Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 13

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Thursday, November 20, 2031 – Avon Grove High School

David had been looking for the Scout from West Grove who smoked the mile swim at camp last summer for two weeks, without any luck. Between second and third period, he chanced to see the boy walking down the hall with a couple of other freshmen. David stepped in front of them, pointed at the boy and said, “I remember you from camp. That was an awesome mile you swam Wednesday night.”

“David ... hey ... thanks,” the startled boy stuttered. Between having a famous father, winning state championships in swimming last spring and then being one of the top players on the football team this fall, David was well known by most students in the high school.

“You’ll have to forgive me,” David continued. “I remember you had one of the best times in the mile swim by a camper all summer. I remember the swim, but I do not know your name.”

“Jacob Hartman,” the boy said as he offered his hand to David. They shook.

“Good to formally meet you Jacob,” David said. “Have you thought about going out for the school’s swim team? I think you would do well.”

“Swim team?” Jacob responded haltingly. “I’m only a freshman. All our school has is a varsity swim team. Would I be allowed to join it?”

“We have freshmen swimmers every year,” David responded. “Have you ever swum competitively?”

“I belong to a swim club in West Chester,” Jacob answered. “When does this start? What do I need to do to sign up?”

“Our first practice is December 2nd,” David explained. “Go talk with Coach Bunting, the chemistry teacher in Room 413. Coach will help you sign up and fill you in on all the details you need before practices start.”

“I have a friend that is in the swim club too,” Jacob asked. “He’s a freshman like me. Could he sign up too?”

“Why not?” David laughed. “The more the merrier. There is plenty of water in the pool for everyone.”

“Thanks for telling me about this, David,” Jacob said. “I probably would have missed the chance this year if you hadn’t told me about it.”

“See you December 2nd, Jacob,” David said before heading off for his next class. With Jacob and Jacob’s friend, he had recruited three new members for the swim team. Jake Gordon had been easy. David recruited Jake the next night at Scouts after Coach Bunting challenged the seniors to go recruiting.

Sunday, November 16, 2031 – Ford Field, Detroit, MI

A long-lost friend spotted Kyle across the field during warmups and jogged over to see the Eagles’ coach.

“Brian Miller!” Kyle exclaimed as he caught sight of the old friend. “It’s been too long. How have you been?” Kyle looked over the twenty-nine-year-old son of his longtime friend Jon Miller. Brian was one of a long line of too-slow, too-small, but football smart players to come out of Paradise, PA. He had managed to scratch out a five-year career as a tight end and special teams player. Kyle knew the Lions cut him at the end of the previous season.

“I’m done playing but I haven’t left football yet,” Brian laughed. “When Coach Wallace let me go last January, I asked about how you go about becoming a coach. He agreed to allow me to work as an unpaid special teams assistant for a year.”

“Do you think you’ll stay in coaching?” Kyle asked.

“If the Lions or someone else will have me,” Brian answered. “I do scut work, but I am learning so much about how a football team operates. I can see what draws you to this profession.”

“You stay in touch with Billy?” Kyle asked. Bill Baer was Brian’s best friend when they were growing up in Paradise, and the oldest sons of best friends, Justin Baer and Jon Miller. He played running back in high school, college and now in the NFL.

“I do,” Brian said. “Bill’s still hanging on with the Raiders. He isn’t their feature back like when we came out of college, but he has a role there and they keep paying him. It beats working for a living.”

“That is does,” Kyle laughed.

“I got to head over to my side again,” Brian said. “I’ve got to get my coverage guys ready for some big green birds fouling up our stadium today.”

“Well ... good luck as you move forward,” Kyle said as he shook Brian’s hand. “Not too much luck though. My team could use a win.”

“I can’t promise anything, Coach,” Brian replied before heading back over to his sideline.

The Eagles were listed as underdogs to the 3-6 Detroit Lions. Detroit got the ball first. Coach Czarwinski had the defense playing inspired football. Three downs later, the Lions punted the ball back to Ron Caldwell, the Eagles’ fifth year punt and kick returner out of Colorado State. Ron was not the biggest or fastest player around, far from it. He had good hands and made good judgments about if and when to catch and run a ball out on a return. Ron was quintessentially a “Brendan Hayden” style special teamer.

