Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 11

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Saturday, October 25, 2031 – Osgood Residence – Landenberg, PA

“HOME ALONE. WANT 2 CUM OVER & HANG?” Abbie texted to Danny. “ON WAY” came back seconds later.

Abbie and Danny were missing their time together. Last weekend Danny’s troop attended the council camporee in Hibernia Park so no date and no making out. Tonight, Danny was required to go with the family to a church dinner. No date and no making out.

Exploring sex and relationships with Danny was exciting and fun but extremely scary. Abbie was horny from two weeks without her boyfriend’s kisses. She had promised Danny he’d be allowed to play with her bare breasts when they found privacy. Her parents went shopping in Delaware and wouldn’t be back until later in the evening. They could have a lot of fun as long as they didn’t get carried away like Blake and Sophia a couple of weeks ago.

Danny arrived at Abbie’s house less than fifteen minutes later. The boy was motivated. Abbie greeted Danny with a hug and a kiss.

“What did you have in mind?” Danny asked as he stepped inside.

“I thought we could stream a movie and pretend this is our date tonight,” Abbie responded, “ ... but with privacy.”

“Privacy ... that would be great,” Danny agreed. He doubted things would go too far but he had two rubbers in his pocket. After Blake’s experience, he swore he always be prepared when he was out with a girl. No need to take crazy risks if things got carried away. His family history nearly guaranteed one of these days he’d get carried away with a girl.

Abbie and Danny headed back to the Osgood family room. “Do you want anything to drink?” Abbie asked.

“A pop would be nice,” Danny replied.

“You were in Pittsburgh too long,” Abbie teased. “We only have sodas around here. What kind would you like?”

“A Coke?”

“How about Pepsi?” Abbie replied. “That’s Daddy’s favorite.”

“Pepsi is good,” Danny agreed. He settled down in the couch in the family room while Abbie got them drinks. Abbie joined him with their Pepsis. The two chose a movie and settled in to watch. As both teens expected, making out started soon after the movie began. Passion rose as the two kissed and swapped tongues.

Danny’s hands went for Abbie’s tits outside her T-shirt. She loved how Danny caressed her too small (her opinion) tits. Danny disagreed with her judgement. He found them the perfect size for his hands. The two continued kissing as he felt her up.

They had spent about ten minutes part way to second base when Abbie’s curiosity got to her again. The big bulge in Danny’s pants fascinated and scared her. The thought of putting something like that inside her body frightened her. Still, the boy’s cock drew her attention. Abby reached down and stroked her hand up and down Danny’s bulge.

Danny struggled not to come while Abby played with his cock through his pants. Finally, to avoid coming in his boxers again, Danny suggested, “It’s time for tops off.”

So far Abbie had managed to control herself and Danny. Should she? She had promised Danny she’d allow him to play with her tits topless when they had privacy. Now that the moment was here, could she do it?

“OK,” Abbie said quietly. To her surprise, Danny whipped off his own T-shirt before reaching for the hem of her shirt. Abbie heart raced. Danny being bare chested wasn’t what she expected. His sneakers were on the floor already from when they got comfortable at the start of the movie. Now all that kept him from being naked was a pair of boxers and his pants. Could she control Danny?

“Why’d you take your shirt off?” Abbie mumbled.

“Fair’s fair,” Danny answered. “Why should I ask you to get half naked if I wouldn’t do the same?” The answered mollified Abbie a little. She allowed Danny to pull her shirt over her head. He tossed it on the floor beside his shirt. “The bra?”

Abbie pulled her sports bra off and allowed Danny to see her small tits. Danny stared, mesmerized at the sight. The two Clementine-sized tits looked lovely to the young boy. Especially nice since he was going to get to feel them, hands on bare flesh soon.

Abbie shuddered as Danny’s stared at her chest. Her insecurity about her size grew. Why would any guy want to be with a girl as flat chested as she was? Danny reached out and gently cupped her left tit with his hand. He gently squeezed her tit and then rubbed his thumb over her nipple.

A jolt of electricity shot down her spine. The memory of her cousin Missy popped into her head. This felt great ... too great. Could she control Danny? More important, could she control herself? She thought about what happened with Blake and Sophia when they started taking clothes off. A shiver ran down her spine.

Danny pulled his hand off Abbie and stared into her terrified eyes. “You’re scared about this,” he commented.

“Yeah,” Abbie admitted meekly.

Danny reached down and picked up Abbie’s shirt. “Put this on,” Danny said. “I don’t want to frighten you. I just want the two of us to share some fun.”

