Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

July 30, 2031 – Martin Residence – Landenberg, PA

Matt Sloan rode up to the house right on time. Jessie met her boyfriend at the front door. “We will go to my room,” Jessie stated. “Danny is watching cartoons in the family room.”

“OK,” Matt said quietly. He followed Jessie upstairs. He sat down on Jessie’s bed. Jessie pulled the chair out from her desk, turned it to face Matt and sat down. She waited for Matt to begin.

“Did you look at it?” he asked.

“I didn’t know who it belonged to,” Jessie replied. “I still didn’t know looking at the pictures and movies. I didn’t realize it was yours until I saw the Sex Diary.”

“You didn’t read that, I hope,” Matt said. All the color drained from his face. “I can explain about Alexis, Kim, Claire and Tessa.”

“I don’t care about them,” Jessie stated evenly. “We weren’t going steady then. You weren’t my first guy.”

“No shit,” Matt responded. “I have learned so much about sex from you. I am so grateful.”

“Now the other two,” Jessie said.

“I can explain about Allison,” Matt said. “I was new to going steady. She practically dragged me into the girl’s locker room and pulled my pants down. Once she had my dick in her mouth, how could I stop her? I am a guy. Guys want ... no need sex. I was stupid. We did not have full sex.”

“But your entry in the diary says you wanted to, but the class bell interrupted you before you could do it,” Jessie said. Matt could see anger rising in her eyes.

“Guys look at all kinds of girls and think about having sex with them,” Matt replied. “Thoughts do not equal deeds. I did not fuck Allison.”

“Let’s talk about Harper,” Jessie stated. “That happened less than three weeks ago.”

“You were away for two weeks,” Matt said. “I was missing you so much. It had been over two weeks since we made love. I was horny and I got drunk at a party. Very drunk. Harper took advantage of me. She dragged me upstairs and pulled down my pants. Next thing I know, she is slurping on my dick and it feels really great. I remembered you and made her stop. We did not screw.”

“A small comfort,” Jessie said.

“Frankly, you give far better blow jobs than Harper,” Matt added. “Everything we do together is mind blowing. Before we started dating, I only saw sex as a way to get pleasure for myself. Now I like eating you out and giving you orgasms as much as I like your blow jobs. You taught me sex is about sharing with your partner. I am forever grateful you taught me this about making love. Please forgive me for my immaturity.” Matt looked at Jessie hopefully. She stared at him for a moment, stone faced.

Finally, she remembered her less than consensual encounter with Mike Johnson that night in the Rocky Mountains; the scary encounter she wanted to put out of her mind. She hadn’t consented to sex with him, but she hadn’t resisted or screamed to stop him either. She had enjoyed the orgasm the college boy gave her. Perhaps she shouldn’t be too harsh on Matt.

“You realize that you can’t get blow jobs from other girls?” Jessie stated. Matt nodded yes vigorously. “Kissing other girls, making out, feeling them up, eating their pussies and getting blow jobs are off limits if you are going steady with me.”

“Absolutely,” Matt pledged. “I understand totally.”

“I will never betray your trust, Jessie,” Matt said. “I promise on my life.”

“I am going to hold you to that promise,” Jessie said. “If I ever hear of you doing anything else with another girl, I will dump you so fast your head will spin.”

“Understood,” Matt said. “Thank you for forgiving me.”

“I have one question,” Jessie said. “Why would you keep something so damning in your pants pocket? You see what happens if you lose it.”

“It is the safest place for me to keep private things private from my parents,” Matt explained. “My parents are nuts for protecting Ty and me from bad influences like dirty pictures, videos and stories. They check the contents of the computer we share frequently. The thumb drive is the best place for me to keep the info. I keep it in my pocket so my parents don’t find out about it.”

“Why don’t you have it on a chain attached to your wallet or something?” Jessie asked. “I would hate to have anyone else find this diary. My name is plastered all over it. I wouldn’t want all the kids at school to see this.”

“That’s a good idea,” Matt agreed. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“I am glad this is settled,” Jessie said.

“Do you know what they say about make-up sex?” Matt suggested. “We just had a first fight. What do you say about finding out if it is as good as they say?”

“You have a one-track mind,” Jessie replied, smiling. She stood up and sat down on the bed beside her boyfriend.

“I agree. I think about sex constantly,” Matt replied. “And you love it. You know you love sex as much as me.”

