Meeting the New Neighbor - Cover

Meeting the New Neighbor

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - John gets a visit from his new and very flirtatious new neighbor. She dropped by to introduce herself - and what an introduction it was to be!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

It must have been around 11:00 that Friday night when I heard a soft knocking on the front door. Actually it was my Siberian Husky, Kiska, that heard it first. I noticed she had gotten up from her bed and was standing in the doorway of my office staring at the door. I was in the office just off the living room – I had just finished up some late work I had brought home with me and now I was surfing the ‘Net for something to entertain me. Okay, I confess, I was looking at porn vids online!

“Grrrr,” Kiska growled. Kiska was my protector and had placed herself between me and the door. She watched the door intently as she made it known she wasn’t too sure about this new development.

“Easy girl, let’s see who it is first,” I said, stroking her head. I paused the video and turned off the screen. As I stood up, I looked down at myself. With no shirt on and a hard stiffy in my jeans, I wasn’t exactly dressed to receive visitors! I had just about decided to ignore the knock and pretend I wasn’t home when I heard a second knock. Sighing, I walked to the door, with Kiska right by my side.

“Who is it?” I asked through the door. I really need to get a peephole for this door, I thought to myself. I had been meaning to pick one up, but I always seemed to forget it when I went to the hardware store!

“It’s me Christine Hollenbeck, your new neighbor,” a woman’s voice said through the door. My door is a thick, heavy one and it seals up well so the sound of her voice was somewhat muffled and I wasn’t sure I heard her right.

“Who?” I asked again.

“Christine Hollenbeck, from a couple houses up the street. I just moved in the other day,” she said.

Oh, yes, THAT new neighbor, I thought quickly. I remembered seeing her earlier in the week. I remembered she was the cute little brunette with the hot, tight body who smiled at me from the side of that red pickup truck as she carried a floor lamp into the old Robert’s place, two houses up the street from me. At the time, I had made a note to myself that there was no guy helping her and wondered why a hot little number like that didn’t have a pack of horny guys circling her like vultures on a fresh kill. I could only surmise at the time that she was either completely new to the area and didn’t know anyone or she was a lesbian and wasn’t interested in guys.

“Just a second!” I called out through the door. I quickly grabbed a t-shirt and threw it on. I couldn’t do anything about the bulge in my jeans, especially knowing now who was on the other side of the door, but I thought a t-shirt might help to disguise it a bit.

I unlocked the deadbolt and turned the knob, the door swung open and there she stood. Christine was dressed in a colorful strapless stretch top – think of a tube top that covered her down to her grey jean shorts. She looked me over and I did the same back to her. We stood there for I don’t know how long, both waiting for the other to initiate a conversation. That’s when I noticed the bottle of Yellow Tail Merlot wine in her hand.

“I just wanted to say hello, to introduce myself, and I...” she started to say. It was then that she noticed I was more “excited” about her stopping by than I probably should have been!

She stopped, embarrassed and blushing, and stepped back slightly. “Oh, my,” she stammered, her eyes locked on my crotch and the blatant bulge that was all-too-readily apparent. “I’m sorry,” she murmured, “I shouldn’t have come. I don’t know what I was thinking about. It’s just that I don’t know anybody here yet, and...” Christine looked as if she was about to cry. She was unsteady on her feet and I could smell liquor on her breath. She had already had a few – just to get her courage up!

Kiska realized that this stranger wasn’t a threat to me and took a cautious step towards her. Curious, my “protector” began to sniff inquisitively at Christine’s jean-covered crotch.

“Kiska, stop that. Quit pestering our guest!” I commanded, taking hold of her heavy leather collar and pulling her back behind me. She continued to watch from a distance, though, and her tail began to wag. She was happy to have a guest as well!