“Are you sure?” Abbie asked, holding her shirt.

“I want both of us to have fun,” Danny answered. “If this scares you too much, we shouldn’t be doing it.”

Abbie pulled her shirt on, skipping her bra. “I’m am sorry I am so chicken.”

“It’s OK,” Danny said. “Exploring sexuality is supposed to be fun. You aren’t having fun now. We can just watch the movie.”

“And kiss,” Abbie added. “And maybe you feel up my tits through my shirt. That doesn’t scare me. It feels pretty nice.”

“I can do that,” Danny agreed. The two went back to making out. After a few minutes, Danny put his hands back on Abbie’s tits, over her shirt. She enjoyed the feelings Danny gave her. The pair enjoyed the extended make out session until the movie ended. It was 3:30 when the movie finished. Danny’s family had a church commitment and Penny wanted him home by 4:30 PM so he had time to shower and dress for the occasion.

“I should probably get going,” Danny said. “This afternoon was fun. We should do more of this.”

“You’re OK with me keeping my top on?” Abbie asked. “I am sorry about shutting you down after I promised we could do that.”

“It’s’ fine,” Danny answered.

“Going too far scares me,” Abbie said. “So ... a friend and her boyfriend got carried away recently. They didn’t plan on sex, but it happened anyway. I am not ready for that.”

“I’m not ready for sex, either,” Danny responded. “Your friend and her boyfriend ... Monday afternoon a week ago?”

“You know?” Abbie said. “It was.”

“Blake and Sophia?” Danny responded. Abbie nodded yes. “Blake swore me to secrecy before he told me what happened.”

“Sophia swore me to secrecy,” Abbie said. “I don’t want what happened to them to happen to us.”

“I agree,” Danny said. “If it helps your fears any, we won’t be unprotected like them if we do get carried away. My father insists I have rubbers when I go out on dates, just in case. I have them, though I won’t need them any time soon.”

“How can you be sure?” Abbie asked.

“Been there ... didn’t have sex,” Danny said. “I was naked with a girl and she wanted to do it. I refused. I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility. I’m too young.”

“My cousin, Missy, she had an experience like Blake and Sophia,” Abbie said. “She and her boyfriend did it when they weren’t safe. They only did it once, but she got pregnant. It was a disaster. She had to be home schooled. She was fourteen when it happened. Now she’s eighteen and married to the baby’s father. I am not remotely ready for any of that.”

“I understand,” Danny said. “I promise none of that will happen to us even if we get to second base or even third base. I will make sure you are safe.”

“You are a good boyfriend, Danny,” Abbie said. She gave him a passionate kiss. “I’ll see you in school on Monday.”

Time was tight when Danny got home. David was in the bathroom. Danny was sweaty from the bike ride home and desperately needed to shower. “Hey, bro?” Danny called to David inside the bathroom. “Can we share? I desperately need to shower.”

“Sure, Danny,” David agreed as he opened the door. Half his face was covered with shaving cream.

“Shower,” David said. “I just need a shave. I skipped shaving the past two mornings.”

“Thanks, Davey,” Danny said. He stripped down quickly. Danny’s cock was still mostly hard from all the stimulation Abbie had provided. David spotted the hard-on in the mirror and laughed.

“You and Abby have some fun this afternoon?” David teased.

“Not really,” Danny answered. “We made out like usual. She offered to allow me to feel her up with her shirt off. As soon as I start, Abbie starts trembling.”


“Trembling,” Danny replied. “She was scared about what we were doing. All she is comfortable with is making out. I want more.”

“You aren’t forcing her to do more?” David asked.

“I’m not,” Danny said. “She consented to me feeling up her tits, but I stopped because she was afraid. I don’t want her to feel like that, but...”

“You want to go further?” David concluded.

“I do,” Danny agreed. “What do I do?”

“Do you remember the question I told you to ask yourself when you were struggling with what to do with Emma?”

“Am I better off with her or without her?” Danny replied.

“That’s the one,” David said as he shaved the last bit of whiskers off his chin.

“I will think about it,” Danny agreed.

“Take care of the sword of yours,” David added. “It wouldn’t look good for you to be hard at a church supper.”

“I plan to,” Danny agreed. “Thanks for the love advice.”

“It’s part of being a big brother,” David agreed.

‘Was I better off with her or without her?’ Danny wondered. That was a damned good question.

