Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 12

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Friday, October 31, 2031 – Avon Grove High School, Jennersville, PA

Avon Grove hosted the Downingtown East Cougars for the final regular season game. The Cougars were a decent team, having a 6-3 record. They had lost to Coatesville, West Chester Rustin and Downingtown West. The last loss, last Friday night, was a particularly low blow. The Cougars hated losing to the other high school in their school district.

The Cougars came out psyched up for the game but undermanned. They lost their experienced quarterback two weeks ago. He was out for the season. A sophomore QB would fill in tonight, this being his second start in his varsity career. His inexperience compared to Owen Hanrahan proved to be one of the keys to the Red Devils win.

The second key was speed. The Cougars had no one who could match up with David Martin’s speed. David forced the Cougars defensive backs to play deep, compromising their ability to support their run defense. The Red Devil running backs gouged out big yards. Owen threw to David and Mason Ewing for touchdowns.

The Cougars barely missed having the mercy rule invoked. David’s touchdown brought the score to 35-3. The Cougars managed a TD to start the fourth quarter. Avon Grove finished the game scoring two more field goals as they ran down the clock. The Cougars final drive netted them a field goal. The final score was 41-13, the Red Devil’s favor.

Owen bounced over to congratulate David as the final seconds wound off the clock. “Who’d have thought we would make the playoffs after the fiasco before Labor Day?” Owen gushed as he gave David a hug.

“Everyone did pull together pretty well,” David allowed.

“We’re in the playoffs and it is time to PAR-TEEEE...” Owen declared. “Shawn [Abernathy, the starting middle linebacker] is throwing a party tomorrow night. His parents will be out of town.”

“I assume no beer at this party?”

“I will personally castrate anyone who brings alcohol to the party,” Owen replied hotly. “We did NOT come all the way back from where we started this season to have nut jobs fuck it all up with another beer party. We get together with our ladies, dance to some good music and enjoy sodas and munchies. A good time will be had by all.”

“You know what my dad would say about this?” David asked.


“We have won nothing yet,” David replied. “We got into the playoffs and that is all. One loss and we go home. It isn’t time to celebrate until we win the last playoff game. Now is the time to prepare for our next game.”

“I don’t disrespect your dad,” Owen said. “It is hard to prepare tomorrow night when we don’t know who we are playing or where the game will be. I think we treat tonight as the successful completion of our team’s mid-term exam. We did well and Monday we will prepare for next weekend’s game.”

“When do we find out who we play?” David asked.

“The District 1 officials will figure that out this weekend and post the playoff bracket on Sunday afternoon,” Owen explained. “You and Sara need a night off to enjoy each other. Come to the party.”

“We will be there,” David answered. “We will kick it in gear on Monday and get ready for what’s next. I hope we are one of the top eight seeds. Playing our opponent here next weekend would be sweet.”

“We will find out Sunday,” Owen agreed.

Saturday, November 1, 2031 - Avon Grove High School, Jennersville, PA

Danny led his JV team to the field; their confidence was through the roof. In their own eyes, they were undefeated, which was true. The league credited the team with a 7-2 record, thanks to the two forfeits while most of the guys played varsity early in the season. Even the forfeits increased the JV boys’ confidence. They successfully competed against older, larger players and had held their own. Now they faced kids their own age and size. The JV Red Devils KNEW they would win this contest.

The Downingtown East JV Cougars sported a similar 7-2 record. The game was expected to be close. It wasn’t. The Red Devils opened with some running plays, which gained over six yards a play. The Cougars had trouble stopping the run. It turned worse when Danny started throwing the ball. The Cougars had no idea how to defend against Danny’s aerial attack.

The Cougars managed to avoid the mercy rule, barely. Danny was pulled with the score 37-10 in the third quarter when Coach Eshelman took pity on his opponents and sent in his second string. Coach Eshelman might have been inclined towards mercy, but Chris Goebel wasn’t. This was his last chance to shine this season and he took advantage of it. He drove his team in for two more touchdowns before the game ended. The final score was 51-19.

Danny called Olivia Johnson after lunch. “You know the movie I was taking you to, tonight?” Danny asked when Olivia got on the phone. “The JV football team is throwing a party tonight to celebrate our undefeated season. Do you mind switching and going to the party with me instead?”

“A party?” Olivia asked. “JV ... isn’t that like with high school kids?”

