Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 10

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Tuesday, October 7, 2031 – Avon Grove High School Cafeteria

Julia sat down with Jessie, Kaylie, Anne and Nora as she had for the past two weeks. She had a big smile on her face when she sat down.

“I got news from my attorney yesterday,” Julia said. “We found out who the bastard is that knocked me up.”

“Who?” all four girls demanded.

“Mike Palmer is the father of the baby I am carrying,” Julia said.

“Wow!” Kaylie marveled. “I didn’t see that coming. He’s such a quiet guy.”

“I wish David had gotten to you faster,” Jessie commented. “If he had pulled Mike off you before he shot off, you wouldn’t be pregnant.”

“No, it’s not like that,” Julia said. “All that would have changed is that Jake or Kaiden would have been the father instead. I was soaked in sperm that night. When my egg came, I was getting inseminated by someone.”

“I was hoping it was Randall’s baby in your belly,” Nora said. “I’d have taken great pleasure from another girl taking his parent’s money to pay for the bastard’s actions.” Nora paused for a second. “Has anybody seen Kaiden lately? He must be avoiding me now. I used to see him around school pretty often.”

“You didn’t hear?” Jessie asked. “Julia’s court order for a DNA test took care of that bastard. His parents got the order, Kaiden gave his DNA sample and then they shipped him off to Valley Forge Military Academy. The bastard won’t be seeing any girls until he graduates from high school.”

All the girls were delighted to hear of Kaiden’s banishment from Avon Grove.

“Would you believe Palmer had the nerve to try to talk to me this morning?” Julia commented. “The bastard tried to apologize for what he did to me. He claimed that Jake and Kaiden egged him on to have sex with me. They called him a wimp until he stripped and fucked me. Can you believe that shit?”

“Knowing Jake and Kaiden, actually I do believe Mike,” Kaylie said.

“It still doesn’t forgive him for screwing me while I was passed out,” Julia said.

“He is a rapist and needs to pay the full price,” Jessie agreed. “Are you sure you don’t want to press charges on those three?”

“I want to put this behind me as quickly as I can,” Julia responded. “Charging them won’t help me. The Palmer’s money will. That will have to do.”

“How is your pregnancy going?” Nora asked. “The start can really be a bitch.”

“Tell me about it,” Julia agreed. “Morning sickness is a pain.”

“When are you due?” Nora asked.

“May 22nd,” Julia replied.

“You know all of us will help you, however we can,” Jessie offered. Kaylie and Anne nodded in agreement.

“I know,” Julia replied. “That is why I came over and sat with the four of you two weeks ago. I knew you would help me.”

Tuesday, October 7, 2031 – PARC – Chester County Council, BSA, Exton, PA

Penny pulled off Business Route 30 into the parking lot for the PARC building. The building still looked new, though Penny had heard it was built about ten years ago to provide their local council’s administrative office, Scout store and meeting space needs. A sign in the lobby directed Penny to the conference room where the council’s High Adventure Committee was meeting that evening.

Tables were arranged in a large rectangle with chairs around the outside. About a dozen people were there already, including Matt Robertson. Matt Robertson, the father of Danny’s friend Logan, was one of the venturer crew’s advisors for the Philmont trip. Penny headed over and took a seat beside Matt.

“Kyle isn’t making it tonight?” Matt asked after greeting Penny.

“You grow up locally?” Penny asked.

“Unionville,” Matt replied.

“This is Dallas week,” Penny laughed. “My husband and his assistants are locked in down at NovaCare putting a game plan together to beat the Cowboys on Sunday. I will be shocked if he makes it home before 2:00 AM.”

“We Eagles fans do get pretty crazy when we play Dallas,” Matt agreed. “Tell your husband that I wish him the best of luck Sunday.”

More people filed into the conference room and found seats. The gentleman in the front of the room asked everyone to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance promptly at 7:30 PM. He introduced himself when everyone was seated again.

“I am John Fulmer, High Adventure Chairman for Chester County Council. Thank you all for coming tonight and more importantly for agreeing to act as advisors for the young men and women heading to the Philmont Scout Ranch next summer. We will start the meeting off with introductions.” Mr. Fulmer pointed to a gentleman in his right. “Tell us your name, unit, and about your Scouting background, including any high adventure experience you may have.”

