Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 3

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Saturday, July 19, 2031 – Ramada Inn, Englewood, CO

The Martin family packed their things in the morning and hauled them down to the lobby of their hotel. Highland Park VW stopped by to pick up the rental SUV. Kyle thanked them for their kind service to his family. Al Wilder, and now his son Joe, the current owner, had been very good to the Martins over the years. A hotel shuttle took the Martins over to the private terminal, where they boarded their jet and headed for Pennsylvania.

Jessie texted Matt Sloan once they were on the ground at the Chester County Airport. “WHEN U FREE? MISSED U 2 MUCH.”



Matt Sloan rode his bike over to the Martin’s house, arriving while Jessie was still clearing the table and washing the dishes from dinner. He helped her finish her chores. Jessie asked her Mom when they finished, “Could Matt and I go swimming? I’ve got everything done in the kitchen.”

“Sure, honey,” Penny agreed. “That would be fine.” Danny and Robbie happened to overhear the conversation.

“Swimming!” Danny exclaimed. “Cool idea. Count me in.”

“Swimming?” Robbie chirped. “Me too!” Jessie gave Danny a glare. She suspected he knew what she and Matt had planned – use the pool house to screw. Little brothers were NOT needed this evening.

“Watch your brothers, Jessie,” Penny added.

“But ... but...” Jessie stammered.

“No buts,” Penny insisted. “You’re the big sister. Make sure your brothers are safe. Have fun in the water.”

“Yes, Mom,” Jessie sighed. She knew there was no chance of changing her mother’s mind.

The two over-sexed teens were forced to behave, mostly, as they watched Jessie’s younger brothers. They managed to sneak a few deep kisses when the boys weren’t looking, but not nearly often enough to begin to quench their thirst for each other. Jessie and Matt both were forced to relieve themselves separately in their own beds later that evening.

Friday, July 25, 2031 – Lehigh University, Allentown, PA

Promptly at 12:55 PM, Kyle convened his first staff meeting of training camp in a conference room on campus.

“Welcome everyone to Lehigh University,” Kyle stated as he looked around the table at the twenty coaches and trainers seated around the table. The ranged in age, from sixty-seven-year-old Larry Czarwinski, assistant head coach and defensive coordinator to twenty-two-year-old Zion Cherry, one of two offensive quality control coaches. The group included one temporary addition, Jon Caffrey, serving as a coaching intern for the duration of training camp. Jon, oldest son of Kyle’s high school coach Walter Caffrey, was on temporary loan from his normal job teaching science and coaching the quarterbacks at Cumberland Valley High School outside Harrisburg.

“Our job over the next four weeks is to turn ninety disparate individuals into a functioning, cohesive team. Each of you will be responsible for setting the standards for the players under your charge, teaching them to meet those standards and hold them to those high standards. Teaching will be critical to getting these young men ready to compete in the NFL.”

Kyle then gave the group an overview of the schedule for training camp. He dismissed the group to meet with Ryan Reynolds and Coach C to review in detail the plans for the offense and defense while the Eagles were at Lehigh. Adam Blanchard, head trainer and Mike Aaron, Director of Sport Science left to meet with the training and medical staff.

Brendan Hayden, the special teams coordinator, and Jon Caffrey hung around the group split up. “As one old special teamer to another, any advice for us?” Brendan asked. Jon Caffrey was going to assist Brendan for the duration of camp.

“You spent as much or more time on special teams as I did,” Kyle replied. “You know what to do. Teach them their assignments and get them fired up. Attitude wins on special teams. It always has.”

“Amen to that, boss,” Brendan laughed. “Attitude got me half a dozen years in the pros.”

“Tell your dad hello from me, when you talk to him next, Jon,” Kyle added as Brendan and Jon turned to leave.

“I’ll do that, Coach,” Jon agreed. “Thanks again for taking me on this month.”

“Happy to have you here,” Kyle replied. “Any word on what your dad is up to?”

“Same thing as us, I suspect,” Jon laughed. “We’re coaches. Freshmen report to Penn State on Thursday.”

Saturday, July 26, 2031 – Dave Poole’s House – Landenberg, PA

Matt and Jessie finally got time alone together on Saturday night at his buddy Dave Poole’s house. The two inadvertently walked in on Kaiden Randall screwing Cheyenne Paulsen. The first shock was just walking in on two naked kids screwing. The second shock for Matt was who Kaiden was screwing. Cheyenne was his brother Ty’s girlfriend. Ty was sick and missed the party. Needless to say, Ty dumped Cheyenne’s cheating ass when Matt informed him of what he saw that evening.