“Mostly, but not all,” Danny replied. “The team has kids in our grade too. I sort of have to go. I am one of the team’s leaders.”

“Still, it is a high school party,” Olivia commented. “Will there be drinking at this party?”

“Is that a problem for you?” Danny asked. “I do not know that they will be serving alcohol at this party, not after all the trouble the varsity team got in for holding a beer party Labor Day weekend.”

“It might be hard for me to convince my parents to allow me to go to a beer party,” Olivia commented before giggling. “Personally, I have no problem with a beer party, but my parents do not need to know that. Let me call you back after I talk to my parents.”

Olivia called back a few minutes later to report that she had permission to go to the party. “I’ll pick you up around 8:00 PM, is that OK?”

“Fine,” Olivia agreed. “Know that I have an 11:00 PM curfew.”

“So do I,” Danny said. “See you tonight.”

Phyllis Czarwinski saw that Robbie got to bed while Penny drove her son over to the party near Lincoln University. “Pick up at 10:30 PM?” Penny asked as she dropped the kids off.

“Sounds good, Mom,” Danny agreed.

A lot of kids were already at the party when Danny and Olivia arrived. They barely had their coats off when Danny’s teammates spotted him. “Danny’s here!” “You da man, Danny!” and “Glad you made it, Danny,” calls greeted their quarterback.

Olivia scanned the crowd. Nearly everyone she saw was in ninth grade, with a smattering of tenth graders. This was definitely a high school party. Mike Marchesani showed up seconds later, carrying two beers.

“Here you go, boss,” Mike said, smiling as he handed the beers to Danny and Olivia. “Have fun tonight.”

“Sure,” Danny stammered as he accepted the beer. “Thanks, Mike.” Mike played wide receiver for the JV team. Catching passes from Danny was a lot more fun this year than constantly blocking on running plays, like Mike had done with the middle school team last season.

Danny opened and sipped a little of his beer. He was surprised when Olivia drank the brew down quickly. Danny had sips of beer from his dad before, but he really didn’t care for the taste that much. Obviously, Olivia had more experience drinking than he had.

The couple circulated and talked with the other teens. They ran into a few other eighth-graders. They were JV teammates of Danny’s who brought eighth graders as their dates. That is, all except Tyler Glass, who was alone.

“Next time I won’t be so stupid,” Tyler bitched as he talked with Danny and Olivia. “You were smart to invite Olivia, Danny. I thought there would be unattached girls tonight that I could hook up with.” He harrumphed. “Not so much. I’m going to find another beer. You guys need anything?”

Danny still had most of the can of beer he started with. Olivia had just started a second can. “We’re good, man,” Danny replied.

There was music playing. After Olivia finished her beer, Danny asked, “You want to dance?”

“Sure, why not,” Olivia agreed. Danny abandoned his can of beer on a table. It was getting warm by now and he really didn’t care for it that much.

Danny and Olivia had fun dancing. They did it for a while before pausing for snacks. They danced some more. The boys had spent the past hour plying their dates with booze and getting the girls turned on. The music mix switched to slower music. Couples cuddled as they swayed to the songs. Danny pulled Olivia to his body as they slow danced.

Olivia spotted Ayden Rice pinning his date against a wall as Ayden gave his date a tonsillectomy with his tongue. Chris Goebel was sitting on the couch while his girlfriend Sydney Childers sat on his lap. The two were swapping tongues as Chris felt up Sydney’s firm titties.

Olivia, who had been uncomfortable just coming to a party with mostly high school aged teens, had slowly gotten comfortable around the crowd, especially after her second beer. Now watching these teens making out, Olivia grew nervous again. She had done a few dates but never had a boyfriend. On one date she and the boy had experimented with French kissing. That had been interesting, but she shut the boy down when he tried to feel her boob.

Noah McMullen and Leah Reynolds got up from the chair where they were cuddled and kissing. Noah led his long-time girlfriend upstairs. Olivia noted the couple head upstairs, Noah’s hand on Leah’s ass.

“Danny, you don’t think they going to uh ... you know?” Olivia asked as he pointed to the departing couple.

“Go screw their brains out?” Danny laughed. “I am sure they are.”

“Have sex? Upstairs?” Olivia gasped. “Tonight?”

