Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Saturday, August 23, 2031 – Martin Residence Pool – Landenberg, PA

Danny checked his phone for at least the fifth time. It was 12:48 PM. He looked over the arrangements for the first party he had ever hosted. Mom’s huge bowl of punch was on the folding table in front of the pool house. Her homemade cookies were out. Potato chips, dip, pretzels, and brownies completed the snacks for the small army of guests he invited.

Danny looked up the hill at the deck at the back of his home. The pool was sited inside the foundation walls of the former barn that served the property when it was part of a farm. The stone walls covered three of the four sides of the pool and pool house. A gated fence protected the pool on the fourth side.

Danny sampled the punch. Mom made it with red punch, lemonade and ginger ale. It was bubbly, slightly tart and really good. His friends would enjoy it. A trash can was out so cleanup wouldn’t be as much of a chore after the party. He was ready. All he needed now was guests.

Nolan Phillips and Riley Kennedy were the first guests to show. They arrived a couple minutes before one o’clock. Danny showed them where the bathrooms were at the end of the pool house and invited them to use the pool house as they needed for changing or whatever. Riley excused herself and slipped inside to change. She hadn’t worn her bikini on the ride over.

Nolan and Danny were outside talking when Jayden Hastings and Hannah Johnston and Reed Cameron and Faith Weldon walked down from Danny’s house. He greeted his guests and began his spiel when Logan Robertson, Evie Doyle, Blake Hastings and Sophia Lewis walked down the back lawn towards the pool. Danny finished his talk as the next two couples joined the group. Evie headed inside the pool house to change when the next four arrived by the pool. Danny invited his friends inside the fence and gave them a quick description of his family’s rules, the spread of snacks and the use of the pool house.

Jaden, who was Blake’s second cousin, dropped his gym bag with a change of clothes, a towel and sunscreen by the end of the table. He looked around and saw all Danny’s guests were busy listening to Danny. He grabbed a Nalgene (a brand of water bottle common among Boy Scouts) from his bag, unscrewed the top and quickly dumped the contents into the big punch bowl.

Jaden had dated Hannah for three months. Physically their relationship was developing, though not as fast as Jaden hoped. Jaden had read something like 27% of freshmen high school students were sexually experienced. He did not wish to enter ninth-grade in the virgin portion of his class. Hannah and he had progressed from making out to petting to dry humping. He thought he had nearly convinced Hannah to go all the way. The liter of 100 proof vodka he added to the punch wouldn’t get anyone stumbling drunk, but it would lower Hannah’s inhibitions. Today was going to be the day he finally sank his dick into some sweet pussy. No one noticed Jaden spike the two gallons of punch Danny’s mom made for the party.

Abbie Osgood was next to arrive. Danny greeted his date with a kiss. She got a quickie talk about the snacks and bathrooms. Last to arrive was his best friend, Mason Jones. Mason came strolling across the lawn with another guy. Danny just shook his head. Mason had complained about getting a couple turndowns from girls when he tried to get a date for this party when they texted a couple days ago. Hopefully, Mason and the other guy didn’t feel left out when couples got to making out or whatever, the way Danny hoped that afternoon.

The group was mostly gathered by the snack table when Mason and his guest stepped through the gate of the pool fence. Danny waved them over.

“Danny, I want to introduce a friend of mine,” Mason said. “This is Tucker Longenecker. I know Tucker from [Camp] Horseshoe. We were paired as buddies when I did Lifesaving [Merit Badge] last summer.”

“Good to meet you, Tucker,” Danny replied as he shook the fourteen-year-old boy’s hand. “I’m Danny Martin. Let me introduce you to the rest of the gang.” Danny went around the circle introducing everyone. Tucker had a smile when he reached Jayden.

“Jayden and I know each other already,” Tucker commented.

Jayden waved and added, “We are in Scouts in the same troop, the Avondale one.”

Danny finished introductions and then announced the pool was open. Kids dived in and enjoyed the cool water on the warm, August afternoon. They splashed, wrestled and gabbed, as kids do. Contests of endurance, strength and speed were attempted. A natural-born fish, and a swim champ’s younger brother, Danny dominated the speed events.

The kids took a break to devour some of the snack foods. Everyone had a cup or two of the punch.

“Man, your mom makes good punch,” Logan commented as he drank a second glass. “It’s got some zip.”