The Detroit punter boomed a deep ball towards the far sideline, expecting the ball to go out of bounds deep in Eagles’ territory. Ron judged the flight of the ball as it came towards him. Instead of clearing out from the ball, Ron edged over that way, observing the flight. Just before the ball flew out of bounds, Ron snagged it and started up field.

Kyle heart leaped to his throat, until he checked the coverage. The Lions cover team had let up, assuming the ball would be out of bounds. Wrong. Ron raced up the sideline before the Lions cover guys could react. They managed to catch him and shove him out of bounds near midfield. It was an astute play by a guy too small and too slow for his job.

Some days that season it seemed everything broke the wrong way for the Eagles. November 16th was not one of those days. Brandon Evans and the offense played solid football, driving down in seven plays. Darrell Lee, their rookie running back from Washington State, streaked around the end of the line on a sweep and ran the final seven yards to score a touchdown. Nick Gordon drilled the extra point. Eagles-7, Lions-0

Coach Czarwinski kept his defense fired up. They did not let up at all. Detroit did not make it to mid-field much less into scoring position in the first half. Brandon Evans managed to move the team downfield late in the second quarter.

The feature play of the drive was a deep pass to Colin Weaver on a go route. Kyle noted with satisfaction that his nephew ran the route precisely as diagrammed in the playbook. Colin broke deep just as Brandon pump-faked. The d-back swallowed the fake whole and turned back to see the quarterback just as Colin sprinted downfield. Brandon launched a rainbow of a pass to Weaver. Colin had to slow a little but brought the ball into his body. He sprinted downfield and was dropped at the Detroit 17 yard line. Brandon and the offense were unable to push the ball into the end zone. They settled for a field goal. The Eagles took a 10-0 lead into half time, their biggest lead of the year.

The Lions came out fired up after halftime. They stopped the Eagles’ first drive in its tracks. They took the ball back and pushed down the field against the tenacious Eagles and pushed the ball into the end zone. By that time, it was mid-third quarter and time for Aiden Anderson to make his weekly appearance on the field.

Anderson played coolly while Detroit blitzed the rookie like crazy. He handled the pressure well. He moved his team down the field and hit Aaron Whitehead on a slant. Aaron, a promising second year receiver from Cal, motored to the end zone for a twenty-two-yard TD. Nick Gordon drilled the extra point.

Armed with a 17-7 lead, Coach Czarwinski turned up the heat on the Lions. They managed a single first down before being forced to punt back to the Eagles. Ryan Reynolds sent the 12 (heavy) package of two tight ends, the two best blocking receivers and their fullback sized running back to pound the ball down the field and burn time off the game clock. The offensive line loved blasting people when they could concentrate on run blocking.

The Eagles did not score but the Lions were down to a single timeout and 2:12 on the clock when they got the ball back at their own 15 yard line. The Lions managed to push down the field against a prevent defense that was giving up the first ten yards of the field on every play. They scored a TD with 0:13 seconds on the clock. The Lions’ on-side kickoff attempt failed. Brandon Evans came out and kneeled down for the final play to clinch the Eagles’ 17-14 win, their second victory of the season.

Monday, November 17, 2031 – NovaCare Complex

Kyle had the whole team assemble in the auditorium at mid-morning Monday after the team breakfast, lifting and training room sessions and the special teams meeting.

“A win feels pretty good, doesn’t it?” Kyle asked his assembled team. His comment was returned with cheers and a few “Hell yeahs.”

“Our goal as a team is to win games, make the playoffs, go to and win the Super Bowl,” Kyle continued. “Yesterday, while satisfying was a small ... very small step towards our goals. We did a few things well, more things better than the Lions but not well and finally we did a lot of things wrong. Let’s review how we did at meeting our team goals this week.

“Defense, you held Detroit to less than 17 points,” Kyle continued. “Good job. Takeaways – you were 0 for 2 on fumble recoveries and had no interceptions. That will not do. The QB knockdown goal was met, good work.” Kyle continued down the PowerPoint slide, goal by goal evaluating the defense’s performance.

“Offense, you did not meet the goal of scoring a minimum of 24 points,” Kyle continued. “You gave the ball away twice, quite unacceptable. Sustaining your drives, you have credit on four of your eight possessions. Yards after contact – 2.2 yards per contact does not meet the Eagles’ standards.” Kyle continued down the slide outlining the offense’s goals.

