A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 9: Kindred Spirits
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 9: Kindred Spirits - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
February 2, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
“Thank you for sleeping with me last night,” Yuriko said when we got out of bed on Saturday morning.
“We didn’t sleep very much!” I chuckled, taking her hand and leading her to the shower in the bathroom next door.
“You will take a nap today, right?”
“Yes. After lunch.”
“Good. Now, let me wash you so you can walk your wife to work.
“We have about fifteen minutes,” I said.
Yuriko smiled and quickly washed me, allowing just enough time for me to wash her, and enjoy running my soapy hands over her sexy body. We dried each other, dressed, and then left the bedroom off the kitchen to find Jessica and Kara drinking coffee. I kissed both of them, and a minute later, we left the house to walk to the hospital.
“Did you enjoy your night in Japan?” Kara asked with a smirk.
“I did! How was the meeting last night?”
“Fine. Dinner and a boring presentation on the construction and renovation projects. You’ve seen the details because they’re trying to raise money, and the Lundgren Foundation is one of their targets.”
“I think it’s unlikely we’ll make a sizable donation. There are too many medical and women’s projects on our plate, and I can’t see the Board redirecting money away from those. In addition, the ER was a huge investment by the Foundation, and UofC can’t monopolize all of our funds.”
“Well, it’s not like the University doesn’t have a ridiculous endowment,” Kara said. “Not Harvard levels, but nothing to sneeze at. The Alumni are being marshaled into service to do fundraising.”
“Well, I figure I’m going to be funding five or six college educations, so I’m not of the mind to make a large personal donation!”
Kara laughed, “If the kids go to UofC, they get the special rate for children of professors, so it won’t be nearly as bad.”
“You’re assuming they don’t want to get away from home,” I replied.
“Stephie might,” Kara observed. “Right now, she’s had enough of the rest of the family, and I think we’ve had enough of her!”
“Her mood swings are awful,” I said. “She was a bit young for menarche, so I wonder if her hormones aren’t in overdrive.”
“We could have her tested,” Jessica replied. “But she’s not outside the typical age range. Sure, eleven-and-a-half is a bit young, but not worryingly so. I had another thought.”
“I was wondering when you might suggest that possibility.”
“We should get her a complete physical, with a glucose stress test,” Jessica said. “We’ve encouraged the boys to limit their carbs, but not the girls. She might have the same kind of sugar metabolism you do. Or it could just be that her body is changing so rapidly. I’m not an expert, but I’m inclined to say it’s just puberty.”
“I’ll take her to see Sofia,” Kara said. “And if that’s inconclusive, I’ll speak with Mary at Mayo.”
“She’s going to resist,” I said. “So be firm.”
“I will. Birgit is worried about her and Nicholas.”
“With good reason,” I said. “He’s spending WAY more time with the guys than with her because she’s been so bossy and demanding.”
“How did we go from having perfect children to this?” Kara asked.
I laughed, “We never had perfect children! And I seem to recall a pretty, conservative, religious girl who battled her hormones!”
“She lost the battle, big time!” Jessica smirked. “And the school stud got her cherry!”
“He got yours, too!” Kara exclaimed. “And you were an Old Maid!”
“I simply waited for the right man to come along, just as you did! YOU just wanted to fuck so badly that you were ready to give it up for a tawdry affair!”
“And YOU just wanted a trophy husband!”
“And I love both of you!” I declared. “And whatever any of us thought before Jorge’s accident is irrelevant, except perhaps as interesting stories to tell our grandkids! But that’s a few years and seven teenagers away!”
“You always did say the teen years were going to be interesting!”
“I should have kept my mouth shut,” I said ruefully.
“Birgit has gotten better,” Kara observed. “You put the fear of Loki into her.”
“More like the fear of Dad!” Jessica countered. “All he had to do was tell her she disappointed him and that crushed her enough that she reevaluated her behavior towards you.”
“I’ll take it,” Kara replied. “Though, as I said before, I could do without Stephie’s attitude.”