Matt and Jessie found another bedroom and had a good time. It felt great reuniting after too many weeks apart. With Matt’s work schedule at McDonalds, the horny pair would not get to hook up again until after Kyle’s induction into the NFL Hall of Fame the next weekend.

Saturday, July 26, 2031 – Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

Kyle was up at 6:00 AM, which was sleeping late for him. One of the nice things about the off-site training camp was that he did not need to spend half an hour driving into the NovaCare complex. He walked over to the weight room and did his daily workout before grabbing breakfast in the dining area. He grabbed a shower afterward and headed over to the residence hall where the rookies would check in that morning.

Surprisingly, the coaching staff did not have a lot to do on rookie check-in day. The Eagles support staff, training staff and medical staff would see that the rookies and selected veterans received rooms and equipment, did their medical tests and did their fitness tests. That filled the better part of the day for the incoming players.

Kyle was grateful that Dylan Harris and Brandon Evans agreed to arrive when the rookies reported. They would be needed over the next three days to provide quarterbacking and some experienced hands as the rookies learned about an NFL training camp for the first time.

Kyle met with the coaching staff to review the schedule for the next few days to review notes for the talk with the rookies in the evening when the team convened after dinner. Kyle was available to the press in the afternoon. He did not produce any news of consequence for the reporters attending. Forty-three players reported that day. All ninety were expected to be on hand on Tuesday. No holdouts and no disgruntled players looking for new contracts. Everything was running smoothly.

Kyle and the coaches checked out the afternoon stretching and prep session Adam Blanchard ran. Everyone seemed in reasonable shape and ready for camp. As dinner was finishing, Kyle made his rounds of the tables, greeting all the rookies and thanking them for their efforts.

The team’s evening meeting was spent reviewing goals and expectations, both for the team and for each individual. The team did a snack for everyone before they were dismissed for the evening.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday mornings were spent on on-field drills and instruction after the player’s workouts and breakfast. Practice lasted for between an hour and forty-five minutes and two hours. The players and coaches had lunch and then spent the first part of the afternoon in position meetings and with the coordinators reviewing video of the morning practice. The coaches identified errors to be corrected and work to prepare their charges for the afternoon practice.

Midafternoon the players practiced again in pads and helmets, but without hitting. The team had dinner after the afternoon session and then returned to the classrooms with their position coaches to review video from the afternoon practice. The whole team assembled later in the evening for addresses from Ryan Reynolds, Coach C or Kyle. After a snack, the team was dismissed for a well-earned rest.

Tuesday the rookies followed their training routine. The front office, training and medical staffs welcomed the team’s veterans to camp. Rooms were assigned, equipment was handed out and training and medical checks were done while the rookies practiced and studied.

Kyle assembled all ninety players after dinner and reviewed plans and expectations for training camp. This was Kyle’s nineteenth training camp, as a player or as a coach. He did not have any new or innovative training techniques. He just made sure his coaches were organized and used their time to best prepare the team for the coming season and its challenges.

Tuesday, July 29, 2031 – London Tract Church – Landenberg, PA

It was a pleasant, sunny day with noon-time temperature of 81 degrees. It was a perfect day for Danny to ride his bike down to the London Tract Church for the Big Foot Patrol’s community service hours. All the boys in the patrol were meeting at the church at 1:00 PM, well, except for Mason Jones. His family was on vacation this week. Danny took back roads and trails from his house, through the woodlands along the White Clay Creek. The fifteen minute, almost three-mile ride was beautiful.

Reed Crawford, the Big Foot Patrol Leader, gathered his guys together by the old, historic church building. Their task that afternoon was to clean up the cemetery grounds. Reed assigned Danny to work with Noah McMullen. Pairs of Scouts were assigned portions of the cemetery to clean. Noah and Danny drew the northern third of the cemetery grounds.

“You ever hear about the Ticking Tombstone?” Noah asked.

“Ticking Tombstone? No,” Danny answered as they walked up to their assigned area.

“Supposedly this boy worked for Mason and Dixon when they surveyed the state line between us and Maryland. He swallowed a watch while he worked for them. You can still hear the watch ticking under his tombstone.”

“That’s got to be bullshit,” Danny replied. “My Pop-Pop has an old pocket watch his grandfather gave him when he was a boy. You have to wind those watches every day or they run down. There is no way a watch from the 1760s is still ticking.”