“The win was nice, but this does not represent an acceptable performance,” Kyle stated, looking stern as he scanned the faces in the room. “Offense, stay here. You will meet with Coach Reynolds and the offensive staff. Defense, you will move down the hall to Auditorium B to meet with Coach C and the defensive staff.”

Kyle invited Ed and Ryan to his office after the post-mortems were done for the offense and defense.

“What is your evaluation of Brandon’s play yesterday?” Kyle asked, looking directly at Ryan once the three were seated.

“Brandon had a decent game,” Ryan allowed. “Given his physical limitations he did well. He held the ball too long on too many pass plays though. We all know about the limitations of his arm. We got about all we can expect from the man.”

“Ed?” Kyle asked.

“I agree with Ryan,” Ed responded. “Brandon’s performance met our expectations, given his physical limitations. No one expects him to be the GOAT (greatest of all time). I would grade Brandon at a B+ when compared to expectations.”

“I would not disagree with Ed,” Ryan added.

“Ed, how about Anderson?” Kyle asked.

“I am very positive on his progress,” Ed replied. “He led a nine-play drive for a touchdown. He handled the blitz. I think Aiden is ready for more reps in practice and more playing time.”

“Really?” Kyle commented. “He was sacked once on a nine-play drive and nearly sacked from holding the ball too long on two more plays.”

“One of those near-sacks, he broke free and completed the ball for a first down to extend the drive,” Ed countered. “Isn’t that a skill we are looking for?”

“He cleans up his mistake after he goofs?” Kyle retorted. “I would prefer him to get the ball out on time to the right receiver rather than risking the sack. I remember a play where [Colin] Weaver came open on a slant and Anderson overlooked him and dumped the ball off to [Darrell] Lee for a two-yard gain.”

“True,” Ed acknowledged. “I have already reviewed that play with him.”

“Take a step back, guys,” Ryan added. “Is Anderson ready to be a full-time starter? Probably not. Remember what he looked like last spring when we started OTAs. Anderson has made tremendous strides. Will he be a future starter? I think so. Is he ready to start against the Patriots on Monday night? No, he isn’t. Should we give him more reps and playing time to help him improve? I am with Ed. I think we should. That was how we planned to bring him along, gradually, rather than dumping him in the deep end, sink or swim, to start the season.”

“Thank you, gentlemen,” Kyle said. “I will take your words under advisement.” Kyle may have sounded down on Aiden Anderson’s prospects, but he really wasn’t. Good players need a coach to challenge them to be their best. So do coaches. Kyle wanted to draw out the best in Ed and Ryan. Having them defend their views on the young quarterback was one of his ways to challenge his key offensive assistants.

Saturday, November 22, 2031 – Regal Cinema – Downingtown, PA

Nathan picked up Jessie in his dad’s Toyota Camry. They stopped off at Fontana’s Pizza in Exton for dinner before heading over to the theater. The two got to know each other better. Jessie’s guess that Nathan was an athlete was correct. He was a starting forward for the varsity basketball team. He shared Jessie’s love of skiing. He enjoyed hearing about what it was like to ski in Colorado, where Jessie had learned to ski when she was about five. He wasn’t into camping and other outdoor activities like Jessie and her family.

Nathan was a bit shy asking Jessie out earlier in the week, but he wasn’t shy now that he was on the date. What Jessie didn’t know was that Nathan had plenty of experience asking girls out for dates, but always from among girls he already knew from his high school classes. Jessie was the first stranger he had asked out, thus his initial shyness. Now that he was on familiar ground on the date, and he was getting to know Jessie, shyness was not an issue.

Nathan drove them over to the theater, purchased tickets and snacks and found their way to the theater. They took seats in the back. Jessie understood that. A little making out at the movies on a first date? That wasn’t unusual.

Nate, as he preferred to be called by his friends, stretched and put his arm over Jessie almost immediately after they sat down. Jessie was fine with that. She cuddled against him as the movie started. They mostly watched the show and enjoyed their snacks. Nate’s hand on the arm around her started resting on Jessie’s side. It slowly moved closer and closer until Nate’s thumb and forefinger split apart and rested against the base of Jessie’s left breast.

“Jessie?” Nate whispered as he turned towards Jessie. “Jessie?” She turned and stared into Nate’s eyes. “You’re the prettiest girl at Avon Grove. I like you ... a lot.” He continued to stare into Jessie’s eyes. They stared for about ten seconds before Nate leaned in towards Jessie. Their lips met in a romantic kiss. They kissed again ... and again. The fourth time, their tongues met during the kiss.