“Mom makes it from red punch and ginger ale,” Danny replied. “She added some lemonade. That is what gives it the kick.”

“Damned good stuff,” Mason agreed.

“Have some more, Hannah,” Jayden said as he offered his fourteen-year-old girlfriend a refill of the spiked punch.

Penny’s homemade chocolate chip cookies disappeared first. The bowls of chips and pretzel shrank. The brownies took a big hit too. The kids headed back to swim some more.

Some wrestling led to chicken fights. The boys hoisted the girls up on their shoulders. Tucker and Mason ended up at a disadvantage. Tucker stood at 5’-7” and weighed 128 pounds and provided a solid base for his team. Mason, 5’-1” and 97 pounds and small for his age, was an easy rider on Tucker’s shoulders. Most of the girls riding their studly steeds were taller and weighed more than Mason.

The kids battled for a while. The game degenerated into grab-ass or titties (and a couple boners too). The group took another break to demolish the snack table. More punch was drunk. The couples, excited from all the physical contact between the guys and the girls split up. Some couples ended up sprawled together on lounge chairs the Martins kept around the pool. Others hugged and kissed in the water. Every couple found privacy to make out or maybe do a little feeling up.

Danny and Abbie ended up hugging and kissing in about four feet of water in the pool. Danny had his date pressed up against the sidewall. The two kids were tongue wrestling and caressing each other with abandon. Danny loved this. Out of the corner of his eye, as they were kissing, he saw Mason and Tucker stroll by towards the hot tub. Danny felt a little bad for Mason. No girlfriend. It had to suck watching all the couples make out while he talked with Tucker. Still, it served Mason right for bringing a guy to a boy-girl party.

Danny and Abbie had been at it for about ten minutes when Reed bent down and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Danny ... uh ... Faith and I were, like ... wondering if...” Reed stuttered. His friend was blushing. Danny also saw the bulge from Reed’s erection in his swim shorts.

“Could we use the pool house for some privacy?” Faith added smiling at her host.

“Sure,” Danny agreed. “That’s fine.”

The pair walked off to the pool house and closed the door behind them. The other couples stopped their making out and got quiet. The click was audible to most when Reed locked the door. It was like a signal. The girls looked at each other in surprise and then flocked to the snack table in a gaggle. The guys gathered by the hot tub. Mason and Tucker were enjoying the heat and bubbles. The guys could overhear the girls’ conversation

“Do you really think Faith will let Reed do it with her?” Sophia asked.

“It’s hard to believe,” Abbie added.

“It’s not,” Hannah replied. “Two tenth-graders find privacy and have sex? Where is the surprise? It happens every day.”

“Have you?” Leah asked.

The gaggle of girls moved further away from the guys, and they lowered their voices as they grabbed some of the punch.

“Do you think Reed really is in there banging Faith?” Blake asked.

“No doubt about it,” Jayden said. “If we play our cards right today, guys, we all might get some sweet pussy.”

“You think?” Logan asked. He looked intrigued at the possibility. Blake’s face displayed shock.

“We all could,” Jayden said. “Except for Mason and Tucker. Sorry guys. You shoulda brought girls to the party.” The guys laughed. Tucker blushed a little but joined in the laughter. The guys hung out while the girls gossiped about what was happening a few yards away behind closed doors.

Meanwhile, in the Martin’s pool house, Reed and Faith got more familiar with each other. The two were sitting on the couch at one end of the room.

“Did you bring the rubber as I asked?” Faith purred as she kissed Reed’s cheek and then nibbled on his ear lobe.

“I did,” Reed answered. “Do you think we should ... uh ... you know, screw in here? All the kids outside will know what we are doing.”

“So what?” Faith challenged. “Two tenth graders are alone and get it on. It’s not like posting that on Instagram is going to go viral. So, do you want to make love this afternoon?”

“Very much,” Reed responded. Faith’s hand was on his thigh, massaging it and inching up towards his crotch. “You know I love doing that with you ... but what will my friends say?” Faith slipped her hand up the leg of his swimsuit and grasped his erection through the mesh liner.

“Fuck’em,” Faith said. “Who cares what they think? We’ve been alone in this pool house for five minutes. In their minds, you already have me riding your sweet cock. Why disappoint them? I want to ride you again.”

“OK, you win ... I’ll screw you, if you really insist,” Reed said with a big smile.