“1760s?” Noah asked. “It’s that old? How do you know?”

“My Dad has a doctorate in history,” Danny explained. “Dad makes sure we know our history. Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon came over from England in 1762 to survey the boundaries between Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. They finished in 1767. A two hundred and seventy-year-old watch is not running anymore.”

“Oh, well,” Noah said. “It’s a cool story.”

“It would be, if it were true,” Danny agreed. The boys got to work, picking up trash, weeding and clipping around the tombstones. The boys talked as they worked. It is no surprise that their talk turned to girls.

“Has Emma let you get to third base?” Noah asked.

“Emma and I broke up just before my Colorado vacation,” Danny replied.

“I hadn’t heard,” Noah said. “I’m sorry. She’s one hot babe.” Danny gave his friend a wink.

“Emma and I did get to third base before school ended,” Danny added. “We almost went all the way.”

“She called a halt before you could stick in, right?” Noah said.

“Not exactly,” Danny replied. “We had to stop. I didn’t have protection.”

“Emma? Emma Wexler was willing to let you stick your dick in her and you didn’t do it?” Noah asked. “If Leah says she wants my dick, I’m giving it to her, whether I have a rubber or not.”

“The last thing I need at twelve or thirteen is to knock up a girl,” Danny countered. “My parents would freak.”

“What kind of Scout are you? I’m prepared,” Noah replied. “I always have a rubber in my wallet.”

“I am prepared now,” Danny answered. “I wasn’t in June.”

“Good,” Noah said.

“She did allow me to finger her pussy,” Danny said. “It’s amazing how hot and tight a girl’s pussy is.”

“Leah allowed me to find out a couple weeks ago,” Noah said. “It is hot and tight, isn’t it? I hope to convince Leah to go all the way soon.”

“Good luck with that,” Danny allowed.

“Too bad about you and Emma breaking up,” Noah said. “I’ve got Leah all primed to screw. Now you gotta start over when you find another girlfriend. It could be months before you sink your dick into some prime pussy.”

“Yeah, probably,” Danny agreed.

“Any prospects?” Noah asked.

“You know Abigail Osgood?” Danny asked.

“I know of her,” Noah said. “Seventh grade. Pretty good looking.”

“I am trying to talk my parents into allowing me to host a pool party some Saturday night,” Danny said. “I’ll invite the whole patrol and their girlfriends ... or other guests.”

“Sounds cool,” Noah said. “I hope you can do it.”

The boys focused on work again. They finished their assigned section of the cemetery in an hour. They headed down to see if Reed and Logan needed help. Blake and Nolan showed up just as Noah and Danny joined the crew cleaning the center section of the cemetery. The six boys finished off that section in a couple minutes.

“Damn good work, guys!” Reed declared as they finished. “I will let Jake [Gordon, the troop’s senior patrol leader] know that we finished our community service hours.”

Danny rode his bike home. He had told Jessie at lunch that he would be two or three hours at the cemetery, so he expected she would be a little surprised to see him home so soon. Danny wasn’t surprised to find an extra bike parked beside the driveway. He knew it was Matt Sloan’s, his sister’s current boyfriend.

Danny headed inside quietly. He didn’t want to disturb his sister and her boyfriend. They most likely were upstairs in her bedroom screwing. Jessie didn’t admit that they did it but Danny knew they did. If Matt was lucky enough to get laid today, so be it. If Jessie allowed Matt this liberty, he knew she must be having fun too.

Danny grabbed a pop from the fridge and gulped the cool beverage down. He was surprised when he heard panting and moans come from the family room, beside the kitchen.

“Oh ... God!” a girl moaned. Danny recognized his sister’s voice.

“Ready?” a boy asked, certainly Matt.

“Stick it in,” Jessie demanded. “I need you now.”

Danny’s dick went instantly hard. He moved quietly to the entrance to the family room. He could see the mirror across the room where he saw Matt Sloan, totally naked on top of his equally naked sister. He turned and looked at the couch. He could see Matt’s naked butt humping against his sister. Danny knew he should give them privacy, but he was mesmerized. His sister and her boyfriend were about to have sex about five feet from him. He could see every detail.

“Here it comes, honey,” Matt declared as he reached between their bodies with one hand. Jessie’s legs were spread wide apart. Matt was sprawled on top of her. Danny could see Matt’s hairy ball sac hanging down. He watched as Matt’s fingers grabbed his dick and positioned it. Matt let out a grunt as he hunched his hips forward.