“No, please, I’m sorry! How rude of me – I’m Jonathan. Jonathan Campbell. And yes, I remember seeing you, out by the red pickup truck. You were carrying in that lamp. I was going to come back over and ask if you needed any help but just as I did, the phone rang and by the time I had finished the call, you were already done. Please, please, come in,” I said, gesturing to her to enter. “Did you get everything moved in all right?”

I took her elbow lightly, escorting her inside and shut the door behind her. As I stepped past her, the smell of liquor became more noticeable. This woman had indeed been drinking. And while not drunk, she didn’t seem to be feeling any pain. My kinda woman!

“I’m sorry, Christine, did you say?” I asked her her name again. When in front of a woman like this, a guy’s auditory senses and short-term memory seem to be rendered virtually useless – especially when I was, only moments ago, deeply engrossed in some class A porn!

“Yes that’s right, Christine. But my friends just call me Chrissie,” she said.

“All right then Chrissie, and you can call me John. It’s nice to meet you,” I said.

“It’s nice to meet you too John,” she said, her eyes again falling momentarily on my crotch. I don’t think she meant for me to notice but I did.

“I’m sorry, Chrissie, I wasn’t expecting company. Excuse me while I go put some real clothes on. Please have a seat, I won’t be but a minute,” I said, pulling at my t-shirt.

Chrissie grabbed my elbow now, stopping me in mid-turn. “No!” she nearly shouted. I stopped in my tracks, surprised by the volume of her command. “I mean, that’s not necessary. I don’t mind, really.” Her voice softened then. “I know this was an unexpected call, and you look so comfortable. Please, I don’t mind at all.” Her soft brown eyes sparkled with playful impishness, and she twirled her long reddish-brown hair around a manicured finger.

With those words and her smoldering sultry look, the sexual tension in the room rose exponentially, as did my cock, tenting even more in my jeans, and peeking out from under my t-shirt. Kiska lay on the carpet, with her head on her front paws, watching her master do his best to keep his cool in a very provocative situation.

I decided to test the waters a bit and see just what her intentions were, although I already had a pretty good idea. I returned her gaze. “Well I am glad you don’t mind my being ‘comfortable’. Thank you. And I think you look very nice as well. I hope you don’t think I am too forward, and this is meant as a neighborly compliment, but I thought you were very attractive that first day I saw you unloading the pickup truck. I also noticed that there was no guy there helping you that day...” I said.

I guess I was sort of expecting her to blush or something, but instead, she stood up a little straighter and proudly arched her back and pushed out her tits towards me, obviously she wanted me to inspect them closer. Chrissie wasn’t wearing a bra, yet her tits stood tall and firm and the points of her nipples had become stiff and were trying their best to poke holes in her top.

“Thank you, John,” she said, “I’m glad I made such a good first impression. No, there was no guy there to help me move. A moving company had come by a couple days before you saw me and did the heavy work and I was just moving the last few things. You see, I have recently broken up with the guy I was living with back in Minneapolis, and I wanted to put some distance between me and that part of my history. Running from my problems kind of thing. I wanted a fresh start where I could forget about all that and where no one knew of me or my past. So consequently, I didn’t have any help with the things in the truck.”

“I can understand that. Sometimes it’s best to just cut your losses and walk away. And I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from all that, too. This is a long way from Minneapolis and a good ‘starting over’ place. We aren’t as big as Minneapolis by any stretch of the imagination, but I think you’ll find us a friendly and sociable lot!” I said with a grin.

“Yes,” she nodded in reply, smiling a flirtatious grin. “At least so far the people in this town seem pretty friendly!” That sounded suspiciously like an invitation to me, but I didn’t nibble at the bait. Not just yet, anyway!

Instead, I tried to prolong what seemed to be the inevitable and took the conversation in a different direction. I wanted to learn a little more about my house guest before we got into anything more serious. I had brought the wine into the kitchen and was opening the bottle and bringing it into the living room with two glasses for us to enjoy. “So, to what do I owe this honor? A lovely neighbor bringing me gifts at such an hour?” I asked.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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