Faith giggled. She stroked her boyfriend’s cock through the liner for a few strokes. Reed reached into the suit’s pocket and pulled out the rubber he had brought from home. He never expected to get the opportunity to use this thing when he put it in his pocket an hour ago.

The two teens scrambled apart. Faith popped her bikini top off. Reed untied the strings to his suit and dropped it to the floor. His five-and-a-half-inch erection popped free. She dropped her bottoms to the floor as she laid back on the couch. Reed stepped between her legs and nudged them apart. He ripped open the rubber and started to cover his cock.

“Uh ... Reed, baby, we need some foreplay to get me ready,” Faith directed.

“Well ... duh!” Reed smirked as he set the rubber down on the arm of the couch. “I’m still relatively new to all this, honey.”

“And you learn fast,” Faith giggled as her boyfriend of three months lay beside her. The naked couple deep kissed and Reed felt her titties as the two prepared for coupling. The lusty pair made out for a couple of minutes. Reed slipped one hand down between Faith’s legs and teased her labia. He smiled with satisfaction to find his stimulation was having the desired effect. Faith was getting wetter as the two made out. He continued teasing her labia, rubbing around her clitoris and sliding a finger inside her occasionally.

“You ready?” Reed purred as the two broke a kiss.

“Totally,” Faith sighed. Reed pulled off her and unrolled the condom over his erection. He took position and notched his cock against her hole. “Give it to me, lover.” Reed pressed his cock into Faith, slowly burying it until his thick patch of pubic hair mashed against her shaved bottom.

‘So sweet,” Reed sighed to himself. He pulled out a little and plunged in again. How had he gotten so lucky? Six months ago, he dreamed of having a girlfriend someday, but he was too chicken to ask a girl for a date, much less to do what he was doing with Faith now.

Reed’s mom noticed he outgrew his pants right about the end of swim season last March. Since then, he barely could keep up with how his body was growing. He went from 5’-5” and 115 pounds after Christmas to 5’-11” and 135 pounds now. His sparse patch of pubes got thick. He swore his cock grew too. His fingers barely went around the girth of his tool.

Girls remained a mystery for a bit, except for his friend, Faith Weldon. They had known each other since they were in the same fourth-grade class. Last winter Faith often hung out with him. He enjoyed joking around with her. She was fun. It finally occurred to Reed that he should ask Faith for a date. It took him three weeks to work up the courage to ask, but Faith said yes. One Saturday night date followed another. Before he knew it, Faith was his steady girlfriend.

Reed played soccer in the fall and was on the school swim team in the winter. Faith played field hockey in the fall and was on the girls’ volleyball team in the winter. Neither teen went out for a spring sport. They lived a couple miles apart, so getting together after school was easy.

Ostensibly, they got together to work on homework, but they soon combined homework with other, more fun things. The two made out and played around a little on their movie nights. At either home, with privacy, their explorations went further.

Clothing got discarded. Faith taught Reed how to turn a girl on. He explored her delightful breasts. She teased his nipples, which surprised him to learn that they were sensitive just like a girl’s. She taught him how to finger her womanhood and bring her to climax.

Tuesday, June 10, 2031, was a day Reed would not forget as long as he lived. By that day, the last day of school, he and Faith had gone pretty far down the path exploring their sexuality. The two had dry humped with boxers and panties on the past couple weeks. That day, Faith suggested they rub together naked.

Dry humping was amazingly stimulating. Twice while they did it before, he had come in his boxers and had gone home commando. Rubbing his bare boner against her wet and sloppy slot was mind-blowing. While he rubbed his brain whirled as he tried to find the words that might convince Faith to go all the way. He had not found those words before he shot off on her belly from the rubbing. The giggly and turned-on teens cleaned up and went back to rubbing.

To Reed’s shock that afternoon, Faith reached over and pulled a three-pack of condoms from her nightstand drawer. “I want you,” was all she said. The nervous teen accepted the rubbers and tore open one of the packs. He needed a couple tries to get the sheath over his throbbing erection. Reed fumbled around a bit while he tried to insert his cock into Faith’s hole, without success. She reached between their bodies, held his rod and put it into position. Reed thrust forward, burying half his erection into her belly with one stroke. He humped a couple more times and was buried fully in his lover.

The couple made love three times that afternoon, using up all the rubbers Faith had. Reed was warned that he was responsible for supplying protection in the future, a task he readily accepted. Bring rubbers, have sex. That was a deal that worked for him.