Nate slid his hand up onto Jessie’s right breast as their tongues tangled. He flicked his thumb across her breast. Jessie shuddered at the stimulation. ‘God! Nate was a good kisser,’ Jessie marveled as they made out. ‘What happened to the almost tongue-tied guy who asked her for a date earlier in the week?’

The pairs’ libidos rose as they made out passionately. Nate’s erection was hard enough to cut steel. Jessie could feel herself juicing up, as her body prepared her for sex. Sex was exactly the thing on Nate’s mind.

Nate had noticed Jessie the second day of school this year. He checked out the pretty girl, finding out she had dated Adam Morrison and then went steady with one of the Sloan twins. He knew high school romances rarely lasted long. He checked out Jessie while he bided his time. He talked to Adam Morrison, who was too much of a gentleman to either confirm or deny that he had sex with Jessie. He admitted, “We had fun together.” Nate knew Adam well enough to know fun together almost certainly included sex if you dated for almost two months.

Nate had a friend who knew the twins. The friend quietly checked out Matt and Jessie. The twins were not discrete. Nate got word that Jessie was sexually active and was dynamite in bed. Nate waited patiently for the inevitable, Matt and Jessie breaking up.

Now he was making out with and petting this hot chick. A hot chick who put out for boys. Not only put out but was dynamite in bed. Maybe tonight, the next date or maybe a third date, he’d slip his cock in this hot chick’s tight, welcoming pussy. Three months of planning and scheming put him in this position to succeed. Seduction was fun but nailing your chick was better. Tonight, maybe, but certainly before the month ended, he would nail this sweet piece of ass.

Nate and Jessie turned towards each other as they made out. Nate’s hands were all over Jessie’s blouse, feeling up her breasts through her bra and blouse. Nate knew what he was doing was getting Jessie aroused. Would it be enough to get his cock in her pussy tonight? Nate started unbuttoning Jessie’s blouse as he felt her up and they deep kissed. After a careful minute of work, he had all buttons down to her blouse’s bottom button undone. He pushed the blouse aside.

Jessie felt the cool air hit her bare stomach as Nate slipped his hand against the bottom of her bra. He wormed his fingers under the bra and was trying to pry the bra cup off her left breast.

“Nate! Stop!” Jessie demanded.

“This will feel great,” Nate promised as he continued to push her bra cup up and expose her breast.

“This is too public!” Jessie protested. She reached to knock his hands away from her chest. Nate managed to cup her bare left tit and give it a squeeze. His thumb strummed her erect nipple. Jessie shuddered at the stimulation. Nate felt the shudder. Jessie managed to grab Nate’s wrists to try to pry them away.

“Not now,” Jessie protested. “This is too public. Later ... when we have privacy. This movie is over, like ... a quarter to ten? My curfew is eleven. We have seventy-five minutes to make a forty-minute trip home. We save this fun for later tonight – when we have privacy.”

“Privacy?” Nate repeated. He allowed Jessie to push his hands away from her breasts. “Privacy? OK.”

Jessie repositioned her bra to cover herself and buttoned her blouse. “Keep your hands outside my clothing while we are here at the theater. “More can wait for later, when we have privacy.”

“Later?” Nate sighed. “OK.” Maybe he still could slip this hot chick his cock tonight. They watched the rest of the movie, limiting themselves to deep kissing.

Nate was heading south from Downingtown when he pulled off the road and onto a wooded lane.

“You said we needed more privacy if we wanted to have some fun,” Nate commented as he put his car into Park. “Kissing was fun and now we have privacy and half an hour until you need to head home to make your curfew. Let’s do some more kissing.”

“That would be fun,” Jessie agreed as she leaned over the center console separating their seats. The passionate pair kissed up a storm. Nate was talented at making out. Jessie felt herself juicing down below. She glanced at his lap and saw a big bulge in his pants thanks to his erection. ‘Nate might just be hung,’ she noted with satisfaction.

The two continued kissing for a bit when Jessie noted a coolness on her chest. Nate’s tongue distracted her from that. A few seconds later her bra suddenly popped open, and Nate’s left hand fondled her now exposed titty.

She glanced down and saw her blouse completely open, and her front clasp bra pushed aside as Nate felt her up. How had Nate managed that without her noticing?