Saturday, October 25, 2031 – Party at Kellen Hitchen’s House – Avondale, PA

Matt watched as his twin brother Tyler escorted Ella Smith upstairs. ‘Damn! My bro’s gonna get laid tonight,’ Matt thought. Matt was pissed off and horny. He quaffed another slug of beer, his fourth bottle that night. Why had Jessie abandoned him for some stupid Scout camping trip? They could be upstairs right now having some fun in bed together.

Matt and Jessie had their first serious fight about this weekend. Matt begged Jessie to blow off the camping trip and come party and have some fun in bed. Jessie tried to convince Matt he should join Venturers so they could have fun together on the camping weekends. Matt and Ty both made the varsity soccer team this fall. Between varsity practices and games and their tournaments with their traveling team, the twins had precious little free time. Matt and Jessie hadn’t hooked up since the amazing night three weekends ago when he and Ty pranked Jessie by switching identities. Their threesome had blown his mind.

Tonight, he was pissed off, horny, drunk and worst – alone. Matt drained his bottle of beer. He was past buzzed and most definitely drunk now. What friggin’ difference did it make? Maybe another beer would improve his mood.

“Hey Matt,” a sweet voice behind him commented. Matt turned to see Grace Johnson, a ninth grader who lived near the Sloans. “You going to be a wall flower tonight?”

“Yeah ... no date for the night,” Matt replied.

“That’s too bad,” Grace said. “Come dance with me. It’ll be fun.”

“Sure,” Matt agreed. What would a little dancing hurt? Especially with someone as stacked as this fourteen-year-old. At 5’-4” tall and 110 pounds, she was a good-looking girl.

They danced to a couple songs. Someone put on a slow song for the couples at the party. Grace molded herself to Matt’s body. He allowed his arms to drop until his hands rested on Grace’s lower back and the beginnings of her backside. He inhaled the sweet perfume Grace was wearing. He popped a boner almost instantly. Grace bumped into his erection repeatedly as they swayed to the music.

The two stayed clenched together when the music stopped. Matt stared down into Grace’s sparkling eyes. He raised a hand to brush her below-the-shoulder-length blonde hair out of her face. He leaned down and kissed her. Grace stared back with wide eyes when the kiss was done. Was she surprised, pleased or what? Matt couldn’t read her. Grace reached a hand up around Matt’s neck and pulled him in close again. They kissed. This time Grace’s tongue pressed between Matt’s lips. He slipped his tongue out to meet hers.

The pair staggered off the dance floor clenched together, deep kissing and looking for a place to sit and continue their explorations. The couch? Filled with couples making out. Chairs? All taken. Finally, in desperation, Matt backed Grace against a wall and they continued making out. ‘God, she was a good kisser,’ Matt’s booze soaked brain thought. After about ten minutes of tongue action, Matt slid his hand between their bodies and felt one of Grace’s tits.

They were soft and pillowy. Grace shuddered at the stimulation Matt was giving her. She rubbed her body against Matt’s boner. ‘God, this boy was turning me on,’ Grace sighed to herself. ‘Wouldn’t it feel nice without this damned bra?’

“Want to go upstairs?” Grace asked between kisses. “This bra is in the way and I’d like to feel your hands on me. We can do that but we won’t be going all the way. Is that OK, Matt?”

“Sure,” Matt agreed readily. “Not all the way.” His beer-soaked, sex crazed brain would agree to most anything if it meant he could get his hands on those luscious melons of Grace’s. Matt led Grace upstairs. They got lucky finding a room. Ty and Ella popped out of a room just as they reached the top of the steps.

“Have fun, bro,” Ty commented as the two couples passed in the hallway. Matt knew from the intense grin on his brother’s face that he’d screwed Ella that night.

Matt locked the door to the room, turned and found Grace shucking her T-shirt. He pulled his off in response. She unhooked her bra and dropped it.

“We’re not going all the way, right Matt?” Grace commented. “Why’d you take your shirt off?”

“I thought I should,” Matt replied. “Seems fair if you’re topless. I thought you would want me to take it off.”

“I guess it’s OK,” Grace agreed. “Let’s get back to where we were downstairs.” Grace lay back on the bed. Matt joined her. He felt her large orange-sized breasts as they made out. Grace was loving the stimulation Matt was giving her. The pair petted and made out for ten minutes.

Matt’s erection kept poking Grace’s side and belly as they deep kissed. She could feel her pussy gushing with juices from this cute boy’s incitement. They rolled together as they kissed and made out. Matt ended up on top of Grace. His hips gyrated as he kissed and caressed Grace. The boner was rubbing directly up and down her moist slot.

