Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 15

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Tuesday, December 23, 2031 – West Chester YMCA Pool

The Avon Grove swim team gathered with Coach Bunting and Coach Martin on the side of the pool, waiting for the start of their meet against Henderson High School. Over the past three weeks, the coaches learned about the strengths and weaknesses of the kids and slotted them to the appropriate events. The team felt confident they would do well this season. Mason remarked to David that this season seemed different from normal. These guys KNEW they could compete with anyone.

Luke Allerton and Mike Harris slipped into the pool for Event 1, the 200 yd medley relay (MR). Two swimmers from the Henderson Warriors slipped into the pool too. David stood on the side of the pool, ready for his breaststroke leg of the relay. Reed Crawford would do the butterfly for the Red Devil ‘A’ relay team. Mason was the anchor for the final, freestyle leg. Bill Smith would do the breaststroke for the ‘B’ team, followed by Jake Gordon with the butterfly and then Cameron Sheehan as the anchor for the ‘B’ team.

The swimmers got set on command and blasted off the side of the pool at the start. David watched as Luke and Mike dueled for the lead down the pool. The Henderson swimmers trailed both Red Devils. Mike came out of his turn a hair ahead of Luke. If anything, Mike increased his lead a little as the two swam hard for the end of their lap.

David grimaced as Mike touched the side a couple of moments ahead of Luke. Bill Smith dove in just ahead of David. When David surfaced from his dive, he was even with Bill. David swam hard to take the lead over Bill. David had a length and a half on Bill after the turn. He increased his lead to three lengths by the time he hit the side of the pool and Reed dove in for his butterfly leg.

Reed increased the ‘A’ team’s lead a little over Jake Gordon. Given how far Henderson was behind, the Red Devils could have done this as a scrimmage instead of a meet. Mason dove in a half second ahead of Cameron Sheehan, the ‘B’ team anchor. Mason maintained the lead over Cameron as they swam down the pool. The Henderson ‘A’ team anchor was closing the gap as the kids flew through the water.

Mason turned just ahead of Cameron. By the time the lead Henderson swimmer turned, the gap had increased again. Mason strove with everything he had to maintain a lead over his teammate. The Henderson swimmer slowly closed on the Red Devils swimmers ahead of him.

Mason tapped the side of the pool first, followed a half second later by Cameron. Cameron just beat the lead Henderson swimmer in for second place. The Avon Grove swimmers celebrated. This was a hell of a way to kick off the season.

Mason, Bill Smith, Michael Bell, Bill Everson, Chris Goebel and Aiden Maddox swam the 200 yd freestyle. The Henderson ‘A’ team anchor won the 200 yd FS. Mason and Bill Smith placed second and third. Aiden Maddox came in fifth. The Red Devils held a 20-10 lead after two events. They knew that their lead would be more commanding after David, the reigning state champion in the 200m IM, raced.

David did not disappoint. He placed first with a time of 1:39.78. this time was only 0.19 seconds behind his state record. What would David do next March when he had four months of swimming under his belt? The second surprise in the 200 yd IM was who placed second. Mike Harris came in a tenth of a second ahead of the fastest Warrior. Reed Crawford placed fourth. That gave the Red Devils a 32-14 lead after three events.

The Henderson ‘A’ team 200 yd MR swimmer, who was a kid named Ian Johnston, took first in the 50 yd freestyle. Sam Kohler was second, followed by Jacob Hartman with fifth place. Score: Red Devils-40, Warriors-22

David, Bill Smith, Reed and Jake Gordon lined up for 100 yd butterfly. David dominated from start to finish. Reed placed second. Score: Red Devils-49, Warriors-29

Sam Kohler took second place in the 100 yd freestyle. Jacob Hartman took fourth and Jake Gordon fifth place. The Red Devils commanding lead shrank to 18 points.

Mason Ewing took first in the 500 yd free style. Aiden Maddox placed fifth in the event. The Red Devils led 65 to the Warriors’ 45 points

Sam, Cameron, Sawyer and Mason lined up as the ‘A’ team for the 200 yd free style relay. Bill Everson, Trey Batdorf, Aiden Maddox and Luke Allerton were the Red Devil ‘B’ team. This event turned into a tight battle. The Red Devils ‘A’ team edged Henderson ‘A’ out based on superior entries and turns. The Red Devils ‘B’ team finished a third behind the Henderson ‘A’ team. Score: Red Devils-75, Warriors-49.