“I am sure they plan to have sex,” Danny answered. “Noah and Leah are friends. They have sex whenever they can. Given our ages, it isn’t very often they get the opportunity and tonight is definitely an opportunity for them.”

“You aren’t expecting that we ... uh...” Olivia stammered. “I am a virgin.”

“So am I,” Danny replied. “I like you. I would like to get to know you better, but nothing is going to happen unless you are comfortable with it. We will not be going upstairs for sex. I am not ready for that, and I suspect you aren’t either.”

“Definitely not ready,” Olivia stated firmly.

“We will dance and enjoy the snacks,” Danny said. “That will be a good night.”

Nick Chandler and a girl came down the steps as they were concluding the talk. Nick’s shirt was only half tucked in. He sported a big red hickey on the side of his neck. Nick and the girl were cuddled together as they came down the steps.

“Do you think they ... you know?”

“Yes, I would guess they just screwed,” Danny answered. Danny felt the shudder run down Olivia’s spine.

Sex, something of dreams and imagination to Olivia, suddenly felt very real, close and scary. She and Danny danced a few minutes longer.

“I need to find the little girl’s room,” Olivia commented to Danny. She found the downstairs bathroom, but the door was locked. Jacob Lilly, the party’s host, happened by as she found the door locked.

“There’s a bathroom at the top of the steps, first door on the right,” Jacob commented helpfully.

Olivia climbed the steps nervously, unsure about what kind of debauchery she might find upstairs. The hallway was clear when she reached the top of the steps. She found the bathroom door. It was closed but not locked. She stepped into the bathroom and stopped short.

A girl was bent over the vanity, her skirt flipped up onto her back and her panties down around her left ankle. A boy, his pants and underwear around his knees was behind the girl. Olivia, watched, shocked but mesmerized as the two bare ass cheeks bounced as the boy pumped in and out of the girl.

Olivia fled immediately. The couple continued screwing, oblivious to the brief interruption. Olivia headed straight for Danny.

“I want to go home, right now,” Olivia insisted. Danny could see Olivia was flushed and flustered.

“What happened upstairs?” Danny asked. “Did someone...”

“Just take me home,” Olivia insisted as she pulled Danny towards the front door. Danny pulled out his phone and called his mom for a ride home.

“What happened?” Danny repeated when he finished the call.

“I found two kids upstairs in the bathroom ... doing IT,” Olivia stammered.

“That’s all?” Danny laughed. “You walked in on a couple having sex?”

“They were doing ... IT,” Olivia repeated.

“It is not big deal,” Danny said. “You don’t have a big sister in the bedroom next door regularly screwing her boyfriend, do you? Or a big brother who gets it on down the hall with his girlfriend?”

“I am the oldest,” Oliva replied.

“Millions of people will have sex tonight.” Danny said. “You and I just won’t be among those millions. We’re thirteen and I think that is too young to screw.”

“Darn right it is,” Olivia insisted. Danny almost commented that he knew at least a dozen kids their age who did screw but decided that information would not be helpful. The conversation was strained while they waited for their ride.

Danny did not get a good night kiss when he escorted Olivia to her door. Penny confronted Danny when he got back to the car.

“You finished your date early tonight,” Penny commented. “Was something wrong?”

“Olivia was upset and wanted to go home early,” Danny replied.

“Upset about what?”

Danny took a deep breath. “Mom, it was a high school party. What do high school couples do when they get a chance for privacy?”

“I see,” Penny commented, waiting for more. After an uncomfortable ten seconds of quiet she added, “And?”

“Olivia was uncomfortable with kids around her having sex.”

“You didn’t try to force her into anything, did you?”

“Mom, we did not even kiss tonight,” Danny protested. “I was a perfect gentleman. I guess Olivia is pretty sheltered. She accidentally walked in on a couple in the bathroom screwing. It freaked her out.”

“Any regrets taking Olivia to this party?”

“I should have taken her to the movies like I planned,” Danny replied. “We would have had more fun.”

“Just because David and Jessie are doing these things does not mean you are ready for them,” Penny answered. “Don’t be in a rush to grow up.”

“I am trying not to hurry,” Danny agreed.