“I can’t deny it,” Jessie said. “My dad says the Martins are sexually precocious. I am the oldest in the past two generations to lose their virginity. Mom-mom and Pop-pop? Younger. Mom and Dad, they were fourteen. My uncle Andy, thirteen. Aunt Liz, barely fourteen. My Uncle Hunter was worst. He lost his virginity the day before he turned thirteen. My cousins Noah and Connor were younger too. Uncle Will’s kids Rosie and Danny T. Both younger than me. David is the only one close to me in age when he did it the first time. David lost his cherry three weeks before he turned fifteen. I lost mine a week after I turned fifteen.”

“The Martin family is a horny bunch,” Matt said. “You mentioned Danny T. You don’t mean your little brother, do you?”

“Danny T is my cousin,” Jessie explained. “Our family calls him Danny T to distinguish him from my brother, who is Danny J.”

“Has Danny Jay gotten anywhere with his girl, uh ... Emma?”

“He and Emma broke up,” Jessie said. “I do know he and Emma got naked one afternoon. I don’t think they had sex. I fully expect my little brother to lose his cherry long before he hits fifteen. Frankly I don’t think he will make it to fourteen.”

“Come here you poor, horny thing,” Matt said as he hugged Jessie. “Allow me to satisfy your lusts.”

“Oh goody,” Jessie squealed as Matt tickled her. “Entry twenty-two.”

“Entry twenty-three,” Matt corrected. “Twenty-two was yesterday. I didn’t get a chance to write that one up yet.” Matt and Jessie tested the theory about make-up sex. It was satisfying, if a little hurried for the two teens’ tastes. Matt had a forty-five-minute bike ride to the Mickey D’s. He was working the ten to five shift that day.

The Martin clan, less Kyle, gathered mid-afternoon. Penny drove the family down to NovaCare Center to meet Kyle. An Eagles van hauled the Martin family over to the airport for their flight to Canton, Ohio. The family climbed aboard their chartered Learjet and headed west for Kyle’s enshrinement into the NFL Hall of Fame.

After their plane took off, Danny posed a question to his parents. “You know my birthday in a couple weeks?” Mom and Dad nodded yes. “I was wondering if I could have my friends from Scouts over for a pool party on Saturday.” Penny smiled and looked to Kyle.

“You mother and I plan to take you and your friends from Scouts to a football game,” Kyle said. “The Eagles play the Ravens on your birthday at the Linc [Lincoln Financial Field]. You can get pre-game field passes, a visit to the locker room to meet the players. You’ll watch the game from our box. I will make sure the caterer supplies the box with all the appropriate junk foods to feed hungry teenagers.”

“That would be great,” Danny said. “Still, can I do the pool party some other time?”

“I have no objections to you hosting your friends from Scouts for a pool party,” Mom responded. “In fact, why don’t you do it the weekend following your birthday?”

“That would be really cool, Mom, Dad,” Danny said. “Can the guys bring guests?”

“Female guests?” Mom asked. Jessie laughed while David grinned.

“Your little boy is a teenager now,” Jessie teased. “Of course, he means girls.”

“Over half my buddies have girlfriends,” Danny added. “The rest will bring dates.”

“Do you have a girlfriend, yet?” Mom asked.

“No, but I have a date on the 9th,” Danny said. “I hope things go well and I can invite her to the pool party too.”

“Who is the date with?” Mom asked.

“Abigail Osgood,” Danny replied.

“That sounds like a plan, son,” Kyle agreed.

The plane landed at Akron-Canton Airport. The NFL provided a van to shuttle the Martins to their hotel, the Bertram Inn at Glenmoor. They extended Martin clan had the Villa Suite. Each kid got their own bedroom in the expansive suite. With thirteen bedrooms, there was room left for the Martin’s guests – Bob & Mrs. Burton, Walt & Karen Caffrey, Damian & Billy Thompson-Robinson, Trevor & Stephanie Conwell, Kyle’s parents, Dan & Sharon Martin, Kyle’s brothers Hunter and Andy, Will and Abby Henry, and Kyle’s sister Liz and her husband Chris Sanders.

Jay & Allison Nicholson, Brady & Casey Rasmussen and John & Paige Elway, and Antwaan & Sherree Booker were attending as Kyle’s guests, though they had their own rooms downstairs. Kyle invited Zack & Leigh Ann Hayes but they couldn’t accept the invitation. Zack was too busy running training camp for the Steelers.