“Mmmm...” Jessie purred as Matt skewered her with his dick. Two more hunches with his hips looked to have buried his dick all the way into Jessie. All Danny saw now was Matt’s balls hanging down, obscuring Jessie’s pussy and the dick shaft Matt had buried into Jessie’s belly. “I love the way you stuff me so full, sweetie.”

Matt began rocking his hips, pumping his dick in and out of Jessie. Danny could see part of Matt’s dick shaft when he pulled away from his sister. Matt would rock forward and the dick would disappear. As he watched he realized the slighter darker skin surrounding Matt’s dick was his sister’s hole. Danny stared as Matt plunged his dick in and pulled back out.

‘Why had he refused Emma when she offered to allow him to have sex with her?’ God he was so horny. He rubbed his boner outside his pants as he watched his sister get fucked.

Jessie gave Matt directions as they screwed. Matt obediently did whatever Jessie asked. If watching the neighbor’s Saint Bernards, Berndt and Gerta, have sex on the patio last spring was an education, today he was having a graduate course on how to fuck.

The sex show went on for almost five minutes. Jessie had Matt sit up. He sat on his haunches as he continued pumping his dick in and out. Now Danny caught sight of his sister’s breasts. Jessie was stacked! He watched as she reached a hand down towards where the two were connected.

“Go for it... [grunt] honey,” Matt gasped as he fucked. “Rub yourself... [pant] until you come.”

About twenty seconds later Jessie gasped, “I’m close ... I’m really ... close.”

“Go ... for ... it...” Matt grunted. He continued humping Danny’s sister.

“Oh ... OOOooohhhh ... OOOoohhhh...” Jessie gaped. “Al... [pant] most [pant] th ... th ... there.” Matt kept fucking. “Oooohhhh ... God!”

“You ... you’re ... coming,” Matt gasped. He started pumping his dick in faster. After half a dozen strokes, he slammed his dick in hard. Danny could see Matt’s balls churning and twitching. Matt was delivering his load of sperm into his sister’s pussy. Matt’s balls stopped twitching as he slumped down on top of Jessie. Jessie wrapped her arms around her boyfriend as they enjoyed their mutual climaxes.

Danny realized he better make himself scarce and soon. Jessie and Matt hadn’t noticed his head peeking in on them. Now that they were done with sex, they probably would spot the voyeur invading their privacy. Danny sneaked upstairs quietly to his bedroom.

Danny desperately needed to get relief. He was splattered from chin down to his sparse patch of pubic hair. God, why hadn’t he fucked Emma when she asked him to?

Downstairs, Jessie and Matt cuddled on the sofa after their coupling. “God, I love you, Jessie,” Matt declared.

“You’re special too,” Jessie agreed as they hugged each other. Jessie glanced at the clock. “Maybe we better move upstairs in case Danny comes home early. We don’t want him catching us like this.”

“No,” Matt agreed, chuckling. “That wouldn’t be good.” The two teens dressed and headed upstairs to Jessie’s bedroom. Jessie didn’t notice Danny’s door was closed. Jessie and Matt locked her door before stripping naked again.

The horny teens made out for a bit before going back to screwing. Danny, in the room next door, could hear nearly everything. Supplied with images from downstairs, his imagination needed little help picturing what was happening next door. Danny jerked off again as Matt gave his girlfriend another good fucking.

Matt and Jessie went for a third time after some rest. Danny did it again. God, he was going to a personal record. He usually jerked off once or twice in bed while Robbie was asleep in the bottom bunk. Maybe seven times in one day! Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Things got quiet after Jessie and Matt finished fucking the third time. Danny resolved his nerves and picked up his cell phone. He punched in Abigail Osgood’s number.

“Hello?” Abbie answered.

“Hey Abbie, it’s Danny Martin,” Danny said. “You busy?”

“I’m just watching a movie,” Abbie replied.

“I was wondering,” Danny said haltingly. The words almost caught in his throat. He had no experience asking a girl out. “Would you ... like ... be free this Saturday? Maybe we could go to a movie.”

“I’d enjoy that, Danny,” Abbie responded. “I really would ... but, Ethan Stoltzfus already asked me to the movies that night.” Danny’s heart sank. “I’m free the next Saturday, the 9th.”

“We’ll do a movie that night,” Danny replied, elated, “Or maybe something else. I have been bugging my parents to allow me to throw a pool party. Would you be my date?”