When it was his turn, Matt Robertson said, “I am Matt Robertson of Crew 442 of Avondale, PA. I am an Eagle Scout from Troop 202 in Unionville. I have been to Philmont twice, first when I was fourteen and again as crew leader for my crew when I was sixteen. I am looking forward to returning to the Ranch with my older son and can’t wait until my thirteen-year-old is ready to go too.”

“I am Penny Martin. I was a Girl Scout and later a venturer in Paradise, PA when I was growing up. This will be my first trip to Philmont. My old crew backpacked extensively on weekends and also did wilderness canoe trips to the Algonquin Provincial Park. I did three wilderness canoe trips. My family lived in Colorado for a dozen years and have done many weekend backpacking trips in the mountains out there, most recently a five-day trip with my family hiking the Rocky Mountain National Park. Like Matt, I may be doing this trip again. I have a thirteen-year-old and a six-year-old.”

The next adult introduced himself and then the other adults around the table followed with their particulars. Mr. Fulmer launched into an overview of the trip to Philmont, from the time they would tour in Colorado, to the day in base camp, the ten days in the backcountry of northeastern New Mexico and then the trip home. Mr. Fulmer emphasized the duties of the adults on this trip. They were NOT the leaders. Their job was to train their crew, so the youth were ready to lead the trip. The adults were strictly advisors on the trek. Their sole responsibility was to make sure the youth were safe and healthy. Otherwise, the adults were to get out of the way and allow the youth to run the trip.

Matt and Penny briefly reviewed the plans they had made a couple of weeks earlier at the venturer crew meeting for training their crew. They would do a day hike on the Horseshoe Trail at the beginning of November. The next hike would be a day hike late in March. Their crew would do an overnight in April, the council’s Philmont Shakedown at Horseshoe in May and then a final overnight at the beginning of June. Hopefully, that would be enough to help the crew form into a cohesive team and be ready for the challenges they would face when they reached the Ranch in the end of June.

Thursday, October 9, 2031 – Avon Grove High School

“Fantastic news, Davey,” Sara gushed as she gave David a hug before homeroom.


“My parents talked it over last night,” Sara replied. “They can manage the cost of sending me to Penn. Isn’t that great?”

“Fantastic!” David responded, hugging his girl and giving her a searing kiss.

“Miss Baker! Mr. Martin!” Mr. Randolph warned. “No public displays of affection in the hallways.”

“Sorry,” both teens responded as they pulled apart quickly.

“We’re going to apply to the University of Pennsylvania together,” Sara gushed, unable to contain herself.

“I am very happy for both of you,” Mr. Randolph commented. “Let’s move along and head to your homerooms.” The two headed up the hall, arms around each other.

“So, we are set on Penn?” David asked. “You’re certain?”

“I am.”

“Early decision like we planned?” David asked.

“Absolutely,” Sara agreed. “I will be so happy to get my parents off my back about choosing a college.”

“You and me both,” David laughed. “I think Penn will be a great place for the two of us.”

“It will be,” Sara agreed. She gave David a quick kiss that was not noticed by any of the hallway monitors.

Friday, October 10, 2031 – Avon Grove High School

Bishop Shanahan was a decent football team. They made the playoffs last season and were 4-2 this year. They also had not faced any of the National Division’s powerhouse teams yet. This would be the Shanahan Eagles’ first big test. The Eagles flunked, badly. The mercy rule went into effect near the start of the fourth quarter when David motored 87 yards for a TD. The final score was 45-0.

David caught six passes for 127 yards and the TD. The Red Devil varsity celebrated their victory. Next Friday night they would travel to Coatesville to face the Red Raiders, who had a single close loss, were highly rated, and expected to go deep into the PIAA playoffs.

An extra-large homecoming crowd enjoyed the romp. Sophia Daniels, Owen Hanrahan’s girlfriend, won the homecoming queen election. Owen couldn’t congratulate her until after the game, since he was inside in the locker room preparing for the second half of the game. As usual, many of the team headed over to their favorite pizza place after the game. David and Sara joined the crowd. The group teased Sophia quite a bit, calling her, ‘her majesty.’

The JV Red Devils hosted Shanahan’s JV team the next morning. Danny and his highly confident crew handled Shanahan easily. At least the JV Eagles managed to score points. The final score was 31-12.