“We all could,” I replied.
“Any news on Francesca?” Jessica asked.
“No, and we likely won’t get any unless Carol tries to involve Jesse again. Gwen is monitoring the docket, and will let us know. It may not be resolved before Francesca is eighteen, if Carol uses the Iowa courts to try to counter her ex-husband’s custody petition.”
“I’m beginning to think she’s more insane than Carla,” Jessica observed.
“There are parallels,” I said. “Rachel and me, and Jesse and Francesca, with both moms flipping out over the relationship. The difference is, Rachel found a way to escape.”
“Being double-teamed by two black football players, and having her mom walk in on it!” Jessica declared.
“That was about as surefire a way to get Carla to kick her out of the house as any. Rachel is dating Javon now, which I imagine has Carla even more unhinged than she was before.”
“The racism is appalling,” Kara declared.
“Fortunately, Rachel hung around our kids enough that it didn’t pass from mother to daughter. You know, like sex drives in our family!”
Kara and Jessica both laughed.
“So, Ashley is going to be the last one to take a lover, and maybe only have one?” Jessica asked.
“I’m not sure I’d go that far,” I chuckled. “But she IS your daughter!”
“Explain Matthew!” Jessica retorted. “He’s your son by Elyse! And if we want to talk about sex drives...”
“His first cousin, once removed, declared him off-limits to every other girl on the planet when he was five,” I chuckled, “and like many women, once she got her hooks into him, it was all over!”
“Albert?” Kara inquired.
“That one was mutual,” I said. “Neither of them is overly assertive in the relationship, and it’s just casual because they only see each other occasionally, perhaps once a year. And you know Albert is focused on the Academy, and they do not accept married men as plebes.”
“That does put a bit of an obstacle in their way.”
“They’ve managed a long-distance relationship so far,” I said. “But Albert’s going to start developing soon, and the testosterone may change that. Jesse developed somewhat earlier than I did, but the other boys seem to be on the same basic timeline I was.”
We arrived at the hospital, Kara and I both kissed Jessica, and when she’d gone into the ER, the two of us turned for home.
“I didn’t get a chance to tell you last night, but I spoke to Hope’s friend Shelly about UofC.”
“We had a good chat. I spoke to her parents as well, and at the end, they agreed she could sign the acceptance letter from UofC.”
“That should make Hope very happy. I take it Shelly is coming in ‘undeclared’?”
“Yes, though she’s leaning towards biochemistry, but for research, not pre-med. There is one complication that Hope hadn’t mentioned — Shelly is engaged.”
“And he objects?”
“Kind of. He’s a Marine, who’s a year older. He wants her to move to North Carolina to be close to him, but it’s very likely he’s going to get orders overseas, so she thinks it’s better to go to college.”
“Let me guess, an induction engagement?”
“Good guess! He proposed two days before he had to report. They’d been dating for nearly three years at that point, so it wasn’t really a surprise.”
“My opinion, knowing just what you’ve told me, is that she should come to UofC. Everyone I know in the military thinks we’re going into Iraq, and I have to say the signs are there, especially after Bush included Iraq in the ‘Axis of Evil’ in his State of the Union Speech on Thursday night. He’s basically waving the bloody shirt, which tells me that they’re going to build a public case, and sometime in the next year or so, invade.”
“But most of the hijackers were Saudi!”
“Yeah, but oilmen stick together, and because we’re so foolish to limit our own production, we need the Saudis and OPEC. So, it’s better to blame bin Laden and then distract everyone by putting Saddam Hussein in the same category as the Ayatollahs in Iran and the Kim family in North Korea. Personally, I don’t see it, and you know me, I’d lump the Bush family in with those other three!”
Kara laughed, “Your animosity towards the Bush family is legendary.”
“As it should be for any right-thinking person! Don’t get me wrong, the Gore family isn’t much better. That said, Gore would have been an even bigger nightmare as President.”
“You’d take another Clinton term, right?”