Saturday, November 1, 2031 – Abernathy Residence, Daleville, PA

The Red Devils football players and their dates were upbeat and in a mood to celebrate that evening. Owen Hanrahan and the other captains made sure there wasn’t alcohol at the party. They were mostly successful. A couple guys did smuggle flasks of booze to the party, but no one got drunk. The teens enjoyed the music, dancing and time making out with their dates. Quite a few committed couples headed upstairs for privacy. A few other guys managed to sweet talk their dates into screwing too. David and Sara took full advantage of the chance to make love. David spent much of the party being a wet blanket, reminding his teammates that they had won nothing yet. Success would be measured on how far they went in the playoffs.

Sunday, November 2, 2031 – Hard Rock Stadium, Miami, FL

The Dolphins were still in the doldrums, searching for a quarterback to replace Chip Brinton, who retired from the Dolphins after playing sixteen seasons two seasons ago. Still their 3-5 record was better than the Eagles 1-6 record. The Eagles were expected to lose again.

Despite seeing some blowouts as the season started, Kyle could see his guys buying into Coach C’s style of defense. They set the tone early in the game. The Eagles offense had first possession and went three plays and out. The Dolphins did a little better until their fifth play. Mike Greene, the Eagles big, rookie defensive tackle broke free and catapulted the poorly thrown pass up in the air. Kiante Middleton, who had been chasing the slot receiver across the middle, snatched the ball out of the air, dodged a couple Dolphins linemen and scampered thirty-two yards into the end zone. Nick Gordon booted the PAT through to give the Eagles a 7-0 lead.

Neither offense managed much in the next quarter and a half. Brandon Evans managed to led the Eagles down the field and find Trent Connelly wide open 12 yards downfield when the Dolphins blew the coverage. The fifth-year player from Ohio State motored into the end zone untouched. The Eagles led 14-0.

Having a double-digit lead was an uncommon and heady experience for the young Eagles players. Did the Eagles concentration suffer? Maybe. The Dolphins drove the length of the field before Coach C’s defense stiffened in the red zone. The Dolphins settled for a field goal.

Ryan Reynolds kept things conservative on the next drive, which started with 2:05 left until halftime. The first play was disastrous. Jordan Newsome, the Eagles normally reliable center, snapped the ball back to Brandon but it was mishandled. Players from both teams dived into the scrum. A Dolphins player ended up on the ball when the referees unsorted the pile of bodies. Dolphins ball at the Eagles’ 25 yard line.

The Eagles defense struggled valiantly but were unable to stop the Dolphins from scoring. The Dolphins tailback scampered into the end zone after catching a pass in the flat, a couple yards from the goal line. The Eagles lead was down to 14-10 when they went inside for halftime.

The Eagles coaches made some minor halftime adjustments to the game plan. It did not help. The offense went three plays and out, wasting a good kickoff return by Colin Weaver. The Dolphins coaches’ adjustments were better. The Dolphins drove the length of the field. Thankfully, Coach C’s defense was able to stop Miami. They kicked a field goal.

The Dolphins defense stymied Brandon Evans again. The Eagles were forced to punt the ball back to the Dolphins. Miami had a good return on the kickoff, starting at their 46 yard line. Despite their best efforts, Coach C and the defense could not stop the Dolphins from kicking another field goal. Score: 16-14, Dolphins’ favor.

“Anderson, you’re in this series,” Kyle called out on the sidelines.

“I’m ready, Coach,” Aiden announced, standing beside his head coach.

“Get us a touchdown,” Kyle added. “A field goal and a one point lead will never hold up.”

“You got it, Coach,” Aiden acknowledged as he trotted onto the field.

“Watch the free safety blitz,” Kyle called out.

“I’m good, Coach,” Aiden grinned as he gave a thumbs up to his head coach.

Aiden proved as good as his word ... and Kyle was right. The Dolphins blitzed the free safety twice on the drive. Aiden coolly pitched the ball to the correct receiver before he was pulled down each time. The rookie looked like a professional quarterback as he moved the team down the field, finally finding Colin Weaver streaking towards the end zone. Aiden hit his coach’s nephew in stride and Colin raced in for a touchdown. Nick Gordon made the PAT to give the Eagles a 21-16 lead.

“Good work on coaching up Anderson, Ed and Ryan” Kyle commented into his headphones.

“Maybe we give the kid another series, what do you think, Kyle?” Ed asked.

“Let’s not throw him into the fire just yet,” Kyle responded. “He is coming along just fine.”