Saturday, October 11, 2031 – Regal Cinema – Downingtown, PA

Danny, Abby and a bunch of their friends celebrated the morning’s victory by heading to Downingtown in the evening for a movie. The two were marking the two-month anniversary that evening. They had grown increasingly comfortable with intimacy as a couple since the pool party back at Danny’s in August. Abby immediately cuddled with Danny when they sat down near the back of the theater.

The horny eighth-grader kept things clean and PG-rated while the lights were on before the movie started. They started kissing and making out almost as soon as the movie started. Danny felt up Abby’s soft, pillowy titties through her shirt as she rubbed her hands over his body, thighs and arms. Danny got hard within minutes.

Both young teens were horny almost beyond endurance as the movie rolled on. Abby shuddered every time Danny’s thumb strummed across one of her nipples. ‘Mmmm... ‘ Abby hummed to herself as Danny teased her. The tingle between her legs was building. She could feel the dampness starting. ‘Was this how her cousin Missy had felt back when... ‘ she wondered before dismissing the half-formed thought. Missy had been fourteen then. She was going to turn fourteen in December. She did not dare go too far.

She and Danny were in a public place with a hundred other people. She was safe here, as long as she kept Danny from getting too intimate. This was as good a place to experiment and learn about boys as any without risking too much. God, what Danny did to her when he strummed her nipples.

Danny understood that Abby was turned on by what he was doing. So was he. He’d been hard since minutes after the movie started. Abby had not worn a bra. Maybe she had on a sports bra or something, but Danny knew he could feel titties through the thin material of her T-shirt. He loved how she jumped when he teased her nipples. The two continued making out, driving each other nearly insane with lust.

Abby stole glances down into Danny’s lap. His boner was tenting his shorts. Her hand was massaging and caressing his thigh, her hand on his bare skin. She inched her hand higher, pushing the material of the shorts further up his leg as they kissed.

‘What did Danny look like?’ Abby wondered. She had not seen a boy’s penis since she was about seven years old and her aunt had her and her cousin Mike take a bath together on an overnight visit. Mike had gotten hard as they played during bath time. He had been little bigger than her pinky was now. Danny ... Danny was way, way, WAY bigger than her pinky.

Danny felt his dick twitch in anticipation of something it hoped for, but he knew wouldn’t happen. God, how he loved feeling Abby’s sweet titties. Abby’s hand inched closer to his crotch, shoving his shorts higher as the two continued to make out. Danny did not care as the two continued exchanging tongues.

Danny jumped with a start when the hand left his thigh, wiggled up through the leg hole of the liner in his shorts. He felt fingers tentatively and gently feel his balls. “Abbbb ... bbbyyy?” Danny whined in surprise.

Abby fondled his balls for a second as they paused their kissing. Danny stared into her eyes, shocked at this. She felt his loose ball sack and the two balls inside. Danny was much larger down there than Abby had expected. Her cousin Mike’s balls had been marble sized and barely visible in a tight sac. Danny’s felt much larger and floppier. She felt the hard rod at the top of his ball sack.

“Abby?” Danny groaned in surprise as her fingers felt further up and grabbed his boner. Her fingers slid up his rod as she explored more.

“You’re so hard,” Abby marveled as her hand reached the top of his erection. “And soft too,” she added as her fingers wrapped around the soft head of Danny’s dick. Abby understood why Danny was so hard. Just like her cousin Missy found out. Danny might profess not to be ready for sex, but his body was more than ready. Given the chance, that big dick would slide up inside her tight hole.

“Please...?!?!?” Danny begged. His breathless mouth couldn’t get the word ‘stop’ out. Abby gently rubbed her fingers along the spongy large vein running up the front of his dick. Danny, inflamed from an hour of necking, was on a hair-trigger. Abby, only dimly aware of his arousal, continued exploring her boyfriend in the dim light of the theater.

“nnnNNNNOOOoooo...” Danny whined as Abby’s fingers yanked hard at his trigger. She felt his dick swell and then throb as he blasted a big load of come into the liner of his shorts. His boner suddenly softened and wilted as she pulled her hand out and away.

Danny’s protest and groans drew the attention of the other couples in their row. The dark wet spot on his blue shorts was obvious to everyone. Danny blushed bright red in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry,” Abby whispered in his ear. “I did not know you’d go off quite so quick.”