“In a heartbeat, compared to Bush or Gore! Clinton governed center-right, which I suspect is the best we can do given our two-party system.”
“A Reagan third term might have blocked the Bush family.”
“Reagan couldn’t have served another term. His mental acuity was diminishing pretty rapidly at the end of his second term. That makes a good argument for electing younger men, like Bill Clinton.”
“I can’t imagine Reagan getting a blowjob in the Oval Office!”
I chuckled, “Unlikely. And you know my take on Clinton? Once that became public knowledge, the correct response was ‘Of course! I banged her like a drum!’ not a silly lie that everyone knew was a lie, and which had him impeached. Not to mention requiring millions of parents to explain blowjobs to their kids!”
“I thought you believed that was a good thing!”
“It could have been, but instead it led to even MORE moralizing and further demonization of sex. My biggest objection, though, is to Bill not realizing he was no longer poor white trash and banging someone like Marilyn Monroe! He was the most powerful man in the world, for Loki’s sake! And he chose Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, and Monica Lewinsky! I have three hotter women living in my house, two of them with advanced degrees, and the other one working towards one!”
“You like smart girls! In fact, you prefer smart, plain girls to sexy airheads. Clinton liked trailer park girls!”
“Lewinsky was from Brentwood, a ritzy part of LA,” I countered.
“Who announced to her dad that she was going to DC to get her ‘Presidential kneepads’!”
“You’ve met some of the ‘society’ crowd, so that really shouldn’t come as a surprise! But back to Hope’s friend — I’d say there are strong odds her fiancé is deployed to the Middle East or Afghanistan, so she should focus on getting her degree.”
“That was my take as well, though I was careful how I said that. I’m positive she made the right decision.”
“Thanks for helping out.”
“I’m happy to do it. We need to encourage girls in the hard sciences.”
“And tech,” I replied.
When we arrived back at the house, Kara went to help Yuriko prepare breakfast, and I went to cuddle Birgit. After breakfast, Ashley asked for one of her occasional cuddle times, and then we headed to karate.
? Jesse
“What’s that?” CeCe asked, pointing towards the sauna door when we went down to the basement of Dad’s house to play pool.
“A sauna,” I replied.
“Is it OK to open the door to check it out?”
“Wow!” she said when she had opened the door. “You could fit the whole softball team in here and still have room!”
“Now there’s a picture!” I chuckled.
CeCe laughed, “Twenty naked girls? I bet!”
“Well,” I smirked, “you did say the team sucked!”
CeCe laughed harder, “That’s not quite what I meant! But I could ask!”
“Right!” I chuckled. “Like THAT would happen.”
“I could invite the team for a sauna...” CeCe said playfully. “Indoor practice starts next week, and we’ll all have aching muscles. A steam room would be perfect!”
“Right, and they’d all be cool with me being in there?”
“I won’t know until I ask!”
“To have that many people over, I’d have to check with my dad.”
“You should! But in all seriousness, can we try it out? You and me?”
“Sure! Let me set the controls and it’ll be plenty warm by the time we play a few games of pool.”
“And nobody else would come in?”
“I can put up the ‘Privacy Please’ sign to make sure.”
“Cool! So, teach me how to play pool!”
“Well,” I smirked, “it’s a game that involves sticks, balls, and holes!”
CeCe laughed again, “Do you twist everything?”
“If I’m sure the person won’t be upset, absolutely! Some people don’t appreciate that kind of teasing.”
“Well, given what I want to do today, I like it!”
“And what’s that?” I asked with an arched eyebrow and a silly grin.
“Hit for the cycle!” she replied. “With you sliding into home!”
“Ever hit multiple home runs in a game?” I asked.
“Two, twice.”
“I think I can beat that!”
“I hope so!”
We uncovered the pool table, I racked the balls, and then took down the two longest cue sticks, because CeCe, whose given name was Cecelia, was nearly as tall as I was. I had her stand by the end of the table, then moved behind her to show her how to use the cue. I liked the view from behind, and she smelled awesome when I leaned close and put my arms around her to help her stroke the cue ball.
