damn right it can’t,” Owen replied. “Can you come over after you take the girl home?”

“Why don’t we meet tomorrow after lunch?” David suggested.

“I’ll invite some of the seniors over to help us figure this out,” Owen said. “Mason [Ewing], Adam [Morrison], Jake [Pickering] ... uh...”

“NOT Jake!” David insisted. “I think Mason and Adam are OK. Let’s keep the circle small while we figure out what is next.”

“1:00 PM here at my house, OK?” Owen asked.

“1:00 PM it is,” David agreed.

David headed out to his car. Sara helped Julia into the middle seat and climbed in after her. The O’Farrell house was only about ten minutes away. David and Sara had to help Julia from the car to the front door, one on each side to prevent her from falling over. David rang the doorbell. A man answered the door.

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