Event 10 was the 100 yd backstroke. Mike Harris edged out Luke Allerton for first place. Henderson’s leader was just behind Luke. Jacob Hartman and Reed Crawford grabbed fourth and fifth place. The Red Devils lead grew. Next up? David in the 100 yd butterfly. David led from the start with no need to look back. He found the field in front of him swimming the opposite direction when he made his first turn. His lead grew. David tapped the side of the pool with a two-length lead over Mike Harris. Jacob Hartman took third and Sawyer Cox was fifth.

The rout was on. The Red Devils led 100 to the Warrior’s 56. The final event was anti-climactic. The Warriors won the 400 yd freestyle relay. Their ‘B’ team was edged out by a very happy Red Devil’s ‘A’ team for second place. The final score of the meet was Red Devils-104, Warriors-66

Tony Bunting and Hunter Martin hung out outside the locker room while the boys cleaned up and got dressed.

“It’s been a pleasure, Tony,” Hunter commented.

“It’s been all my pleasure to have you help out the boys,” Coach Bunting replied. “Our boys kicked ass on the starts and the turns. That is due to your coaching, Hunter.”

“No more practices or meets until after New Year’s?” Hunter asked.

“We have a practice on January 2nd and a meet on January 6th,” Coach Bunting answered.

“I fly out of Harrisburg for Denver and then ‘Frisco on the 2nd,” Hunter said.

“Good luck with your meets this year,” Coach Bunting said as he shook Hunter’s hand. “I’ll be cheering for you at nationals. I hope you make the Olympic team. A trip to Hamburg sounds like fun next summer.”

“Thanks, Coach,” Hunter replied. He headed out to the parking lot to return home to Paradise. Dinner that evening would be from one of the fast-food places between the ‘Y’ and Route 202.

Thursday, December 25, 2031 – Andrew Martin Residence, Paradise, PA

Kyle switched up the normal Tuesday off for Thursday this week for his Eagles players. He wanted everyone to enjoy Christmas with their families. This was Kyle’s first Christmas with the whole family in almost two decades. The last time he made it was when he was a senior in college and leaving for the national championship game the following day.

Andrew and Heather were hosting the Martin family gathering that year. Will and his family, Kyle and his family, Liz and her family, Hunter and Dan and Sharon Martin gathered for the traditional one o’clock meal. All the grandkids made it except for Noah and Connor. Despite access to private flights, it was too much for Noah to fly in from Minneapolis or Connor to fly up from Tampa.

Heather did a wonderful job roasting the turkeys. Andrew’s mashed potatoes were declared to be heavenly. Penny and Liz brought side dishes. Abby brought pies for dessert. An hour and a half later, everyone was stuffed and happy. The group scattered around the house, mostly by ages. Adults ended up in one cluster, older teens in another, younger teens in a third and then the youngest of the grandkids.

Hunter, Rose (Henry), David, Jessie and Danny Tee ended up together.

“We still on for Saturday night, Davey?” Hunter asked David. Hunter and David came up with a plan a few days earlier for Hunter with his date, David and Sara to do a double date and go to the movies in Downingtown. Hunter lined up a date with Lydia Hummer, an old girlfriend from high school.

“Yeah, Sara is looking forward to it,” David replied.

“What’s this?” Jessie asked. David and Hunter explained about their plans for Saturday night. They invited Jessie to come along too with her boyfriend. She passed, since she was between boyfriends at the moment. That got the whole group talking about their current relationships.

Three phones buzzed simultaneously. Hunter, Rose and Danny Tee all pulled their phones at the same time. “Scotty’s throwing a party Saturday night. Cool!”

“I hear Scotty’s parties are epic,” Danny Tee noted. “Not that I have been to one.” Scotty MacDonald worked with Hunter, Rose and Danny Tee at PA Dutch Council’s Scout camp north of Lititz in the summers. All of them worked for Uncle Will in the aquatics section of the camp staff. Scotty, twenty-two-years-old, was a fixture on the aquatics staff. He and Hunter started on camp staff together seven seasons ago.

“Do you think he will be there?” Rose asked hopefully. David and Jessie were unsure who the ‘he’ she referred to was.

“Have you ever known Landon to miss a good party?” Hunter asked. “I know he’s home from Duke. We exchanged some texts earlier in the week.”

“Could I figure out a way to make it to the party?” Rose wondered aloud.

“Come up Saturday afternoon,” Hunter suggested. “Have dinner with Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. They will welcome you. You can crash at our house after the party and head home on Sunday.”