“I got pretty excited kissing ... and things,” Danny allowed. The two cuddled and held hands for the last fifteen minutes of the movie. Abby felt terrible for leaving Danny with the big wet spot in his shorts. Still, she could not stop looking at the white stuff on her fingers that made that spot. Given a chance, Danny would have shot that blast of white stuff up into her belly and made a baby, if she was not very careful. She had no interest in ending up like her cousin Missy. Pregnant and barely fourteen.

Danny hoped against hope that his quick-dry shorts would dry before the movie ended. They did not. He pulled his shirttail down as low as he could and followed Abby to the lobby and then the backseat of Mrs. Osgood’s minivan. Danny cleaned himself up in his bathroom before heading to bed. The night’s events made him hard again. He whacked off before falling to sleep.

Abby was forever warning him not to go too far when they were getting physical. Now she reaches into his pants and made him come! Would he ever understand girls?

David and Sara attended the homecoming dance at the high school that evening. Many of the football players and their girlfriends or dates ditched the dance a little early. One of the guys threw a post-dance party. No alcohol was involved. Music, lots of sodas and snacks were available. No chaperones warned the kids about dancing too close or about making out. Rooms were available for couples who wanted privacy to get it on. David and Sara took advantage of the opportunity to make love in a real bed, instead of the back of David’s cramped minivan.

Sunday, October 12, 2031 – Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, PA

Friends, friends of friends and self-proclaimed friends came out of the woodwork for Dallas week. Hosting Dallas at the Linc was almost always the biggest game on the home schedule. Everyone wanted to join the Martin clan in their box for Kyle’s first face-off with the bullies from Texas.

Kyle and Penny decided to limit guests in their box to immediate family only – Will & Abby, their kids except Rose; Andy, Heather, Zoe & Josh; and Liz & Chris Sanders with their kids Madison, Gabe & Lilli Belle. Kyle’s and Penny’s parents were invited too. The whole clan nearly filled the box to capacity.

The Martin clan had field passes that permitted them to be down on field level during warmups. Danny introduced his closest cousins, Danny Tee and his younger brother Charlie to some of the players. Tee was two years and one day older than Danny. Charlie was not quite two months younger. There was a birthday cake up in the Martin box. This game happened to be on Charlie’s thirteenth birthday.

“Jay, who is this new cousin we heard about a couple of weeks ago?” Danny “Tee” Henry asked. “Do you know him?”

“I do,” Danny “Jay” Martin answered. He looked the field over and spotted Colin Weaver catching balls for Aiden Anderson as he warmed up. Danny pointed their long-lost cousin out. “I’ll introduce you if we get a chance.”

“Cool!” Tee replied. Warmups were winding down by then and Danny Jay, Danny Tee and Charlie did not catch up to Colin. “I guess we’ll meet him at dinner after the Vikings game in a couple of weeks.”

“Yeah,” Charlie agreed. “He’ll see what kind of weird family he is joining.”

“Has always been a part of,” Danny Jay responded. “He’s been a part of the Martin clan longer than any of us.”

“Yeah, true,” Tee agreed. “What is he, twenty-two?”

“Twenty-three,” Danny Jay answered. “He did a red-shirt year at Central Michigan. He’s older than Noah and Connor.”

Tee thought for a moment as he did the numbers in his head. “Shit! Uncle Andy must have really been a wild child when he was growing up. He was younger than me when he knocked up Colin’s mom.”

“You won’t have any surprises like Uncle Andy when you are his age?” Danny Jay teased.

“Hell no!” Tee responded. “I’ve seen all the girls I slept with afterward. None of them ended up preggers.”

The three teens headed for the tunnel back into the bowels of the stadium. They bumped into Coach Fritz and Dylan Harris on their way in.

“Hey Uncle Ed ... hey Dylan,” Danny said as the two groups met. Dylan Harris had asked Danny to call him Dylan rather than Mr. Harris back in the summer when they first met.

“You remember Will’s sons, don’t you?” Danny Jay asked his dad’s best friend.

“It’s been more than a few years,” Ed allowed. “You have to be Danny Tee and you must be Charlie.”

Danny Jay confirmed Ed’s hunches and introduced Dylan to his cousins. “Is Anna at the game?” Danny Jay asked after the introductions were completed.

“She is up in the stands with her mom, her brothers and sister,” Dylan responded.

“Tell her I said hi,” Danny Jay said before the two groups split up. Coach Ed and Dylan headed for the locker room. Danny Jay, Tee and Charlie headed for the elevators to get back to the suite level and the Martin box.