‘What would it feel like to have this boy stuff his prick up her tunnel?’ Grace wondered as they continued.

Matt’s hip movements became more pronounced. Grace realized she was driving Matt crazy. She didn’t want things to get out of hand.

“Matt? Would you like a blow job?” Grace asked during a pause in kissing.

“Blow job?” Matt stuttered. “Really?”

“I know I am making you crazy,” Grace said. “We can’t go all the way but I can help you with this.” She reached a hand between their bodies and stroked his erection.

“Blow job?” Matt gasped as he squirmed from her touch. “OK, that would be fun.” He pushed himself up to kneeling position and pulled his shorts and boxers down, displaying his six-and-a-half-inch erection to Grace.

Grace was a virgin but wasn’t inexperienced with pricks. She had sucked off four boys on dates in the past year, always offering the blow job to preserve her virginity. Matt’s prick was as big as any she had done before.

Grace sat up, opened her mouth wide and took about three inches of prick into her mouth. She licked and sucked as her head bobbed up and down on his dick. Matt realized this girl had some talent as a cock-sucker. Grace did Matt for a couple minutes. He could feel the pressure building.

“Gonna come ... soon,” Matt gasped. Grace slurped and sucked for a few more seconds. “CCCccc ... co ... coming...”

Grace pulled off just in time to be blasted in the cheek and chin. Matt spurted more of his semen on her chest and tits. He slumped back on his haunches when he was finished.

“Lots of come,” Grace giggled. She wiped most of the come off her face with the back of her hand. She spotted a box of tissues across the room. She hopped out of bed and headed over to clean up.

“Wow!” Matt marveled when she rejoined him in bed. “That was great.”

“I got you all hard and everything,” Grace replied. “This was the least I could do – get you off.”

Matt tried to scoot forward in the bed. He nearly fell over with his feet entangled with his pants and boxers around his calves. He shucked the pants and boxers off as he lay down on the bed beside Grace.

Grace was mildly concerned as she realized she was in bed with a naked boy. She had three beers that evening and wasn’t feeling any pain at all. “We can’t go all the way tonight.”

“No ... of course not,” Matt agreed. “You were so good to me. Do you want me to return the favor? I’ve learned to lick pussy with the best of them.”

“You’d do that?” Grace asked. “None of the guys I’ve dated were willing to try that.”

“It’s fun and you’ll love it,” Matt promised.

“I guess,” Grace agreed. Matt pulled her knees apart and crawled between them.

“Can I take your panties off?” Matt asked as he bent down.

“Um ... do I need to?” Grace stuttered. This boy was serious about licking her pussy. Should she? Was she allowing Matt to go too far?

“I’ll pull them aside,” Matt said before leaning down and licking her slot from bottom to top. He easily found her clitoris and licked around it gently. He licked down again. He loved how wet Grace was. Her nectar was slightly funky but sweet. He teased her clitoris each time his tongue reached the top.

“We can’t... [pant] go ... all the... [pant] way,” Grace gurgled. Having her pussy licked was totally radical. She never expected it to feel so good.

“Of course not,” Matt acknowledged as he continued licking. His hand reached down and he rested a finger at her hole. “Would a finger be too much?”

Grace could feel an orgasm coming. “Yeah...” she gasped. “Do it!” Anything to keep these good feelings going. Matt gently pushed a finger into Grace’s pussy. He stroked the finger in and out as he licked. He knew from the way Grace was shuddering that she was going to come soon. He concentrated his tongue on Grace’ clitoris.

“Oooohhh ... oooohhh...” she gasped. Almost there. Matt’s finger inside her pussy was nice. Matt’s tonguing her clit was mind-blowingly out of this world. The most intense orgasm of her life burst out and engulfed the stunned teen with rapturous emotions. Matt stopped tonguing Grace’s clitoris but left his finger plugged into her vagina. It spasmed and pulled at his digit. Matt smiled with pride that he got Grace off.

He bent down over her and gave her kisses. “Did you like that?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “I’ve never come so hard.” She deep kissed him, her tongue dueling with his for ten or twenty seconds. “That was amazing.”

Matt was hard again. Why not? He’s fifteen, naked in bed with a girl wearing nothing but panties. His face was covered in pussy juice. What teen boy wouldn’t be hard? He rubbed his boner up and down Grace’s panty covered slot.