“Could I come too?” Danny Tee asked eagerly. “I won’t be any trouble, sis. I promise.”

“I’ll text Landon and see if he is planning to come to the party,” Rose said. “If Mom and Dad approve, I will give you a ride.”

“Cool, thanks sis,” Danny Tee said. Rose sent a text off to Landon Froehling.

“Who is Landon?” a curious Jessie inquired. That drew a blush of embarrassment from Rose and laughter from Hunter and Danny Tee.

“Landon Froehling would be the boy sis has had the hots for since before they started high school,” Danny Tee laughed.

“Rose has been having a summer romance with Landon for the past six seasons,” Hunter added. “Lebanon to Princeton before and now Duke to Princeton is too far to maintain a year-round relationship, but come summer, well ... let’s just say the two generate a lot of heat.”

“We’re not that bad!” Rose protested. Her phone buzzed. Her demeanor changed when she read the text. “Landon’s coming to the party,” Rose chortled.

“Somebody’s getting laid Saturday night,” Danny Tee laughed.

“Behave Tee,” Hunter stated as he gave his nephew a hard “Martin” stare.

“Sorry, Unc,” Danny Tee replied contritely. “Sorry Rose.” After a moment’s pause, he smiled. “So, can I come too, Rose? I got an invitation just like you did.”

“If Mom and Dad OK this, I will give you a ride over to Lancaster County,” Rose replied.

“I guess we can do the double date some other time, Hunter,” David remarked.

“Oh ... shit,” Hunter responded. After a moment’s thought he asked, “Why don’t you and Sara come to the party too? It will be a good time, I guarantee it.”

“I don’t know,” David answered. “It’s a party for camp staffers I don’t know. I’d feel like we would be intruding on your party.”

“It’s going to be mostly aquatics staffers,” Hunter responded. “You’ll fit in fine. So what if you worked aquatics at different camps than most of us? We can share some stories of the stupid things campers have done.” He gave his nephew a wink. “I am sure Scotty will have some bedrooms available for fun. How often do you and Sara get a chance for privacy AND a bed too?”

“Not often enough,” David agreed. “Where is this party?”

“Scotty lives in Landisville,” Hunter replied.

“Landisville? That’s west of Lancaster,” David remarked. “That is over an hour from my house. Maybe I’ll pass. With Sara’s 11:30 curfew, we’d get there and just about have to leave immediately to make Sara’s curfew.”

“So?” Hunter challenged. “Do like Rose and Tee. Sack out at my place after the party. You know your grandparents won’t mind. Go home on Sunday morning.”

“I don’t know that Sara’s parents are going to accept this,” David responded. “Spending the night with me?”

“Tell her parents that we have a big family,” Hunter retorted. “We have three spare bedrooms. That’s true. You don’t need to tell them Rose is using Liz’s old bedroom and Danny Tee will be in the kids’ room. How many times have you and Sara had the chance to spend a whole night together?”

“Uh, that would be never,” David answered.

“The spare bedroom in the basement is perfect for you and Sara,” Hunter said. “It has a big bed and its own bathroom for privacy. What do you think?”

“I like the idea, but I doubt Sara’s parents will go for it,” David said.

“You’re seniors,” Hunter said. “You two start college in seven months. No one will be checking who is sleeping where when you are in college. It’s time for her parents to loosen the apron strings a little on your girlfriend.”

“I’ll talk with Sara and see if it is possible,” David said. Hunter texted Scotty back to let him know about David and Sara potentially coming to the party. Scotty texted back later indicating the more, the merrier.

Will and Abby approved Danny Tee riding along to the party with Rose. Dan and Sharon Martin welcomed the idea of their grandkids spending an overnight with them. Later in the afternoon, David called Sara to discuss this party. She was sold as soon as she found out the evening included an overnight sleeping with David at his grandparents.

Colin Weaver popped in to visit his “new” family after spending most of the afternoon with his Weaver brothers and sisters celebrating Christmas. Colin was shocked to be inundated with presents from his grandparents, biological father, half-brothers and sister, and so many cousins. Colin came prepared with presents for Mom-Mom, Pop-Pop, Andy, Heather, Zoe and Josh. He apologized profusely for omitting his many other new-found relatives. Everyone assured Colin that having him as a part of the extended Martin clan was quite sufficient.