“You sweet on Harris’ daughter?” Tee teased. “Is she a looker?”

“Anna is a friend in my grade,” Danny Jay allowed. “I already have a girlfriend and I am happy with her ... mostly.”

“Mostly?” Tee queried.

“She surprised me last night,” Danny Jay allowed. “Your girlfriends ever jack you off?”

“Lots of times,” Tee replied. “Yours did that?”

“Sort of ... at the movie theater,” Danny Jay said. “Can you believe it? She stuck her hand up the leg of my shorts in the middle of the movie and felt me until I came in my pants. Talk about embarrassing.”

“You’re gonna get laid soon, cuz’,” Tee responded with a cackle. “You got her turned on enough that she wanted to check out your equipment? Your virginity is going to be history and soon. Mark my words.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Danny Jay allowed. Danny Jay was not sure how he felt about losing his virginity soon. The whole family understood Tee. He was as much a pussy hound as David had been before David met Sara. He had four serious girlfriends and had slept with six girls in the past two years since he lost his virginity. Charlie was surprisingly quiet on the topic. Normally he talked as much about sex and girls as his big brother. Not that he had done much yet. Charlie had acquired his first serious girlfriend over the summer.

The three teens found their way to the Martin box and found seats. Tee went over to talk with Jessie. Danny Jay and Charlie found seats down in front near the far end of the box. The boys brought plenty of snack food to keep them eating during the first half.

The Eagles won the coin toss but uncharacteristically chose to take the first-half kickoff. Danny guessed his dad was worried about falling too far behind the Cowboys, much like had happened a few weeks ago with Washington.

Colin Weaver was in the end zone to accept the kickoff. He fielded the ball a couple of yards deep in the end zone and ran the ball out anyway. The blocking was surprisingly good. Colin shot through a seam and was off to the races. He dodged by everyone except the kicker. Colin tried to juke away but the kicker caught his feet as he went by. He didn’t get a solid hold on Colin but got his feet out of synch. Colin stumbled forward half a dozen yards before rolling head over heels to the ground. The Eagles’ offense took possession on the Cowboy’s 37 yard line. That was a good start from their new-found cousin.

The Martin clan in the box, as well as the 65,000 in the stadium cheered wildly for Colin. The Eagles offense gave them little more to cheer. It managed to push the ball ahead five yards in the next five plays. Actually, the offense moved forward twenty yards but lost ten when they were called for holding and another five when they had a false start on a play.

Ryan Reynolds tried a screen pass on this certain to-be-a-blitz down. The Cowboys did blitz but the tall defensive end managed to leap up and knock the ball away when Brandon Evans tried to get the pass out to his running back. It was fourth down and five yards to go on the Cowboys 32 yard line.

This was Kyle’s first decision point. Go for it? Kick the safe field goal? Kyle chose the safe play this time. The kicking team went out. The snap came back low. Brandon Evans coolly got the ball under control and in place. The kicker, perhaps distracted by the bad snap, was a tick late in hitting the ball. It hooked right, but fortunately sailed just inside the right upright. The Eagles led 3-0. It was a victory for the team, albeit a small victory in what would be a long game.

The first small victory was not followed by many more that afternoon. Dallas took the kickoff and marched right down the field for a touchdown. The Eagles defense played hard but had trouble stopping the ‘Boys. The Eagle offense ... it was ineffectual. The Cowboys were ahead 14-3 at halftime.

The ‘Boys took the second-half kickoff and marched down the field for another TD. Kyle sent Aiden Anderson in to play for a series. The Cowboys blitzed the rookie without mercy. Anderson managed to keep his team moving downfield enough to pull off a long field goal.

The Eagles were down 28-6 by the end of the third quarter and Danny and Charlie lost a lot of their interest in the game.

“You’ve had like a couple of girlfriends, haven’t you?” Charlie asked during a TV timeout.

“Yeah ... two,” Danny Jay confirmed.

“You’ve done things with them, right?”


“You’re still a virgin, right?” Charlie asked.

“I am.”

“How far did you get with your girlfriend when you were in seventh grade?” Charlie asked. “First base? Second base? More?”

“I did plenty of that with my first girlfriend last year,” Danny Jay replied.

“Third base?”

“And more,” Danny confirmed.

“More?” Charlie asked. “What more is there beyond third base other than pressing your dick up to her pussy and sticking it in.”