“Certainly,” Abbie agreed. “Who is coming?”

“You’ll know most of the group,” Danny answered. “Mason, Logan, Nolan, Blake, Noah McMullen. Noah is a grade ahead of us. Most likely Reed Cameron too. We’re all in Boy Scouts together.”

“Is the party just boys?” Abbie asked.

“No, the guys will bring their girlfriends or dates,” Danny said. “It’s definitely not just guys.”

“Well, you have a date,” Abbie said.

“Fantastic!” Danny gushed. “I’ll let you know which day it is and coordinate times and transportation once I have the details worked out.”

“I am looking forward to it,” Abbie responded. “I am so glad you called today.”

Danny was still enjoying the endorphin highs he had given himself. Abbie accepting his date sent his mood into the stratosphere. Asking a girl for a date wasn’t so bad. He had tried to call Abbie at least ten times since he got home from Colorado.

Next door – Jessie commented, “That was fun, Matt.”

“I loved it too, honey,” Matt agreed. He gave his naked lover a kiss on the lips. He glanced at her clock. “It’s after three o’clock. I should probably ride home. I am working the four to nine shift at Mickey D’s tonight.”

“I wish you had more afternoons free,” Jessie said.

“I wish it too,” Matt agreed. The pair got dressed. Jessie walked her lover to the door when he left. She waved goodbye as he hopped on his bike and rode home. Jessie headed upstairs to her room to clean up and air the room out. The smell of sex was heavy. Her parents knew she and Matt had sex but she didn’t want to rub their noses in it. Anyway, Danny and Robbie didn’t need to know what they were doing.

Jessie found a strange thumb drive on her floor as she straightened up. It wasn’t hers. Had one of her brothers been in her room and dropped it? She fired up her computer and stuck the thumb drive in the slot. She explored the contents when the computer was up. It had three directories. One said “Photos” and the second said “Videos” and the last said “Diary.”

She browsed the Photos first. There were over two hundred pictures. They showed naked girls, naked girls and guys, girls giving blow jobs, guys eating their girl’s pussy and finally couples fucking. Did one of her brothers have a porn collection? Probably David would just keep a collection on his computer. Did Danny collect all this? Why would he drop it in her room?

Jessie kept exploring. The Movies directory had a dozen downloaded movies. All were sex movies of guys and girls sucking and fucking. She browsed to the Diary folder. Now she would be able to confirm if this collection was Danny’s. The folder had a single file. It was labeled “Matt Sloan’s Sexual Diary.”

“Oh, shit!” Jessie gasped. This was Matt’s thumb drive. It must have fallen out of his pants when they stripped earlier in the afternoon. Jessie knew she shouldn’t look but ... she couldn’t resist. She double-clicked on the file. Word opened the file to full screen.

Matthew Sloan’s Sexual Diary

1 Name: Alexis Duarte

When: December 30, 2030, 2:30 PM

Where: Alexis’ bedroom

Act: Pussy Fucking

Virgin(s): Yes both

Position(s): Man on top

Protection: No

Remarks: I can’t fucking believe Alexis let me go from hands above the waist to fingering her to going all the way in one afternoon. She held that barrier for the past six weeks. Today she gave in and I’N NOT A VIRGIN ANYMORE! Sex is fucking fantastic. I hope I can convince her to go all the way again soon. It is fucking awesome.

This all happened so quickly that I wasn’t prepared with a rubber. I hope my lover Alexis is right that unprotected sex is safe today. I wouldn’t want to knock her up the first time we do it.

Postscript to entry: So much for more action from Alexis. She dumped me for pudgy Mike Willard, baby fat and all. May to two of them rot in hell!

2 Name: Kimberly Inman

When: February 8, 2031, 9:30 PM

Where: Dave Poole’s house, upstairs bathroom

Act: Blow Job

Virgin(s): Kimberly

Position(s): Standing

Protection: Not applicable

Remarks: I got Kim nice and drunk and it still wasn’t enough to overcome her Catholic upbringing. She bought me off with the blow job. I can’t believe I wasted six weeks trying to seduce Kim.

3 Name: Claire Smith

When: March 26, 2031, 4:15 PM

Where: My bedroom

Act: Pussy Fucking

Virgin(s): Claire

Position(s): Man on top

Protection: Trojan ribbed Enz. Claire likes the way these rub her pussy as I stroke her.