The Martin clan started leaving Andrew and Heather’s place around four o’clock. The Henry’s had a long drive back to New Jersey. Kyle, Penny and their family had a second Christmas meal to enjoy. They headed over to Penny’s parents to see them, Adrian, Niki, Christopher and Alicia Murray.

It had been four years since Penny and the kids enjoyed Christmas with her parents and sister’s family. That year, Kyle and the Steelers flew down to Texas on Christmas Eve for a Christmas day game. Penny took the opportunity and drove the kids east for a long Christmas weekend with her parents. Challenges of keeping close to family became exponentially easier now that Kyle was coaching the Eagles. Hopefully this job would last a while.

To David’s shock, he received a text from Sara, “PARTY ON. CANT WAIT FOR NT 2GETHR.” David texted Hunter to let him know that he and Sara would be attending the party on Saturday night.

Saturday, December 27, 2031 – MacDonald Residence, Landisville, PA

David and Sara met up with Rose, Danny Tee and Hunter at David’s grandparents’ house that evening. Everyone piled into Hunter’s car. He offered to drive the group over to Landisville to the party. They were pulling off Route 30 at the Landisville exit when Hunter commented, “You three can feel free to drink up tonight. I’ll be the designated driver for the group.”

“You sure, Hunter?” David asked. “I have a beer now and then but usually no more than one or two. I can drive us home if you want to enjoy yourself tonight.”

“Your grandparents are sticklers for kids drinking and driving,” Hunter laughed. “I’ve got this. I will handle driving.”

“As you wish, and thanks,” Rose agreed.

They found Scotty MacDonald’s house easily on the west end of Landisville. Half a dozen cars were parked on the street already. Three more were parked in the driveway. Hunter, Rose, Danny Tee, David and Sara headed inside. Scotty greeted Hunter and Rose and welcomed David and Sara after they were introduced. There were around a dozen camp staffers with their boyfriends, girlfriends or dates.

Rose scanned the room and did not hide her disappointment when she did not find Landon Froehling. She, Grace Nolt and Hunter sat down to talk. Hunter introduced David to the other staffers. He outlined David’s resume, having served on Aquatics at Heritage Scout Reservation outside Pittsburgh, as well as the past summer at the Horseshoe Scout Reservation in Chester County.

The crowd shared stories and reminiscences about their summer working at Scout camp. David realized many of the PA Dutch Council camp stories were quite like his experiences in Pittsburgh and Chester County. The crowd enjoyed some beer and plenty of munchies.

Scotty hopped up to answer a knock at the door. He greeted his arriving guest warmly. “Glad you could make it, Landon.” David noticed Rose snap to attention immediately. She leaped up and raced across the room and gave this Landon guy a huge hug and showered him with kisses.

David was amazed at his normally reserved cousin’s behavior. “You made it! You made it!” Rose gushed as Landon returned the hug and kisses.

David leaned over to Hunter and asked, “Is this normal?” His questions were met by laughs from most of the staffers.

“It is normal for those two,” Hunter laughed. “Don’t you know about Rose’s summer boyfriend?”

“I guess not,” David allowed. Rose and Landon let go of each other and headed into the room to have seats in the circle of friends and guests. Both sported huge grins on their faces as they found a seat and cuddled together. David looked Landon over. He was around 6’-2”, David’s height, but built a little stouter than David was. He probably weighed around 175 pounds. He had curly, dirty blond hair that was neither short nor long, just average in length.

It was obvious to David that Landon knew and had worked with everyone for years. Landon settled down on a couch. Rose squeezed into the too tight spot and cuddled with him. Scotty brought Landon a beer. The conversation continued as before, the young people in their late teens and early twenties talking, joking and gabbing about camp, the campers, life at college, and other things of interest to people their age.

It was cool hanging with Hunter’s camp friends. They seemed like a fun group. The beer was cold, and no one objected to David or Sara being underaged while they indulged. David could see Tee (Danny Tee, his cousin) was a little disappointed. David knew Tee hoped there would be some unattached girls at the party who he could hook up with. There weren’t. All the girls at the party came with boyfriends. Apparently, that included Rose, who spent her time plastered to Landon’s side, snuggling and exchanging cuddles and kisses as the group enjoyed their winter reunion.

Scottie passed out more beers to his guests as everyone relaxed and enjoyed each other’s conversation. Rose and Landon spent more time on each other than joining in with their fellow staffers. Sara had met Rose a couple times before. She was surprised at the behavior of her boyfriend’s cousin. Rose seemed sensible and reasonable the other times they talked. Tonight, well ... the only way to describe what they were witnessing was that Rose had the hots for this Landon guy.