“But...” Ed began.

“May I remind his first series of last week against the Vikings?” Kyle interrupted.

“No,” Ed agreed.

“One successful series will do for today,” Kyle concluded.

The Eagles offense had to wait awhile before they could take the field. The Dolphins went on a long drive, culminating in a field goal. The Eagles lead was down to two points. Both defenses predominated as the third quarter ended and the fourth quarter proceeded. Ryan Reynolds concentrated on running plays rather than riskier passing plays when they got the ball back with a little over six minutes left in the game.

The offense was able the move the ball down the field using 12 formation (2 tight ends, 2 receivers and one running back). The power formation helped get Darrell Lee moving. The offense pushed across midfield and down closer to the scoring zone. The Eagles were flagged for a false start on second down and six yards to go at the Dolphins 37 yard line. The Dolphins stopped Lee at the line of scrimmage on the repeated second down. Aaron Cain, the Eagles rookie tight end, was the primary on a crossing route on third down and 11 yards to go.

Kyle watched as the young receiver ran a good clean route and separated from the linebacker covering him. ‘Throw now,’ Kyle commented to himself. Brandon Evans was half a tick late making the throw. Instead of hitting Cain in stride, he put the ball behind Cain. Thankfully, Cain was able to reach back and knock the ball out of the linebacker’s hands, incomplete.

“Brendan, can Gordon hit a fifty-nine yarder [field goal]?” Kyle asked.

“He was hitting at fifty-two yards consistently in warmups,” Brendan Hayden replied. “This kick is doubtful.”

“Send [Lachlan] Pearce out for a coffin corner punt,” Kyle directed. Brendan hurried off the get his punt kick team on the field. Kyle grabbed Lachlan Pearce, the rookie punter from Australia, via four seasons at the University of South Carolina.

“You’ve been hitting coffin corner kicks all fall in practice, Pearce,” Kyle said. “Give me your best. You put that ball inside the 5 yard line and Coach C’s defense will make our lead hold up.”

“You got it, Coach,” the younger punter agreed.

The snap was good, Pearce’s aim was almost perfect. Unfortunately, the ball bounced to the turf inside the 1 yard line, but into the field of play instead of out of bounds. The Eagles gunners, Colin Weaver and Marcus Davis, were down just as the ball bounced off the turf. Davis batted the ball parallel to the goal line before his momentum carried him into the end zone. That gave Colin a moment to get settled before he grabbed the ball to down it. The referee blew the play dead and then signaled touchback.

The Eagles sideline went crazy. Kyle protested to the nearest referee. The ref explained that Colin had moved his left foot too far back to stop his momentum and half his foot had been on the white of the goal line. The game had under two minutes remaining, so the replay crew ran the video and confirmed the call, touchback.

That was a low blow for the Eagles and their fans. Starting a drive from inside your own 1 yard line? That would be a tall order against the certainty of blitzes that Coach C would throw at your team. Starting at the 25 yard line when all you needed was a field goal to win? Not nearly as tall of a task.

1:43 remained on the clock, though the Dolphins were out of timeouts. Coach C did not dare blitz like he might have otherwise. The Eagles defense played more passively, forcing any play made to the center of the field where the clock would continue to run, while preventing any deep pass completions. The Dolphins quarterback smartly took the six to eight yards the Eagles were giving and moved his team down the field.

By the fifth play of the drive, a second down and ten yards to go play, the Dolphins had moved the ball down to the Eagles 47 yard line. Michael Greene split between the center and guard, bursting into the backfield before the QB was ready. He engulfed the QB and put him down hard for a seven-yard loss. The clock read 0:47 and was running.

The Dolphins rushed to the line of scrimmage and downed the ball immediately to stop the clock. Thirty-six seconds remained.

Coach C signaled in an adjustment. He wanted to put an end to this game. He called for Alan Jones to roll over to help Marcus Davis with deep coverage. Marcus had approval to try to cut in front of the receiver and go for an interception. Coach C anticipated the Dolphin play call properly. The QB watched the receiver covered by Marcus as the two ran down the field. Marcus tracked the QB’s eyes and launched himself in front of the receiver as the QB drilled the ball downfield.