Both Reed and Faith had summer jobs, so getting time alone together proved to be more difficult than either kid expected. They managed to hook up three times since that fateful afternoon when Faith took Reed’s virginity. Reed was glad he had a job, to pay for all the rubbers he went through. After their last hookup, he had gotten tired of buying three-packs of rubbers at the convenience store. He rode his bike to the big drug store in Avondale and purchased a box of twelve rubbers, to keep the horny couple supplied and safe for a month or so.

Reed did not expect the opportunity for sex at Danny’s pool party, but he was a good Boy Scout and came prepared. He had whacked off just before coming to the party. He and Faith learned that he lasted much longer during sex if he had a come or two before they did the deed. He also brought three rubbers, in case he and Faith got the opportunity that afternoon.

Enough remembering Reed insisted to himself. Focus on the here and now. And now he was pumping his erection in and out of his lover. Faith was cooing and sighing as he worked his hard-on in and out of her willing body. ‘Damn, Reed was turning into a dynamite lover,’ Faith thought. He was so good at following directions and was so gentle and giving as a lover and a friend.

Faith reveled in the feelings as Reed slipped his hard-on into her folds and withdrew again. She was verbal as her boyfriend made love to her, coaching him about his pace, depth and angle as he stroked himself inside her tight, sweet tunnel. Reed responded as Faith asked. Why not? Literally, everything he knew about sex he learned from her in the past two months.

The semi-experienced boy managed to last three or four minutes before he came. Faith felt his cock throb as he slumped on top of her. Reed towered five inches over his 5’-6” girlfriend. Faith was still getting used to her boyfriend’s height. When they started dating, it was easy to kiss when they were standing. Now, Faith had to put two arms around Reed’s neck if she wanted to initiate kissing.

“That was great, lover,” Faith commented as she pushed at his chest. At 135 pounds, the lean and muscular swimmer was a dozen pounds heavier than her. “Get up before you go soft and lose the rubber.”

“That would not be good,” Reed smirked as he reached down and held the rubber to the base of his cock with his thumb and index finger. He pulled out and climbed off his girlfriend. Reed carefully pulled off the used rubber without spilling any of the creamy contents.

“This would be a very bad time for us to make a mistake,” Faith commented.

“I know,” Reed agreed as he knotted the rubber and wrapped it in a tissue. He dropped the wad of tissue in the wastebasket. Both kids knew that Faith’s last period started about two weeks ago and getting sperm inside her pussy was a bad idea. “The last thing we need is for me to get you pregnant.”

Reed lay down beside Faith on the couch and cuddled with his lover. He pressed up against her as the two deep kissed. He rubbed his cock against her thigh as they kissed. Reed slid up on the couch as Faith kissed his neck, his chest and then kissed his nipples. He rubbed his now hard cock against her sloppy slot.

“Want to go again?” Reed asked hopefully. He made sure the tip of his cock was rubbing around near Faith’s clitoris. She hesitated.

“I’d love to,” Faith finally responded after a moment of hesitation. “Our friends probably want some privacy too. Maybe we should be good friends and clear out of here so they can take advantage of the privacy too.”

Reed rubbed his cock against her one more time before sighing, “I suppose you are right. I know Noah and Leah want the opportunity. I don’t know that the younger kids are doing this yet.”

“Be a good friend,” Faith answered. “Let’s get dressed and head back outside.”

“You’re right, honey,” Reed agreed. He climbed off of his lover and pulled on his swimsuit. His now hard erection tented his suit. “What do I do with this?” Reed smirked.

Faith shook her head and sighed, “That thing would scare the other girls. I got you.” She got to her knees in front of Reed and pulled his suit down. A quick blow job rewarded her with a mouthful of come. Reed’s cock deflated so it was not totally obscene. The two headed outside to face the almost inevitable teasing from their friends. So what? Both kids just got laid. The rest of the group could gossip all they wanted.

Reed and Faith were alone, doing whatever, for about fifteen minutes when Logan motioned for Danny to follow him. When the two were out of earshot of their friends, Logan pleaded, “I would love to get it on with Evie, but I don’t have rubbers. I never expected that we’d ... uh ... well, you know.”

“Have an opportunity for sex?” Danny asked.