David was relieved when Hunter stopped at two beers. It would have been awkward to refuse a ride back to his grandparents with his uncle if Hunter ended up drunk. Still, David had an arrangement with his parents. If things got too crazy at a party, they would come and get him, no questions asked. Risking a ride with a drunk definitely qualified as too crazy. David did not want to drag one of his parents an hour and half from Landenberg to pick him and Sara up from Mount Joy.

Rose and Landon made out more ardently as the evening continued. Landon had managed to unbutton some of the buttons to Rose’s blouse as they kissed. He slipped his hand in to feel Rose’s breasts, too her obvious delight. The display finally got to be to much for one of the guys.

“Why don’t you two just get a room?” he challenged.

“Yeah,” a couple more staffers echoed.

“Scottie?” Rose asked hopefully.

“How about it?” Landon added.

“Down the hall, first door on the left,” Scottie agreed. The two lascivious almost-twenty-year-olds scurried down the hall for more privacy.

“Thanks, Scottie,” Rose called back as they disappeared.

“Yeah, thanks, man,” Landon echoed.

“They certainly are an affectionate couple,” Ben’s date commented. She was there as Ben’s guest and did not work at the Scout camp with more of the other guests. “Don’t they go to the same school?”

“They are not a couple,” Ben replied. “They get about nine weeks a summer to be together, when they are at camp.”

“They take full advantage of those nine weeks of camp to be together,” another guy laughed.

The group moved on to another topic. A few minutes passed. Scottie must have sent them to a bedroom that shared a common wall with the living room where they gathered. Everyone could overhear the two teens express their passion through the thin wall. A few minutes later everyone heard Rose groan and shrill out a scream of ecstasy. Things got quiet in the bedroom, for a few more minutes.

The group enjoyed snacks, sodas and more beer. After a bit, everyone heard a tap, tap, tap as the headboard for a bed bounced against the common wall separating everyone from the couple in the next room.

“I bet you’ve never seen this side of your cousin, have you?” Hunter teased to David.

“No, I haven’t,” David agreed.

Tee added, “My sister can get it on with her boyfriends, but no one compares to Landon for getting Rose excited.”

“No doubt she is part of our family,” Hunter laughed. “We’ve got a rep for being passionate.”

“The word about the Martin clan is getting down to Chester County,” Sara laughed. “I am certainly happy to be with my Martin.” She hugged and gave Dave a kiss. “He keeps me happy and contented.”

Rose and Landon came to an abrupt halt amid squeals and pants plainly audible in the living room. The room got quiet for a bit before Landon and Rose repeated their coupling. The group mostly ignored the second round of lovemaking in the next room, though there were a few snickers and leers as the two lovers carried on.

Rose and Landon received a fair share of teasing when they finally rejoined the crowd in the living room. Rose managed to both blush and remain defiant in the face of the teasing. She had no regrets at spending time with “her guy.”

The party broke up about midnight. Hunter, his date, Lydia, David, Sara, Danny Tee and Rose piled into Hunter’s little car. They dropped Lydia off in Bird-In-Hand before heading home. The porch light was on, and they found Pop-Pop, Dan Martin, was still up. Rose headed upstairs to Liz’s old bedroom. Danny Tee headed for the kids room, where the grandchildren usually stayed.

“Sara, David will show you the basement bedroom,” Dan indicated as his son and other grandchildren headed upstairs. “It has its own private bathroom. Plenty of privacy. David, you are welcome to share the kids’ room with Tee or...” Dan chuckled.

“I think I’ll go with or...” David laughed. “I’ll share the bedroom downstairs with Sara.”

“Is that all right with you, Sara?” Dan asked.

“I was looking forward to sharing a bed with David,” Sara responded.

“Have a good night,” Dan said. “Will the two of you join us for breakfast before church?”

“I figured we would grab breakfast on our way south for home in the morning,” David.

“You two have a safe drive home in the morning,” Dan said as he locked the front door. “It was nice to have you over for dinner and the evening, Sara.”

David and Sara headed downstairs to the basement bedroom. “Nice accommodations,” Sara giggled as she saw the bedroom.

“Pop-Pop and Uncle Andy did a good thing when they refinished this room,” David replied. “Between Uncle Will and Aunt Abby, Dad and Mom, Uncle Andy and Aunt Heather, plus who knows how many of my cousins, this has been a great place for entertaining your dates. There may even have been a little sleeping here too.”