Remarks: Six weeks of steady seduction worked. First base ... easy, Second base ... a little harder, Third base ... took three weeks. I got Clair tonight when she let me in her panties. Two orgasms and next thing I know, my cock is buried to the hilt in sweet pussy. Practice seems to help. My first girl didn’t enjoy sex much. Clair loved it. I hope to take her upstairs and fuck her again on Saturday night at Tristan’s party.

4 Name: Claire Smith

When: March 29, 2031, 10:00 PM

Where: Tristan Palmer’s bedroom

Act: Pussy Fucking

Virgin(s): none

Position(s): Man on top

Protection: Trojan ribbed Enz

Remarks: Claire and I got pretty wasted at Tristan’s party. We still managed to head upstairs and fuck. We are close to a great climax and some dumb fuck guy walks in on us escorting Tessa Smith. I scream for them to get the fuck out. The guy retreats. Tessa stares at us too long before following her guy. We finish our fuck but having someone invade our privacy was a big buzz kill. Hopefully my next time with Claire will be private and uninterrupted.

5 Name: Tessa Smith

When: April 4, 2031, 4:45 PM

Where: Girl’s bathroom, Main hallway Avon Grove High School

Act: Blow Job

Virgin(s): none? Not sure about Tessa but she sure as hell didn’t act like a virgin.

Position(s): Standing

Protection: Not applicable

Remarks: Tessa has been flirting with me all week even though she knows I am committed to Claire. She got increasingly bold and outrageous as the week went on. Things came to head (pun intended) Friday after indoor soccer practice ended. Tessa is a high jumper on the track and field team. Their practice ended about the same time as mine. I changed and headed out to get the late bus home. Instead, Tessa caught me. She dragged me down the hallway from the gym wing back to the main wing of the school.

I could have fought her, but I was curious where all of this was going. Tessa is one foxy chick and I would drill her in a heartbeat if I wasn’t going steady with Claire. Tessa pulled me into the girl’s bathroom and pulled my pants and boxers down. “Do you wanna go...” I managed to say before she swallowed my cock. Tessa gave the best head I had ever experienced. It only took a minute or so before I blew my load. She swallowed every drop.

“Wanna fuck?” I asked as she licked my sperm from the edges of her lips.

“I am going steady with Greg Cattaneo from Kennett,” Tessa replied. “I can’t but maybe if I ever break up with Greg.”

“Why this?”

“When I saw you Saturday night, I just had to have a taste,” Tessa replied.

Postscript: Word got around school quickly about my BJ. Claire dumped my ass the next day.

6 Name: Jessie Martin

When: May 17, 2031, 9:15 PM

Where: Liam Palmer’s bedroom

Act: Pussy Fucking, Blow Job, Pussy Fingering

Virgin(s): definitely not

Position(s): Man on top twice, Cowgirl third time

Protection: Jessie on pill

Remarks: The sexist girl in the world destroyed my mind tonight. I thought sex should last five or ten minutes. We went on and on for what seemed like forever. Actually, it was only a solid hour of sex act after sex act. Jessie is an experienced lover and knows what she wants. She taught me exactly what to do to drive her (and me) absolutely crazy. I loved every minute of it.

Tonight leaves me with a quandary. In the past when you insert your cock, stroke awhile and then come, that counted as one sex act and one entry in this diary. If I develop any stamina when I am doing Jessie, I could flood this poor diary with entries, half a dozen per encounter with my lover. I think each time we get together, no matter how many climaxes, gets one diary entry.

I am the luckiest guy in our school to have such a beautiful and knowledgeable girlfriend who is willing to teach me what she knows about pleasuring her. I will do any fucking thing she asks to keep this amazing relationship going.

7 Name: Jessie Martin

When: May 20, 2031, 3:15-5:15 PM

Where: Jessie Martin’s bedroom

Act: Blow Job, Pussy Fingering, Pussy Fucking x 3

Virgin(s): No

Position(s): Doggie Style, Cowgirl, Spoons

Protection: Jessie on pill

Remarks: I rode my bike the 4 and a half miles to Jessie’s house as soon as I got home from school. She was going to be home alone until 5:15 PM. I made the trip in twenty-one minutes, probably a record for that distance. Shockingly, Jessie’s parents know I am coming over and approve. Of course, we told them we are working on math together.

Jessie met me wearing a sport bra and panties. After a little preliminary making out, she stripped me naked and gave me a mind-blowing blow job. She did me until I blew a load in her mouth. She swallowed every drop of my sperm. She sucked my cock a little more until I was hard again.

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