“Yeah,” Logan agreed. “Evie and I have gotten to third base ... last weekend. I think I might be able to convince her to go all the way when she sees other girls are doing it. But it will happen only if we have protection. Can you help me out?”

“Yeah, I can do that,” Danny agreed. “I have a box of rubbers in the house. I’ll go get them.”

Reed and Faith stepped outside. Reed blushed as he saw all eyes staring at him and his girl. His embarrassment didn’t prevent him from having a goofy grin on his face. Faith slipped her arm around Reed’s back, resting her hand on his butt as the couple walked over to a lounge chair. Reed sat down first, and Faith squeezed in beside him to cuddle. The happy couple shared kisses and whispers.

Danny knew the look he just saw on his friend’s face. The ‘I’ve just been fucked’ look his sister had after she and Matt came out of her bedroom after their marathon sex sessions. Guys rejoined their girlfriends, anxious to coax them into trying out the privacy the pool house offered.

Jayden and Hannah lost no time. They went straight for the door and stepped inside for their fun. Abbie rejoined Danny.

“Can you excuse me for a couple of minutes,” Danny offered. “I need to get something for a friend.”

“That’s fine,” Abbie agreed. She stepped over to the snack table and nibbled a brownie as she had another glass of the delicious punch.

Danny hustled back to his house and upstairs to his room. He grabbed the unopened box of slim-fit condoms his father had gotten him in May. He almost took the box outside as is, but then decided that might be too much. He grabbed a lunch bag from the kitchen and hid the box of rubbers there before returning to the pool.

Danny waved for his friends over. The boys clustered with Danny while the girls gathered and gossiped about the second couple doing the nasty as they talked.

“If you get lucky,” Danny said. He saw Reed listening carefully. “This doesn’t apply to you anymore. You already got yours. This isn’t for you either Mason or Tucker. Sorry guys.”

“Got mine?” Reed said, grinning from ear to ear. “Whatever are you talking about?”

“You fucking Faith a few minutes ago,” Logan stated.

“Faith is a wonderful girl and I admit no such thing happened,” Reed. “Gentlemen don’t talk.”

“In any case,” Danny said interrupting. “If any of you end up with your girl in the pool house, not doing anything, I have rubbers. I’ll put them in the top drawer of the table beside the couch. Use them if things get interesting with your girlfriends.”

Meantime, in the pool house, Jayden was putting the moves on Hannah. He had her lying on the couch, topless. He was caressing and kissing her breasts. It felt wonderful to Hannah. She knew what Jayden wanted when she followed him inside. She had decided to go through with it and allow her boyfriend to have sex. Now that the moment was almost here, she was nervous and uncertain if she should. Jayden’s big boner was poking and rubbing her womanhood. It felt like it was huge. She knew it would hurt when he stuffed it inside her tight virgin hole. ‘Could she do this?’ the fourteen-year-old wondered.

Jayden slipped his hand down and slid her bikini bottom aside. He ran a finger up and down her labia. She was drenched from her secretions.

‘You’re nice and wet,” Jayden commented. “Let’s take this off so we can do it.”

Jayden climbed out from between her outspread legs and pulled at her bikini bottom.

The moment was here. Part of her was horny as hell from making out, petting and his fingering her bottom. That part screamed, ‘Let’s do this!’ Another part was terrified. ‘What if they had an accident? What if she got pregnant? Pregnant before ninth-grade? That would be a disaster.’ Though uncertain, she still allowed Jayden to pull her bottoms off. He dropped his swim shorts to the floor.

Hannah stared back at her boyfriend and the immense looking boner sticking out from his belly. It was too big to fit inside her. This was going to hurt like hell. Should she allow him to...

Jayden spread her legs wide apart. Hannah didn’t resist. He climbed between her legs and positioned his dick.

“Stop!” Hannah gasped before he penetrated. “Protection! Where is your rubber?” Maybe she could get out of this without taking that big, threatening dick into her tight pussy.

“Almost forgot,” Jayden replied, smiling. “I got some in my pocket.” He stepped away for a second and pulled a foil wrapper from his pants. He ripped the packet open, placed the rubber on his dick and unrolled the rubber until it reached the bottom of his shaft.

Jayden resumed his position between Hannah’s leg, one knee on the couch, and one foot on the floor as he positioned his dick to take his girl. “Here goes,” Jayden announced as he thrust his hips forward, driving his dick between her labia. The inner lips spread wide to accommodate the invader.