Jay was doing triple duty. He was doing the play call at the Hall of Fame game the following evening for ESPN. He also was the master of ceremonies at the Gold Jacket Dinner and the formal induction ceremony Saturday night at the stadium. Such was the life of an up-and-coming sports broadcaster.

Kyle offered to charter a flight for his parents, brothers and sister but Andy insisted on covering the expense. Kyle didn’t argue. Thanks to his 45% share of Conestoga Software, Andy was #67 on Forbes list of billionaires. Kyle was way down at #253.

Kyle arranged a dinner for all his people out at the Bistro at the Gervasi Winery. The special on Wednesday nights was a homemade manicotti served with roasted red peppers and a house-made marinara. The large group enjoyed the authentic Italian cuisine and the company of old friends and relatives.

Kyle had obligations Thursday morning at the Hall of Fame facility. Andy, Kyle and Dan Martin headed over to visit the Vikings at their afternoon walk through practice. The Viking head coach spotted them along the sidelines and came over to chat.

“Coach Belichick, thanks for allowing us to pop in,” Andy said.

“Yeah, we really appreciate the opportunity to watch, Steve,” Kyle added. “How is Noah looking?”

“Like he has a famous father and uncle who had careers in the league,” Steve Belichick responded. “He shows good coaching and some promise. Still, he’s rookie and has a lot to learn.”

“Rookies always do,” Andy agreed. “We will keep out of your hair.”

“That’s appreciated,” Steve agreed. He headed back to oversee the practice.

Kyle, Andy and Dan watched practice. Noah made a few nice catches. He also dropped an easy ball and messed up a couple routes. In a word, he was a typical rookie early in training camp. He did have a lot to learn to play at the NFL level. Noah trotted over to visit when practice was over.

“Hey Dad! Hey Pop-Pop! Hey, Uncle Ky!” Noah gushed as he greeted his family. “What’d you think?”

“You did well on some plays and need work on others,” Andy allowed as he hugged his twenty-two-year-old son.

“Work you ass off, Noah,” Kyle counselled. “You have a finite amount of time to impress your coaches. Make every second of practice and game time count.”

“Coach Smith [his receivers’ coach] says I will play late second, more likely into the third quarter tonight,” Noah responded. “Play with purpose. Make every play count. I got it, Uncle Ky.”

“No chance of spending time with the family Friday or Saturday?” Dan asked.

“It’s the NFL, Pop-Pop,” Noah said. “We aren’t even sleeping here tonight after the game. We fly out to Minnesota and hit the field again tomorrow afternoon. The NFL doesn’t have down time in August.”

“I should remember,” Dan sighed. “I’m not new the NFL schedule. Good luck in the game tonight.” Andy and Kyle wished Noah the best too. Noah headed into the locker room to finish preparing for the game that evening. Andy and Dan headed back to the hotel. Kyle headed for the Hall of Fame Autograph session he was required to do.

During some down time Thursday afternoon, Hunter pulled his nephew David aside for a chat.

“Davey, I wanted to congratulate you on beating my high school records last winter,” Hunter commented, smiling. “That was damned good work.” This was the first time the two had been together since last winter.

“Thanks, Hunter,” David replied.

“You were a junior when you did that,” Hunter stated. “I was a high school senior when I set those records. Both of us know I spent a hell of a lot more time in swim club, at meets and with Coach Walters [his personal swim coach in high school] than you have.”

“I can’t argue with you there,” David agreed. “You are almost as fanatical about workouts and preparations as my dad.”

“Where do you think I learned that?” Hunter chuckled. “Your dad and Andy. You have potential, Davey, probably more than I do. With far less prep and training, at a younger age, you are beating my times. I believe it is time for you to get serious about swimming. I think the day could come when you are standing on a podium, getting a medal at the Olympics.”

“I don’t know about that,” David allowed, blushing a little at what he considered an over-the-top compliment.

“Seriously,” Hunter insisted. “I’ve competed against the best. You could be at that level if you put in the work to get there. How many Division I colleges have contacted you about a scholarship and swimming for their college?”

“A bunch ... fifteen ... twenty ... I am not sure,” David replied.


“UVA, USC, Florida, Cal, NC State, Notre Dame, uh...” David replied before chuckling. “Stanford too. I assume you had something to do with that call.”

