Let the Animal Out - Cover

Let the Animal Out

by JefferyB

Copyright© 2022 by JefferyB

Erotica Sex Story: After dating for a year, Ben loves his girlfriend but is upset that she shows no real emotion during sex. He is pushed to his limit by her failure to show any true enjoyment in his bed.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Anal Sex   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   .

Ben and Samantha had been together for almost a year. They met at a party hosted by a mutual friend. Ben had been attracted to her from across the room. He loved the way her red hair flowed over her shoulders in soft waves. As he moved closer he saw the smooth white skin, common on redheads. She was wearing slacks that displayed a very shapely ass. Then, circling around, he saw she was well endowed and was exposing a little bit of cleavage.

Finally finding the courage to speak to her, Ben stepped forward, saying, “Hi. I’m Ben Wallace,” as he extended his hand.

Taking his hand, she spoke softly. “I’m Samantha Brady. Are you a friend of our host?”

“I am,” he replied, still holding her hand. Ben almost forgot to continue talking as he gazed into her round face covered with freckles. She had big, brown eyes and a sweet smile. “I went to college with Tim,” Ben managed to say.

“I went to school with his wife, Sally,” Samantha said. “I’ve known her for probably fifteen years.”

With no one pressing in to join their conversation, Ben and Samantha chatted for almost thirty minutes before she needed to go home. Ben asked if he could call her and was given her telephone number.

After Samantha left, Ben tracked down his friend, Tim. “Hey, buddy,” he said to his friend. “What’s the story with the redhead that just left?”

“Her name is Samantha,” Tim replied. “She and Sally have been tight for many years. I’ve always thought that she’s damned pretty. She’s got a hell of a body, too. But she hardly ever talks. Sally tells me that Samantha is super brainy. I think she teaches some kind of science at the junior college. Other than that, I can’t tell you much.”

After a week, Ben worked up his courage and called Samantha.

When she answered, Ben, said, “Hi. It’s Ben Wallace. We met at Tim and Sally’s party last weekend.”

“Oh, hi, Ben. It’s good to hear from you.”

“I was wondering, Samantha, if you’d like to go to a movie with me this weekend?”

“That would be very nice,” she replied in her soft voice. “I asked Sally about you and she told me you weren’t an ax murderer, so I guess you’re safe.”

Ben was more than pleased to know that Samantha had asked about him. In his mind, he was seeing pictures of the redhead naked. She was staring up at him and smiling. He had to remind himself he was involved in a conversation. “How ‘bout I pick you up Saturday around six. We can have dinner and then see a movie. How does that sound?”

“That sounds great,” she answered. “I’ll text you my address.”

He spent a lot of time thinking about her for the next two days. He picked her up on Saturday and was pleased to see she wore a skirt and a silky-looking blouse. Again she displayed a hint of cleavage. Ben did most of the talking at dinner, telling her about himself and his work. About all Samantha had to say was that she taught school and lived alone.

When the movie was over, he took Samantha home, thanked her for a lovely evening, and gave her a quick kiss. As he turned to go, he said, “How ‘bout next weekend? Dinner and a movie?”

“Sure,” she replied with a bright smile.

“I’ll call you,” he said and left. On the way home, Ben played back the evening in his mind. He had totally enjoyed Samantha but hadn’t really learned anything about her. “I’ll learn more next weekend,” he said aloud.

Ben and Samantha had four more dates. He learned something about her food preferences and what kind of wine she preferred, but not much else. The woman was just not very talkative. “This has to change,” he thought.

Two weeks later, they were kissing in his car. It wasn’t the first time for them to have extended kissing, but he touched one of her breasts for the first time. To his relief, Samantha didn’t say a word to reject him. In fact, she didn’t make a sound. But for some reason, he assumed she didn’t object to his feeling her up and might even be enjoying it.

On their next date, Ben tried exploring further. Samantha was wearing a skirt and while kissing, he put a hand on the inside of her thigh. Again, she didn’t make a sound. Samantha said nothing as his fingers moved higher up her leg, but he felt her opening her legs to give him easier access. Ten minutes later, as he was fingering her, Samantha panted and moaned enough for him to notice.

The following week, Ben took her back to his apartment. Once inside, they began kissing and Ben proceeded to undress her. Samantha didn’t say a word to stop him. He felt like she was enjoying the experience, but it was just an assumption on his part. They had sex twice that night. At least he had two orgasms. He asked her if she was satisfied. Samantha just smiled sweetly and kissed him. They went to sleep together, woke up the next morning and had sex again.

This pattern continued for the next six months. They spent every weekend together, with sex being a large part of their time together. But after six months, Ben still wasn’t sure that Samantha was thoroughly enjoying their time in bed. It began to concern him because he had always thought of himself as a considerate lover. His goal was always to make sure his partner orgasmic and satisfied, but he still wasn’t sure about Samantha.

Samantha arrived at Ben’s apartment with a small packed bag one weekend. “I don’t need much,” she told him. “You keep me naked most of the time I’m here.”