“Ow!” Hannah protested as Jayden’s dick hammered her hymen. Jayden’s dick bent painfully as he was denied access to her sweet, inner canal.

“It will hurt a little at first,” Jayden commented as he thrust hard again. Hannah gritted her teeth at the pain as her hymen prevented Jayden from taking her virginity. He pressed a third time, his dick bending painfully. He wrapped his hand around his dick shaft and thrust hard again.

“OOoowww...” Hannah squealed as Jayden’s big dick burst through the sensitive skin protecting her virtue. The force of Jayden’s thrust buried his dick almost two inches into Hannah’s pussy. “This...” Jayden hunched his hips and buried the other three inches of dick inside his girlfriend. “ ... hurts!”

“Ssshh! This will be OK,” Jayden promised. “It will feel good soon.”

“I didn’t think losing...” Hannah began to say. Jayden pulled his hips back and thrust hard into Hannah’s belly. “ ... my cherry would hurt so...” Jayden pulled away and thrust again. “ ... much.”

“It will feel better soon,” Jayden replied as he continued stroking his dick in and out of Hannah’s hot, tight pussy. Fucking was ... well, fucking was fucking fantastic. This felt so amazing! He kept stroking and poking his dick in and out of Hannah.

The pair went about thirty seconds. The pain finally disappeared as she got used to the big dick stuffing and stretching her insides. As a matter of fact, it was beginning to feel pretty nice. She reached up and rubbed her hands up and down Jayden’s sides as he fucked her. This was nice.

Jayden started to stroke in and out faster as his face turned bright red. “Ooohhh ... God,” he gasped. He drove his dick into Hannah, trying to get it as deep as possible. His dick throbbed as semen and sperm spurted out and filled the protective rubber. The fourteen-year-old, almost ninth-grader collapsed on top of Hannah, completely spent.

Hannah stared up at the boy. Why had he stopped? It was starting to feel really nice. She felt the throb inside her and realized what happened. Jayden, at 5’-7” and 132 pounds outweighed her by over thirty pounds. He made it difficult for her to breathe. She pushed at his chest. “Get off,” she begged as he recovered his senses. ‘Was this it?’ she wondered.

“Thank you,” Jayden gushed as he kissed Hannah.

“You’re too heavy,” she protested between kisses. Jayden climbed off his girlfriend. His dick deflated now that it was done.

“Wasn’t that amazing?” he gushed as he stepped away from the couch. That is when he noticed the end of the rubber barely clinging to his drooping dick. Five inches of rubber, filled with his sperm hung from the end of his dick.

“You didn’t get any in me, did you?” Hannah gasped as she stared at the rubber that almost fell off when he withdrew.

“We’re fine,” Jayden promised. The limp latex covering plopped on the rug as he bent down to get his swim shorts. Jayden pulled them on before offering Hannah a hand to help her up. She pulled up her bottoms and then put her bikini top back on. Jayden escorted Hannah back outside. She blushed as her friends stared at them. Everyone knew they did it!

Jayden’s reaction was the opposite. He grinned because he knew all the guys now knew Hannah was his girl. His claim was made, and she was spectacular. He gave her a kiss in front of everyone before they strolled to a lounge chair to talk and cuddle.

Danny took the opportunity to put the box of rubbers into the pool house and put them in the drawer as promised. He took a big whiff of the smell. He had smelled it before. Just after Jessie and Matt had finished one of their marathon sex sessions. He shook his head in amazement. His friends were really getting laid in here.

Noah and Leah were waiting at the door when Danny came out. They headed inside. Danny rejoined Abbie in the pool. They sat on the steps near the shallow end.

“You understand that this is only our third date,” Abbie said.

“I know,” Danny agreed.

“We are not having sex under any circumstances today,” Abbie said. “It’s too soon.”

“I agree,” Danny said. “We are too young to be screwing. It might be OK for Reed and Faith. They’re going into tenth-grade. Jayden and Hannah doing it? They are in high school in a week. Noah and Leah? Same thing. Us, we aren’t even in eighth-grade yet. Sex now is way too soon. It isn’t safe.”

“You don’t have protection?” Abbie asked.

“I have rubbers,” Danny replied. “I put them in the pool house and told the guys to help themselves. It isn’t protection that stops me. I’m too young to be doing grown-up things like this.”

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