“Moi?” Hunter laughed. “Maybe a little. Coach asked me about you, and I told him what I know. You do realize you listed some of the top ranked schools in the country, don’t you? They see the same potential in you that I see.”

“I guess,” David admitted.

“What are you going to do about it?” Hunter challenged. “You have to prepare like the best if you want to be the best. You need to step up your game with the swimming. Join a club. Do some regional meets. Get your butt in the water and give these college coaches some consistently top times. You need to train year around not just during your high school’s winter swim season. That will get you to the top. You need a personal coach and trainer to do it.”

“Dad had me meet with one of the trainers at NovaCare last June,” David said. “He worked out a program for me.”

“A football trainer laid out a swim training program for you?” Hunter laughed. “Really?”

“He did focus more on stamina and quickness,” David replied. “The program is more for my sprinting than for swimming. Stamina and quickness won’t hurt in the pool.”

“He probably laid out a program for a fast wide receiver,” Hunter said. “It is what he knows how to do. If you are going to excel, you need to do what I did when I was your age. I committed to swimming and only swimming. Your dad, Uncle Andy and the twins were pissed when I did not play football my senior year in high school, but the work I did laid the grounds for where I am now.”

“I hear you,” David allowed. “I see what you have had to do to excel, and it is great. Can you see my mom and dad hauling me all over the region with a swim club? Taking me to meets around the country? Can they do for me what Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop did for you? After Uncle Andy moved the twins to LA, you were practically an only child.”

“True,” Hunter agreed.

“I see your point but, do I really want to focus everything exclusively on one sport?” David asked. “I will never be as good at football as my dad, but I do not want to miss my senior season of football either. I do enjoy playing. The team I am on now has some potential. The quarterback is smart and has an arm to utilize my speed. We have a great coach. Why would I miss out on this experience? It will be the last season for me for football. Few colleges are looking to recruit me.

“Still, I enjoy swimming. I would not want to cut it out so I could focus exclusively on football or track. I love track and would not consider cutting that sport. Anyway, I have too many other interests to dedicate myself exclusively to swimming. I love camping and doing things with Scouts. Most important, I have a serious girlfriend. I am not sure I want to give those other things up.”

“Girlfriends are nice,” Hunter said. “I’ve dated some. I’ve slipped in bed with a few cuties too, you know what I mean? I know you know what I mean.”

“I do,” David snickered. “At least I used to. It’s been six and a half weeks since Sara and I made love. I miss her like you wouldn’t believe.”

“I understand,” Hunter replied. “Think about what I am telling you. I would hate to see you not take full advantage of the God-given talent you have.”

“I understand,” David said. “You are not telling me anything different than Dad. He says I need to focus on one sport. He also preaches that I need to take care of the big stones in my life first.” Kyle often told a story about priorities and personal management where you needed to tend to the big stones, the most important things in your life, before you worried about the little stones, the minutia and trivial day-to-day things, in your life. Hunter heard his older brother preach the same story many times.

“Family is one of the big stones,” David said. “Sara is another.”

“You’re that serious about this girl?” Hunter asked.

“Don’t be surprised in six or ten years if you are sitting in a church watching me marry her,” David said. “I am deadly serious about her.”

“I’ve never felt that way about a girl,” Hunter said. “Consider what you want out of life.”

“I get that,” David responded. “Everyone is telling me that. Where am I going to go to college? What do I want to do? I know I need to decide these things.”

“Get in touch if you want more advice on swimming,” Hunter said. “I’ll help you however I can.”

“I appreciate that, uncle,” David answered.

Jessie received a text from Kaylee Rasmussen just before dinner. “I GOT MY PERIOD TODAY! NOT PREGGERS. KAYLEE.”


“WILL DO WHEN THEY GET BACK HOME,” was the reply from Denver.

Kyle lined up dinner at a casual American restaurant for his family and guests. The group headed over to Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium after dinner. The game featured the Minnesota Vikings playing against the Arizona Cardinals. Kyle and his guests had excellent seats for the game, as suited one of the Hall of Fame’s guests of honor.

The game itself was a little ragged. Even the veteran players in the first quarter didn’t look sharp. That was to be expected. The teams had one week of training camp to prepare before the Hall of Fame game. Noah did get playing time for most of the third quarter. He made a few good catches and made no glaring errors. His final catch of the night was a touchdown to put the Vikings in the lead 27-23. The young, unsigned free agent rookies on the Cardinals team weren’t able to score in the fourth quarter, so Noah’s touchdown turned out to be the game-winning TD.