“That’s the way I like you best,” he said, pulling her to him for a kiss.

“I think you like me best this way,” Samantha whispered as she dropped to her knees and unzipped his trousers. She looked up at him with those big brown eyes while she removed his pants and found his cock. “I think you like to watch me suck your big dick.” Samantha continued looking up at Ben as she swallowed about half of his member.

“You are so fucking sexy,” he mumbled while he watched her. Ben was always just consumed with her beauty and sexiness when she did this. Those big eyes and the vision of his cock disappearing in her mouth always made his knees weak. But the feeling passed when he remembered that she would suck him for only a few minutes before moving him to the bed.

To Ben, it was the old question of quality over quantity. They would probably perform the sex act four or five times on a Saturday. He knew that most men weren’t scoring as often, but it was almost always missionary, with a bit of doggie thrown in on occasion. When he asked her about orgasms, Samantha would just smile and say, “Of course I did.”

His acceptance of her predictable behavior was running low. While the view of her red hair cascading down around his cock was an enduring image, the knowledge that she would stop soon was beginning to make him angry.

Samantha popped the cock out of her mouth and jumped up as if following a script. Taking his hand, she pulled him toward the bedroom door. “Let’s get in bed now. I need to feel you deep inside me.”

“Just a minute,” he replied, standing firm and not following. “I need to talk to you about something first.”

“Can’t it wait until you’ve filled me with what I know you’ve been saving up for me?”

“No, Sam. It can’t wait. We’re going to have this conversation now.”

“Oh my god, Ben. Are we going to discuss orgasms again? Can’t you just drop it?”

Ben grabbed her arm, pulling her to him. “I can’t drop it,” he growled at her. “This topic is too important and just might bring our relationship to an end.”

“No, you can’t mean that,” she gasped. “Come on, baby. Let’s talk in bed.”

This time Ben took a handful of red hair and pulled her to his side. “We’ll talk now!”

When Samantha tried to pull away, Ben again pulled her back by the hair and slapped her cheek. “We’ll talk now,” he yelled but noticed something different in her eyes.

“You hit me,” she whispered, touching her cheek.

“Yes, I did, god damn it, and I’ll do it again if you don’t talk to me.”

When she tried to pull away, Ben gave her another slap on the cheek. This one harder than the first and he saw a sparkle in her eyes.

“I can’t talk about it, Ben,” she gushed. “I just can’t.”

“You can and you will,” he growled. Ben pulled out a chair from the kitchen table and pulled her across his lap. She was wearing a light skirt which he lifted to find she was not wearing panties. “You’ll talk to me or get a spanking that you won’t forget soon.”

“I can’t, Ben. I can’t,” was her answer.

He slapped both ass cheeks hard, leaving bright red handprints on them.

“Oh, my God!” she cried.

For the next several minutes, Ben’s hand rained down on Samantha’s bare butt. At first, she cried out for him to stop. The yells turned crying. The crying turned to sobs. He heard a loud gasp before feeling his leg covered with warm fluid.

“What the fuck?” he said before putting his hand between her legs. Her hairless pussy was covered with her juices and he could feel her body shaking. When he slipped a finger inside her, Samantha moaned louder than he had ever heard.

Ben let her slide between his legs until she was on her knees and facing him. Her face was flushed, but her eyes were wide. “I can’t do this,” she said softly.

“You can,” he told her sternly. “You will, or I will continue to spank you.” He stared into her eyes for a moment before asking, “Did you just have an orgasm?”

Samantha didn’t speak but slowly nodded her head. “I can’t do this, Ben. I actually love being spanked, but it turns me into an animal. I lose complete control of myself.”

“What’s wrong with losing control?”

“You would hate me if you saw how I am when I lose control,” she told him sincerely. “I need you to love me, not hate me.”

“Do I have to beat it out of you?” he asked before slapping her cheek once more.

“No,” she answered as she stood and began removing her clothes. Once she was naked, Samantha pulled his trousers down to expose his rock-hard cock. She straddled him and buried his shaft deeply into her wetness. Samantha put her hands on his shoulders and began moving up and down on his cock, increasing her speed quickly. “Oh, Fuck!” she cried out. “Fuck!”

Ben was shocked. He had never heard Sam use off-color language and she had never shown such emotion during sex. He took her breasts in his hands and twisted her nipples.

“Yes, fuck yes!” she screamed as she ground her pussy into him.

Ben took her ass cheeks in his hands to help her move faster. Samantha was panting and groaning, something he had never seen her do before. “Fuck, Ben. I’m cumming! I’m cumming!”

Her body shook as she wrapped her arms around his neck so hard it almost hurt him.

When she stopped shaking, Ben pushed her off his lap and leaned her over his table. He moved behind her, slapped each ass cheek and thrust his cock back inside her. He absolutely loved this woman’s ass and knew that he would reach his orgasm quickly, watching it as he fucked her.

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