“Not too soon, buster,” Sara laughed. “We have no scheduled time to get home, so I plan to take full advantage of the privacy we have here to enjoy you and your naked body, as many times as you can last.”

Sara pulled off her sweater as David unbuttoned his shirt. “I am ready for whatever you want.” The two horny teens disrobed quickly and slipped into the big king-sized bed. Just the anticipation had helped get Sara ready for their coupling. A few minutes of kissing followed by David going down on her got Sara excited and ready. David mounted Sara when she came down from her climax. The two shook the bed as they made love the first time. They did it hard as their need was urgent.

After a brief rest, David and Sara went at it again, this time with Sara riding David cowgirl-style. The amorous couple rested for a bit before playing hide the sausage again. Sara cooed and purred as David’s big fat sausage reamed her good. The two spooned together after the climaxes and fell into an exhausted sleep.

Early in the morning, while it was still dark, David woke to feel a wetness at his dick. David was mortified. Did he just have a wet dream? Before his cloudy brain could sort that out, a hand grabbed his erection and he felt it pushed up a tight hole.

“Do me, Davey,” Sara begged. “I need you again. Please do me.” David shifted his position slightly to get a better angle at his lover’s inviting, dripping target. One hip thrust speared his erection deep into Sara’s tight channel, still soaked in his semen and sperm from their previous lovemaking. David slowly pumped his hard-on in and out of his lover as she murmured her appreciation and love for him. The two fell to sleep again when they finished their mattress dance.

David woke up, tired but slept out. He could see from the bright light from the window that it was morning. He glanced at the clock and was surprised to see if read “10:32 AM.” The house was silent.

“Sweetie, we should get up,” David said as he shook Sara’s shoulder.

“Not yet, it’s too early,” Sara groused.

“It’s ten-thirty in the morning,” David replied as he gave his lover a kiss on the nape of her neck. “We need to clean up and get home.”

“Sleep a little longer,” Sara remonstrated.

“Get up and go home,” David responded, throwing the covers off them. “What will your parents say if we show up in the middle of the afternoon?”

“Nothing good,” Sara sighed. She sat up.

“You can shower first,” David offered. “It’s the door over there,” pointing towards the basement bathroom.

“Does it have a shower big enough for two?”

“Wasn’t four times enough for you?” David laughed.

“Three times,” Sara responded. “You lost count.”

“Three times before we went to sleep and once early this morning,” David countered.

“That was real?” Sara giggled. “I thought that time was a dream.”

“I woke up while you were stuffing my dick inside you,” David replied. “You begged me, ‘Do me, Davey.’ I did.”

“I thought that was a very nice dream,” Sara laughed. “Anyway, three times or four, it wasn’t nearly enough.”

“Go get your shower,” David mock ordered.

Sara padded over to the bathroom and stepped inside without closing the door. She stepped into the shower and turned on the water. A minute later she called out, “Davey, this shower is huge. I need help washing my back.”

David sighed and walked over and joined his lover in the hot, cleansing water. The two soaped each other’s bodies, which got them excited. Soon, Sara was pinned, back to the wall, while David drilled her good. The two horny teens soaped up and rinsed off again, finishing just as the hot water ran out. They retreated from the shower and dried off.

The kids made the bed for David’s grandparents before bringing their overnight bags upstairs. As David expected, the house was deserted. His Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop were at church. Rose and Danny Tee left a note on the kitchen table thanking their grandparents for their hospitality. They had headed back to New Jersey already. David left a similar note before he and Sara headed back to southern Chester County. Big, freshly made breakfast burritos from the Wawa in Gap fed the hungry teens as they drove south on Route 41.

“I hope we can do this again in the fall when we get to college,” Sara noted as they passed through Cochranville.

“I hope so too,” David agreed. “Again, and again and again.”

“Amen to that!”

Saturday, December 27, 2031 - Oxford Bowl - Oxford, PA

Troop 100 met in the front lobby of the Oxford Bowl at 11:00 PM. Danny gathered with his friends in the Big Foot Patrol, Reed Cameron, the patrol leader, Noah McMullen, his assistant patrol leader, Mason Jones, Logan Robertson and Blake Hastings and Nolan Phillips. They were doing all-night bowling for this month’s activity. The one bad thing was the Scouts had to wait until the regular patrons finished their games before the Scouts could use the lanes.

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