“Mmmm ... nice,” Grace purred in the afterglow of her orgasm. Matt kept rubbing his groin against hers as their tongues dueled. He could feel that Grace’s panties were drenched.

Both teens were drunk with libidos flying sky high. Good judgement escaped both.

“Could we maybe...” Matt murmured.

“Yes...” Grace agreed to his unspoken request. “Yes ... please...”

Matt reached between their bodies, pushed her panties aside and positioned his big erection. “You ... sure?”

“Be gentle...” Grace answered. “I want this.” Matt rammed his hips forward, driving a couple inches of dick into Grace.

“God ... you’re tight,” Matt gasped. He hunched his hips for forward driving deeper into her hot, moist and extremely constricting tunnel. Another thrust buried his six inches inside Grace.

Drunk, in heat, and balls deep in a strange girl, Jessie’s teaching took hold, even if the cheating boy had totally forgotten his steady girlfriend in this moment. He began long, gentle thrusts, allowing both teens to savor the stimulation of their coupling.

Grace’s hymen was gone for over a year, the victim of a parentless weekend home alone. She had played with her mom’s dildo in the bathroom during a hot bath. Her girlfriends Reece and Molly were dating juniors and had given up their cherries earlier in the school year. They raved about how good sex felt. Now Grace got it. Matthew was a good lover.

His tempo felt right. The way his prick stretched her pussy was the bomb. Why had she waited so long to allow a boy to do this? Sex was beyond amazing. Matt continued humping and thrusting, using the skills he learned from Jessie to give pleasure to Grace.

Grace glanced at the clock. It read “10:04 PM.” It had read “9:59 PM” when Matt impaled her on his prick. She was glad an experienced boy took her virginity, not like her other friend, Sydney Childers. Sydney allowed Chris Goebel to take her cherry a few weeks ago. Sydney and Chris were both ninth graders and virgins, like her – well at least like she had been. Chris was cute and a decent boyfriend but was clueless when it came to sex. The two had fumbled around before he managed to stuff his prick into her. He lasted about fifteen or twenty seconds.

Matt was showing her what she dreamt sex could be. He picked up the pace of his strokes. Grace stared up into his eyes. They went unfocused as he slammed his prick in hard. Once ... twice ... the third time he froze when his prick was slammed into her pussy. She could feel the tube of flesh throb and then she felt a sudden wetness and heat in her belly.

Matt rolled them to their sides and he withdrew his dick from Grace.

“Wow!” Grace gushed. “That was nice.”

“Yeah...” Matt agreed. Grace stared at Matt and stroked his ides with her hands as he recovered.

Pounding at the door startled the two teens. “Come on, man! You’ve been in there forever. There’s line out here.”

Matt and Grace flew out of bed, grabbing clothes and dressing as quickly as they could. “That was fun,” Matt commented just before he unlocked the door.

“It was great,” Grace agreed. “I will remember tonight for the rest of my life.” The two headed downstairs. Matt gave Grace a kiss before they parted. He ran into Ty a few minutes later.

“You did the freshman?” Ty asked as the twins met. “Was it good?”

“Yeah,” Matt admitted. “It was great.”

“What about Jessie?”

“Ummm ... Jessie?” Matt said numbly. “Shit!”

“It will be if she finds out you cheated on her,” Ty responded.

“She’ll castrate me if she finds out,” Matt said. “Keep tonight a secret ... please?”

“I wouldn’t rat you out,” Ty answered. “I can’t speak for everyone at the party.”

Matt had a splitting headache when he woke up Sunday morning. He thought about Jessie as he showered. Could he convince her of his love if she ever found out about Grace? One other thing occurred to Matt, now that he wasn’t drunk and horny. He had done Grace without rubbers. Was she safe? He was going to have to talk with Grace on Monday at school. God, taking her upstairs and screwing her without protection was the stupidest thing he had ever done in his life.

Monday, October 27, 2031 – Avon Grove High School

Matt found Grace between second and third periods. “Got a minute to talk?” Matt asked when he saw her.

“What’s up?” Grace asked as she stepped close to her lover boy.

“We didn’t use protection Saturday night,” Matt said. “Is it safe?”

“Safe?” Grace asked. “What do you mean?”

“You getting knocked up?”

“It’s safe,” Grace replied. “Saturday night was my first time. I can’t get pregnant.” Matt’s face fell. “What?” Grace asked when she saw Matt’s reaction.

“You certainly can get pregnant your first time,” Matt responded. “Shit! Saturday night was really your first time?”