Kyle had a 9:30 Gold Jacket photo op to attend on Friday morning. The ladies in the group enjoyed the fashion show/luncheon at noon. The husbands and sons endured. The crowd was back at the Memorial Civic Center for the Gold Jacket Dinner. The food was decent. The speeches went on and on. The Hall of Fame Class of 2031, Kyle, Andy Reid, J. J. Watt, William Johnson, Dr. Paul Allen and Drew Brees, were honored after dinner. The league showed video clips of their careers, highlighting why they were chosen for the Hall of Fame.

Big William Johnson leaned over to Kyle as the dinner was ending. “I guess we done good in the league,” the quiet, world-class defensive tackle commented.

“It is poetic justice,” Kyle agreed. “We meet when we are being recruited from high school, we play against each other for four years, we share the Heisman hype together, do the senior bowl together, play twelve seasons and retire at the same time. Why shouldn’t we join the Hall together?”

“I just have one bone to pick with you,” William teased. “Why’d you steal my coach?” William had played football for Washington, under the direction of defensive coordinator Larry Czarwinski.

“He’s the best around,” Kyle countered. “Besides, Coach C was my coach at Penn State before he was your coach.”

“How’d you get Mrs. C to agree to let C out of retirement?” William asked.

“I got him for a short-term deal – two years,” Kyle answered. “I also threw in a place for them to live. They are in the summer house in front of my place.”

“Give Coach my regards,” William said. William headed off to join his wife and sons. Kyle marveled. That was the longest conversation William had with him in their twenty-one years of association.

Saturday, August 2, 2031 – Canton, Ohio

Penny and Kyle rode in the Hall of Fame Parade through downtown Canton on Saturday morning. Penny noticed Kyle was getting antsy as the parade finished. He had his cell phone out and was staring at it, switching it from one hand to another.

“Would it really be a big deal if I called Larry and checked in with training camp?” Kyle commented quietly.

“Honey, you promised these five days would be a vacation from being a head coach,” Penny responded. “Did you hire good people for your assistants?”

“You know they’re the best,” Kyle answered.

“Allow them to do their jobs,” Penny responded. “This trip is time for family and friends. Put the phone away.”

“You’re right,” Kyle agreed as he slipped the phone back into his pocket. “Man ... this hard.”

“You can’t be a coach 24/7, 365 days a year,” Penny retorted. “You will burn out, hurt the Eagles and hurt your family.”

“You’re right, sweetie,” Kyle agreed. “Keep me centered, babe.”

“I always try to do that,” Penny said.

Penny and Kyle grabbed some lunch after the parade. Kyle was taken over to the Hall of Fame for the Gold Jacket Autograph session. This session featured the 2031 class, along with any other Hall of Fame recipients who were attending the event. Kyle spent a couple hours signing autographs for fans.

Kyle’s crew assembled in the large common area of his suite to relax and talk before the induction ceremony. They talked of family, common friends and reminisced about their time with the Nittany Lions.

Kyle commented idly as they reminisced. “I never expected to be here today. Who would have thought I’d end up in the Hall of Fame?” The comment produced guffaws of laughter from his friends and guests.

“Just about every sentient being on this planet,” Chip Brinton protested.

“You are the best receiver to have played the game in the past twenty-five or thirty years,” Trevor Conwell added.

“I don’t know,” Kyle said. “I just played in the NFL to learn more about football so I was ready for my real career, coaching and teaching football.”

“You learned well,” Andy agreed. “In six years, you went from a retired player to a position coach to an offensive coordinator and now head coach. You have learned your craft well.”

“I guess,” Kyle admitted. “Enough about me. We don’t get enough time to talk, Damian. How is your boy doing?”

“Brett?” Damian replied. “He’s doing great.” Damian and Billy Thompson-Robinson adopted an orphan Korean baby five years ago.

“He’s growing like a weed,” proud poppa Billy added. “He is staying with my parents, who are undoubtedly spoiling him rotten. I’m an only child and when I came out as gay, my parents gave up any hope of grandkids. They are so happy we have Brett.”

“He’s starting first grade in the fall, isn’t he?” Penny asked. Damian and Billy nodded yes. “You guys should come east and visit some time. Robbie is Brett’s age. They could have some fun together while their parents caught up.”