“Ohh, I like this!” she cooed, wiggling her butt to rub against me.
I liked it, too, and during the first game, I helped her with each shot, trying to keep my libido in check until we finished playing pool. I was sorely tempted to simply bend her over the pool table, but I wasn’t sure that was how she wanted her first time. The second game wasn’t nearly as much fun because she was lining up and taking her own shots. I won both easily, and rather than play a third game, we decided to go into the sauna.
“Where do I get undressed?” she asked.
“First, I need to see your test results.”
“Oh! I almost forgot!”
She showed me the paper, and I showed her mine.
“You can get undressed anywhere,” I said. “Nobody else is in the house right now, though they probably will be by the time we’re finished, so if you want, you can use one of the guest rooms or the bathroom. There are robes and towels here in the closet. You can wear the robe into the sauna and there are hooks inside. You’ll need a towel to sit on, too. Or you can wrap one around your body if you prefer.”
She grabbed two towels and a robe and went into the guest bedroom. I quickly undressed, grabbed a towel and a robe, put up the ‘Privacy Please’ sign, and went into the sauna. I hung up the robe, put the towel on the bench, and ladled water onto the super-heated rocks. Once steam was rising, I unfolded the towel, sat down, then, just to be safe, pulled the end of it over my groin.
Two minutes later, CeCe came in wearing a robe, with a towel wrapped around her long blonde hair. She winked at me, untied the robe, shrugged it off her shoulders, and let it fall away, revealing her gorgeous naked body. She picked up the robe, hung it next to mine, then brought the second towel to sit on. I stood, folded my towel, and sat down again.
“Ever fool around in here?” she asked.
She scooted closer, turned her head, and we exchanged a soft kiss. I moved my hand to cup her small breast, and CeCe parted her lips for a French kiss. Our tongues touched, and I felt her fingers touched the inside of my thigh, and then slide up to grasp my rapidly hardening shaft. She began gently stroking me, and I ran my thumb over her nipple, which was not much bigger than a pebble.
I teased her nipple for a short time, then slid my hand down her side to her hip, then across her thigh until my fingers rested in her soft, sparse pubic hair. I ran my fingers through it, then gently pushed my middle finger between her legs and pressed softly on the skin covering her clit, then started moving my finger in small circles. CeCe moaned into my mouth and squeezed my shaft tighter as she stroked.
After perhaps three minutes, CeCe broke the kiss, released my dick, turned, and carefully threw her leg over me. I scooted forward a bit so she could straddle me. She reached down and grasped my dick, squeezing it gently. She used her free hand to push the towel off her head and shook her hair loose.
“I want this in me,” she whispered, squeezing me again.
I smiled, scooted forward a bit, and encouraged her to wrap her legs around me, which she happily did, grinding her pussy against my shaft. We kissed again, and I put my hands under her butt, helped her rise up, and she rubbed the head of my dick along her labia, finding the right spot. She leaned against me and slowly pressed downward, causing the head of my dick to split her labia and enter her slick tunnel.
CeCe gasped, but didn’t stop, settling slowly onto my dick. Once I was halfway inside her, she moved her arms around my neck and pushed down hard, fully embedding me inside her.
“Jesus!” she gasped.
She started to grind against me, squeezing and releasing her muscles, causing a very pleasurable feeling for me, and quite obviously for her as well. Sweat was dripping down our bodies, which made them slick, and increased the pleasure as her rock-hard nipples traced lines on my chest.
“How long can you go?” she whispered.
“A long time,” I replied. “Just do whatever feels good.”
CeCe experimented with flexing her hips, moving up and down, and back and forth, pleasuring herself while tensing and relaxing the muscles, causing her wonderfully warm, slick, silky pussy to massage my dick. We weren’t kissing, so I lowered my mouth to her boob, sucked on her nipple, and flicked it with my tongue.
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