“It was,” Grace answered. “You think I could be pregnant from what we did?”

“Unprotected sex is how all girls end up pregnant,” Matt said. “When do you expect your next period?”

“Like not quite two weeks from now,” Grace said. “Is that bad?” That’s bad, isn’t it?”

“Could be worse,” Matt said.

“What can we do?” Grace asked.

“Nothing,” Matt said. “Wait and pray. We can just hope your period comes.”

“So, I just wait – scared shitless for two weeks?” Grace said.

“I wish I could offer more,” Matt responded. “There really isn’t anything we can do until your period comes ... or doesn’t. I’ll do the right thing if you end up knocked up.”

“That’s something,” Grace said. “I’ve got to get going. My algebra class is upstairs.”

“I’ll see you around,” Matt said. He headed for his English class.

“Hey boyfriend,” Jessie said as Matt sat down beside her. The teacher wasn’t looking. She leaned over and gave Matt a kiss.

“Hi, sweetie,” Matt responded. “How was your Scout weekend?”

“Cool!” Jessie answered. “We did a high ropes cope course. They had a climbing wall and we rappelled. They had a zip line too. In the afternoon, we went to the range and used shotguns and black powder rifles. I wish you had been there. It was fun. How was your weekend?”

“I scored the winning goal in our final game,” Matt answered.

“Good for you,” Jessie said. “Did you end up going to Hitch’s party?”

“I went,” Matt admitted. “I was missing you so much. I had too many beers and got drunk. I had a hell of a hangover yesterday.”

“Poor baby,” Jessie said. “I am around next weekend. We can go have some fun then.”

The teacher interrupted before Matt and Jessie could make plans for the following weekend.

Sunday, October 26, 2031 – Lincoln Financial Field

The Martin clan gathered at the Linc again, with slight modifications from the guest list from the Dallas game two weeks ago. For this game, Penny’s parents stayed home. Dan and Sharon’s parents attended in their place. Dan’s brother John and his wife Pamela joined the group. Uncle John had been a life-long friend of Colin’s step-father Mark Weaver.

The charter flying business was doing well that weekend too. Andrew sent a jet to bring Hunter home from Stanford for a long weekend. He also had a jet bringing Connor up from Atlanta for the evening. By good luck, the Buccaneers were playing the Falcons on Monday night. The Bucs flew to Atlanta that afternoon and a jet would have Connor in Philly in time for the family’s post-game meal. It would fly him back barely in time of his midnight curfew at the team’s hotel in Atlanta. Finally, a jet would return Noah to Minneapolis a few hours after their team returned home, so he had time for the family dinner too.

Many of the grandkids took advantage of their field passes to watch the warmups close up. Danny Tee, Danny Jay and Charlie hung together. Danny Jay got the opportunity to introduce Colin to Tee and Charlie and them to Colin Weaver.

“Your name is Henry,” Colin commented after the introductions. “Your mom must be a Martin.”

“No, our mom is a Hendricks,” Tee laughed. “Our dad is a Henry and is your biological dad Andrew’s older half-brother.”

“And you are both named Danny?” Colin asked.

“You can call me Tee or Danny Tee,” Tee laughed. “He’s Jay or Danny Jay to the family.”

“And you are both named for Andrew’s father,” Colin said. His eyes were starting glaze over.

“Yeah ... Pop-Pop, uh ... Daniel Martin,” Danny Jay added helpfully.

“And Uncle John is Dan’s younger brother,” Colin continued. “I’ve called him Uncle John most of my life. He’s my dad’s best friend. And he actually is my uncle.”

“Great uncle,” Tee corrected.

“I think my head is about to explode,” Colin laughed. “Before I found out about Andrew, I had three ... THREE...” He held up three fingers for emphasis. “ ... cousins. It feels like I have about a million cousins.”

“If you had three before,” Charlie laughed. “It is twenty now. You are Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop’s seventeenth grandchild.”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever keep track of everyone I meet today,” Colin marveled. It is bad enough trying to remember everything in Coach’s ... your dad’s offense.” He nodded towards Danny Jay. “This is all mind blowing.” Colin glanced at the stadium’s clock. “Shit! I’ve got to run. I’ll see you at dinner tonight.”

“See you, Colin,” the boys called as he headed inside. The boys headed inside for the elevators to the box level and the Martin box. The four did not know they had someone overhear the last bit of their field-side conversation. Mike McGinnis, a junior sports reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, was just inside the tunnel. McGinnis recognized Danny Jay as Kyle’s son.

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