“We will have to do that sometime,” Damian agreed. This set the group off on a discussion of their children.

“Can you believe David is going to be a senior in high school?” Kyle commented.

“Time flies,” Will agreed. “Rose is starting her second year in college in a couple weeks. It hardly seems possible my baby is nearly grown up.”

“Where is she going?” Stephanie Conwell asked.

“Princeton, of course,” Will replied. “She has the grades to get in and Abby and I get a tuition discount since I teach there.”

“Every little bit helps,” Abby added. “She decided to stay in the dorms rather than live at home. I know I will still see her laundry weekly.”

“Count on it, Abby,” Andy added. “Noah and Connor were two and a half hours away and they still brought laundry home every chance they got.”

“I don’t do that,” Hunter protested.

“And you go to school two thousand miles from home,” Sharon Martin commented. “You’d have to pay a $35 bag fee just to get you laundry home.”

“Thank God I don’t have to worry about college for a few more years,” Trevor said. “Alex, my oldest, turned fourteen last month.”

“Has he found girls yet?” Kyle asked. He chuckled. “That is when things really start to get fun. I have lost count of how many girlfriends David has had.”

“He seems pretty serious about his current girl,” Penny countered.

“We will see,” Kyle replied. “Jessie is boy crazy. Danny Jay has discovered girls too.” Kyle looked over at Trevor, grinning. “He’ll be thirteen in a couple weeks. He is on his second girlfriend since we moved back to Chester County.”

“Danny T is probably worse than Danny J,” Will commented. “He is on girlfriend number six. He is giving his little brother Charlie way too much information too. Thirteen is a hell of a lot younger than I was when I discovered girls.”

“Isn’t it confusing to have two Dannys in the family?” Billy asked.

“That’s why we letter them,” Dan Martin teased.

“It’s our family’s short-hand to keep the boys straight,” Sharon added. “Danny T is Daniel Travis Henry, named for his pop-pop and Will’s step-father. Danny Jay is Daniel James Martin, named for his two grandfathers.”

“My son is still clueless about girls,” Trevor said. “I hope to keep him that way as long as I can.”

Chip laughed. “Alex carries the Conwell genes. We all know what a horn-dog Trev was when he was growing up.”

“Before I met you, Steph,” Trevor added quickly. “Long before I met you.”

“Not that long,” Jay teased. “You were into a girl a week before you stole Steph from me. I won that one in the end. I got the best girl.” Jay leaned over and gave his wife Allison a kiss on the cheek.

“What do you do for a living, Will?” Jay asked. “I remember you were in grad school, working on a doctorate when I last saw you at Andy’s wedding, which I think is the last time we met.”

“I am a professor of physics at Princeton,’ Will said.

“Tenured?” Jay asked.

“I am,” Will said.

“Congratulations,” Jay said. “If my memory is worth anything, weren’t you in medical school, Abby?”

“I am a pediatric surgeon now,” Abby said.

“Dr. and Dr. Henry,” Jay said. “You must be proud, Dan and Sharon.”

“We are,” Sharon said proudly.

“You don’t know the half of it, Jay,” Andy added. “Two doctors in the family are nothing. Most of the kids are doctors of something. Kyle’s got his doctorate in history, Penny in veterinary medicine, Liz and Chris have Juris Doctorates. We’ll give Hunter a pass since he is still working on his undergraduate degree. My sweetie and I are really the only slackers in the family. All I have is an MBA. Heather has a master’s in architecture.”

“Where is she?” Jay asked. “I’m sorry we didn’t get time together.”

“Her company is doing plans for a new middle school in the Drumore School District. Plans have to be ready for L & I on Monday, so she and her staff are working overtime to get everything ready. Such is the life of a small business owner.”

“L & I?” Allison asked.

“Licenses and Inspections,” Andy explained. “All plans for public buildings need approval by that state department. It is a big deal for an architect.”

“Give her our love,” Jay said. “All of us had a blast going out together that season we were on the Rams together.”

“I’ll pass that along to her,” Andy said.

Kyle glanced at the time. “Holy cow! We better get moving if we want some dinner before the ceremony tonight.”

The gathering broke up. Kyle and his immediate family went downstairs and grabbed from food at the hotel’s restaurant. His family needed to be there early for rehearsal for the ceremony. Kyle’s other guests had more time for dinner before they headed over to the stadium for the ceremony.

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