“Whoa ... Whoa ... Whoa!” Jessie insisted as she pulled Nate’s hand away. “This is a first date. Time to get to know each other but not this intimately ... at least not yet.”

Jessie sat up and pulled away from the horny eleventh-grader. “You’re so pretty and mature,” Nate pleaded. “This is what kids do on dates.”

“WHEN they know each other better,” Jessie responded. “Perhaps on some future date.”

Nate eyed Jessie and calculated his chances of scoring more that evening. “I am sorry I got carried away.” Jessie hooked her bra shut and rebuttoned her blouse. “Do you want to go back to kissing?”

“Perhaps it is time to head home,” Jessie said. “I did have fun tonight, at least until now.”

“I would enjoy taking you out next Saturday, Jessie,” Nate said. “I promise I won’t get carried away by your beauty again. I promise.”

“I would enjoy another date,” Jessie agreed.

Monday, November 24, 2031 – Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, MA

The Eagles faced the Patriots on Monday Night Football. These were not the Belichick/Brady Patriots of the past, but this team was 6-4 and in second place in the AFC East. The Eagles’ defense, buoyed by their win the previous week, played inspired football. They held the potent New England offense to 14 points. They had two interceptions and a fumble recovery.

The Eagles offense did not match the play of their defensive teammates. They committed too many penalties, they fumbled the ball twice, losing it both times. Brandon Evans threw an interception. The game was 7-3 at halftime. The Eagles’ performance did not get better in the second half. In the third quarter on the second play of Aiden Anderson’s first drive, a pass rusher rolled up Anderson’s ankle and took him down hard.

Kyle cringed as he watched the play. It looked far too much like the way his brother Andrew had been injured years ago. That injury ended Andrew’s playing career and left him with a permanent limp. Thankfully after the game the doctor reported it was a minor sprain and unlikely to keep Anderson out of the following week’s practice, much less miss time in a game.

The Eagles’ offense failed to score in the second half. The only points were scored by the defense in the third quarter. The Patriots started with the ball at the Eagles 25 yard line. The defense stuffed the off-tackle run for a four-yard loss. The Patriots were called for holding on the next play. Coach C turned up the heat on second down and 24 to go. The Eagles’ defensive line swarmed the QB in the backfield, taking him down hard for an eleven-yard loss.

The Eagles’ linemen charged without mercy on the next play. Both ends were closing in the Patriots QB, who stepped up into the pocket to avoid the sack. Michael Greene pushed the middle of the Patriots offensive line back into the quarterback. Michael swatted at the ball as he crushed the QB. DeMarco Hunter dove for the ball in the end zone, but a fallen Patriots lineman managed to scoop the ball into his belly before Hunter could recover it. Safety. That put the score at New England-14, Philly-5.

That was the sum total of scoring for the game. A very frustrated group of Eagles’ defenders rode the red-eye flight back to Philly. They had met every single defensive goal Coach C had set for them. Would the Philly offense ever get its ass in gear?

Thursday, November 27, 2031 – Daniel Martin Residence, Paradise, PA

Kyle’s first Thanksgiving with his extended family in nineteen years was nice. Coming home to southeast Pennsylvania made more holidays with his family possible. Kyle, Penny and their kids headed north for Paradise mid-morning. Penny brought a prepared, ready-for-the-oven green bean casserole and a corn casserole. Sharon Martin took care of the turkeys and stuffing. Abby would do the mashed potatoes and gravy when the time came. Abby’s mom prepared the pies for the feast.

Most of the women gravitated to helping Sharon in the kitchen. All the Martin males, plus Zoe, Andy’s thirteen-year-old daughter, and Will’s tomboy six-year-old, Mackenzie, congregated in the family room to watch some football on TV. Zoe and Josh were wearing purple Vikings gear to support their big brother Noah, as Noah’s Vikings faced off against the Detroit Lions.

The only Martin clan male missing was Colin Weaver. Colin was with his Weaver brothers and sisters. His older brother Nick and his wife Shelly were hosting Thanksgiving for what remained of their family. The family was doing their best to cope with missing their mom, Kathy Weaver, after her tragic accident the previous summer.

The Martins got to watch about half an hour of the Lions-Vikings game before Sharon called the family together for dinner. Pop-Pop made sure the DVR was recording, so everyone could catch up with the game after dinner.