“Putting it up against her pussy and NOT sticking it in,” Danny answered.

“Really?” Charlie squeaked. “Seriously?”

“Totally true,” Danny answered. “What are all the questions about?”

“My girlfriend Ellie Greene and I are getting more serious,” Charlie said. “It is exciting but scary too, you know what I mean?”

“I know exactly what you mean,” Danny said.

“I need advice about how far is right for Ellie and me,” Charlie said.

“Why?” Danny exclaimed. “You have a big brother who knows far more than me about girls and sex. Why don’t you ask Tee?”

“Tee is sixteen and screws just about any girl who offers,” Charlie answered. “If I ask him, he’ll tell me to stick my dick up inside Ellie as soon as she spreads her legs and screw her. Damn! I am in seventh grade. That seems like a lot for someone our age.”

“I agree, which is why I did not stick my dick into my first girlfriend when I had the chance,” Danny replied. “Did your dad talk about our family heritage when he gave you the sex talk?”

“Not really,” Charlie grinned. “He caught Ellie and me topless and making out just before school started. I expected him to blow his top. He didn’t. He shrugged and sent Ellie home. We had a long talk about sex, making babies and no means no. Can you believe it? He gave me a box of rubbers after our talk.”

“Of course, I can believe it,” Danny answered. “My dad gave me a box of rubbers too after he found a hickey on my neck after one of my dates. Uncle Will did not talk about our family curse with you?”


“My dad, Uncle Andy, Noah and Connor all call it the Martin curse, but I think it is just as much the Robinsons in our family as the Martins.”

“Oh?” Charlie asked.

“Great Grandpa and Grandma Robinson had Great Uncle David seven months after they were married. You know Mom-Mom got pregnant with your dad while she was still in high school. Pop-Pop and Mom-Mom had my dad seventh months after they married. My parents and my brother David too. He came seven months after they married. We all know about Uncle Andy and Colin, Conner and Noah. Connor got Lauren pregnant when they were sixteen. Even your dad. I heard rumors that he got a girl pregnant when he wasn’t much older than us, before he met your mom.”

“That rumor is true,” Charlie said. “Rose, Tee and I know it for a fact. Dad got this girl pregnant one summer. He met Mom just before he found out the girl was pregnant. The girl had an abortion without ever talking with Dad. Mom helped Dad keep his head together after it happened.”

“All of that goes to my point,” Danny said. “Our family has a tendency to get carried away when we are in a sexual situation.”

“That is why I am asking you these questions,” Charlie said. “I am off from school tomorrow. Tee and I had a fight over who gets the empty house and who needs to split for the other. We flipped a coin. He gets our house tomorrow. I have to make myself scarce after lunch until dinner time. I am going to Ellie’s empty house. I expect she will want to explore more than our last time alone.”

“How far is more?”

“Last week she allowed me to finger her pussy,” Charlie answered. “She hinted that she wants to see my dick.”

“That is pretty serious,” Danny said.

“Is it too much for kids our age?” Charlie asked. “What am I going to do?”

“I have no regrets at doing third base last spring,” Danny said. “Be careful. Very, very careful. It is really easy to get carried away and next thing you know, your dick is slipping inside her, you are coming and making a baby. That is definitely too much for guys our age.”

“Yeah, it would be,” Charlie said. “So, you think I should not go over to Ellie’s, so we don’t get carried away?”

“No, I would go over,” Danny replied. “I also would have a pocket full of rubbers in case you get carried away. A Scout is prepared.”

“Not what Baden-Powell meant when he said those words,” Charlie laughed.

“True but not the point,” Danny said. “Be careful tomorrow. Decide before you get to Ellie’s house how far you think is right for you. Try to stick to your resolve if things get carried away. Have protection ready in case that proves impossible.”

“That sounds like a good plan,” Charlie said. “Thanks for talking with me. I think I have a better idea of what to do and what NOT to do tomorrow.”

“That is what family is for,” Danny said. “Text me and let me know how things go.”

“I will,” Charlie promised. “You have off from school?”


“Are you hooking up with your girlfriend?” Charlie asked.

“No, she is going away tomorrow,” Danny answered. “I will home, probably listening to Jessie screw her boyfriend from breakfast time until dinner. Maybe David will do Sara in there too.”

“It can suck to be you,” Charlie laughed.

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