Marcus was unaware of what was happening behind him. The receiver was closing on the ball too but was boxed out of position for the catch by Marcus. Behind them, Alan Jones raced to cover the receiver deep, in case Marcus missed the pick attempt. The ball skimmed off Marcus’ fingers and popped up over his head. The receiver, no longer covered by a d-back, managed to snag the ball by the fingertips. He bounced it up once and then caught the ball properly. He tucked the ball to his chest, spun and raced for the end zone.

It took Marcus and Alan too long to get up off the ground to catch the Dolphins receiver before he scored. The Eagles had twenty-three seconds after the Dolphins kicker put the Dolphins up 26-21. Brandon Evans and the offense were unable to score. This was a bitter pill for the Eagles coaches, players and fans. Their team led for fifty-five of the sixty minutes of the game, but they were going home losers again. Being 1-7 sucked. The flight to Philly was quiet.

It was well after midnight when the Eagles charter landed at the Philly airport. Kyle tried to quietly crawl into bed when he got home without waking Penny. He was unsuccessful.

“Sorry about how the game turned out,” Penny murmured as she rolled over and kissed her husband. “I thought you were going to pull out a win.”

“Anderson did well,” Kyle responded, before returning the kiss. “How were things here?”

“Quiet. It was just me and Robbie Saturday night,” Penny explained. “Number one and number two sons took their dates to parties. I expect number one son got laid. Number two son most certainly did not.” Penny explained about picking Danny and Olivia after she got scared at all the teens screwing upstairs at the party.

“Danny’s day will come,” Kyle laughed. “Much sooner than either of us want it to. How about our sweet, innocent daughter?”

“Jessie and Matt went to the movies,” Penny answered. “They probably did not get it on at the movies. Soccer season is over, so I expect if you come home early Monday, after school is dismissed, you will find Jessie locked in her room with Matt, screwing each other silly.”

“I would not bet against that,” Kyle laughed.

“One more thing, we received a recruiting packet from the University of Alabama,” Penny said.

“Really? They’re kind of late to the game if they want to get David,” Kyle said.

“The package was addressed to Daniel J. Martin,” Penny responded.

“Danny? Shit!” Kyle grumped. “It’s going to be a long four years until he settles on a college.”

“Go undefeated in the season and be named Martin,” Penny answered. “I think interest from colleges was preordained.”

“I guess,” Kyle sighed.

Kyle and Penny were not wrong in their supposition. Before the end of the month, some fifty universities had sent Danny information extolling their university and their fantastic football programs. If you had any questions, they helpfully gave you a contact person and invited you to write, call or visit. Every Big Ten, most ACC, and half the SEC schools along with Stanford, UCLA, USC and Oregon from the west coast expressed interest in the eighth grader with the golden arm who had sprouted to 5’-9” at age thirteen.

Monday, November 3, 2031 – Martin Home – Landenberg, PA

The varsity soccer season was over. The indoor soccer season had not started. Matt worked only weekend shifts at McDonalds during the school year. He was free as a bird when school dismissed that afternoon. He hopped on his bike as soon as the school bus dropped him off at his house and raced over to Jessie’s house for an afternoon of lovemaking. It had been much too long since he had slipped her his big dick.

Jessie was just as anxious as her boyfriend. It had been even longer since she’d been screwed than her boyfriend. The two ignored Danny as they raced upstairs to her bedroom for an afternoon of fun. Jessie locked the door. When she turned around, Matt was already naked. He helped her shed her clothes. The two horny teens hopped in bed and started making out.

After a bit, Jessie went down on Matt until he came to take the edge off him. She expected her lover to last a good long time. Matt returned the favor, the two laying on their sides, eating Jessie’s sweet pussy until she shrieked and came. Matt, hard again, rolled Jessie up on her back, pushed her knees up and mounted her. He rammed her forcefully. The need was urgent for both teens. Jessie cooed as her lover fucked her hard. Matt lasted a few minutes. He groaned, bashed his dick forcefully into Jessie and cut loose. He sprayed his sperm and semen up inside his lover.

His release reminded him of how much of an idiot he had been the previous weekend. Screwing Grace, possibly knocking her up and worse, jeopardizing a great relationship with sex-hungry Jessie was just about the stupidest thing he could have done.

The two rolled onto their sides and cuddled in the afterglow of some very good sex. The two had over an hour before Jessie’s mom could be home. They enjoyed two more rounds of screwing, slower, more sensual but just as satisfying as their first session.

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