The food was excellent, and everyone enjoyed the carb overload from their very Pennsylvania Dutch meal. Abby’s mom’s pies were outstanding, as always. Mrs. Hendricks was a dynamite baker. The football fans all hurried back to the family room after they finished their pie and ice cream.

Coach Belichick, Noah’s coach, promised him he would get some playing time. Coach was as good as his word. Noah was in for about fifteen plays, was targeted three times and caught two passes for twenty-nine yards. Colin Weaver showed up mid-game. Ruefully he admitted to being outplayed by his half-brother. Colin was targeted five times Monday night but had not made any catches in the debacle in Foxboro.

The group stayed around when the Vikings finished thrashing the Lions. The Cowboys faced off against the Packers in the second game of the day. The group had a rooting interest only in that they wanted anyone playing the hated Cowboys to win. They watched anyway, since it was football.

At the end of the first quarter, Green Bay led 10-3. Danny Jay and Will’s son, Charlie both decided to take advantage of the pause in action on TV to raid the kitchen for some cookies and iced tea. It was the first opportunity the two cousins had to be alone without twenty other relatives overhearing their conversation.

“You and Ellie ... did you get rubbers like you planned when we talked a few weeks ago?” Danny Jay asked. “Did you and Ellie do the deed?”

“Yes, I got rubbers,” Charlie harrumphed. “Did Ellie and I do the deed? I wish! To make the story short, she dumped me instead.”

“That’s it?”

“You want to miss some football for the long version?” Charlie asked.

“It’s the Cowboys, who cares?” Danny Jay responded. “What happened between you and Ellie?”

“Well, I got the rubbers and we talked ... a lot,” Charlie explained. “We agreed to try out sex. We got together in my room one afternoon and planned to do the deed. We were dry humping...” Charlie giggled. “Is it dry humping if you grind on someone while you are both naked?”

“Probably not,” Danny Jay agreed. “Whatever it is called, it feels fucking awesome.”

“It does,” Charlie agreed. “Anyway, I suggested I put on the rubber and we do it. After too much talking, Ellie chickened out. A few days later we got the opportunity to be alone. We talked beforehand and agreed we would try sex out, to see what it was like. Anyway, we’re alone in her bedroom. I’ve got the rubbers along. We’re grinding our parts together again and horny as hell. I suggest it is time for us to screw. Ellie chickened out again after too much talking.”

“That sucks,” Danny Jay indicated.

“Big time!” Charlie agreed. “It was almost two weeks before we got another opportunity to be alone. All day at school, Ellie is promising me she won’t chicken out this time. That we will actually do the deed. We get to her house and get naked quickly. I am so hard; my dick could cut steel. We make out some and we’re getting to grinding our cotches together. When I suggest we move on to screwing, Ellie says yes. I roll off her and wrap my dick with a rubber before I get back between her legs. I am rubbing my dick against her slot and am ready to stuff it up her hole when Ellie snaps, ‘No!’ and forces me off her.”

“That really sucks!”

“No shit, it does,” Charlie continued. “We got into a big argument there, naked in her bed and me with a rubber on my hard-on. She up and dumps me right there and then.”

“Sorry to hear it,” Danny Jay remarked. “Any more prospects?”

“No more prospects for a girlfriend,” Charlie said. “No more dates. Just me and my hand for satisfaction.”

“It sounds like you pushed Ellie too hard to do it,” Danny observed.

“Now you sound like Ellie,” Charlie responded. “Why can’t two thirteen-year-olds screw if they want? I’m mature beyond my years.”

“Some would say two seventh-graders having sex was way too soon,” Danny Jay answered. “I am not sure eighth-grade isn’t too soon either.”

“No prospects for you?”

“My last girlfriend was uncomfortable when I felt up her bare titties,” Danny Jay answered. “The last girl I dated? I barely got a good night kiss. The second date I took her to my football team’s post-season party. I was JV this year so they party was mostly high school aged kids. You know how high school kids can be when they get privacy.”

“[Danny] Tee is sixteen,” Charlie laughed. “He must be in his bedroom screwing his girlfriend at least three afternoons a week. I get it about high school kids. A bunch of them headed for bedrooms to screw, right?”

“You know it,” Danny Jay answered. “Kids upstairs screwing freaked her out. We split the party early. No good night kiss that night either. I will not be asking her out again.”

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